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外研剑桥版英语五年级下册外研剑桥版英语五年级下册 Revision 1 第三课时教学设计第三课时教学设计课题 Revision单元1学科英语年级五(下)学习目标1. 能读懂有关农场生活的对话并能运用相关句型交流信息。2.学会跟同学用重点句型互动。3.能对本篇课文熟读并背诵。重点1. 能听懂,会说短语:please, thousands of2. 学会跟同学用重点句型互动。3. 能对本篇课文熟读并背诵。难点能熟练掌握重点单词跟句子。教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图导入新课What are you going to do this weekend?这个周末你准备做什么?通过问句引入今天的话题。 在巩固后,老师将话题自然引入本单元教学内容。讲授新课一、Lets listen.Listen and fill in the numbers.听录音,选择合适的选项进行配对。2、Lets read and match.4.Tom wants to eat some more cake.3.Tom asks Connie for help.2.Mrs Lee wants to open the window.1.Mrs Lee asks Tom to open the window.听录音,读课文。NO.1 W:Tomorrow is Saturday.What will you do Frank? M:I will go and play football.NO.2 M:Linda,I hear you go to bed at home this 听录音,完成配对。根据录音排序。学习总结新的词汇,从而更能激发学生的学习积极性。预设问题,有目的性的讨论问题并引出将要学习的新词汇;evening. W:Yeah,today is Joes birthday.Here is her birthday party.NO.3 W:What program will you watch tomorrow morning? M:I watch NBA at 7:15a.m.I love basketball.NO.4 M:My mother will take me to London for the summer holiday. W:Oh,great!You can see Big Ben.三、Ask and answer.What will you do this weekend?I will.例:I will see a movie.四、Lets learn.解读课文。pleaseplease:(用于客气地请求或吩咐)请,请问;(用于加强请求或陈述的语气)请千万,请务必,的确please 是一个表示礼貌的副词。它常见的位置是位于句首或句末,表示请求。例句:Help me lift this box,please. 请帮我提一下这个箱子。Can I 和 Can you 的区别:can I:表示我能干什么吗?询问他人我能干某事吗?(自己干不用加 please)can you:表示你能干什么吗?请求别人帮忙。(请别人干加 please 更加礼貌)五、Lets write.根据例句自己练习造句。-Can I close the door,Tom?同桌之间互动。学习重点短语,会读会写。学习词汇时注意模仿发音,力争发音准确 到位。根据所学知识通过前面谈论的内容引出本课新词汇,使学生带着好奇的心理去引导学生用各种形式读单词,不断深入学习,加深印象。通过反复的听说读训练,巩固词汇;针对性的完成学习目标;学习形式生动多样化,使学生集中注意力,同时保持学习的积极性。-Yes,of course.-Can you get the book for Bill, please?-Yes,I can.六、Lets consider.带着问题读课文。Where are they for holiday?Does Joe like it there?Why does Joe think it is boring there?How about Dick?七、Lets listen. Listen to the conversation.Then read and talk with your friends if you want to live on a farm.1. Lets answer.回答问题。Where are they for holiday?Dick and Joe are on a farm for holiday.Does Joe like it there?No,he doesnt.Why does Joe think it is boring there?Because there are no computers. He cant use the Internet. There are no KTVs. He cant go singing. And the old TV doesnt work sometimes!There are no hamburgers and no pizzas.How about Dick?She is lovely here.2.解读课文At night,we can see thousands of stars in the sky.thousand:千thousand 用在前面表示具体数词时,表示千,thousand 不加-s。结构:数字/a+thousand+可数名词复数造句。带着问题读。增强学生的学习兴趣。回答问题。掌握所学知识,理解它们之间的差别。例如:five thousand boxes 五千个盒子thousands of:表示“数以计千的,成千上万的”。结构:thousands of+可数名词复数例如:thousands of years 几千年八、Discuss and write. 和同学讨论如果你住在农场并模仿对话写下相关内容。There are no hamburgers and no pizzas.We can eat different fruits and vegetables on the farm. Thats great!九、Lets read. 读并记住重点单词。十、Time for exercise.(一)根据课文判断对(T)错(F)。( T )1.Mrs Lee asks Tom to open the window. ( F )2.Tom wants to open the window.( T )3.Tom asks Connie for help.( F )4.Connie wants to eat some more cake. (二)看图,选一选。(D) 1.go fishing (C) TV(E) 3.go swimming (A) 4.shake hands(B) 5.make phone calls 十一、Make a summary1、学习了 P30、P31 的内容。2、学习了单词和短语: please, thousands of 等。3、学习了句子: Can I.?、Can you.?四人一组讨论。做练习熟悉上课所学的重点内容。积极配合老师完成练习。掌握所学内容。十二、Homework1、全英熟读该课课文;2、理解课文;3、学习用 Can I 和 Can you 问句跟同学家人互动。完成家庭作业。课堂小结这节课的教学任务目标是学习短语please,thousands of 本课为新授课,词汇的学习主要通过听,跟读为主要形式。通过灵活多样,丰富多彩的课堂形式的进行,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,增强他们的自信心,通过教学评价的开展,让学生体验到成就感,促进学生学习和发展。板书Revision 11.please, thousands of2.Can I.?、Can you.?Revision 1 第三课时第三课时 习题习题一、翻译。一、翻译。1. 去唱歌 2. 去游泳3. 成千上万的 4. 在农场 5. 居住在一个农场的房子里 二、单项选择题。二、单项选择题。( ) 1. - open the windows,please?-Ok.A.Can I B.Can you C.I can( ) 2. - open the windows,Tom? -Yes,of course.A.Can I B.Can you C.I can( ) 3. There are people there.A.thousands B.thousands of C.thousand ( ) 4. There are six people there.A.thousands B.thousands of C.thousand ( ) 5. Dick and Joe are a farm for holiday. A.on 三、三、周末又要到了,你打算如何度过呢?现在请你以周末又要到了,你打算如何度过呢?现在请你以“My weekend”为题,写一写你为题,写一写你的周末计划与安排,让自己过一个丰富多彩的周末吧。的周末计划与安排,让自己过一个丰富多彩的周末吧。 My weekend _Revision 1 第三课时第三课时 答案答案一、一、【考点】该题考查词汇的识记【答案】1.go singing 2.go swimming 3.thousands of 4.on the farm in a farm house二、【解析】1. Can you.?用于表示你能干什么吗?。故答案为 B。