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外研剑桥版英语六年级下册外研剑桥版英语六年级下册 Revision2Revision2 第二课时教学设计第二课时教学设计课题 Revision2单元1学科英语年级六(下)学习目标1.学生能够问和答 When/What/Where/Do/Is/Are/Can/Have.2.学生能够在读完文章之后能够判断对错。3. 学习能够学会小组合作。重点1. 能听懂,会说单词:class,caught, Jew.2. 学会短语: in Year 1,get into, go on3. 能对本篇课文句子熟读并背诵。难点能熟练掌握重点单词跟句子。教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图导入新课Game time.用转到的疑问词造句When/What/Where/Do/Is/Can/How.能够配合老师进行疑问词的造句,并走进这节课学习。 在拼写后,老师将话题自然引入本单元教学内容。讲授新课一、Group work.1.初步通读图片上的句子。2.回答图片中涉及的问题。Lets play.掷骰子游戏说明:学生拿一个骰子掷一下,走到哪回答哪个格子里的问题。四人一组轮流,第一个人记住走到哪,第二轮再从刚刚回答的问题开始往后继续。3.解读课文。How old were you in Year 1?in Year 1:一年级拓展:一年级还可以用 Grade 1、first grade 表示。注:in the year of+年份:在年学习回答问句问题,会读会写。学生轮流回答问题。学习词汇时注意模仿发音,力争发音准确 到位。学习总结新的词汇,从而更能激发学生的学习积极性。预设问题,有目的性的讨论问题并引出将要学习的新词汇;例如:in the year of 2020 在 2020 年二、Listen and read.1.读课文,了解具体内容。2.Lets tick. 1. Anne loved reading and watching films. 2. Anne couldnt go to see films because she had no money. 3. Annes family had to hide because they were Jews. 4. Anne had got a pet dog. It was Kitty. 5. Annes best friend was her diary. 6. Anne dreamed of becoming a writer. 7. Anne died in 1943 after they were caught. 三、Lets answer.根据课文回答问题。 When and where was Anne born? Anne was born in Germany on 12 June1929.What did Anne love? Anne loved reading.Why couldnt she get into the cinema? Because she was a Jew.四、Lets talk.讲故事老师带领学生,让学生讲一个自己熟悉的少年英雄小故事。同学之间进行分享。五、解读文章Anne liked watching films, but she couldnt get into the cinema because she was a Jew.六、Lets tick. 学生观察图片选择正确的答案。七、Lets tick.根据课文内容给句子画对钩。根据课文回答问题。让学生讲一个自己知道的英雄小故事。通过前面谈论的内容引出本课新词汇,使学生带着好奇的心理去引导学生用各种形式读单词,不断深入学习,加深印象。通过反复的听说读训练,巩固词汇;针对性的完成学习目标;学习形式生动多样化,使学生集中注意力,同时保持学习的积极性。 根据上一张 PPT 的内容,举一反三,回答问题。八、Lets draw.Draw lines.Then write the questions and answers in your notebook.九、Lets play.连锁提问(1)这个游戏由两组竞赛。甲组第一人问乙组第一人一个问题(如 Can you tell me the way to the hospital?),乙组第一人回答后立即问甲组第二人另一个问题(如 What are the children doing under the big tree?)。甲组第二人回答后立即问乙组第二人第三个问题(如 Where did your family go on New Years Day?)。(2)这样依次进行,直到两组学生全都问答过。提问或回答有错要扣分。最后扣分少的组获胜。十、Lets write.通过原来学过的内容,题目中的断句合成一句完整的句子。1.Can you tell me the way to the hospital?Go straight ahead.Its beside the park.2.What are the children doing under the big tree?They are listening to music.3.Where did your family go on New Years Day?We went to our grandparents.4.Do you sometimes dream of becoming a scientist?Yes,I do.5.When are you going to have your get-together?Tomorrow evening.解读文章Where did your family go on New Years 和同学一起阅读理解本课知识点。掌握所学知识,理解它们之间的差别。Day?We went to our grandparents.go on:继续(做);进行;发生;继续;持续;(时间)流逝,过去;(做完某事后)进而,接着(做另一件事);继续前往;继续说下去;十一、Time for exercise(一)按要求,写单词。1. get(过去式) got2.class(复数) classes3.caught(原型) catch(二)连线。