(2019版)新人教版选择性必修第一册Unit 3 语法写作专训 (含答案).doc

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1、2022 高考英语一轮复习之语法写作专训高考英语一轮复习之语法写作专训(2019 人教版选修一人教版选修一unit 3)一:单句语法填空一:单句语法填空1One of her friendsher to thefor the interview.(accompany)2There is aagainst smoking on this train.That is to say,everyonefromsmoking.(prohibit)做一些志愿工作是很有意义的。一些志愿者正在尽他们所能去拯救这些可爱的北极熊。3It isto do some voluntary work.Some volun

2、teers are doing all they can tosave the.有些娱乐活动是为了让人们放松和娱乐,有些则是为了教育人们。4Someare to relax andpeople,and others are to educate people.5Its(fascinate) to see how different people approach the problem.6The(fascinate) of the game lies in trying to guess what your opponent is thinking.7The bird watchers beh

3、avior shows that they are really(fascinate) by nature.8His piano playing has(vast) improved since last year.9They are the little spots of color like through pillows, mirors and baskets that most of ususe to add(vision) interest to our rooms.10This star is(vision) only at sunset.11The sand in the air

4、 reduced(visible) to a hundred yards.12A ground of young pioneers always accompany the disabled girlthe school.13She refused to give the child for(adopt).14The world will be different, and we will have to be prepared to adaptthe charge.15He sets about(do) his homework after supper everyday.16He sets

5、 out(do) his homework after supper everyday.17.(learn) to think critically is an important skill todays children will needfor the future.18Its a waste of time(try) to persuade such a person.19Spending the holidays in Britain wasnt a prospect that I found particularly(appeal).20The high salary made t

6、heir offer even more appealinghim.21I dont really see this experiment as scary; I see it almost as an(amuse),she said.22Apparently the girls are not at all(amuse) by the whole business.23This is actually a very,(entertain) book putting over serious healthmessages.24You could entertain the persona dr

7、ink after work.25The manager has madesummary of sales in Europe for the first sixmonths.26Nowadays,smoking in buses, restaurants and other public areas(ban) in China.27Last Sunday,my mother accompanied methe hospital to see a doctor.28The Yalu River runs peacefully,marking the boundary between the(t

8、erritorial)of China and North Korea.29He used_ ( walk) his dog along the seaside after supper but now I cant see himthere.30Hes( bless) with an uncommon ability to fix things.31Then he provides some sound data,.(clarify) what has caused theseissues.32It is advised that he(choose) to take part in the

9、 speech contest on behalfof our class.33I think that the(prohibit) of using plastic bags is beneficial to theenvironment.34Despite the fact that it was dangerous and exhausting,climbing the mountain was a very(reward) experience for me.二:选词填空及篇章填空二:选词填空及篇章填空Aupside downlive offset outon the moveup t

10、oappealed to1.我们很早就出发去主题公园了,而最吸引孩子们的是过山车。但一想到要翻转,我就害怕。Weearly for the theme park and whatthe children most is theroller coaster but I couldnt bear the thought of being turned.2.杰克是个爱冒险的年轻人,他从来不想在一个地方待很长时间,所以他总是在路上。他去过的国家多达 30 个。他不想靠父母生活,所以他靠为旅游杂志写稿为生。Jack is an adventurous young man who never wants

11、to stay in one place for very long,so he isalways.The number of countries he has been to is30.He doesnt wanttohis parents,so he makes a living by writing for travel magazines.BThemewanderappealincredibleamuseentertainmentrewardingsplendidaccompanyadorable1.parks never fail to 2.to children all over

12、the world,especially the3.Disneyland,which offers people of all ages enormous 4.and5.6.in the park,you may encounter the 7.cartooncharacters and experience the 8.rides.In a word,visiting a theme park is a 9.experience.By the way,children under a certain age are usually not admitted unless 10.by adul

13、ts.CI wake up to the sound of the wind.Even though the sun is 1.(bright)shining,telling whether it s morning or night 2.(be) impossible.I m above the ArcticCircle,3.in summer the sun never sets.I leave my tent and walk over to the mountainedge.Sareks mountains used to 4.(cover) by vast sheets of ice

