Unit 3 Mary’s diary-Lesson 1-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研剑桥版六年级下册-(配套课件编号:d0a44).doc

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Unit 3 Mary’s diary-Lesson 1-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研剑桥版六年级下册-(配套课件编号:d0a44).doc_第1页
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Unit 3 Mary’s diary-Lesson 1-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研剑桥版六年级下册-(配套课件编号:d0a44).doc_第3页
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1、Join In Book 4B Unit 4 My heroesPeriod 2执教执教教学年级:六年级教学内容:剑桥小学英语六年级下册 Unit 4 Part 4一、教材分析:本单元学习主题是 My heroes, 通过这堂课让学了解中西方历史上不同的英雄人物,培养爱国主义情怀, 激发爱国主义精神, 进一步提高六年级学生学习和使用英语的兴趣。整个单元共有 6 个部分。我设计用 7 个课时完成:第一课时 Part 1,介绍 Bill 等 4 个孩子心目中的英雄;第二课时 Part 4,介绍 A young teacher hero; 第三、四课时 Part 2,Part3, Part 6 故事

2、教学 Robins father;第 5 课时完成 Part5, 第六课时进行复习,第七课时单元检测。二、教学设计:本课例是第二课时,是一节阅读课,按照英语新课程标准的要求,这堂课应当是“以任务贯穿读、听、说的活动,让学生通过感知概括应用的思维来增长知识,发展能力” 。因此,本教学设计旨在:1.学生通过阅读学习,有助于提高学生的阅读能力和自主学习能力。2. 通过合作阅读进行语音处理、单词处理、短语处理和句子处理;3.通过阅读进行意义建构在与文本相互作用的过程中,在理解、思辨的过程中培养学生的语言输出能力,即说话能力和写话能力。三、教学目标:(一) Language knowledge:1 Ge

3、t the pupils to learn and grasp the new words and expressions: college,shy,confident, a village school, too to,2 Get the pupils to learn the following useful sentences patterns:1) She is kind to her pupils.2) She was very friendly to us.3) She taught us to sing and dance.4) It feels good to be aroun

4、d her.5) We becoming more confident.(二) Language ability:1. Enable the pupils to use song useful words and expressions correctly.2. Enable the pupils to read and understand the text.3. Enable the pupils to describe their teacher heroes(三) Emotional aims:1. Stimulate the pupils interest in learning E

5、nglish.2. Develop the pupils spirit of cooperation and teamwork.四、Key points1. Enable to grasp the new words2. Enable to grasp the sentences patterns3. Enable to introduce someones teacher hero.五、Difficult points:Enable to describe someones teacher hero.六、Teaching aids: PPT七、Teaching procedures:Stag

6、e 1:Warm-up1. Greetings2. Revision. ( Do you remember the four children in Part 1? Who are they? Who aretheir heroes? )3. Free talk: Do you know any other heroes?Who is your hero? Why? )(设计意图:阅读短文前先通过 Greeting 和师生问答,让学生立刻融入到英语学习的氛围中,既复习了上课时内容,又为接下来的短文阅读做铺垫。 )Stage 2: Pre-reading.1.Leading in: Today

7、we are going to meet a new hero.2.Look and say: Who is she? What does she do? What is she doing now? Is she youngor old? Is she active? .)( 设计意图:承前面的复习导入本课时主题,引导学生根据插图预测课文相关信息,适当扫清语言障碍。 )Stage 3. While reading.1. Listen and choose .(Where? When? What?)(设计意图:整体感知,了解大意。通过整体感知课文内容,帮助学生快速了解学习内容的大体意思,能够迅

8、速找出课文中的关键信息。)2.Read and circle: What is Miss Deng like?(设计意图:让学生自读课文,初步了解课文内容,找出描述 Miss Deng 的形容词,帮助学生对所学内容加深记忆,并为下一步合作学习打好基础。)3.Read carefully and know more about Miss Deng.(1) What did Miss Deng do?A. Read and underline.B. Read and match.(2) What do her pupils think of her?A. Listen and say.B.Read

9、 in roles.(3) What do you think of Miss Dengs pupils?A. Talk in groups.B.Answer the questions.(设计意图:在合作中学习找出本文中的知识点,引导学生深层理解文意,激发学的团队合作精神,让学生通过回答问题等活动来加深对课文细节内容的理解。)Stage 4. Post-reading.1. Listen again and read aloud.(1)T: Now lets listen again, then repeat.(2)Read in groups then get ready for grou

10、p show.(设计意图:诵读课文,积累语言。让学生整体感受课文,训练其听的能力,在大量听的输入后,为其输出表达最好准备。通过小组展示的方式让学生积极参与小组活动树立自信心。)2. Group work: Retell the text ( Say something about Miss Deng.)(设计意图:利用思维导图结合板书,引导学生用复述课文,操练所学内容,做到当堂学习、当堂巩固。)3. Whos your teacher hero?(1) Group work: Talk about teacher hero and why.(2) Share in groups and hel

11、p each other.(设计意图:组内分享合作互助能够让学生更大胆的表达,提高自信心。 )Stage 6. Homework.1.Listen and read.2.Write about your teacher hero.(设计意图:通过个人展示帮助学生引导学生养成良好的写作习惯,学习写作方法。 )板书:Unit 4 My heroesPart 4Ayoung teacher heroWho:Miss DengWord BankWhere:a village schoolcollegeWhen:two years agoshyWhat she did: left collegeconfidentcame to a villagetootogave the pupilstaught the pupils How:warmkindfriendly


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