Revision 2-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案)-县级公开课-外研剑桥版六年级下册(编号:f16ba).zip

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现在进行时和一般现将来时现在进行时和一般现将来时复习教案设计复习教案设计一、教学目标: 1.语言知识目标:谈论现在正在发生的活动和将来计划的活动。 2.语言技能目标:能正确说和写有关现在进行和将要发生的事情: (1)能正确判断“be+ving,和 will/be going to+v”结构以及常与的时间连用; (2)Can ask and answer some questions. 3.能力目标:Make some sentences 4.情感目标:(1)培养学生相互交流信息,和作互相学习的良好品德;(2)指导学生对未来人生应有美好的追求。 二、学情分析:六年级学生对“be +ving 和,will/be going to +v”结构的句子表达已有一定的了解,故重点对一些特殊的用法及贯用法上的知识输入。为避免语法课枯燥无味,制造一些轻松的学习气氛,提高学生学习积极性, “疏密友度,劳逸结合”的复习方式,更能提高学习的有效性。 三、教学重点:(1)多渠道复习“be +ving 和will/be going to +v”的句型; (2)掌握特殊用法; (3)综合运用语言表达这两种时态。 四、教学方法:(1)情景交际法;(2)图片直观教学法;(3)竞争机制法。 五、教学用具:图片、卡片、 实物。 教学过程: Step1 Lean-in: (1) Look at the sentences and say it (2) Free talk with each otherStep 2 Revise the present progressive 一、Look at the pictures and say the sentences by themselves. 二、Find the rule.1、直接加 ing 如:cook-cooking2、以不发音的“e”结尾,去 e 加 ing 如: take-taking3、双写末字母再加 ing 如: swim-swimming 三、Do some practiceStep3 Revise the future tense1、Revise the constitute of the future tense.2、Do some practice 3、Make sentences according to the picture.4、Fill in the blank.Step 4 WritingWrite five sentences according to the picture.今天是星期五,看看 John 的一家,爷爷在干什么,爸爸和妈妈还有我正在干什么?明天他们将要干什么去?Step5 Homework Read the content of unit 4-unit 6 in Grade 5Read the content of unit3 in Grade 6 1、复习现在进行时,熟读五年级下册 4-6 单元内容。 2、复习一般将来时,熟读六年级下册 3 单元内容。教学反思:本节课为语法复习课,复习内容有浅到深,设计的练习由易到难,每个教学环节都设计有一定的学习任务,让不同层次的学生都有机会参与课堂教学活动,并让每个学生学有所获,达到任务教学的目的;图文并茂,是英语教材的特点,采用图画直观教学,让学生加深知识记忆;创设一些学生在家、在校生活常发生的事的真实语境(如设计的看图写话练习,就是发生在家里的事) 。让学生在口头和笔头结合中得到训练;培养学生学习策略,拓展知识深度、密度;有效地使用独立、合作学习和民主式的教学评价。Lets look What are you doing ? What are you going to do ? I am washing dishes. I am going to take a look. I am drawing pictures. I am going to walk near a lake. I am reading a book. I am going to bake a cake. I am cooking dinner. I am going to buy a book. I am answering the phone. I am going to have a good day.现在进行时和一般将来时现在进行时和一般将来时现在进行时和一般将来时现在进行时和一般将来时六年级时态综合复习六年级时态综合复习Present progressiveFuture tense一、现在进行时( Present progressive)构成 be + 动词ing I am skating.Talk about what are you doing at home? Look and say(找规律)drawingdoingcookinglisteninghaving writingtakingmakingrunningswimmingshopping动词加ing 形式:1、直接加ing. 如:cook-cooking.2、以不发音的“e”结尾,去掉“e”再加ing. 如:take-taking.3、双写末字母再加ing. 如: swim-swimming.Read and write(写出动词的ing 形式)read - take- write - wash- play- run- catch- have- swim- fly- clean- make-read - reading take- taking write - writing wash- washing play- playing run- runing catch- catching have- having swim-swimming fly- flying clean- cleaning make-making现在进行时的标志1、Look! Sarah is singing a song.2、Listen! The students are dancing.3、The tigers are fighting now.4、I am going to read a book next week. 现在进行时的标志1、Look! Sarah is singing a song.2、Listen! The students are dancing.3、The tigers are fighting now.4、I am going to read a book next week. 二、一般将来时(Future tense)构成: be going to + 动词原形或名词I am going to listen to music.What is Gogo going to do?My tomorrowIm Gogo. Im a student of Grade Six. Im happy. Because tomorrow is July 4th. The summer holiday is coming. Were going to have a long holiday. And Im a little sad. Because were going to leave our school and our teachers. Tomorrow Im going to fly to Hang Zhou with my aunt. We will go to the West Lake and eat good food. We want to row a boat in the lake. I can hardly wait. I have a friend, Tom. Hes going to Bei jing tomorrow,too.My tomorrowIm Gogo. Im a student of Grade Six. Im happy. Because tomorrow is July 4th. The summer holiday is coming. Were going to have a long holiday. And Im a little sad. Because were going to leave our school and our teachers. Tomorrow Im going to fly to Hang Zhou with my aunt. We will go to the West Lake and eat good food. We want to row a boat in the lake. I can hardly wait. I have a friend, Tom. Hes going to Bei jing tomorrow,too.现在进行时标志Look, Listen, now构成: be +动词ing形式一般将来时标志this moring, next week等构成:be going to +动词原形+将来时间将来时间this moring this afternoon this eveningtonight tomorrownext week next holiday next month next year.等等let play a gameCorrect the sentences Correct the sentences Correct the sentences Correct the sentences on your paperon your paperon your paperon your paper(改正句子中的错误)Choose the right words Choose the right words Choose the right words Choose the right words and fill in the blanks and fill in the blanks and fill in the blanks and fill in the blanks (选词填空)
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