go on caught Jew in Year 1 犹太人 继续 一年级 抓住十二、Make a summary1、学习了 P52-P54 的内容。2、学习了一些新的单词: class,caught, Jew 等。3、学习了短语: in Year 1,get into, go on 等。十三、Homework1、全英熟读该课课文;2、理解课文;3、用所学的问句跟同学互动。观察图片回答问题。做游戏巩固句型。和同学一起学习的训练。做练习熟悉上课所学的重点内容。积极配合老师完成练习。掌握所学内容。完成家庭作业。课堂小结这节课的教学任务目标是学习单词和句子class,caught, Jew, in Year 1,get into, go on本课为新授课,词汇的学习主要通过听,跟读为主要形式。通过灵活多样,丰富多彩的课堂形式的进行,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,增强他们的自信心,通过教学评价的开展,让学生体验到成就感,促进学生学习和发展。板书Revision21.class,caught, Jew2. in Year 1,get into, go onRevision2 第二课时第二课时 习题习题一、翻译。一、翻译。1. Whats your favourite food? 2. What day was yesterday? 3. How old were you in Year 1? 二、单项选择题。二、单项选择题。( ) 1. Ann was born China.A.in B.on C.at( ) 2.She couldnt into the cinema.A.get B.gets C.getting( ) 3. I want to useful.A.am B.be C.are ( ) 4. Anne made diary her best friend.A.she B.her C.hers( ) 5.I liked films before.A.watch B.watches C.watching三、三、根据情景,选出正确的答案。根据情景,选出正确的答案。( ) 1.当你想告诉别人直着向前走,你会说:A.Go straight ahead.B.Wait a moment.C.Hurry up!( ) 2.当你想告诉此处不要游泳时,你会说:A.Dont swim here.B.Dont speak loudly.C.Thats ok.( ) 3.当你想告诉别人你喜欢弹吉他时,你会说:A.I love play football.B.I love playing guitar.C.I love playing the guitar.Revision2 第二课时第二课时 答案答案一、一、【解析】该题考查句子的识记【答案】1.你最喜欢的食物是什么?2. 昨天是星期几?3. 你在 1 年级的时候多大?二、【解析】1.在中国出生,表示较大的地方用 in。故答案为 A。2.couldnt 后面加动词原形。故答案为 A。3.want to 后面加动词原形,所以用 be。故选 B。4.这句话的意思是安娜把她的日记当作她最好的朋友。故选 B。 5.like+doing,故用 watching。故选 C。【答案】1. A 2. A 3. B 4. B 5.C 三、【答案】 1.A 2.A 3. C外研剑桥版 六年级下Revision2第二课时用转到的疑问词造句。whencan howdowherewhoiswhatGame time.例如:-Where are you from? -Im from China.Group work.Play in groups and see who is the first to FINISH.Lets play.掷骰子掷骰子游戏说明:游戏说明:学生拿一个骰子学生拿一个骰子掷一下,走到哪回答哪个掷一下,走到哪回答哪个格子里的问题格子里的问题。四人一组轮流,第一个人记住走到哪。四人一组轮流,第一个人记住走到哪,第二轮再从刚刚回答的问题开始往后继续。,第二轮再从刚刚回答的问题开始往后继续。Lets learn.How old were you in Year 1?in Year 1:一年级 = Grade 1注:in the year of+年份:在年例如:in the year of 2020 在2020年Listen and read.Anne Frank - a child heroAnne was born in Germany on 12 June1929. When she was very little, she loved reading. In 1942, Annes dad gave her a diary for her 13th birthday. Then she began to write in it.Anne liked watching films, but she couldnt get into the cinema because she was a Jew.In fact, her family had to hide and they couldnt go outside. So Anne made her diary her best friend. She called it Kitty. She wanted to write something great. She dreamed of becoming a writer! But she died at the age of 15 because she and her family were caught.In her famous diary Anne said, I want to be useful or bring enjoyment to all people.I want to go on living even after I die!Listen and read.Then tick()Ture or False.进入原型:catch犹太人Lets tick. True False1. Anne loved reading and watching films. 2. Anne couldnt go to see films because she had no money. 