(2019版)新人教版选择性必修第二册Unit 2Bridging CulturesWords and Expressions 词汇学习ppt课件(含教案).rar

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人教版(2019)新教材高中英语选择性必修第二册 Unit 2 Bridging Cultures Words and Eplex kmpleks:adj. 复杂的; 难懂的; (语法)复合的complicated kmplketd: adj. 复杂的; 难懂的 (语气比complex强)complex issue/problem/personality/ situation/process/system: 复杂的问题/个性/形势/过程/系统a complex sentence: 复合句1)The students work in groups on complex problems.2)Chinese culture is more complex than he knows.3)Life there is getting more complex and difficult.4)The government is an extremely complex organization.2. recall rk:l: v. 记起; 回想起 call: v. 喊;叫; 打电话; 召集; 拜访remind rmand: v. 提醒; 使记起; 使想起remind sb of sth: 提醒某人什么; 使某人想起什么remind sb to do: 提醒某人做什么1)“I was very excited but also quite nervous. I didnt know what to expect,” Xie Lei recalled.2)I know his face but I cant recall his name.3)He recalled that she always came home late on Wednesdays.3. qualification kwlfken: n.(通过考试或学习取得的) 资格; 资历quality kwlt: n. 质量; 品质; 特性; 品德quantity kwntt: n. 数量academic/educational/professional qualifications: 学术/教育/专业资历a nursing/teaching qualification: 护理/教学资格acquire/gain/get/obtain/have/hold a qualification: 获得/取得/得到/拿到/拥有/持有资格1)Xie Lei is studying for a business qualification at a university in China and has come to our university on a year-long exchange programme.2)Salary will be determined according to your working experience and qualification.3)Previous teaching experience is a necessary qualification for this job.4)In front of the Chinese side, the United States doesnt have the qualifications to say that it wants to speak to China from a position of strength.你们(美国)没有资格在中国的面前说,你们是从实力的地位出发同中国谈话。4. qualify kwlfa: v. (使)具备资格; (使)合格qualify sb for .: 使某人什么合格/具备资格qualify sb to do .: 使某人具备资格做什么qualify as.: 取得当什么的资格1)His skills qualify him for the job.2)I believe my major and experiences will qualify me for the job.3)A degree in English does not qualify you to teach English.4)His son qualified as a doctor last year.5. ambition mbn: n. 追求的目标; 夙愿;野心; 雄心; 抱负(不可数名词)achieve ones ambition: 实现目标/抱负/雄心1)My ambition is to set up a business in China after graduation.2)You will achieve your ambition (of becoming a boss) if you work hard.3)Your daughter is clever, but she lacks ambition.6. ambitiousmbs: adj.有野心的; 有雄心的1)Only ambitious students will get the best marks.2)They are very ambitious for their children.3)Hes a very ambitious man and he wants to play at the highest level.7. adaptation dpten: n.适应; 改编本adapt dpt: v. 适应; 改编; 改写adopt dpt: v. 采纳; 收养; 通过; 批准adapt/adjust (oneself) to: 适应1)Although some foreign students live in campus accommodation, Xie Lei chose to live with a host family (寄宿家庭), who can help with her adaptation to the new culture.2)He made a quick adaptation to the new environment.3)Do you think the film adaptation was faithful to the book?8. comfort kmft:n.安慰; 舒服; 安逸 令人感到安慰的人或者事物 v. 安慰; 抚慰comfortable kmftbl: adj.舒适的; (使人)舒服的; 愉快放松的; 安逸的comfortably: adv. 舒服地; 舒适地; 安逸地; 容易地in comfort: 舒适地1)When I miss home, I feel comforted to have a second family.2)She took the child in her arms and tried to comfort him.3)The hotel offers a high standard of comfort and service.4)The children have been a great comfort to me in the past 5 years. tutor9. tutor tjut(r) tut: n. (英国大学中的)助教; 导师; 家庭教师teacher : n. 老师; 教师educator edju:keit/edu:keit: n. 教育者; 教师1)Her tutor advised her to read lots of information in order to form a wise opinion of her own.2)His parents employed a tutor to teach him maths/math.3)Her tutor says she is making good/ great/rapid progress.10. cite sat: v. 引用; 引述 (正式用词)quote: v. 引用; 引述 1)The first time that she had to write an essay, her tutor explained that she must acknowledge what other people had said if she cited their ideas.2)Id like to cite my own experience as an example.3)She cited a favourite poem by Li Bai.4)He will cite only one example. 