(2019版)新人教版选择性必修第二册Unit 3 Reading and Thinking同步检测(含答案).doc

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1、1Section Reading and Thinking (1)阅读理解。AScientists learned recently that fish was the main source of protein for people insouthern Scandinavia many thousands of years ago. They also ate other animals thatlive in the water. The findings come from Lund University in Sweden. Scientists theretested ancie

2、nt human bones from more than 80 individuals.One of the researchers was Adam Boethius. He said by studying the chemistry ofthe bones, they learned the diet of the people they belonged to.“Basically you are what you eat. And so when you study thisstableisotopesyou get an indicator of what the humans

3、have been eating.”The study examined the importance of a mix of protein sources in the human dietfrom around 10,500 to 7,500 years ago. They found that in Scandinavia most of whatpeople ate came from the sea.Boethius said back then, fish made up 50 to 70 percent of the diet. He said othersea animals

4、 like seals and dolphins brought that percentage to almost 100 percent.This research changed the understanding of how ancient people of the area lived.Earlier studies suggested these people hunted big animals and moved around a lot tofollow them. But the chemical examinations did not show proteins l

5、inked to deer andelk and other land animals of the time.Boethius said scientists now believe these people stayed in place for most oftheir lives and ate local food. The discovery, he argued, provides evidence that“settlements appeared in Scandinavia much earlier than researchers once believed”.1. Th

6、e word “they” in the second paragraph refers to.A. bonesB. chemicalsC.AnimalsD. foods2. What can be concluded from the research?A. In Scandinavia most people lived a happy life.2B. Scandinaviansbones were different from those of others.C.Ancient Scandinavians ate nearly nothing except sea animals.D.

7、 Scandinaviansdiet was particularly rich in protein.3. What did researchers once believe?A. Ancient people didnt know how to cook.B. Ancient Scandinavians stayed in one place for a long time.C.Ancient Scandinavians lived on land animals.D. Most ancient Scandinavians preferred local food.4. What is t

8、he text mainly talking about?A. Anew discovery.B. Ascience theory.C.An important history.D. An ancient lifestyle.B“Old wives tales” are beliefs passed down from one generation to another. Forexample, most of us remember our parents telling us to eat more of certain foods ornot to do certain things.

9、Is there any truth in these teachings? Some of them agreewith present medical thinking, but others have not passed the test of time.Did your mother ever tell you to eat carrots because they are good for your eyes?Scientists now report that eating carrots can help prevent a serious eye disease called

10、macular degeneration. Eating just one carrot a day can reduce the possibility ofgetting this disease by 40%. Garlic is good for you, too. It can kill the type of virusthat causes colds.Unfortunately, not all of mums advice passed the test of medical studies. Forexample, generations of children have

11、been told not to go swimming within an hourafter eating. But research suggests that there is no danger in doing so. Do sweetscause tooth problems? Well, yes and no. Sticky sweets made with grains tend to causemore problems than sweets made with simple sugars.Even though science can tell us that some

12、 of our traditional beliefs dont holdwater, there is still a lot of truth in the old wives tales. After all, much of this3knowledge has been accumulated(积累) from thousands of years of experience infamily health care. We should respect this body of knowledge even as we search forclear scientific supp

13、ort to prove it true or false.5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?A. Eating garlic is good for our eyes.B. Sticky sweets are damaging to our teeth.C. Swimming after a meal is dangerous.D. Carrots prevent people from catching colds.6. The author develops the third paragraph mainly

14、.A. by cause and effectB. by order in spaceC. by order in timeD. by examples7. The phrase “hold water” in the last paragraph most probably means “”.A. to be believableB. to be valuableC. to be admirableD. to be suitable8. What is the authors attitude towards “old wivestales” in the text?A. Subjectiv

15、e.B. Objective.C. Dissatisfied.D. Curious.CMany cities and towns have laws that require people to recycle paper and plastics.Now California and Vermont have laws about recycling food waste that apply tobusinesses and homes. The process of recycling food waste and turning it into usablesoil is called

16、 composting(堆制肥料).Food waste that can be composted includes fruit and vegetable peels, tea bags,and egg shells. Garden waste such as leaves can also be composted but meat and fishwaste cannot be recycled.According to environmental groups, composting reduces the amount of trash4going into landfills(垃

