Unit 1 A phone call第一课时(Part1a,1b)ppt课件(含教案+习题+素材)-外研剑桥版五年级下册英语.zip

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外研剑桥版英语五年级下册外研剑桥版英语五年级下册 Unit1 第一课时教学设计第一课时教学设计课题 A phone call单元1学科英语年级五(下)学习目标1.能听懂,会说单词及短语:Arctic,on ones way(to),have to,phone box,over there.2.学会句子: -Is that+sb.? -This is+sb.,What is it about?3. 能对本篇课文熟读并背诵。重点1. 能听懂,会说单词及短语:Arctic,on ones way(to),have to,phone box,over there.2. 学会句子:-Is that+sb.? -This is+sb.,What is it about?3. 能对本篇课文熟读并背诵。难点能熟练掌握重点单词跟句子。教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图导入新课Lets talk.与身边的同学讨论手机有哪些功能?start videotake photossee films能够配合老师讨论手机用途,并走进这节课学习。 在讨论后,老师将话题自然引入本单元教学内容。讲授新课一、Lets listen.1.初步通读课文,学习课文内容,出示课文图片。2.把重点单词短语圈出来。3.解读课文。The children are on their way home from school.on ones way(to):在某人去的路上注:1.ones 必须与句子的主语在人称和数上保持一致,即必须是与主语相对应的形容词性物主代词。例如:Li Lei is on his way to the park.2.ones 可以用 the 替换。和同学一起阅读理解本课知识点。学习总结新的词汇,从而更能激发学生的学习积极性。预设问题,有目的性的讨论问题并引出将要学习的新词汇;例如:On my/the way to school,I bought a pen.注:3.on ones way(to) 结构后可以接动词不定式,表示“在某人去做某事的路上”,通常在句中做状语。例如:I was on my way to watch the football match.4.on ones way(to) 结构后接地点的词若是名词时要加介词 to,若是副词时,则省略 to。例如:At that moment,he was on his way home.Hey, wait a moment.wait a moment:等一下注:口语中更适合用 just a moment。例句:Can you give me a hand?你能帮我一把吗? Just a moment. 稍等一下。-What is it about? -Arctic animals.句型结构:What is it about?用法:用于询问它是关于什么的?例句:-What is it about? 它是关于什么的?-Antarctic animals. 南极动物。Arctic:/ktk/adj. 北极的;极寒的n. 北极圈I have to ask Mum first.用法:have to 意思是“必须;不得不”,表示客观要做的事情,后接动词原形。1.have to 的单数和复数一般现在时第三人称单数用 has to,其他人称用have to。掌握所学知识,理解它们之间的差别。学习词汇时注意模仿发音,力争发音准确 到位。通过前面谈论的内容引出本课新词汇,使学生带着好奇的心理去引导学生用各种形式读单词,不断深入学习,加深印象。通过反复的听说读训练,巩固词汇;针对性的完成学习目标;学习形式生动多样化,使学生集中注意力,同时保持学习的积极性。例如:You have to go with Tom. 你得跟汤姆去。She has to answer this question. 他不得不回答这个问题。2.have to 的肯定句have to 的肯定句由“have to+动词原形”构成。例如:I have to tell him the news. 我得告诉他这个消息。3.have to 的否定句和疑问句have to 的否定句由“dont have to+动词原形”或“doesnt have to+动词原形”构成,同理,疑问句也借用助动词 do 相应形式构成。例如:He doesnt have to do the homework now.-Do I have to go there now?-Yes,you do.-Is there a phone box near here? -Theres one over there.phone box:n. (全封闭的)公用电话亭,电话间复数:phone boxesover there:在那边,在哪里;表示特指正好在那里。例句:Look our kids are over there.看那些孩子在那里。 Hurry up.hurry up:赶快;赶紧;使加快;使提早用法:用于催促某人。例句:Hurry up and get on the bus!快上车吧!二、Listen and repeat.根据课文内容 1.通过原文回答下列问题。1. Who has got a new CD-ROM? Paula.2. Who has to phone his mother? Ken.3. Who has to phone his grandmother? Philip.4. Where are they going to make the phone call? Phone box.5. Where do the children want to go? Paulas place. 2.解读课文Hello,is that Mum?句型结构:Is that+sb.?用法:打电话用语,用于询问打电话的是谁 ?答语:This is+sb.(意为这里是某人。)3、Lets play通过两个单词游戏,加强对单词的掌握。四、Listen and choose.Who has got a new CD-ROM? Paula.What is the CD-ROM about? Arctic animals.Where do they watch the CD-ROM? Paulas place.