Unit 5 On the beach 第二课时(Part2,3)ppt课件(含教案+习题+素材)-外研剑桥版五年级下册英语.zip

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剑桥版 五年级下Unit5Onthebeach课时2ReviewDoyouremember?Flyakite.playfootballrideajet-skiLetsread.阳光充足的sunnyTheweatherissunnytoday.Letsread.有风的windyItswindytoday.Letsread.多云的cloudyTheweatheriscloudytoday.Letsread.下雨的rainyItsrainytoday.windyrainycloudysunnySharp eyes快速翻译出苹果上的单词, 就能帮助松鼠拿到苹果哦!windycloudysunnyrainy下雨的阳光充足的 多云的有风的ListenandreadListenandread.Thenanswerthequestions.Peter:Hi,Nancy.ThisisPeter.Nancy:Oh,Peter.Whereareyounow?Peter:OnHainanIslandwithmycousin.Nancy:InChina?Super!Whatstheweatherlikethere?Peter:ltssunny.HowstheweatherinLondon?Isitcold?Nancy:Ohyes,verycold!ltswindytoday.Peter:ltswarmhere.Wellgotothebeachtomorrow.Nancy:Great.Haveagoodtime!Peter:Thankyou.Bye.AnswerAnswerthequestions.1. WhereisPeter?Whatstheweatherlikethere?PeterisinHainanIsland.Itssunny.AnswerAnswerthequestions.NancyisinLondon.Itswindy.2.WhereisNancy?Howstheweatherthere?ListenandsayCan you tell which is Hainan Island and which is London, whats the weather like?SunnyCloudyListen,numberandsay1234cloudywindysunnyrainingLetslearn.解读课文。Whatstheweatherlike?Howstheweather.?其实都是今天天气怎么样的意思。一个意思不同表达。回答为:Itssunny/windy/cold/warmWhatstheweatherlike?Howstheweather.?Itssunny/windy/cold/warmLetsplay两人一组进行练习A:Whatstheweatherlike?B:Itssunny.A:Whatstheweatherlikethere?B:Itsfine.PAIRWORKA:Howstheweatherinyourcity?B:Itscloudy.A:Howstheweather?B:Itsrainy.两人一组进行练习Show time pair work1. 两人一组组,分别别写出一些地名和天气。2.依次抽取一张张地名和一张张天气,并造句。3.如果是正确的描述就是Yes,如果是错误错误 的描述就说说No,并说说出正确的天气。Whatstheweatherlike?sunny.windy.rainy.LookandtalkIts+Timeforexercise情景选择。1.表示天气晴朗的,你应该说:_A.rainyB.sunny2.你想说“今天天气怎么样”,你应该这样说:_A.Howstheweathertoday?B.Itscloudy.3.你想说“今天是多云”,你应该这样说:_A.Todayisfine.B.Todayiscloudy.BABWhathavewelearnedtoday?1、学习了P39的内容。2、学习了几个新的句子:Whatstheweatherlike?/Howstheweather?Itsfine/sunny/rainy/cloudy/windy.Makeasummary1、全英背诵P39的单词给组长听;2、中英背诵P39的句子给组长听;3、预习P40,完成练习。HomeworkThankyou!Thankyou!Goodbye!Goodbye!剑桥版小学英语五年级下册剑桥版小学英语五年级下册Unit 5 On the beach课时课时 2 教学设计(教学设计(P39)课题第二课时 Part2,3单元第五单元学科英语年级五年级学习目标一、语言技能一、语言技能1、掌握对话Whats the weather like?/ Hows the weather? Its fine/sunny/rainy/cloudy/windy.二、语言知识二、语言知识1、能够了解英语中表示天气的表达。三、情感态度三、情感态度1、积极参与各种课堂学习活动。2、在各项活动中能与其他同学积极配合和合作。3、积极学习天气的相关运用。四、学习策略四、学习策略1、在课堂交流中,注意倾听,积极思考。2、积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流。五、文化意识五、文化意识1、在学习和日常交际中,能初步注意到中外语言文化的异同。重点Whats the weather like?/ Hows the weather? Its fine/sunny/rainy/cloudy/windy.难点Whats the weather like?/ Hows the weather? Its fine/sunny/rainy/cloudy/windy.教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Rewiew教师播放课件,呈现问题和图片,要求学生回答问题。学生看图片,回顾复习上节课的知识点对上节课知识点进行复习,温故而知新。Lets read教师播放课件,呈现任务要求、图片和文字提示,要求学生看课件,看图,学习新单词。sunny 阳光充足的The weather is sunny today.windy 有风的Its windy today.cloudy 多云的The weather is cloudy today.rainy 下雨的It rainy today.学生看课件,看图,学习新单词。学习关于描述天气的词汇。Listen and read游戏环节看同学们的掌握情况。教师播放课件,呈现任务要求、图片和文字内学生看课件,听音频。听音频,看课件初步学习课文内容。容,要求学生打开课本 P39 页,看课件听音频Listen and read. Then answer the questions.Peter: Hi, Nancy. This is Peter.Nancy:Oh, Peter. Where are you now?Peter: On Hainan Island with my cousin.Nancy:In China? Super! Whats the weather like there?Peter: Its sunny. Hows the weather in London? Is it cold?Nancy:Oh yes, very cold! Its windy today.Peter: Its warm here. Well go to the beach tomorrow.Nancy:Great. Have a good time!Peter: Thank you. Bye.Answer教师播放课件,呈现任务要求 Where is Peter? Whats the weather like there?Peter is in Hainan Island. Its sunny.Where is Nancy? Hows the weather there?Nancy is in London. Its windy.学生看图片,回答问题。根据课本内容,回答问题。Listen, number and sayCan you tell which is Hainan Island and which is London, whats the weather like?让同学根据图片猜测海南岛和伦敦的天气并用英语表述。锻炼听与说的能力。提高学生的课堂参与度 教师播放课件,呈现任务要求。