17、圾填埋场). Composted waste holds many nutrients(营养物)and it can be added to the soil in gardens and fields.Reducing the amount of waste that goes into landfills is one reason why citiesand states are adopting( 通 过 ) food-waste recycling laws. Officials in Seattle,Washington, say that food waste makes up

18、30% of the trash going into landfills, andthey are looking to reduce that percentage. That city has a law asking people torecycle food waste. It is banned from all garbage. There is a fine for people who put itinto regular garbage.Renee Crowley, a project manager at the Lower East Side Ecology Centr

19、e, pointsout that in communities where food recycling is not a law, there are places wherepeople can drop off their food waste for composting. Many schools and colleges havealso started composting programmes.Critics of food-recycling laws say that the composting process may be utopianbecause it is d

20、ifficult for people who live in apartments to store their waste as theydont have outside storage bins. One resident of Orange County, Lily, said that shethought an indoor container containing food waste would get smelly.9. What do we know about composting?A. All the food waste can be composted.B. Co

21、mposted waste is of benefit to crops.C. Composting will make landfills disappear.D. Composting means recycling paper and plastics.10. What are officials in Seattle trying to do?A. Reduce food waste going into landfills.B. Ban businesses from dropping off food waste.C. Call on schools to start compos

22、ting programmes.D. Make laws to punish people putting trash into garbage.11. What does the underlined word “utopian” mean?A. Slow.B. Unexpected.C. Unrealistic.5D. Expensive.12. What does the text mainly tell us?A. The benefits of composting.B. How to deal with food waste in our life.C. There is too

23、much food waste in the world.D. Laws about recycling food waste.Reading and Thinking (2). 单句语法填空。1.Mostofthesenewtoolsandserviceshavebeenmarketedtothe(consume).2. We recommend that you solve all errors prior to(test) the system.3. Our greatest happiness consistsserving the people.4. The teacher came

24、 in with some students(follow) him.5. Ihope so because I want you to live as long and healthy a life as I have.6.(exhaust), I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.7. Put more(simple), happiness lies in hard work.8. As we all know, everyone admires her because she is(elegance) andbeautiful.9. Both rest

25、aurant(chef) and housewives are expert in cooking seafood,soups and meat.10. Promotion in the first year is only given in(exception) situations. 用适当的介/副词填空。1. An average student can be a top student with additional work. Cathy is a casepoint.2.a minimum, the working space should not be dull and depr

26、essing.3.the crowds cheering, they drove to the palace.4. You can slicejust a few cookies to bake at a time.5. Note that you must take some medicine priorthis change happening.6. We would like to go handhand with you and to create a more splendid6future together.7. This is a technical problem, which

27、 I will have to referour technicaldepartment.8.Ayear consiststwelve months. 语法填空。Most people today relate this saying “Tell me what you eat, and I will tell youwhat you are.” 1.healthy eating. 2., Brillat-Savarin was 3.(actual) referring to our personality, character, and culture. Prior to 4.(come)t

28、o China, the writers only experience with Chinese cooking was in America and it5.(change) to suit American tastes. After he had a chance6.(experience) authentic Chinese food by coming to China, he 7.(realise) thatthrough food, Chinese people everywhere show friendship and 8.(kind).The kinds of food

29、local people consume tell us what they grow in 9.(they)region, what kinds of lives they lead, and what they like and do not like. 10.we can say is that culture and cuisine go hand in hand. 阅读理解。On average, primary school children in England have at least three sugary snacksa day, Public Health Engla

30、nd(PHE) found. This means that the sugar they consume isthree times more than the recommended maximum.Children between the ages of 4 and 10 consume 51.2% of sugar from unhealthysnacks. PHE has launched a campaign, Change4Life, to encourage parents to look forhealthier snacks of no more than 100 calo

31、ries, and to limit them to two a day. Thecampaign advises parents to give their children a maximum of two snacks a day, witheach containing no more than 100 calories. The campaign will also offer parentsspecial suggestions on a range of healthier snacksones with 100 calories orfewerat selected super

