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  • 2021-2022学年高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册各单元测试AB卷(全册10份)
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Amazing landscapes of Chinas XinjiangXinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is located in the central part of the Eurasian Continent, on the northwest border of China. It covers about one-sixth of Chinas total territory. Xinjiang was a key link on the Silk Road and a hub for east-west cultural exchanges in ancient times.Attractions in XinjiangKarakul LakeThe Karakul is a lake in Akto County along the highway, located 196 km from Kashgar City. Karakul is a very unusual plateau(高原) lake. In fact, it is the highest lake of the Pamir Plateau, at an altitude of 3,600 m. The view is stunning, thanks to the surrounding, snow-covered mountains and beautiful reflections in the crystal-clear water.Tianchi LakeTianchi Lake, also known as Heavenly Lake, is located on the northern side of the Bogeda Peak in the Tianshan mountains. It is 120 km from Urumqi City and only a 90-minute drive, and the center of the Tianchi scenic area of startling contrasts an alpine drift lake at an altitude of 1,980 m (6,496 ft) with glistening glaciers on the mountain peaks nearby when the sun is shining.Kanas LakeKanas Lake is in the Kanas Geopark and is mainly made up of Crouching Dragon Bay, Moon Bay, Immortal Bay and the interesting mystery of the legendary big red monster fish! The water, surrounded by snow-covered mountains, decorates the world like a diamond.Delicious food in XinjiangXinjiang boasts a rich and unique food culture. Breakfast here includes melons, jam and milk tea while lunch is often served with flour-based delicacies featuring beef and mutton. Dinner usually entails Nang, tea or noodles.Various products of XinjiangXinjiang specialties include lavender, cotton, tomato, mutton, beef, jujube, and various fruits.In addition, Xinjiang has the richest mineral resources in China, with 138 different types. Those resources discovered in other parts of our country accounts for less than a quarter. Nephrite is one of Chinas top five famous jades and most of it is found in Hetian, Xinjiang.1.Which is the best choice for those near Urumqi City who prefer a challenge of plateau?A.Kanas LakeB.Karakul LakeC.Heavenly LakeD.the Pamir Plateau2.If you are invited to a meal in Xinjiang at noon, what main course may probably be severed?A.Milk teaB.Baked NangC.Pulled noodlesD.Roasted whole lamb3.What percentage of the minerals is discovered in Xinjiang?A.More than 75 %B.Less than 25%C.Around 25%D.Around 50% Like many children, young Lotte Reiniger was crazy about movies, which at the time were a completely new invention. She taught herself how to cut paper silhouettes(剪影) of people, animals, and objects. I could cut silhouettes almost as soon as I could manage to hold a pair of scissors, Reiniger said. I could paint, too, and read.But everybody was surprised at the scissor cuts. At first, Reiniger wanted to be an actress, but her skill at making silhouettes drew the attention of the German film industry. Before 1927, films were silent. To help the audience understand the film, title cards with printed text appeared during the film between scenes. Reiniger helped create title cards for films, using her silhouettes. In 1918, she was asked to provide stop-motion animation(定格动画), in which objects are photographed in a series of slightly different positions and then those photos are replayed at high speed so that the objects appear to move on their own. It was for wooden rats in the movie The Pied Piper of Hamelin. It was a breakthrough that led to her own films, first short films and then, in 1926, The Adventures of Prince Achmed, the first full-length animated film. Although Reiniger once described herself as a primitive(原始的) caveman artist, her work is not simple. She carefully cut bits of card, paper, and wire, creating wonderful shapes, and then made them move and dance by hands. The black shapes were then placed on colorful backgrounds. She made more than 60 films, around 40 of which still survive, all cut by her own hands. Most were based on timeless fairy tales, like Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty. Reiniger was truly a pioneer both in animation and for women in film-making. Though her last film came out in 1980, her style is still influential and can often be seen in todays films.1. What do we know about Reinigers cuts?A. Paper silhouettes were her favorite.B. Painting and reading helped her cuts.C. She had a gift for cutting silhouettes.D. Movies excited her interest in silhouettes.2. What did Reiniger do to help the audience understand the silent films?A. She replayed the film between scenes. B. She cut silhouettes for tide cards in films.C. She broke up long films into shorter ones. D. She made photos of the objects in the film.3. What does the underlined word It in Paragraph 2 refer to?A. Creating title cards for films.B. Making wooden rats for a film.C. Producing The Adventures of Prince Achmed.D. Bringing