五、Groupwork.Act out the conversation in groups.六、Game time.传卡玩法:教师制造响声(例如敲击声)或领学生唱支英文歌。此时学生要传卡片 one by one。当声音停止时,手中拿卡的学生站起来,回答问题或自问自答。七、Time for exercise.(一)根据课文判断对(T)错(F)。( F )1.Ken has got a new CD-ROM. ( T )2.Philip has to phone his grandmother.( T )3.There is one phone box over there.回答问题。小组内进行表演打电话的情景。课外活动小游戏,增加趣味。和同学一起学习的训练。做练习熟悉上( F )4.Ken has to ask grandmother first. (二)看图写单词。Arctic CD-ROM八、Make a summary1、学习了 P8 的内容。2、学习了一些新的单词: Arctic 等。3、学习了短语: on ones way(to),have to,phone box,over there 等。4、学习了打电话用语: -Is that+sb.? -This is+sb.等。九、Homework1、全英熟读该课课文;2、理解课文;3、用所学知识跟家人打电话。课所学的重点内容。积极配合老师完成练习。掌握所学内容。完成家庭作业。课堂小结2.这节课的教学任务目标是学习单词和短语Arctic,on ones way(to),have to,phone box,over there。本课为新授课,词汇的学习主要通过听,跟读为主要形式。通过灵活多样,丰富多彩的课堂形式的进行,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,增强他们的自信心,通过教学评价的开展,让学生体验到成就感,促进学生学习和发展。板书Unit 1 A phone call1.Arctic2.on ones way(to),have to,phone box,over there3.-Is that+sb.? -This is+sb.,What is it about?Unit 1 A phone call 第一课时第一课时 习题习题一、翻译。一、翻译。1. on ones way 2. have to 3. phone box 4. over there 5. hurry up 二、单项选择题。二、单项选择题。( ) 1.Hey,wait a .A.moment B.lives C.living( ) 2. Who is .A.speak B.speaking C.talk( ) 3. The children are on their way home from school.A.to B.for C. ( ) 4. I have to my grandmother.A.ask B.asking C.asked ( ) 5. Their uncle many CD-ROMS. A.have got B.has got C.have get 三、三、排序,使之成为一段完整的对话。排序,使之成为一段完整的对话。A.Wait a moment.B.Kate,its for you.C.May I speak to Kate?D.Its Mary here.E.Would you like to go swimming with me?F.This is Kate speaking.Whos that?G.Id like to._Unit 1 A phone call 第一课时第一课时 答案答案一、一、【考点】该题考查词汇的识记【答案】1 在某人去的路上 2 不得不 3 电话亭 4 在那里 5 赶快 二、【解析】1.wait a moment 等一下,固定搭配。故答案为 A。2.who is speaking?询问谁在打电话。故答案为 B。3. on ones way home 去某人回家的路上,home 为副词前面不加 to。故选 C。4.have to do 不得不做某事。故选 A。5.主语为单数故用 has got。故选 B。 【答案】1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B三、【答案】 C A B F D E G外研剑桥版 五年级下Unit 1 A phone call第一课时Lets talk.与身边的同学讨论 手机有哪些功能?Lets talkstart videoLets talktake photosLets talksee filmsLets listen.Listen and point圈出重点单词.(The children are on their way home from school. )Ken, Penny, Paula, Philip: Bye, see you tomorrow.Paula: Hey, wait a moment. Ive got a new CD-ROM.Ken, Penny: What is it about?Paula: Arctic animals.Philip: Super.Paula: Can you come to my place?Ken, Penny, Philip: Yes, great.Ken: I have to ask Mum first.Philip: Right, and I have to ask my grandmother.Penny: Is there a phone box near here?Paula: Yeah. Theres one over there.Penny: Hurry up. Phone your mum and your grandma!Lets learn.The children are on their way home from school.on ones way(to):在某人去的路上注:1.ones 必须与句子的主语在人称和数上保持一致,即必须是与主语相对应的形容词性物主代词。例如:Li Lei is on his way to the park.2.ones可以用the替换。例如:On my/the way to school,I bought a pen.Lets learn.The children are on their way home from school.