Unit 2 colours and clothes-Lesson 10 Clothes for a Cold Day-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-市级公开课-冀教版七年级上册英语(编号:003d9).zip

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Lesson10ClothesforaColdDay!冀教版冀教版 七年级上册七年级上册Learningaimsanddemands:1.掌握重点单词,短语及句型掌握重点单词,短语及句型“jacket,hat,pants,gowellwith,.Itscold/raining/hottoday,Ilike/dontliketowearHe/Shelikes/doesntliketowear”2.能认识及听懂有关服装的语段,能连贯、能认识及听懂有关服装的语段,能连贯、流畅地朗读课文;能理解简单的书面指令;流畅地朗读课文;能理解简单的书面指令;能根据所学内容写出简单的词、词组和句子能根据所学内容写出简单的词、词组和句子。3.锻炼学生敢于用英语进行交流和表达锻炼学生敢于用英语进行交流和表达;引导引导学生自主学习、主动合作。学生自主学习、主动合作。Brainstorm Game!Colour:redClothes:shirtWeather:sunnyClothesforasunnydayhatT-shirtshortspantsbootsjacketClothesforarainydayClothesforasnowydayglovesscarfsweaterPair Work!A: What do you like to wear?B: I like to wear(colour)(clothes)A: What dont you like to wear?B: I dont like to wearA: What do you like to wear on a (_cold/sunny_) day?B: I like to wear Pair Work!ListeningWhat does Danny like to wear? A B C DA,CWordsdinosaurjackethatpants Reading!Whatstheweatherlike?WhereisDannysumbrella?DoesDannyliketowearshortsorpants?Reading!Whatstheweatherlike?Itssunny.Itscoldandrainy.Itssnowy.Itscoldandrainy.Reading!Shorts. Pants.Shorts.DoesDannyliketowearshortsorpants?Reading!WhereisDannysumbrella?Inhiscoat.Athome.Inhisschoolbag.Inhisschoolbag.not go well withgo well withGo well with or not go well with?Her skirt goes well with her blouse.His skirt doesnt go well with his jacket.Welcome to the clothes shop!putongowellwithCanyoushowus?Practice1.Idontwantto_yourphonenumber.Canyouwriteitdown?2.Hernewdressdoesnt_heroldshoes.3._yourcoat.Itscoldoutside.forget,gowellwith,putonforgetgowellwithPutonRead again! Read loudly and do the role-play!Danny:Mum:Write and Act! Talk with your partner about what to wear on a cold and rainy day. Write it down. Act it out /Read your report.Lets chant!Skirt, sweater, dress and hat. This, those, these and that. Pants, shoes, shirts and socks. Take them all out of the box. Red, yellow, blue and white. Colourful clothes are so bright.Homework Write three sentences about what to wear on a cold day! 英英 语语 学科教师备课活页学科教师备课活页 课题:lesson 10 Clothes for a Cold Day 年级:七年级 主备教师: 课型:新授 课时: 1 学习重点重点单词及短语,对话内容学习目标1. 掌握重点单词,短语及句型 “jacket, hat ,pants,go well with,. Its cold / raining / hot today, I like / dont like to wear ” 2. 能认识及听懂有关服装的语段,能连贯、流畅地朗读课文;能将所学内容运用到实际生活。3.锻炼学生敢于用英语进行交流表达; 引导学生自主学习、主动合作。学习难点I like / dont like to wear He/she likes to wear he/she doesnt like to weargo well with课前准备课本,录音机,磁带,练习册学法指导自主学习,启发,教授,合作学习导 案学 案知识 链接一、1热身:做 warm up 热身游戏,活跃课堂气氛,激发学生兴趣。2复习导入(以问题的方式导入新课)检查预习Stage1. Warming up: do a warm up gameStage2. Revision and Leading-in. whats the weather like today?呈现学习目标 明确学习任务,提高学习效率呈现目标 明确任务To have students know their learning aims clearly二、1为达到由易到难,先通过图片设计有关颜色及服饰的环节,然后自然导入本文的句型。2练习对话(教师根据教材对话核心句子内容编写对话且让学生练习掌握对话内容)练习对话后,自然导入听力。3.听力 4听完听力后,图片导入单词部分,单词部分设计游戏环节,让学生在快乐轻松的环境中学习。 )5. 阅读理解 (单词,句型掌握之后,为阅读理解降低难度)6.图片导入本课重点短语,通过图片,教师启发学生掌握运用短语。7. 当堂达标当堂达标,单词短语习题达标,练习对话达标。 8. 儿歌,达到活跃课堂气氛,巩固本课知识的目的 9. 总结本课学习内容问题导学交流展示Stage3. Presentation 1. Brainstorm Game! 2. Pair workA: What do you like to wear? B: I like to wear(colour)(clothes)A: What dont you like to wear? B: I dont like to wearA: What do you like to wear on a (_cold/sunny_) day? B: I like to wear3. Listen: What does Danny like to wear?4.New words: dinosaur, jacket, hat ,pants 5.Reading: Whats the weather like? Does Danny like to wear shorts or pants? Where is Dannys umbrella?6. Go well with or not go well with 7. Practice 8. Lets chant! Skirt, sweater, dress and hat, This, those, these and that. Pants, shoes, shirts and socks, Take them all out of the box. Red, yellow, blue and white. Colourful clothes are so bright9. Summary He/she likes to wear布置作业What clothes does your mum tell you to wear for different weather? Talk with your partner. 课后反思学生在初步掌握了What do you like to wear on a (_cold/sunny_) day? 句型之后,小组练习互相询问,不仅在任务中巩固语言并且增进了同学之间的情感,培养了学生团结,合作的品质和合作,探究的精神以及用所学语言解决实际问题的能力。此外,课外作业的布置也有效的巩固了所学语言知识,学生的知识得到了有益的延伸。编号
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