stop-motion animation into a film.4. Which of the following words can best describe Reiniger?A. Gifted and generous.B. Creative and productive.C. Honest and self-confident.D. Traditional and hard-working. Every summer, my family and I visit our relatives in India and whenever we travel, my parents always remind me to drink only bottled or boiled water. On one of my trips to India, I saw children drinking water from the roadside. I was troubled to learn that millions of people, most of them children in developing countries, die each year because of water-related diseases. Living in the US, I am lucky to be able to turn on the tap and get potable water (饮用水), while one sixth of the worlds population lacks access to clean water. This year, I entered the Discovery Education 3M Young Scientist Challenge. In late June, I learnt that I was selected as one of the top 10 national finalists of this famous middle school science competition. Over the summer, I worked with Dr Jim Jonza, my scientist mentor (导师) from 3M, and developed a system that uses solar energy to purify water. My invention is green and cost-effective, and I am looking forward to implementing this in places that are affected by harmful water pollution. In October, my family and I flew to 3M headquarters in St Paul, Minnesota, where the final event was to be held. For the last challenge, each of us had to present the invention we had been working on over the summer. The first place winner would win $25,000, a trip to Costa Rica, and the title of Americas Top Young Scientist. At the awards ceremony, all of us waited anxiously until one of the judges, Danny Forester, started announcing The winner, he Discovery Education 3M Young Scientist Challenge is. You could hear a pin (大头针) drop as he opened the paper with the winners name, Deepika Kurup! As Americas Top Young Scientist. I was given an opportunities to show my invention on national television and deliver several presentations. One of the most important things I have learnt is that communication and teamwork are key to success.1.Why does the author mention her visits to India?A.To express her great love for India.B.To show the problem of unclean water.C.To explain the importance of relatives.D.To compare eastern and western cultures.2.Which of the following can replace the underlined word implementing in Paragraph 2?A.Researching.B.Changing.C.Finishing.D.Using.3.How did the audience react as Forester opened the paper with the winners name?A.They appeared calm.B.They let out shouts of joy.C.They sat quietly.D.They dropped pins to the author.4.How is the text mainly organised?A.In order of time.B.In order of complexity (复杂性).C.In order of place.D.In order of importance. Mary Lyon was a leader in womens education in the nineteenth century. It was a time when womens education was not considered important in the United States. States did require each town to provide a school for children, but there were not. enough teachers. Most young women were not able to continue their education. If they did, they often were not taught much except the French language, how to sew clothing, and music. Mary Lyon felt that womens education was extremely important. She believed women were teachers both in the home and in the classroom. Mary opened a school for young women in the village of Buckland. She suggested new ways of teaching, including holding discussion groups for students. Then, Mary began to raise money for her dream school for the higher education of women. This school would own its own property, guided by an independent group of directors. Its finances would be the responsibility of the directors. It would not depend on any one person to continue. And, the students would share in cleaning and cooking to keep costs down. In 1837, Mary Lyon opened Mount Holyoke Seminary for Women. In 1893, 44 years after her death, under a state law, Mount Holyoke Female Seminary became the first college to offer women the same kind of education as men. Marys efforts led to the spread of higher education for women in the United States. Her influence lasted as the many students from her schools went out to teach others.1.What was American womens problem with education in the 19th century?A.Teachers were careless about teaching.B.They had few choices about the subjects.C.The government paid no attention to education.D.They had no chance to continue their education.2.What can we learn from Paragraph 2?A.Mary thought little of womens education.B.Mary preferred women to be educated at home.C.Mary attached importance to womens education.D.Group discussions were not held in Marys school.3.What was Marys dream school like?A.It would have very strict rules.B.It would be independent in finance.C.It would be owned by the government.D.It would depend on some important person.4.Why is Mary still remembered by Americans?A.She set up the first college.B.She made women equal to men.C.She helped to pass American education law.D.She improved American womens education.