Whats the weather like? Hows the weather.? Its sunny/ windy/ cold/warmWhats the weather like? Hows the weather.?其实都是今天天气怎么样的意思。一个意思不同表达。回答为: Its sunny/ windy/ cold/warm学生根据音频,填写正确的数字。Lets see教师播放课件,呈现任务要求和图片文具,要求学生回答问题。Show time pair work1、两人一组, 分别写出一些地名和天气。2. 依次抽取一张地名和一张天气, 并造句。3. 如果是正确的描述就是 Yes, 如果是错误的描述就说 No, 并说出正确的天气。学生看图片,回答问题。认读句子,锻炼认读能力,巩固本节课重点知识。Look and talk教师展示课件与任务,让学生根据图片提示回答问题看课件,回答问题根据图片回答问题,锻炼对话的能力Time for exercise教师播放课件,呈现任务要求和练习题,要求学生朗读题目,选择正确的答案,选择完毕,师生共同校对答案。学生朗读题目,选择正确的答案,选择完毕,师生在练习中巩固本节课的核心内容。1. 表示天气晴朗的,你应该说:_ A. rainy B. sunny2. 你想说“今天天气怎么样”,你应该这样说:_ A. Hows the weather today? B. Its cloudy.3. 你想说“今天是多云”,你应该这样说:_ A. Today is fine .B. Today is cloudy.共同校对答案。Make a summary教师播放课件,提出问题“What have we learned today?”,要求学生回顾本节课的核心内容。1、学习了 P39 的内容。2、学习了几个新的句子: Whats the weather like?/ Hows the weather? Its fine/sunny/rainy/cloudy/windy. 学生回顾本节课的核心内容,举手回答。小结本节课的核心内容,系统巩固本节课的核心知识。Homework教师播放课件,呈现任务。学生登记任务,按时完成作业。作业用于辅助学习。板书板书Uunit5 On the beachP39Whats the weather like?/ Hows the weather? Its fine/sunny/rainy/cloudy/windy.Unit 5 On the beach 第二课时第二课时 习题习题一、默写单词。一、默写单词。1. 阴天的; 多云的 _ 2. 天气晴朗的 _ 3. 下雨的 _ 4. 有风的 _ 5. 天气 _ 二二、根据语境,填字母编号。、根据语境,填字母编号。1._ Its rainy. 2.Hows the weather in your city? _. A. Whats the weather like today? BRainy.三、翻译句子。三、翻译句子。1. Whats the weather like there? _2. Hows the weather in London?_3. Its warm here. Well go to the beach tomorrow.4. Its cloudy outside and it may rain today.四、阅读理解四、阅读理解Once an old man was walking in a street with his horse. It was raining hard. The old man was cold because he was walking in the rain. He wanted to stay in a restaurant. It was a quarter past three in the afternoon. The old man got to a small restaurant. There were a lot of people in it. The old man couldnt come near the fire. He thought and thought. At last he said to the waiters, “take some fish to my horse.” The waiter and the people were very surprised. The waiter said,” A horse doesnt eat fish.” The old man told the waiter,” This horse is very interesting. It can sing, dance and does all kinds of things. It can eat fish, too.” So the waiter brought the horse some fish. All the people in the restaurant ran out to see the horse eat fish except the old man. Now the old man sat beside the fire. After a while the waiter came back and said,” Your horse didnt eat any fish.” The old man said,” All right, take the fish back and put it on the table. Ill eat it.”1. The old man felt very cold because_.A. it was a cloudy and windy day. B.it snowed.C.he had traveled in the heavy rain D. he was hungry.2. The people in the restaurant all ran out because _.A.they wanted to see the old man.B.they wanted to see the horse eating fish.C.threy had been told there came the horse.D.there was no fire over the stove.3. Indeed, the horse can neither _ nor _ nor_.A. walk-speak-eat B.sing-dance-sleepC.sing-dance-eat fish D.speak-walk-sit4. All the people in the restaurant rushed out_ but_.A. see the horse sing-the old manB. watch the horse play games-the waiterC. look for the horse-the old manD. see the horse eat fish-the old man5. Why did the old man ask the waiter to take some fish to his horse? Because _.A. horse liked eating fishB. was coldC. he wanted to sit by the fire, but wasnt able to do so at first.D. himself also liked to eat fish.Unit 5 On the beach 第二课时第二课时 答案答案一、一、【考点】该题考查词汇的识记【答案】1 cloudy 2 sunny 3 rainy 4 windy 5 weather 二、【解析】1.根据回答为根据回答为 Its rainy.上句应为询问天气如何的句子,上句应为询问天气如何的句子,故答案为 A。2. 由由 Hows the weather in your city?,此处为询问天气,此处为询问天气,故答案为 B。 【答案】1. A 2.B 三、【解析】 1. 那边的天气怎么样?2. 伦敦的天气怎么样。伦敦的天气怎么样。3. 这里很温暖。这里很温暖。 我们明天去海滩。我们明天去海滩。4.外面多云,今天可能会下雨。外面多云,今天可能会下雨。四、阅读理解四、阅读理解【解析解析】参考答案:参考答案:1.C 解析:本题从第二句就可得出答案。解析:本题从第二句就可得出答案。2.B 解析:本题从倒数第四行可以得出答案。解析:本题从倒数第四行可以得出答案。3.C4.D5.C 解析:本题从第四行跟第五行便可得出答案。解析:本题从第四行跟第五行便可得出答案。
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