Unit 4 My heroes-Lesson 1-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研剑桥版六年级下册-(配套课件编号:5099f).docx

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1、Unit4My heroes教学内容:教学内容:外研版(三年级起点)六年级下册 Unit4 My heroes(Part1)教学目标:教学目标:1.学生能理解文本,正确阅读文中四位小朋友所描述的英雄人物。2.帮助学生理解新词和词组: hero 、 camp 、 a summer camp、 giveto help、China s Father of Hybrid Rice 、 more rice、 fewer hungry people、 die(died)、live on、move 、give(gave) up、brave 、wise 、helpwith,scientist 等。3.通过学习

2、学生能运用所学的词句从 who/what/why 等方面谈论自己心目中的英雄,并能用文字的形式展示出来。4.了解中西方英雄人物故事,帮助学生树立正确的英雄形象,引导学生发现身边的英雄,培养学生爱生活爱国家的热情。教学重点:教学重点:1. 学生能掌握重点的词语句型, 能理解和阅读四位小朋友描述的英雄人物。2. 通过学习能帮学生树立正确的英雄形象,学会发现身边的英雄,培养学生爱生活爱国家的热情。教学难点:教学难点:学生能用所学的词句来描述自己心中的英雄。课前准备:课前准备:教学 PPT 、 词卡教学过程设计:教学过程设计:Step1: Warming up(热身)(热身).1. Greeting(

3、问候): Hello, everyone! How are you today?Do you like reading stories?(看课件)Do you know these people?(以对话的形式通过我们熟悉的英雄人物进行导入主题,是英语教学中经常运用的导入形式。 )2. Leading-in(导入): Who is he/she?/Who are they?(Lei Feng/Wang Erxiao/Liu Xiang/)(雷锋)He is a soldier. He died a long time ago, but his spirit lives onand moves

4、many people.(王二小)He is a child. He died a long time ago. He was brave and wise.( 刘 翔 )He is a player. He is good at hurdling. He broke the worldrecord at the 2004 Olympic Games.( 钱 学 森 和 华 罗 庚 )They are scientists. They contributed to scientificresearch.What are they in your heart?(将英雄人物用简短的英语句子进行描述

5、以体现英语是一种语言, 同时句中新词的出现也为后面学生自主学习作铺垫。 )3. Revealing themes(揭示主题):They are heroes.(hero-heroes)(看课件)Look, the four children are talking about their heroes now.They are Bill ,Chen Zihan , Sally and Li Yu . Where are they?Step2: Presentation and practice(演示和实践)(演示和实践).1. Learn a text(引导学习):a.They are hav

6、ing a summer camp in Beijing.(理解 a summer camp)Who are their heroes?b.(课件)Look, this is Chen Zihan. He is from China. He says:“Yuan Longping is my hero.” (袁隆平简介)(He is a famous scientist. He is Chinas Father of Hybrid Rice.看课件理解Chinas Father of Hybrid Rice)c. (听录音思考问题)Who is Chen Zihans hero?What do

7、es his hero do?Why is he Chen Zihans hero?d.Read together.(以陈子涵所描述的英雄人物作例子精讲,用三个问句进行听说理解,培养学生的听说能力和阅读能力。 )2. Reading practice and conversation(阅读交流):a. Who are their heroes? Why are they their heroes?(小组学习完成表格)Nameheros nameheros jobWhy is hero?Chen ZihanYuan Longpinga scientistmore rice、 fewer hung

8、ry peopleBillSallyLi Yu(学生以小组为单位以前一篇为例用 who/what/why 三个问句来自主学习其他三位小朋友的英雄短文,培养学生自主学习的能力。 )b.(小组交流)Bills hero - Messi (a footballer、give to help)Sallys hero -Anne Frank (a writer、She was brave and wise. )Li Yus hero - her mother(busy at work、look after well、help with )3. Do the exercises(巩固练习):a. List

9、en and match.(课本 1b)b. Read and choose.(1). Messi is a hero.()Because he is handsome.()Because he is one of the best footballers in the world.()Because he helps the poor children.(2).Yuan Longping is a hero.()Because he is a good farmer.()Because he works to help farmers get more rice.()Because his

10、work makes the world have fewer hungry people.(3).Anne Frank is a hero.()Because her diary moves many people.()Because she died a long time ago.()Because she never gave up hope and always saw the good ineverything.(4).Li Yus mother is her hero.()Because she is beautiful.()Because she often helps Li

11、Yu.()Because her work is busy, but she looks after the family well.(两组练习题的设计先从整体的听来进行小结学习的内容, 再通过理解选择进一步巩固所学的内容,同时也是为最后的模仿说话写话组织语言。 )Step3: Development and demonstration(拓展和展示)(拓展和展示).1. Enjoy the songHero(欣赏歌曲Hero引导学生发现身边的英雄。 )(平凡的人也可以成为英雄,只要他给予了我们帮助,自信让我们变得更好;同时我们每个人也都是英雄,因为每个人每天都在克服自己的挫折,只要你直面困难不

12、放弃希望,就会找到内心的力量成为自己的英雄。 )2.写一写( who is your hero? Why?)My heroMy hero is _.He/ She is a/an_.He/she_2. Display evaluation(展示和评价)。(模仿说话写话做到学以致用, 及时评价展示让学生感受到收获的快乐。 )Step4: Homework.1.Read the text on P32.2.Share your hero/heroes to your friends or your family.板书设计:板书设计:Unit4My heroesChen Zihans hero -Y

13、uan LongpingBills hero - MessiSallys hero -Anne FrankLi Yus hero - her mother教学反思:教学反思:这是这一单元的第一课时,是一节阅读课,这节课我的教学目标是学生能理解和正确阅读文本,能进行简单的模仿说句写话,以培养学生的综合阅读能力和习惯为目的,同时能学以致用。在教学的过程中我以一连贯的问句来贯穿,开头用 Do you likereading stories? Do you know these people?引出大家都熟悉的英雄人物雷锋、王二小、刘翔、钱学森和华罗庚,并给每人运用两三句话进行简单介绍将新词句先解决,为

14、后面的学生自学阅读扫清障碍;再用 What are they in your heart?揭示课题,用 Where are they?进入教学文本; 以陈子涵的英雄人物袁隆平为例子用任务教学的形式,用三个问句 Who is Chen Zihans hero? What does his hero do?Why is he Chen Zihans hero? 通过听读说引导学生理解文本;再呈现表格放手让学生带着 who/what/why 自学另外的三段话,接着让学生与同伴互问互答检测交流学习情况, 也是进一步让学生对短文的理 解 阅 读 过 程 ; 练 习 中 表 格 的 复 述 和 Why is Messi/YuanLongping/Anne Frank/Li Yus mother a hero?即是回顾教学也是为最后的写话作铺垫; 歌曲欣赏是放松也是通过歌曲大意帮助学生树立正确的英雄形象; 最后的who is your hero? Why?由课本引申到自己,感受学习与生活的关系,也是学以致用的过程。


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