(精)外研剑桥版六年级下册英语Unit 5 I love reading 第四课时(Part5a,5b)ppt课件+教案+习题.zip

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外研剑桥版 六年级下Unit5Ilovereading第四课时jumpedopenedGame time 点击发射植物大战僵尸 植物大战僵尸! 发射炮弹, 快速读出炮弹打出的单词或短语, 一起打跑僵尸吧!sawLetsListen听音频,完成短文。PengHaitaoisagoodpupilatschool.Helovesreading, and ususllyreads books in thelibrary after school.Yesterday afternoon he_backhomefromthelibrary.He_abig box on his desk, and the box _veryheavy.camesawwasLetsListen听老师读,完成短文。“Whatsinit?”He_thebox.There_tennewstorybooksinit.Thenhe_Mum and Dad come in.”Happy birthday,Haitao!Theseareforyou.”Wow,great!”Haitao_upwithjoy!”Thankyou,Mum.Thamkyou,Dad.”openedhearedwerejumpedLetsread.spiderman蜘蛛侠Thespidermanisgoodatcatchingbadmanwithhisweb.Letsread.初步通读课文,学习课文内容。Which sentence is the most Which sentence is the most important in each important in each poster?Underline the poster?Underline the sentences,then discuss in sentences,then discuss in groups.groups.My favourite comic is Spiderman.The hero of the story is a man.He can climb houses.Spiderman fights bad people.My favourite book is called Gold. It is a story about the people in a small village in California.They find gold and this is the beginning of lots of problems.The heroine of the story is a girl,Sandra.She,her friend and other children run away.Then people understand that the gold is not so important. Who is the hero of Spiderman?What can Spiderman do?Spiderman.He can climb houses and catch bad man in a web. What do people understand at the end in the story of Gold?They understand that the gold is not so important.Look and sayTheheroofthestoryisablackcat.Whats the hero?What do he do?Hecatchesbadmice.Who is he?HeisSunWukong.HehelpsTangSanzang.Hefightsmonsters.Letslearnthebeginningoflotsofproblemsbeginningof在.开始的时候;例句Itmarksthebeginningofanewerainhumanhistory.这标志着人类历史新纪元的开始。lotsofadj. 许多;很多;例句Therearelotsofpeopletherewhocanactuallyhelpyou.那里有很多人可以真正帮上你的忙。LetslearnThenpeopleunderstandthatthegoldisnotsoimportant.understandv.懂;理解;领会;了解;例句Inmyexperience,veryfewpeoplereallyunderstandtheproblem.据我的经验看,真正理解这个问题的人很少。understand后可接that引导的宾语从句。例句Iquiteunderstandthatyouneedsometimealone.我很理解你需要独自静一会。Timeforexercise英汉对对碰男主角 climbhouses女主角 run away爬房子 hero逃离 heroinefight 战斗Timeforexercise写出汉语意思1、My favourite comic is Spiderman. 2、The hero of the story is a man.3、Then people understand tat the gold is not so important.我最喜欢的漫画是蜘蛛侠。故事里的 男主角是一个男人。最后人们明白了金子不是最重要的。Timeforexercise选出正确答案。()1.Myfavouritebookis_Gold.A.callB.calledC.calls()2.Theheroine_thestoryisagirl.A.ofB.toC.with()3.He_thebadmaninaweb.A.catchB.catchingC.catchesBACTimeforexercise My favourite story/cartoon is . The hero/heroine is a boy/girl. He/She is . years old. The book/cartoon is full of interesting stories/a lot of fan/a very good read.Write your own posterMakeasummaryWhathavewelearnedtoday?1、学习了P42-P43的内容。2、学习了一些新的单词:spiderman等。3、做练习题.Homework1、全英熟读该课课文;2、理解课文;3、预习P44,尝试背背本节篇课文。外研剑桥版英语六年级上册外研剑桥版英语六年级上册 Unit5 第四课时教学设计第四课时教学设计课题 I love reading单元5学科英语年级六(上)学习目标1. 能听懂,会说单词:spider,understand,了解短语:the beginning of。2. 能对本篇课文熟读并背诵。3. 能和同伴交流展示自己喜欢的书籍,提高自己英语的听说能力。重点1. 能听懂,会说单词:spider,understand,了解短语:the beginning of。 2. 能对本篇课文熟读并背诵。3. 能和同伴交流展示自己喜欢的书籍,提高自己英语的听说能力。难点能熟练掌握课文中的单词和句子。教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图复习旧课Game time看图片读单词,看谁说的又快又正确。配合老师复习上节课所讲的重点内容引导学生复习旧课内容导入新课Lets listen. 听音频,引导学生进入本课关于读书的学习,填空并回答问题。 Peng Haitao is a good pupil at school.He loves reading,He ususlly reads books in the library after school.Yesterday afternoon he _ back home from the library.He _ a big box on his desk, and the box _very heavy. “Whats in it?”He _the box.There _ten new storybooks in it.Then he_ Mum and Dad come in.”“Happy birthday ,Haitao!These are for you.”“Wow,great!”Haitao _up with joy!”Thank you,Mum.Thamk you,Dad.” 能够配合老师听音频,并走进这节读书的学习。 在听完音频时老师将话题自然引入本单元教学内容。讲授新课一. Lets read. 1.出示本课重点词汇。 Spider 蜘蛛侠2.初步通读课文,学习课文内容,出示课文图片。Answer:Who is the hero of Spiderman? Spiderman .What can Spiderman do? He can climb houses and catch bad man in a web. What do people understand at the end in the story of Gold? They understand that the gold is not so important.