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Unit 7 How much一、教学内容一、教学内容 牛津小学英语 4AUnit 7 Sound time, song time, checkout time and ticking time.二、教学目标二、教学目标 1、通过 Magic eyes 游戏,让学生在生活中灵活运用数字。 2、通过头脑风暴游戏,让学生复习巩固所学服饰类单词及颜色,会唱歌曲 the clothes shop。 3、通过 sound time 的学习,了解字母 V 在单词中的读音,并能归纳已学含有|V|发音的单词。 4、通过 checkout time 的学习,让学生用 How much 句型谈论价格。 5、通过跳蚤市场这一任务布置,让学生熟练将 Can I help you?How much ?等购物语言运用于真实情境中。三、教学重点三、教学重点 1、通过跳蚤市场这一任务布置,让学生熟练将 Can I help you?How much ?等购物语言运用于真实情境中。 2、通过朗读单词,体会字母 V 的读音,并能归纳已学含有|V|发音的单词。四、教学难点四、教学难点 1、通过跳蚤市场这一任务的开展,帮助学生运用句型 Can I help you?How much?等购物句型及应答。在活动中感受学习语言的快乐! 五、教学过程五、教学过程Present the teaching aims of this lesson.(一):Enjoy the song. In the clothes shop(二):IntroductionT:Today Im your new English teacher, you know my name is Ma Enting. But I dont know your names. So Ill call your numbers. First show us your numbers and say it one by one. OK?教师要引导学生跟着一起说数字Ss:OK.T:I also have some numbers. Lets go on counting.T:Oh, yeah. You can count the number from 1-50.(三)Games:T:You count the numbers very well. You are good at English. Today Ill play three games with you. Do you like games?Ss:Yes.T:Here we go. First Lets play game 1. Magic eyes.(PPT 出示要求:Find out the numbers in the pictures as quickly as you can)T: You can find the numbers in these pictures. And in our life, therere numbers everywhere. For example: Im. years old. My jacket is.yuan. Can you say something with the numbers?(Discuss in groups)(PPT 出示)Ticking time:I can count from 1-50 and use the numbers.PPT 引入出示语音部分的图片,学生讨论图片,依次引入单词five,river,live 和 love,并带读。T:Make a sentence by these four words.Listen and repeat(动画后半)总结“V”的发音,让学生说出含字母“V”的单词并跟读(动画前半段)Read the new words.PPT 出示 Ticking time. I know the sound of letter “V”T:You did very good job in Game 1. Now Lets play game 2. Colourful clothes.(PPT 出示要求:Say the clothes loudly and quickly)T:The colourful clothes are in the clothes shop. The salesman is in the clothes shop, too. He is singing happily.Song time.Listen to the songTo be the salesman. (在歌词中理解 cheap ,try them on 和 buy them all)Sing the song together.(3)Games 3:Clever earsT:The clothes are very cheap. How about these things. Disucss in pairs.(板书句型)T:Are they right?Lets listen and choose, use your clever ears。四、四、Task:Flea market.T1:Boys and girls. Do you like these games?Ss:Yes.T:You did very well in these games. You know the numbers. You know how to sell things and buy things. So we are going to have a flea market. You can sell the things or buy the things you like. Four students a group, two of you should be the salesman in your group, the other two students buy the things, then exchange.(PPT 给出脚本和选用句型)师生之间按脚本示范一组五、五、Home work1、Make a new song.2、Finish the exercise after chass.Unit 7 How much (Period3) 课后小练笔一、仿照例句编写对话例: How much is the umbrella?Its twenty-five yuan.1.How much are the ? 22 Theyre yuan. 3. 4. 5. 二、看图完成对话,每空一词。(1)A:What you ?B:Id like these .A:Anything ?B:No,thanks. are they?A: yuan.B:Here are.A:Thank you.(2)A:Can I help you?B:Yes. a jacket.A: colour would you like?B:Brown.A:What about this one?B: nice! is it?A:Its fifty-eight yuan.123I can use the numbers in our daily life.我能在生活中运用数字。I know the sound of the letter “v”.我知道字母V的发音。I can sing the song “The clothes shop”.我会唱歌曲”The clothes shop”.I can talk about the prices very well.我能很好的谈论价格。3学习目标Sound time, song time, checkout time& Ticking timeGame1Magic eyes(快速找出图片中的数字)Numbers everywhere in our daily life.你能说一说生活中跟数字有关的句子吗?Ticking timeI can use the numbers in our daily life.river.live住在love喜爱.five.five_ men _ near the _.They _ to swim in summer. riverloveliveFiveLets readfive live give love veryviolin vestvolleyball vase Ticking timeI know the sound of the letter “v”.Game2Colorful clothes(快速说出画面中的服饰)blue T-shirtblue skirtred socksyellow shoesIn the clothes shopTo be the salesman Blue skirts and T-shirts,yellow shoes and red socks .They are very and they are very good. You can . You can .Ha, Ha!cheaptry them onbuy them all便宜的试穿它们全部买下Ticking timeI can sing the song the clothes shop.Game3 Clever ears!Ticking timeI can talk about the prices very well. Flea market Flea market !跳蚤市场开卖啦!四人一组将你带来的东西标价出售,注意以下要求哦:1 两人先留在组内当营业员,出售本组物品,另两人出组购物。2 当第二轮音乐响起时,角色互换。You can say more选用句型:Look at my/theWhat would you like?Would you like?How about?How many would you like?Its cool/greatTheyre nice/pretty/Heres your change.(零钱)A: Books, toys,shoes. Come and look. A: Can I help you?B: Id like .A: Anything else?B: Id like .A: What about?B: Yes,please. /No,thank you. How much is it/are they?A: Its/TheyreB: What aboutyuan?A: OK!B: Here you are.A: Thank you.ModelHomework:1 Make a new song.根据本节课所学歌曲,用学过的词创编一首新歌。2 Finish the exercise after class.课后完成练习纸上的笔头练习。
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