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1、Unit 3 Television听录音听录音Listen and choice what programmes the four children like and dont like.Answer the questions1.Does Juliet like cartoons?Does she like science fiction films?2.Does Fred like nature programmes?Does she like sports programmes?3.Does Angela like science fiction films?Does she like

2、cartoons?4.Does Frank like nature programmes?What doesnt he like?But when do the programmes begin?节目什么时候开始节目什么时候开始?We know that our favorite programmes.Then answer the question知识点整理知识点整理cartoon 动画片nature programmes 自然节目sports programmes 体育节目science fiction films 科幻片detective films 侦探片romantic films

3、浪漫片Part B Read and act&Read the wordsPart B Read and act&Read the wordsPart C Listen and write&Choose,complete and talk Part C Listen and write&Choose,complete and talk&Read and answer&Read and answerUnit 6 How Much Is It?陕西旅游版陕西旅游版 五年级上册五年级上册 Role-play看图仿照看图仿照Lets talk进行进行対话表演。対话表演。S1:What can I do

4、 for you?S2:We want.交流交流45yuan看图片,学生交流一下:你认为衣服怎么样?対你来说大呢还是小?你喜欢什么颜色的?价格是多少?S1:It looks big for me.S2:I like this color.小喇叭朗读开始了,点一点音箱,一起跟读吧。Read and actRead and actRead the wordsListen and writeeighty-six yuanforty-two yuanthree hundred yuanChoose,complete and talkBChoose,complete and talkACRead and

5、 answerRead and answerRead and answer答案:1.They can buy food,drinks and clothes.2.They are thirty-eight yuan.3.She is going to buy some bread and cookies.Buy shoes学生1扮演售货员;其他扮演顾客。S1:Can I help you?S2:I would like a pair of shoes.S1:How about the red ones?S2:How much are they?使用各种卡片:如50 yuan shoes siz

6、e 36.()1.lunch cut nut()2.huge run luck()3.luck cute must()4.fun music up()5.bus must fun(一)判断以下单词画线部分发音是(T)否(F)相同。TTFFF(二)选择准确答案。(二)选择准确答案。()1.How much the books?A.amB.is C.are()2.He also to buy a shirt.A.want B.wants C.to want()3.She is going to a T-shirt.A.buy B.buys C.buy to()4.They are her favo

7、rite.A.foods B.some foodC.food()5.Id like a pair of.A.short B.shorts C.a shortCBACBPart A Think and choose Part A Think and choose&Lets learn&Lets learnUnit 3 My Favorite Food Is Hamburgers!陕西旅游版陕西旅游版 五年级上册五年级上册 Look and say China/tan/(名词)中国the USA 美国fruit/frut/(名词)水果drink/drnk/(名词)饮料food/fud/(名词)食物

8、chocolate/tklIt/(名词)巧克力hamburger/hmb/(名词)汉堡 点击电视机点击电视机,跟我一起跟我一起学词汇吧学词汇吧!新词展示新词展示Hamburgers?Chocolate?No.Yes.Guessing gamesThink and chooseWhat do you like?Lets learnChinathe USAfruitdrinkLets learnChina/tan/(名词名词)中国中国重点词汇重点词汇1 1【例句Im from China.我来自中国。【形近词chair 椅子【联想Chinese 中国的;中国人的【拓展china(名词)瓷器【例句T

9、his is a china from China.这是一件中国瓷器。the USA 美国美国重点词汇重点词汇2 2【全称the United States of America 美利坚合众国【例句Im from the USA.我来自美国。【同义词America 美国【联想the UK 英国fruit/frut/(名词名词)水果水果重点词汇重点词汇3 3【复数形式fruits【短语fruit salad 水果沙拉【例句I like fruit.我喜欢水果。【合成词kiwifruit 猕猴桃【联想apple苹果pear梨drink/drnk/(名词名词)饮料饮料重点词汇重点词汇4 4【复数形式

10、drinks【短语soft drink软饮料【例句I want some drinks.我想要些饮料。【拓展drink(动词)喝【例句I want to drink some juice.我想喝点果汁。food/fud/(名词名词)食物食物重点词汇重点词汇5 5【短语fast food 快餐 Chinese food 中餐Western food 西餐【例句I want some food.我想要些食物。【形近词good 好的foot 脚wood 木头chocolate/tklIt/(名词名词)巧克力巧克力重点词汇重点词汇6 6【单词巧记choco+late(晚的)=chocolate(巧克力

11、)【短语a bar of chocolate一块巧克力【例句I want to have some chocolate.我想吃一些巧克力。hamburger/hmb:g/(名词名词)汉堡汉堡重点词汇重点词汇7 7【复数形式hamburgers【例句I like hamburgers.我喜欢汉堡。【联想sandwich 三明治Listen and find out.China(一)看图片(一)看图片,写单词。写单词。fruit the USA chocolatehamburgerdrink China(二)重新排列字母成单词。(二)重新排列字母成单词。hnCiathe SUAruitfdnirkcocolathefodoahgmburerChinathe USAfruitdrinkfoodchocolatehamburger


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