(精)外研剑桥版三年级下册英语Starter unit Good to see you again 第四课时 (Part4,5)ppt课件+教案+习题.zip

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外研剑桥版英语四年级上册外研剑桥版英语四年级上册 Starter unit 第四课时教学设计第四课时教学设计课题 Good to see you again单元Starter unit 学科英语年级四(上)学习目标1. 复习巩固数字 1-12。2.完成听力练习,并能熟练运用句型。3. 能在所提供的语境中进行对话练习。重点1.复习巩固数字 1-12。2.完成听力练习,并能熟练运用句型。难点能在所提供的语境中进行对话练习。教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图导入新课一Lets read. 读数字 1-12.二. Lets play.两组进行比赛,每组分别按顺序读数字,看哪组读的又快又对。能够配合老师完成游戏,在游戏中复习上节课单词。 游戏过程复习了单词,游戏形式是学生乐于接受的也是活跃课堂气氛的方法之一。讲授新课一. Listen and join the dots.1. 播放听力并连接圆点。2. 核对答案。二. Read the numbers.按照图中顺序读数字。三. Listen, point and fill. 1.播放听力,指出图片并标出序号。2.核对答案。四 Listen and fill. Then ask and answer.1. 播放录音,根据录音内容填空。2. 两人一组进行对话练习。 五PairworkPoint and act it out. 和同伴进行对话表演,可任意指出图片再进行对认真听材料将听到的内容的圆点连起来,组成一幅图画。继续听第二个听力练习,按听到的顺序标号,听的过程中注意重点,掌握听力技巧;通过“听”的形式巩固词汇和句型,训练学生听的能力。同时通过听力训练,培养学生听读和书写的好习惯,同时也是对学生综合能力的话练习。六. Practice1. 写出数字的左邻右舍。2选出正确答案。七、Summary -Whats your name? -My name is -What time is it? -Its -What colour is it? -Its -Whats this? -Its a -Whats on the table? -八、Homework1、和同伴仿照课文 Part 8 内容进行表演;2、复习并默写本单元单词;3、复习并熟读本单元课文。小组内合作完成表演任务,互相检查对本单元的掌握情况并打分。积极配合老师完成练习。培养;针对性的完成学习目标;学习形式生动多样化,使学生集中注意力,同时保持学习的积极性。课堂小结这节课的教学任务目标是巩固句型如何询问价格并作答:-How much is/are ? -Its /Theyre 这节课的教学任务目标是通过听,说,读等形式的语言活动,帮助学生复习本单元的重点词汇和功能句,检测学生能否综合运用所学知识,完成相关练习。通过各种题型的反复练习,使学生掌握本单元的重点内容。板书Starter unit Good to see you again-Whats your name? -My name is -What time is it? -Its -What colour is it? -Its -Whats this? -Its a -Whats on the table? -Starter unit Good to see you again 第四课时第四课时 习题习题一、选出和所给单词同类的一项。一、选出和所给单词同类的一项。( ) 1. eight A. eraser B. ten C. apple( ) 2. morning A. afternoon B. time C. old( ) 3. white A. bike B. black C. tiger( ) 4. open A. clap B. arm C. hand( ) 5. guitar A. play B. piano C. the二、单项选择题。二、单项选择题。( ) 1. -_ is the shirt? -Its yellow. A. How B. What colour C. What( ) 2. -Open the door. -_. A. OK B. Open it C. No.( ) 3. -How old is the boy? -_. A. He is tall B. He is fine C. He is eight( ) 4. What colour _ the pens?A. are B. is C. am( ) 5. -_is it? -Its nine oclock.A. How old B. How C. What time三、三、根据答语写出问句。根据答语写出问句。1. -_-I am eleven years old.2. -_-Its six oclock.3. -_-My pen is red.4. -_-This is a schoolbag.Starter unit Good to see you again 第四课时第四课时 答案答案一、一、【考点】复习词汇,考查对单词的识记。【答案】1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. B二、【解析】1. 根据答语 yellow 可知提问颜色,用 what colour,故答案为 B。2. 前句是表请求命令的“请打开门”,可回答“好的”OK,故答案为 A。3. how old“几岁”,提问年龄,故答案为 C。4. 主语是复数,be 动词用 are,故答案为 A。5. 答语是 9 点,应用 what time 提问,故答案为 C。【答案】1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. C三、【解析】 1. 根据答语“我 11 岁”可知提问年龄用 how old,故答案为 How old are you?2. 根据答语“现在 6 点”可知提问时间用 what time,故答案为 What time is it? 3. 根据答语“我的钢笔是红色的”可知提问颜色用 what colour,故答案为 What colour is your pen?4. 根据答语“这是一个书包”可知提问事物用 what,故答案为 What is this?【答案】1. How old are you?2. What time is it?3. What colour is your pen?4. What is this?外研剑桥版 三年级下Starter unit Good to see you again第第四课时四课时Lets read. onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnineten eleventwelveLets play.12846两组进行比赛,每组分别按顺序读数字,看哪两组进行比赛,每组分别按顺序读数字,看哪组读的又快又对。组读的又快又对。36759412111287Time 1Time 2Listen and join the dots.Read the numbers.Listen, point and fill.Listen and point. Then fill in the numbers.23456Listen and fill. Then ask and answer.-_?-_ Bob.Whats your nameImListen and fill. Then ask and answer.-_?-Its _.What time is ittwoListen and fill. Then ask and answer.-_?-My guitar.Whats thisListen and fill. Then ask and answer.-_, please.-Yes, Miss.Open the windowListen and fill. Then ask and answer.-_?- A _, an_ and two _.Whats on his tableschoolbageraserbooksListen and fill. Then ask and answer.-_?-Its _, _ and _.What colour is itbluewhiteredPairwork.Point and act it out.Time for exercise一、写出数字的左邻右舍。一、写出数字的左邻右舍。1.one _ three2._ five _3._ eight _4.nine _ _5._ four _twosixfourtennineseveneleventhreefiveTime for exercise二、选出正确答案。二、选出正确答案。( ) 1. -_ is it? -Its 8 oclock. A. What B. How C. What time( ) 2. -What color is it? -Its _. A. blue B. an apple C. a tiger( ) 3. Its hot. _ the window. A. Opens B. Open C. CloseCABMake a summaryWhat have we learned today?1、学习了、学习了P5的内容。的内容。2、完成听力练习。、完成听力练习。3. 复习句型:复习句型: -Whats your name? -My name is -What time is it? -Its -What colour is it? -Its -Whats this? -Its a -Whats on the table? -Homework1、和同伴仿照、和同伴仿照Part 4内容进行对话练习;内容进行对话练习;2、复习并默写本单元单词;、复习并默写本单元单词;3、复习并熟读本单元课文。、复习并熟读本单元课文。
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