二、七二、七选选五五 Spring and summer are the best seasons of the year for lots of activities, especially jogging(慢跑). This kind of running is the choice of many people who live in the city, work in the office and want to keep healthy. _ 1. Make good preparations before jogging. _ There, youll have an opportunity to find and buy all the necessary sportswear. Pay attention to the selection of jogging shoes, if you dont want to suffer from the feeling of heaviness, pain and leg swelling after the run. With all these pieces of wisdom, your body will be truly grateful to you. 2. Do fit warm-up activities. Every runner, especially the beginner should know that all physical activities without a proper warm-up can cause a terrible pain and result in harm to muscles. It will probably lead to final discomfort in your body or even disease. _ Actually, it usually just takes you 15 minutes to increase the range of motion of our joints and warm up every muscle of the body. 3. _ When running, you usually feel physical and mental pleasure. Sometimes this pleasure can be replaced by negative feelings or even some kind of pain. No matter how healthy youre, you should always pay attention to how your body reacts. If something is wrong during your jog or run, the body will certainly let you know by giving you some hints (暗示). Watchfulness can help you avoid all possible after-effects of over exercise. Every type of sports is special and useful in its own way. While jogging can sometimes bring pain and discomfort, it really offers you greater joy and satisfaction. So dont step back. _ I hope these tips will help you prepare yourself for jogging and avoid some serious issues.A. Listen to your body signals.B. Never give in to difficulties while jogging.C. However, jogging without preparation will bring great harm.D. One of the best ways to prepare is to go to specialized (专门的) shops.E. Just go in for jogging, but remember to follow the above rules.F. Therefore, you should make it a habit to warm up before jogging.G. Here are some basic rules to make jogging safe, useful and comfortable.三、完形填空(三、完形填空(15 空)空) A little boy almost considered himself as the most unfortunate child in the world because a terrible illness made his leg lame (瘸的) . He 1 played with his classmates; when the teacher asked him to answer questions, he always 2 his head without a word. One spring, the boys father got some saplings (树苗) and told his 3 to plant one each person. The father also 4 to buy a favourite gift for whoever grew best. The boy also wanted to get his fathers 5 But seeing his brothers and sisters carry water actively, he lost 6 So after watering it once or twice, he never 7 it. A few days later, when the little boy went to see his tree again, he was 8 to find that it appeared greener and stronger than his sisters and brothers. His father 9 his promise, and said that he would surely become an outstanding botanist (植物学家) when he 10 up. From then on, the little hoy slowly became 11 . One night, he suddenly recalled what the 12 teacher once said: Plants generally grow at night. Then he came to the courtyard and unexpectedly found his father 13 under his tree with a big spoon. Suddenly, he understood his father had been secretly watering his small tree! Decades passed. The little boy didnt become a botanist, but he was elected President of the United States. His name was Franklin Delano Roosevelt. 14 is the best nutrition (营养) of life; even if it is just one spoonful of clear 15 , it can make the tree of life lively.1.A. alwaysB. seldomC. frequentlyD. sometimes2.A. loweredB. raisedC. keptD. nodded3.A. daughtersB. sonsC. childrenD. neighbours4.A. demandedB. promisedC. agreedD. wished5.A. giftB. praiseC. toolD. help6.A. touchB. sightC. heartD. face7.A. looked afterB. looked forC. looked aroundD. looked into8.A. disappointedB. excitedC. worriedD. surprised9.A. changedB. madeC. keptD. broke10.A. grewB. wokeC. gaveD. stayed11.A. hopelessB. optimisticC. guiltyD. generous12.A. historyB. physicsC. chemistryD. biology13.A. workingB. restingC. sleepingD. singing14.A. HelpB. LoveC. WorkD. Promise15.A. sandB. soupC. soilD. water四、四、语语法填空法填空 On Sept 19, 2014, Alibaba went public on the New York Stock Exchange(纽约证券交易所), which shows that Ma Yun has done his business _(successful). This short Chinese man seems to be the _(tall) man in the world right now. Ma Yun used to be an English teacher who led _ easy life. When he was twelve, he found that English was very interesting. Every morning he got up at 5 am and then ran to a hotel near the West Lake, _ he could communicate with foreign visitors in English. The experience made him a fantastic English speaker and often deliver English speeches without _ (refer) to his notes. In a trip to the US in 1995, Ma had access to the Internet _ chance. _ was after he returned home that Ma set up a website and created his own companyAlibaba in Hangzhou. He was so _(devote) to his work that he _(name) Crazy Jack Ma. In my opinion, his _(curious) and determination made Alibaba the worlds largest e-commerce company.五、五、书书面表达面表达8.假定你是李华,你的澳大利亚
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