湖北省武穴市教研室2011秋九年级英语12月竞赛试题 人教新目标版(Word版,有答案).doc

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1、湖北省武穴市教研室 2011秋九年级英语 12月竞赛试题 人教新目标版 (总分: 100分 时间: 120分钟) 提示:请同学们将答案做在答题卡相应的位置,否则不计分。 第一部分 听力部分(共 30分) 第一节:请听下面 10 段对话及问题,从 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出正确的回答。每段对话听一遍。( 10 分) ( )1. A. Basketball. B. Soccer. C. Baseball. ( )2. A. Writing. B. Speaking. C. Listening. ( )3. A. Sleeping. B. Homework. C. Housework. ( )4

2、. A. The Opera House. B. The Eiffel Tower. C. The Great Wall. ( )5. A. At home. B. In a library. C. In a bank. ( )6. A. He thought it s boring. B. He thought it s moving.C. He thought it s interesting. ( )7. A. Moms. B. Tims. C. Toms. ( )8. A. Amy. B. Tom. C. Bob. ( )9. A. Their family members. B. C

3、hina s geography. C. The Long March. ( )10. A. Five. B. Three. C. Eight. 第二节:请听下面四段长对话,从 A、 B、 C中三个选项中 选出能回答问题的正确选项。 每段对话听两遍。( 12分) 听第 11 段对话,完成第 11、 12小题。 ( ) 11. What are they talking about? A. Fish. B. Snakes. C. Pets. ( ) 12. Which kind of pet is cute and friendly? A. A cat. B. A parrot. C. A fi

4、sh. 听第 12 段对话,完成第 13-15小题。 ( )13. Where did the man go this morning? A. To a zoo. B. To a school. C. To a shop. ( )14. What happened to him? A. He lost the bag. B. He lost the keys. C. He lost his cap. ( )15. How did he get it back? A. The bus company sent it back to him. B. He went to the bus compa

5、ny to get it back. C. The driver sent it back to him. 听第 13 段对话,完成第 16-18小题。 ( )16. Why is Li Hua going to Beijing? A. Because he wants to visit some good friends there. B. Because he wants to look for job there. C. Because he wants to spend his holidays. ( )17.How many times has Li Hua been there?

6、A. Many times. B. Once. C. Never. ( )18. How will he go there? A. By air. B. By train. C. By sea. 听第 14 段对话,完成第 19-22小题。 ( )19. When does the boy want to see a movie? A. This Friday. B. This Saturday. C. This Sunday. ( )20. Which movie can the boy watch? A. The Sound of Music. B. My Father s Birthda

7、y. C. Black September. ( )21. What can we get from this conversation? A. The boy needs one ticket for his mother. B. The movie starts at 8:00 in the morning. C. The boy thinks the tickets are too expensive. ( )22. How much does the ticket cost? A. 60 dollars. B. 16 dollars. C. 60 yuan. 第三节:听下面一段独白,从

8、 A、 B、 C三个选项中选出能回答问题的选项。 (共 8分 ) 听第一段独白,完成第 23-26 小题。 ( )23.I began to write my own original sentences using _ I was learning. A. the phrases B. the grammar C. the words ( )24.Why couldn t I understand every word that the teacher spoke? A. Because I couldn t know the meaning of every word. B. Becaus

9、e I couldn t learn the grammar. C. Because the teacher spoke too quickly. ( )25. Who might laugh at me when I spoke English? A. My friends. B. My classmates. C. My schoolmates. ( )26. How is my English now? A. Not bad. B. Not very good. C. Terrible. 听第二段独白 ,完成 27-30小题 ( )27.Why did Mr Smith keep the

10、 cards last year? A. He didn t know who he should send them to. B. His wife didn t ask him to post them. C. He forgot to post them before Christmas. ( )28.What did she asked her husband to do? A. To write the cards. B. To buy some stamps. C. To do some cooking. ( )29.Who did she buy the cards for? A

