(2019版)新人教版选择性必修第二册Unit 3Discovering Useful Structures 提升一练(含答案).doc

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1、第 1页(共 10页)Unit3 Section CDiscovering Useful Structures一、单词拼写1.Great(数量) of sand were washed down the hillside bythe rain last night.2.Be certain to eat slowly and(咀嚼)your food extremelywell.3.(总体上), Beijing Daxing International Airport hasbeen operating well since Sept. 25, 2019.4.The boy got full

2、marks in the final English test, and manystudents were around him asking for(诀窍)forlearning.5.The top(种类)in terms of sales during the shoppingcarnival(购物狂欢节)were rice, oil, mobile phones,refrigerated(冷藏的) supplies, and daily and cleaningnecessities.二、选词填空regardless of;quantities of;make up;cut down

3、on;end up;inaddition to;on the right track1.Every time they went dancing theyin a badmood.第 2页(共 10页)2.Hecoffee and cigarettes, and ate a balanceddiet.3.In this small country, women officers13 percentof the police force.4.the weather, the food delivery workers alwaysdeliver the meal to us on time.5.

4、They read largetext and, in general, read thetext without interruption.6.But time has proved that we areof combiningeconomic growth with ecological protection.7.the concerts, there will be an exhibition(展示) on a different theme every day to illustrate the historyof Chinese music and musical instrume

5、nts.三、阅读七选五Having a healthy family life can lower risk of heart attackand boost your chance of living longer. _1_CareCare forfor elderselders inin a a lovingloving waywayCaring for an elderly loved one is a wonderful way to showcompassion and service, and it doesnt mean you have tosacrificeeverythin

6、g._2_Kidsandmarriagescanbepowerfully impacted by how these decisions are handled, bothnegatively and positively. They thoroughly think through thepotential impact of moving an aging parent into the home orproviding extended care. A good boundary with an aging parent第 3页(共 10页)is to do occasional out

7、goings.CultivateCultivate anan attitudeattitude ofof gratitudegratitudeHealthy families set a culture of being grateful for thethings you appreciate in life, big and small. Set up arespectful space where at the end of each day, each familymember share what they are grateful for. _3_KeepKeep treatstr

8、eats outout ofof sightsight (andand outout ofof mindmind)What you see is what you want to eat. _4_ Put the sugarytreats out of sight and leave colorful fruits and vegetablesout on the counter or on the most visible shelves in the fridgeso that youre more likely to reach for a nutritious snack._5_Hea

9、lthy families will create a safe environment for healthycommunication, where each individual feels like their feelingsare acknowledged. When conflict arises, they dont have toagree with each other but they still need to acknowledge eachothers feelings. They still feel their opinions are valued.They

10、also learn tools for how conflicts can be resolved. No oneshuts down, or runs away when there is disagreement. They workit out.AFight fairBLive healthilyCKeep healthy snacks highly visible in your kitchen.DIf you keep fighting, you will hurt your family.EHeres how to maximize this amazing health ass

11、et(资第 4页(共 10页)产)FThis sets up an atmosphere of appreciation that all canbenefit from.GHealthy families have boundaries with aging parents andgrandparents.四、读后续写阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。There was a thick forest on the side of a mountain.Many kindsof animals lived in the forest. A deer wa

12、s eating grass andleaves with her two young ones. The young ones wandered happilyhere and there. The deer followed her fawns (幼鹿)into a cave.The deer was frightened because it was a tigers cave. Therewere bones of dead animals all over the cave. Fortunately, thetiger was not inside the cave at the t

13、ime.The deer was trying to lead her young ones out of the cavewhen she heard a loud roar.She saw the tiger at a distance comingtowards the cave. It was dangerous to go out of the cave now.She thought of a plan. The deer raised her voice and shouted,“My dear young children do not weep. I shall captur

14、e (捕捉)a tiger for you to eat. You can have a good dinner. ”Thetigerheardthesewordsandbecame frightened.He thought, “Whose is that strange voice from the cave? Adangerous animal is staying inside to capture me. I shall runaway to escape death. ”The tiger began to run away from there第 5页(共 10页)as fast