注:3.on ones way(to) 结构后可以接动词不定式,表示“在某人去做某事的路上”,通常在句中做状语。例如:I was on my way to watch the football match.4.on ones way(to) 结构后接地点的词若是名词时要加介词to,若是副词时,则省略to。例如:At that moment,he was on his way home.Lets learn. Hey, wait a moment.wait a moment:等一下注:口语中更适合用just a moment。例句:Can you give me a hand? 你能帮我一把吗? Just a moment. 稍等一下。Lets learn.-What is it about? -Arctic animals.句型结构:What is it about?用法:用于询问它是关于什么的?例句:-What is it about? 它是关于什么的?-Antarctic animals. 南极动物。Arctic:/ktk/adj. 北极的;极寒的n. 北极圈Lets learn.I have to ask Mum first.用法:have to意思是“必须;不得不”,表示客观要做的事情,后接动词原形。1.have to的单数和复数一般现在时第三人称单数用has to,其他人称用have to。例如:You have to go with Tom. 你得跟汤姆去。She has to answer this question. 他不得不回答这个问题。Lets learn.I have to ask Mum first.2.have to的肯定句have to的肯定句由“have to+动词原形”构成。例如:I have to tell him the news. 我得告诉他这个消息。3.have to的否定句和疑问句have to的否定句由“dont have to+动词原形”或“doesnt have to+动词原形”构成,同理,疑问句也借用助动词do相应形式构成。例如:He doesnt have to do the homework now.-Do I have to go there now?-Yes,you do.Lets learn.-Is there a phone box near here? -Theres one over there.phone box:n. (全封闭的)公用电话亭,电话间复数:phone boxesover there:在那边,在哪里;表示特指正好在那里。例句:Look our kids are over there.看那些孩子在那里。Lets learn.Hurry up.hurry up:赶快;赶紧;使加快;使提早用法:用于催促某人。例句:Hurry up and get on the bus!快上车吧!Listen and repeat.1. Who has got a new CD-ROM?2. Who has to phone his mother?3. Who has to phone his grandmother?4. Where are they going to make the phone call?5. Where do the children want to go?Read the conversation.Then answer the questions.Hello,is that Mum?Paula.Ken.Philip.Phone box.Paulas place.Lets learn.Hello,is that Mum?句型结构:Is that+sb.?用法:打电话用语,用于询问打电话的是谁 ?答语:This is+sb.(意为这里是某人。)wait a moment Arctic over therehave tohurry up phone boxon ones wayLets play.oaon ones wayhurry upwait a momentphone boxArctic超级玛丽Who has got a new CD-ROM?Who has got a new CD-ROM?What is the CD-ROM about?What is the CD-ROM about?Where do they watch the CD-ROM?Where do they watch the CD-ROM?Paula.Paula.Arctic animalsArctic animals. .Paulas place.Paulas place.Listen and choose.Groupwork. Act out the conversation in Act out the conversation in groups.groups.Game time.传卡传卡玩法:教师制造响声(例如敲击声)或领玩法:教师制造响声(例如敲击声)或领学生唱支英文歌。此时学生要传卡片学生唱支英文歌。此时学生要传卡片one by one by oneone。当声音停止时,手中拿卡的学生站起。当声音停止时,手中拿卡的学生站起来,回答问题或自问自答。来,回答问题或自问自答。Time for exercise一、根据课文判断对(T)错(F)。( )1.Ken has got a new CD-ROM. ( )2.Philip has to phone his grandmother.( )3.There is one phone box over there.( )4.Ken has to ask grandmother first. FTTFTime for exercise二、看图写单词。Arctic CD-ROMMake a summaryWhat have we learned today?1、学习了P8的内容。2、学习了一些新的单词: Arctic等。3、学习了短语: on ones way(to),have to,phone box,over there等。4、学习了打电话用语: -Is that+sb.? -This is+sb.等。Homework1、全英熟读该课课文;2、理解课文;3、用所学知识跟家人打电话。
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