3. Annes family had to hide because they were Jews. 4. Anne had got a pet dog. It was Kitty. 5. Annes best friend was her diary. 6. Anne dreamed of becoming a writer. 7. Anne died in 1943 after they were caught.Lets answer.When and where was Anne born? When and where was Anne born? 根据课文回答问题。根据课文回答问题。 Anne Anne was born was born in Germany on 12 June1929in Germany on 12 June1929. .What did Anne love? What did Anne love? Anne Anne loved reading.loved reading.Why couldnt she get into the cinema? Why couldnt she get into the cinema? Because she was a JewBecause she was a Jew. .Lets talk.讲故事讲故事老师带领学生,让学生讲一个自己熟悉的老师带领学生,让学生讲一个自己熟悉的少年英雄小故事。同学之间进行分享。少年英雄小故事。同学之间进行分享。Lets tick.1.Which is the biggest?volleyball basketball footballLook and tick()the answer.2.Who is the tallest? Kate Sam MikeWho is the oldest? Grandpa Tim FatherLets tick.1.Which is the bigger?volleyball basketball football Look and tick()the answer.2.Who is the smallest? Kate MikeSam Who is the youngest? Grandpa Tim FatherLets draw.Draw lines.Then write the questions and answers in your notebook.Can you tell mebecoming a scientist?Theyre listening to music.What are the childrenWhere did your familyDo you sometimes dream ofto have your get-together?the way to the hospital?When are you goingdoing under the big tree?go on New Years Day?Tomorrow evening.We went to our grandparents.Go straight ahead.Its beside the park.Yes,I do.Lets play.连锁提问连锁提问(1 1)这个游戏由两组竞赛。甲组第一人问乙组第一人一个问题)这个游戏由两组竞赛。甲组第一人问乙组第一人一个问题( (如如Can you tell me the way to the hospital?) ),乙组第一人回答后立即,乙组第一人回答后立即问甲组第二人另一个问题问甲组第二人另一个问题( (如如What are the children doing under the big tree?) )。甲组第二人回答后立即问乙组第二人第三个问题。甲组第二人回答后立即问乙组第二人第三个问题( (如如Where did your family go on New Years Day?) )。(2)(2)这样依次进行,直到两组学生全都问答过。提问或回答有错要扣这样依次进行,直到两组学生全都问答过。提问或回答有错要扣分。最后扣分少的组获胜。分。最后扣分少的组获胜。Lets write.1.Can you tell me the way to the hospital?Go straight ahead.Its beside the park.5.Wtogether?hen are you going to have your get-2.What are the children doing under the big tree?They are listening to music.3.Where did your family go on New Years Day?We went to our grandparents.4.Do you sometimes dream of becoming a scientist?Yes, I do.Tomorrow evening.1.Can you tell me the way to the hospital?2.What are the children doing under the big tree?3.Where did your family go on New Years Day?in year 1 Jewenjoymentcaughtgo on get intoclassTime for exercise一、按要求,写单词。1. get(过去式)2.class(复数)3.caught(原型)gotclassescatchTime for exercise二、连线。go on caught Jew in Year 1 一年级抓住继续犹太人Make a summaryWhat have we learned today?1、学习了P52-P54的内容。2、学习了一些新的单词: class,caught, Jew等。3、学习了短语: in Year 1,get into, go on等。Homework1、全英熟读该课课文;2、理解课文;3、用所学的问句跟同学互动。
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