二Look and sayWhats the hero? What do he do?The hero of the story is a black cat.He catches bad mice.Who is he?He is Sun Wukong. He helps Tang Sanzang. He fights monsters. 三Lets learn1.the beginning of lots of problems学习新词汇,会读。和同学一起阅读理解本课知识点。学生理解掌握本节课重点句学习总结新的词汇,从而更能激发学生的学习积极性。预设问题,有目的性的讨论问题并引出将要学习的新词汇;通过前面谈论的内容引出本课的话题,使学生带着好奇的心理去交流。引导学生的发散思维,鼓励学生谈谈自己最喜欢的动漫或书,不断深入学习,加深印象。通过教师讲解,学生理解掌握本课重点句型,熟知适用语境,达到学以致用。beginning of 在.开始的时候; 例句 It marks the beginning of a new era in human history. 这标志着人类历史新纪元的开始。lots of adj.许多; 很多;例句There are lots of people there who can actually help you.那里有很多人可以真正帮上你的忙。2.Then people understand that the gold is not so important.understand v.懂; 理解; 领会; 了解; 例句In my experience, very few people really understand the problem.据我的经验看,真正理解这个问题的人很少。understand 后可接 that 引导的宾语从句。例句I quite understand that you need some time alone. 我很理解你需要独自静一会。四Time for exercise1.连连看男主角 climb houses 女主角 run away 爬房 hero 逃离 heroine 战斗 fight 型。2.写出汉语意思My favourite comic is Spiderman. 我最喜欢的连环画是蜘蛛侠。The hero of the story is a man.故事里的男主角是一个男人。Then people understand that the gold is not so important.最后人们懂得了金子不是那么重要。3.选出正确答案。( B ) 1. My favourite book is_Gold. A. call B. called C. calls ( A ) 2. The heroine _ the story is a girl. A. of B. to C. with( C ) 3. He _ the bad man in a web . A. catch B. catching C. catches 4.Write your own poster My favourite story/cartoon is .The hero/heroine is a boy/girl.He/She is . years old.The book/cartoon is full of interesting stories/a lot of fan/a very good read.通过反复练习让学生掌握本节课重点句子积极配合老师完成练习。能够用英文说明自己喜欢的书或故事。通过反复的听说读训练,熟练运用句型;针对性的完成学习目标;学习形式生动多样化,使学生集中注意力,同时保持学习的积极性。引导学生掌握复习重点内容。课堂小结这节课的教学任务目标是学习单词 spider,句子My favourite book/cartoon is .The hero/heroine is a .本课为新授课,句子的学习主要通过听,跟读为主要形式。通过灵活多样,丰富多彩的课堂形式的进行,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,增强他们的自信心,通过教学评价的开展,让学生体验到成就感,促进学生学习和发展。板书Unit 4 accident1.Spider2.My favourite book/cartoon is .The hero/heroine is .Unit 5 I love reading 第四课时第四课时 习题习题一、按要求写出下列词语的正确形式。一、按要求写出下列词语的正确形式。1. see(过去式)_2. read(三单形式)_ 3. laugh(过去式)_ 4. come(过去式)_ 5. is(过去式)_ 二、单项选择题。二、单项选择题。( ) 1. It is a story _ the people _ a small village.A. of, in B. about, in C. about, of( ) 2. The spider_ bad people.A. catches B. catch C. catching( ) 3. He can _ houses. A. climb B. climbs C. climbing( ) 4. 表示去跑开、逃离的词组_。A. go home B. run away C. come back( ) 5. 表示网的单词_ 。A.spider B. web C.gold三、连词成句。三、连词成句。1. at Peng Haitao good school is pupil a. _2. He came yesterday library from the home back. _3. Cartoon favourite Tom and Jerry my is. _4. called my is Gold book favourite. _5. Hero the man is story of the a ._6. People gold so is then understand not that important the ._4、阅读短文,判断正误。阅读短文,判断正误。My favourite book is called Gold. It is a story about the people in a small village in California.They find gold and this is the beginning of lots of problems.The heroine of the story is a girl, Sandra.She,her friend and other children run away.Then people understand that the gold is not so important. 1. Gold is the name of the story book.( )2. The story happened in the city in California.( )3. At last,people think gold is so important.( )4. Sandra is the heroine of the story. ( )Unit 5 I love reading 第四课时第四课时 答案答案一、一、按要求写出下列词语的正确形式。【考点】该题考查词汇的识记【答案】1saw 2reads 3laughed 4came 5was 二、单项选择题。【解析】1. It was a story about the people in a small village. 这是一个关于一个小村庄村民的故事。故答案为 B。2. The spider fights bad man.蜘蛛侠和坏人战斗。 蜘蛛侠为单数第三人称,所以后面接的动词要发生三单变化,故答案为 A。3. He can climb houses.他能飞檐走壁。 主语后为情态动词 can,所以后面所接动词用原型,所以填 climb。故答案为 A。7. 跑开、逃离的翻译为:run away。故选 B。5. spider 意为“蜘蛛侠”,web 意为“网”, gold 意为“金子”故选 B。 【答案】1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. B三、连词成句。【答案】 1. Peng Haitao is a good pupil at school. 2. Yesterday he came back home from the library.3. My favourite cartoon is Tom and Jerry 4. My favourite book is called Gold.2. The hero of the story is a man. 3. Then people understand that the gold is not so important.四、阅读短文。【答案】1. 2. 3. 4.
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