2.Can I:表示我能干什么吗?询问 Tom 我能开窗吗。故答案为 A。3. thousands of 成千上万的,这里有成千上万的人在这里。故选 B。4.six thousand people 六千人。故选 C。5.on a farm 在农场。故选 A。 【答案】1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. A三、【答案】 My weekendTomorrow is Saturday. Let me tell you my plans for the weekend. On Saturday, I will have a piano class in the morning. I do my homework in the afternoon. On Sunday,I am going to have a picnic with my friends. I will listen to some music or do some reading on Sunday evening.外研剑桥版 五年级下Revision 1第三课时Lets talk.What are you going to do this weekend?What are you going to do this weekend?Lets Listen.Listen and fill in the numbers.3421Lets read.听录音,读课文。NO.1 W:Tomorrow is Saturday.What will you do, Frank? M:I will go and play football.NO.2 M:Linda,I hear you go to Bills home this evening. W:Yeah,today is Bills birthday. He has a birthday party.NO.3 W:What program will you watch tomorrow morning? M:Ill watch NBA at 7:15a.m.I love basketball.NO.4 M:My mother will take me to London for the summer holiday. W:Oh,great!You can see Big Ben there.Ask and answer.What will you do this weekend?What will you do this weekend?例例:I will see a movie.:I will see a movie.I will.I will.Lets read and match.2341Fill in the numbers.Then listen and repeat.Mrs Lee:Can you open the window, please?Tom:OK.Mrs Lee:Can I open the window,Tom?Tom:Yes,of course.Tom:Can you get the cake for Bill, please?Connie:Sorry, lm not going to his place.Tom:Can I have some more cake, Connie?Connie:Yes. Here you are.Tom wants to eat some more cake.Tom asks Connie for help.Mrs Lee wants to open the window.Mrs Lee asks Tom to open the window.Lets learn.pleaseplease:(用于客气地请求或吩咐)请,请问;(用于加强请求或陈述的语气)请千万,请务必,的确please是一个表示礼貌的副词。它常见的位置是位于句首或句末,表示请求。例句:Help me lift this box,please.Lets learn.Can I和Can you的区别: can I:表示我能干什么吗?询问他人我能干某事吗?(自己干不用加please)can you:表示你能干什么吗?请求别人帮忙。(请别人干加please更加礼貌)Lets write.-Can I close the door,Tom?-Yes,of course.-Can you get the book for Bill, please?-Yes,I can.根据例句自己练习造句。Lets consider.Where are they for holiday?Does Joe like it there?Why does Joe think it is boring there?How about Dick?带着问题读课文。Lets listen.Listen to the conversation.Then read and talk with your friends if you want to live on a farm.Dick and Joe are on a farm for holiday.They live in a farm house.Its boring here! There are no computers. We cant use the Internet. There are no KTVs. We cant go singing. And the old TV doesnt work sometimes! And the food.Yeah, life is hard here, but the weather is great!Theres a lake.The water is nice and clean.We can often go swimming! At night,we can see thousands of stars in the sky.Its lovely here, I think.Lets listen.Listen to the conversation.Then read and talk with your friends if you want to live on a farm.Right, thats great.But,er. there are no hamburgers and no pizzas.We can eat different fruits and vegetables on the farm. Thats great!Lets answer.Where are they for holiday?Does Joe like it there?Why does Joe think it is boring there?How about Dick?回答问题。Dick and Joe are on a farm for holiday.No,he doesnt.Because there are no computers. He cant use the Internet. There are no KTVs. He cant go singing. And the old TV doesnt work sometimes!There are no hamburgers and no pizzas.She is lovely here.Lets learn.At night,we can see thousands of stars in the sky.thousand:千thousand用在前面表示具体数词时,表示千,thousand不加-s。结构:数字/a+thousand+可数名词复数例如:five thousand boxes 五千个盒子thousands of:表示“数以计千的,成千上万的”。结构:thousands of+可数名词复数例如:thousands of years 几千年Discuss and write. 和同学讨论如果你住在农场并模仿对话写下相关内容。There are no hamburgers and no pizzas.We can eat different fruits and vegetables on the farm. Thats great!重点词汇重点词汇please 请thousand 千thousnads of 成千上万的Lets read.Time for exercise一、根据课文判断对(T)错(F)。( )1.Mrs Lee asks Tom to open the window. ( )2.Tom wants to open the window.( )3.Tom asks Connie for help.( )4.Connie wants to eat some more cake.TFTFTime for exercise二、看图,选一选。 ( ) 1.go fishing ( ) TV( ) 3.go swimming ( ) 4.shake hands( ) 5.make phone calls ABCDEMake a summaryWhat have we learned today?1、学习了P30、P31的内容。2、学习了单词和短语: please,thousnads of等。3、学习了句子: Can I.?、Can you.?Homework1、全英熟读该课课文;2、理解课文;3、学习用Can I和Can you问句跟同学家人互动。
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