14、.Around 9,000 yearsago,this ice 5.(melt),leaving behind about 100 glaciers.In 1909,Sarek was made 6.national park to keep the land in its 7.(nature) state.All new 8.(develop)is banned within park boundaries.After breakfast,I pack my bag and set out again.It will be full of sweat and hard work 9.(rea

15、ch) my destination.However,I cant complain.Breathing the fresh air and enjoying this greatadventure make me feel 10.(bless).What could be better?三:句型仿写三:句型仿写1.Even though the sun is brightly shining,telling whether it is morning or night is impossible.在本句中在本句中,even though 引导让步状语从句引导让步状语从句,在主句中在主句中,t

16、elling whether it is morning ornight 作主语作主语,其中其中 whether it is morning or night 是宾语从句。是宾语从句。仿写:即使他很年轻,但说出这是对是错对他是容易的。2.Following the reindeer were the Sami people,who made this territory their home.主句部分是倒装句。主句部分是倒装句。仿写:站在树下的是我们的校长,他要给我们作报告。3.This vast new park is nearly four times larger than the ol

17、d wildlife park protecting Siberiantigers in Northeast China.本句运用了倍数表达法本句运用了倍数表达法:倍数倍数+比较级比较级+than。仿写:这所新校比那所老校大四倍。4.Whichever and whatever you like,there is an incredible theme park that will appeal to you!Whichever and whatever you like 是让步状语从句。是让步状语从句。仿写:无论你选择什么、做什么,我都会支持你。5.If it is ocean entert

18、ainment that you are looking for,come to Chimelong Ocean Kingdom!本句为强调句型本句为强调句型,被强调的部分作被强调的部分作 for 的宾语。的宾语。仿写:他们轮流照顾的是生病的母亲。四:单元话题写作填空四:单元话题写作填空A请用英文写一篇作文介绍你的恐龙主题公园之旅,要点如下:1. 主题公园是按照这种古老生物生活的时代复制的;2. 在这里不仅能享受刺激的活动,还能近距离接触到像电影侏罗纪公园中的逼真恐龙模型;3. 每个来这里的人不但能玩得开心,还可以学到有关恐龙的知识。一:参考答案:一:参考答案:1.accompanied; c

19、ompany2.prohibition; is prohibited3.rewarding; adorable polarbears4.entertainments; amuse5. fascinating6.fascination7. fascinated8. vastly9.driving 10. visible . 11.visibility 12.to 13.adoption 14.to 15. doing16.to do17.Learning18.trying 19.appealing 20.to 21. amusement 22 amused23. entertaining24.

20、with25.a26.is banned 27. to 28.territory/territories 29. to walk 30. blessed 31.clarifying 32. should bechosen33. prohibition 34. rewarding二:参考答案:二:参考答案:A:1.set out;appealed to;upside down2.on the move;up to;live offB:1.Theme2.appeal3.incredible4.amusements5.entertainments 6.Wandering7.adorable8.spl

21、endid9.rewarding10.accompaniedC: 1.brightly2.is3.where4.be covered5.melted6.a7.natural8.development9.to reach10.blessed三:参考答案:三:参考答案:1.Even though he is young,telling whether it is right or wrong is easy for him.2.Standing under the tree is our headmaster,who is going to give us a lecture.3.The new

22、school is four times larger than the old one.4.Whichever you choose and whatever you do,I will always be on your side.5.It is their sick mother that they took care of by turns.四:参考答案四:参考答案Now Im in a dinosaur theme park, (which is) modeled after/on life in the days of theold creature. I can not only

23、 enjoy the exciting activities there, but also get close to thelife-size dinosaur models which appear in the famous film Jurassic Park.Coming here, I can see varieties of dinosaurs living in the Jurassic age that died outhundreds of millions of years ago. All the dinosaurs are so vivid that they seem to have cometo life. No wonder tourism is increasing wherever there is a dinosaur theme park. Im surethat anyone who comes here can not only amuse himself or herself but also learn somethingabout dinosaurs


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