11、. Mrs Smith s friends B. Both of their friends. C. Her husband s friends ( )30. Where did she talk with her husband? A. In the post office. B. At her home. C. In the store. 第二部分 基础知识运用与综合阅读 (共 40 分 ) 第一节:单项选择。请从下列 A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中选出能填入空白的选项。( 5分) ( )31.-_ did your uncle leave his hometown? -He _ for

12、nearly 10 years. A. When, has left B. When, has been away C. How long, has left D. How long, has been away ( )32.The price in the hotel is too_, let s find a cheaper one. A. cheap B. expensive C. high D. low ( )33.-Few students can understand the sentence until it _ twice or three times. -Oh, it s r

13、eally difficult. A. explains B. will be explained C. is explained D. has explained ( )34. Would you like to watch the movie Hero this evening? -Yes, I d like to. But if you don t go, _. A. so do I B. so I will C. neither will I D. neither do I ( )35.-Excuse me, Stevie. Could I _ your English-Chinese

14、 dictionary? -Yes. Here you are. You can_ it as long as you like. A. borrow, borrow B. use, lend C. use, borrow D. borrow, keep ( )36.-Great changes have taken place in Wuxue. -I agree with you. Who can tell me _ it will be like in _five years? A. how, other B. what, more C. how, another D. what, an

15、other ( )37.-Did you have anyone _ the trees? -Yes, I had the trees _. A. to water, water B. to water, watered C. water, to be watered D. water, watered ( )38.-He didn t go to the lecture this morning, did he? -_, though he was not feeling well. A. Yes, he did B. No, he didn t C. No, he did D. Yes,

16、he didn t ( )39. What shouldnt do as a teenager if an “internet friend” w ants to meet you? A. Tell your parents about it. B. Agree to meet in a public place. C. Ask some friends to go with you. D. Go to meet him or her alone. ( )40.What would you do if you cut yourself? A. Not care about it B. Lie

17、down and rest if the cut is deep. C. Cover the cut with a clean cloth and press it hard if the cut isn t deep. D. Put the cut under the water. (1) Daily direct flights(航班 ) from the mainland to Taiwan have begun Now Taiwan passengers can fly to the mainland directly across the Taiwan Strait and retu

18、rn in one day They no longer need to stop at a third place It s very convenient(方便的 )for people in Taiwan, especially for businessmen Passengers and businessmen in Taiwan have waited for this for a long time And now, they are very excited A Taiwan businessman said,“ I can return in one day It s help

19、ful for my business” A passenger said,“ Many people are so excited that they can not fall asleep” In the past, passengers had to change the flights in Hong Kong, whether to the mainland or to Taiwan. It was as long as two and a half hours flight between Shanghai and Taipei, but now it saves 80 minut

20、es But some passengers say the tickets are too expensive. Dennis Tien, general manager of Trans Asia Airways, said,“ If the supply exceeds the demand(供给超过需求 ), the ticket prices will decrease It seems possible in the near future” 41.The passengers can fly to the mainland across the Taiwan Strait and

21、 return in one day because of _. A. a better plane B. a faster plane C. direct flights D. both A and B 42.Dennis Tien is a _. A. businessman B. businessman manager C. leader of Trans Asia Airways D. manager of shop 43. The people in the mainland and in Taiwan are excited because _. A. they can spend

22、 less time flying to Taiwan or the mainland B. people can fly to visit their friends C. they can spend more time in flying to Taiwan or the mainland D. they can fly to the mainland on business (2) It was Mothers Day John was so busy with his work that he couldn t go back home When he passed by a flo

23、wer shop in the evening, an idea came to his mind“ I ll send Mum some roses” While John was picking his flowers, a young man went inside“ How many roses can I get for only five dollars, Madam?” he asked The assistant was trying to tell him roses were as expensive as forty dollars a dozen(一打 ) Maybe he would be happy with carnations(康乃馨 ) “ No I have to have red roses” He said,“ My mum was badly ill last year and I didn t get to spend much time with her Now I want to get something special, it has to be roses as rose is her favorite” After


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