32、markets, PHE said.PHE said it had also improved its app so that it could mark the content of sugar,salt and fat in food and drinks. Dr Alison Tedstone told the BBC she hoped thecampaign would help parents to choose healthier snacks for their children. “If you7wander through a supermarket, you can se

33、e much more goods being sold as snacksthan ever before,” she said. “Its a common phenomenon that kidslunchboxes are fullof snacks, leading to a lot of calories for lunch. Our research shows that parentsusually appreciate a rule of thumb(经验法则). However, they are surprised to knowhow much sugar their

34、children are consuming in snacks now.”Justine Roberts, founder of Mumsnet, said, “The intake(摄入量) of sugar thatkids are getting from snacks and sugary drinks alone is pretty astonishing, and it canoften be difficult to distinguish which snacks are healthy and which are not. The ruleof thumb from Cha

35、nge4Life can help parents make their decision correctly andwisely.”1. What can PHEs improved app help parents do?A. Test the calories of snacks.B. Choose delicious snacks.C. Know the exact content in snacks.D. Save much money to buy snacks.2. Which of the following can be inferred from Justine Rober

36、tswords?A. Most parentsformer experience about snacks is practical.B. It is easy to tell healthy snacks and unhealthy snacks apart.C. Children only take in lots of sugar from snacks and sugary drinks.D. Change4Life is meaningful for parentsdecisions on snacks.3. What is the best title for the text?A

37、. Solve the Health Problems of ChildrenB. Change the Eating Habits of ChildrenC. Limit Childrens Intake of CaloriesD. Ensure Childrens Healthy Lifestyle. 完形填空。One rainy night, I was waiting at a crossroads in my car when someone knockedon my window. It was a young boy1for something. After I heard hi

38、s suffering,my heart suddenly dropped.2, I was afraid of reaching out.8What if he asked for more? What if he was just used by bad people toprovoke(唤起)3in people? I didnt want to give him money but rememberedthat little burger my kid didnt want to eat any more on the back seat. Food would be abetter

39、and safer4. So I rolled down my window, handed the burger to him and5. He did the same through the pouring rain.Again my heart dropped. “How can he be happy for something so6?” Isuddenly felt like I was doing something7. I should have done more for him.Half guilty(愧疚的), I8at least my smile would tel

40、l him that I cared abouthim.The light turned green, which meant we had to end our9. As I looked backto see what he would do, I saw him10to another boy in the opposite street.When the boy ran up to him, he11the burger in half, and gave one part to him.My heart dropped a third time.I asked myself, “Ho

41、w could a child so poor12the little he had?”Here I wasin a comfortable car, worried about him taking13of me.That experience showed me how something14lives in those who seem tohave nothing. I also saw how easily I15the stereotype(刻板印象) of society toprevent my ability to give.1.A. searchingB. waitingC

42、. askingD. fighting2.A. NaturallyB. ClearlyC. HoweverD. Instead3.A. pityB. shameC. courageD. worry4.A. giftB. promiseC. returnD. choice5.A. smiledB. leftC. greetedD. listened6.A. cheapB. commonC. smallD. unfresh97.A. wrongB. dishonestC. specialD. great8.A. provedB. hopedC. explainedD. agreed9.A. mee

43、tingB. conversationC. introductionD. relationship10.A. pointB. talkC. waveD. reply11.A. cutB. pulledC. brokeD. knocked12.A. treasureB. packC. saveD. share13.A. advantageB. controlC. noticeD. hold14.A. strongB. expensiveC. richD. useful15.A. encouragedB. allowedC. expectedD. forced10Section Reading a

44、nd Thinking (1)阅读理解。A1. A2. C3. C4. AB5. B6.D7. A8. BC9. B10. A11. C12. DReading and Thinking (2). 单句语法填空。答案答案:1. consumer2. testing3. in4. following5. do6. Exhausted7. simply8. elegant9. chefs10. exceptional. 用适当的介/副词填空。1. in2.At3. With4. off5. to6. in7. to8. of. 语法填空。答案答案:1. to2. However3. actually4. coming5. had been changed6. to experience7. realised8. kindness9. their10. What11. 阅读理解。1.C2. D3. C. 完形填空。1. C2. C3. A4. D5.A6.C7. A8. B9. A10. C11.C12.D13.A14. C15. B12


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