11. participation ptspen: n. 参加; 参与1)Xie Lei also found many courses included students participation in class as part of the final result.2)Your participation will contribute a lot to our success.3)Without global participation, no solution is likely to work.12. participate ptspet: v. 参加; 参与13. participate in.: 参加; 参与 (正式用词)take part in. join in.: 参加; 参与 (普通用词)join: v. 参加 (通常指参加某组织或团体)attend: v. 参加; 出席 (正式用语。一般指参加会议、出席典礼或招待会等, 也可以指上学、听课、听演讲或讲座等)1)Kate cant participate in the match because she has hurt her foot.2)Yesterday the headmaster didnt participate in the discussion.3)The girls in his class are willing to participate in the dancing party. 4)Over 2,000 students in the school participate in sports/the contest.14. presentation preznten: n. 报告; 陈述; 出示; 拿出; 展示会; 介绍会; 发布会 present: v. 颁发; 提出; 提交; 展现;显示; 表现1)Students need to generate(产生) ideas, offer examples, apply concepts, and raise questions, as well as give presentations.2)My presentation on traditional Chinese art was a great success, which boosted(增强) my confidence.3)Admission(入场费) is free on presentation of this card.4)Our company will give a presentation on our new cars.15. speak up: 大声点说; 明确表态speak of: 谈到 speak out: 大胆说出speak to/with.: 和.谈话1)At first, Xie Lei had no idea what she should say, but what surprised her was that she found herself speaking up in class after just a few weeks.2)Im quite deaf - you will have to speak up.3)Please speak up so that the people at the back of the room can hear you.16. feel at home: 舒服自在; 不拘束feel more at home: 更无拘无束; 更舒适自在1)Now halfway through her exchange year, Xie Lei feels much more at home in the UK.2)People from all over the world feel at home in Hong Kong.3)Good hotel service will make guests feel at home.17. engage nged: v. 参加; 参与(活动); 吸引(注意力/兴趣)1)They never learned skills to engage the attention of the others.2)His attention was engaged by the new posters on the wall. 18. engage in.: (使)从事; 参与 take part in.engage sb in.: 使某人加入/参加be engaged to sb: 与.订婚be married to sb: 与.结婚1)Engaging in British culture has helped.2)Her father has never engaged in the drug trade.3)Nowadays, office workers rarely engage in regular exercise. 4)Students are given the opportunity to engage in the discussions/contest.5)His mother engages in the study of classical music.6)Just now we engaged him in conversation.19. involve nvlv: v. 包含; 需要; 涉及; 影响; (使)参加involve sb in sth/doing.: 使某人参加/参与contain: v. 包含include : v. 包括; 包含including: prep. 包括; 包含1)The test will involve reading a piece of news.2)She didnt realize writing a report involved so much work.3)Many of the crimes involved drugs.4)These changes will involve/affect/ influence everyone at the factory.5)Parents should involve themselves in their childrens education.20. get involved in.: 参与; 卷入; 与.有关联1)As well as studying hard, Ive been involved in social activities.2)Just walk around and dont get involved in any quarrels.3)You had better not get involved in politics.4)Can I get involved in this program when you get here?21. messenger mesnd(r) : n. 送信人; 信使message mesd: n. 消息; 信息; 口信passenger psnd: n. 乘客; 旅客passage psd:n. 通道; 走廊; 段落; 旅费; 船票1)While Im learning about business, Im also acting as a cultural messenger building a bridge between us.2)Ill order a special messenger to deliver the document.3)By the time the messenger reached him, the damage had been done.22. edition dn: n. (报纸/杂志的)一份; (广播/电视节目)一期;一辑; 版次editor edt: n. 编辑edit edt: v. 编辑; 剪辑a paperback/hardback edition: 平装/精装本1)We will follow Xie Leis progress in later editions, but for now we wish her all the best.2)Many new words and phrases have been included in the revised edition(修订版).3)The English-Chinese dictionary is now in its ninth edition.23. culture shock: 文化冲击 文化冲击主要是来自于两个不同文化差异而引起。