15、 as possible.A jackal(胡狼) saw the running tiger. “Why are you runningin great fear?” the jackal asked. The tiger said, “My friend,a powerful and fierce animal is in my cave. The young ones arecrying for a tiger to eat. The mother is promising to capturea tiger for them. So, I am running away. ”The c

16、unning jackal was now sure the tiger was a coward(懦夫). It said,“Dont be afraid. No animal is fiercer or strongerthan a tiger. Let us go together to find out. ”But the tiger said, “I do not want to take a chance. Youmay run away. I will be left alone to die. So, I will not comewith you. ”The jackal s

17、aid , “Trust me. Let us knot(打结) our tailstogether. Then I will not be able to leave you. ”The tigeragreed unwillingly to this proposal. So the jackal tied theirtails in a knot. Now they walked towards the cave together.注意:1.续写的词数应为 150 左右;2请按如下格式作答。The deer saw the jackal and the tiger coming toget

18、her.The tiger was shocked to hear this and he was sure now thejackal cheated him.第 6页(共 10页)第 7页(共 10页)一、单词拼写1.quantities2.chew3.Overall4.tricks5.categories二、选词填空1.ended up2.cut down on3.make up4.Regardless of5.quantities of6.on the right track7.In addition to三、阅读七选五1E根据本空前的“Having a healthy family

19、life can lowerrisk of heart attack and boost your chance of living longer. ”可知,健康的家庭生活能够降低得心脏病的风险并让你更长寿。下文又介绍了四点建议,此处需要一个承上启下的句子,E 项中的“thisamazing health asset”指的就是“Having a healthy family life” ,故 E 项(下面是如何让你将这惊人的健康资产最大化)符合语境。2G根据本空前的“Caring for an elderly loved one is awonderful way to show compas

20、sion and service, and it doesnt mean you have to sacrifice everything. ”可知,关心老人并不意味着你要牺牲一切。再根据本段最后一句中的“A good boundarywith an aging parent”可知,G 项(健康的家庭与父母和祖父母是有界限的)正好承接上下文,故 G 项符合语境。3F根据本空前的“Set up a respectful space where at theend of each day, each family member share what they are gratefulfor. ”可

21、知,建立一个尊重的空间,在每天结束的时候,每个家庭成员分享他们所感激的东西,F 项(这营造了一种所有人都能受益的感恩的氛围)正好总结上文,而且 F 项中的 appreciation 与前文中grateful 为同义词,故选 F。4C根据本空前的“What you see is what you want to eat. ”第 8页(共 10页)及本空后的“Put the sugary treats out of sight and leavecolorful fruits and vegetables out on the counter. . . ”可知,看见什么就想吃什么,所以把含糖的食物

22、放在看不见的地方,把健康的水果和蔬菜放在台面上,C 项(在厨房的显眼处放一些健康的零食)正好对应这个话题,故 C 项符合语境。5A此处为本段小标题,根据本段内容可知,本段讲的是家庭生活中健康的交流方式及其在家庭冲突中所起的作用,A 项(公平竞争)最能概括本段内容,故 A 项符合语境。四、读后续写The deersaw thejackalandthetigercomingtogether. She again raised her voice. She shouted towards herchildren standing inside the cave , “ My dear childre

23、n, Irequested my friend, the clever jackal, to capture a tiger forus. Now look, the jackal has captured a tiger for us. He hastied the tigers tail to his tail. This is to prevent the tigerfrom escaping. You will soon have the tiger for dinner. ”The tiger was shocked to hear this and he was sure now

24、thejackal cheated him. So, the tiger decided to escape from theterrible animal standing inside his cave. He started running.He forgot about the jackal. He dragged the jackal over rocksand thorns. In the mad escape the jackal was caught between tworocks. The tiger pulled with all his strength. His tail got cut.The jackal was killed in this incident. The tailless tiger ranaway to another part of the forest. The deer and her young onesleft the tigers cave. They joined their herd safely. Presence第 9页(共 10页)of mind and intelligence can save one from dangerous situations.第 10页(共 10页)


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