可以发生在任何时候,任何新环境。当你到达一个地方觉得很陌生、很困惑,不知道自己的角色是什么、应定位在哪里?应怎么表现才恰当等等,觉得很不舒服、很不自在。文化冲击会引起身体上的一些症状: 如头痛、胃囗不好、睡眠失调或者心理上的焦虑、沮丧等。1)Adam, recently arrived in Paris, is jobless, homeless, friendless, and suffering from culture shock.2)Culture shock is one of the common experiences by students abroad.3)The first time you go abroad, you may experience a culture shock.4)Youll overcome the culture shock in no time. 24. zone zn: n.(有别于周围的)地区; 地带; 区域region ridn: n. 地区; 区域district: n. 地区; 行政区area eri: n. 地区; 区域an earthquake/a danger/a safe zone: 地震带/危险地带/安全区Shenzhen Special Economic Zone: 深圳经济特区1)The area has been declared a disaster zone.2)Many people have stayed behind in the potential war zone.3)They are pulling their troops out of the battle zone.25. comfort zone: 舒适区; 舒适范围1)Walk out of our comfort zone and try new things!2)In order to grow, you must step out of your comfort zone.3)I think that studying for an MBA (工商管理硕士)forces you outside your comfort zone.26. overwhelming vwelm: adj. 无法抗拒的; 巨大的; 压倒性的1)However, hardly anyone speaks English in my area, so it can be a bit overwhelming at times.2)The evidence against him was overwhelming.3)You may find it somewhat overwhelming at first.4)She feels/has an overwhelming desire to have another child.27. homesickness hmskns : n. 思乡病; 乡愁homesick: adj. 思乡的; 想家的1)When I was a child, my homesickness was a small stamp.2)Later, homesickness was a low tomb, I stood outside, and my mother lay inside.3)Laughter was another medicine to cure my depression and homesickness.4)A letter from home set off an attack of homesickness.28. motivated mtvetd: adj. 积极的; 主动的active ktv: adj. 活跃的; 积极的; 主动的positive pztiv:adj. 积极的; 良好的; 有益的; 肯定的; 正面的;阳性的1)Andrew is a highly motivated student.2)I am working with mostly highly motivated people.3)More than that, how should you stay motivated to achieve the goal?29. motivation mtven: n. 动力; 积极性; 动机determination: n. 决心; 坚定1)Most people said that pay was their main motivation for working.2)Hes clever enough but he lacks motivation.3)What is the motivation behind this sudden change?4)Not every child has an equal talent or or an equal motivation.30. motivate mtvet: v. 成为.的动机; 激发; 激励motivate sb to do.: 激励某人做什么inspire/encourage sb to do.: 激励/鼓励某人做什么1)The only way that you can motivate people is to communicate with them.2)Does money actually motivate people at their work?3)The headteacher is very good at motivating his students.4)Sometimes daydreams can motivate people to work harder. 31. advisor/adviser dvaz: n. 顾问advise dvaz: v. 建议; 劝告(a piece of ) advice dvas: n. 建议; 劝告; 忠告1)They employed me as an advisor.2)From 1943 to 1948, Mr Hill was an advisor to the president.3)My parents want me to get the degree, but my advisor thinks its time for me to get more work experience.32. reasonable riznbl: adj. 有道理的; 合情理的; 相当好的; 不错的; 公平的;可接受的It is reasonable (for.) to do.: (某人)做什么是合情合理的。reason rizn: n. 原因; 理由; 借口reasonably: adv. 合符逻辑地; 尚可地; 过得去地; 明智地; 通情达理地【terrible - terribly simple - simply gentle - gently】1)The rent is reasonable, and moreover, the location is perfect.2)The boy answered him in reasonable French.3)Its reasonable for those countries to raise oil prices. 4)It is reasonable for us to expect a brighter future.33. expectation ekspekten: n. 期望; 预期; 期待expect kspekt: v. 希望; 期望;认为beyond ones expectation: 超出预期;出乎预料1)The advisor talked about maintaining reasonable expectations when studying abroad.2)She went to college with great expectations.3)What he said was really beyond all my expectation.34. applicant plknt: n.申请人application plken: n. 申请(书/表); 应用 apply pla: v. 申请; 运用; 贴; 凃; 搽 apply for.: 申请apply to.: 运用; 适合apply. to.: 给.涂/敷.1)He is the hundredth applicant for the job/position.2)She is the best applicant for the job. 3)An applicant is filling out a job application.35. firmf:m: adj. 结实的; 牢固的;坚定的 n. 公司;商行; 事务所firmly: adv. 坚定地; 坚固地company kmpn: n. 公司; 陪伴keep sb company: 陪伴某人1)Who will be the successful applicant for the summer job at the law firm?2)The larger firm is capable of providing better services.3)We have been able to keep firm friendships with them.4)We must maintain a firm attitude.5)The runner has firm muscles. 36. exposure ksp: n. 接触; 体验; 暴露; 揭露1)Continuous exposure to the sun could be harmful.2)The newspapers exposure of their crimes led to their arrest(逮捕).37. expose kspz: v.使接触; 使体验; 显露; 使暴露于(险境)expose sb to sth. : 使某人接触/曝光be exposed to . : 接触1)The vice president exposed the true aims of all their wars.2)The reporter tried to expose the plot(阴谋).3)A wise mother will never expose her children to such things/art.4)We should allow children to be exposed to new ideas.38. insight nsat: n. 洞察力; 眼光sight sat: n. 视力; 看见; 名胜; 景色; 情景 have insight into.: 对.有洞察力1)Exposure to another culture and its people can give exchange students great insights into the world.2)Good teachers have insight into the problems of students.3)He has the insight to recognize their talents.4)Children can sometimes show quite remarkable insight.39. departure dpa:t: n. 离开; 启程; 出发depart 【(from) + 地方)】: v. 离开; 出发arrivals and departures : 到站和离站班次set out/off (for.): 出发; 上路; 动身1)He has made great friends here- friends that he will still remember long after his departure.2)Within 60 minutes the ship was ready for departure.3)Everyone was a bit puzzled by her sudden departure.4)We have received no news of him since his departure from the island.5)The train will depart (from) Shanghai at 7:30 am.40. setting set: n. 环境; 背景; (小说等的)情节背景setting: n. (事情发生或所处的)环境; 背景 situation: n. 情况; 形势; 局面background: n. 背景; 出身surroundings: n. (周围的)环境environment: n. (影响人或事物的行为或发展的)环境1)We want to have a conference in a better setting.2)The island is the perfect setting for a wonderful Christmas/holiday.3)Their house is in a lovely setting in the mountain.4)The author wrote a short story with the setting in the countryside.41. grasp gra:sp: v. 理解; 领会; 抓紧understand: v. 理解; 领会; 了解master: v. 精通; 掌握; 控制1)I suppose it was diffcult to grasp the tones at first.2)They failed to grasp the importance of his words.3)I grasped the opportunity to work abroad.4)She cant grasp the basic concepts of maths. 5)Grasp my hand and Ill pull you over the fence.42. dramatic drmtk:adj. 巨大的; 突然的;急剧的; 喜剧(般)的romantic rmntk: adj. 浪漫的 n. 浪漫的人1)The announcement will have a dramatic effect on house prices.2)That small country has experienced dramatic changes in recent years.3)Over the past few years, we have made dramatic breakthroughs.43. expense kspens: n. 费用;花费;开销expensive kspensv: adj. 昂贵的cheap: adj. 便宜的at ones expense: 由某人付钱; 由某人负担费用; 在某人受损的情况下 at ones own expense: 自费at the expense of sb/sth: 以牺牲/损害.的情况下 extra/business/medical expense: 额外的开支/业务开支/医疗费1)The results are well worth the expense.2)Running a car is a big expense. (run: 拥有并使用)3)You should record all your expenses during your trip. 4)Yesterday we were taken out for a meal at the schools expense.44. cost (sb) an arm and a leg: (使)花一大笔钱1)Tuition fees and living expenses are much more expensive than at home and could end up costing most families an arm and a leg.2)This trip/cellphone cost me an arm and a leg.3)Eating in the restaurants on this street will cost you an arm and a leg. 45. tremendous trmends: adj. 巨大的; 极大地giant dant: adj. 巨大的;伟大的big: adj. 大的;巨大的; 年龄较大的; 重大的; 严重的huge: adj. 巨大的;庞大的large: adj. 大的; 大量的; 大规模的great: adj. 伟大的: 巨大的; 极大的; 大的little: adj.小的; 可爱的; 年幼的small: adj.小的; 小号的;小型的tiny tani: adj. 极小的; 微小的1)Another important factor to consider is the tremendous pressure that comes with studying abroad.2)Tremendous/Big/Great changes have taken place in China in the past
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