Revision 2-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案)--公开课-外研剑桥版六年级下册(编号:d0176).zip

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外研版外研版英语英语六年级下册六年级下册 REVISION 2Who is she?PreparePrepare-readingreadingAnneAnne FrankFrank - a a childchild heroheroAnne Frank died a long time ago.But her diary lives on and moves many people.She never gave up hope and always saw the good in everything.She was brave and wise.PreparePrepare-readingreadingAnneAnne andand herher diarydiaryPreparePrepare-readingreadingIn her famous diary Anne said, “I want to be useful or bring enjoyment to all people I want to go on living even after I die!”Anne was born in Germany on 12 June 1929. When she was very little, she loved reading. In 1942, Annes dad gave her a diary for her 13th birthday. Then she began to write in it.Ann liked watching films, but she couldnt get into the cinema because she was a Jew.In fact, her family had to hide and they couldnt go outside. So Anne made her diary her best friend. She called it Kitty. She wanted to write something great. She dreamed of becoming a writer! But she died at the age of 15 because she and her family were caught.Listen.WhileWhile-readingreadingDictionary:Germany(德国)(德国) Jew(犹太人)(犹太人) caught(catch的过去式)的过去式)useful(有用的)(有用的) enjoyment(快乐(快乐)I want to go on living even after I die!(即使我死了,也要让生命延续。)(即使我死了,也要让生命延续。)Read by yourself.WhileWhile-readingreadingWhat did she like?What was her dream?She liked watching films.She dreamed of becoming a writer.WhileWhile-readingreadingAnne was born in Germany on 12 June 1929. When she was very little, she loved reading. In 1942, Annes dad gave her a diary for her 13th birthday. Then she began to write in it.WhileWhile-readingreadingTheThe firstfirst paragraphparagraphListen and read.WhileWhile-readingreadingTheThe firstfirst paragraphparagraphChoose the right answer.( )1. Anne _ born in Germany _ 12 June 1929. A. was, at C. is, on( )2. She _reading. So she always reads books. A. love B. loving( )3. Look! Toms dad _ him a diary. A. gave B. givesBCCB. was, onC. lovesC. is givingWhileWhile-readingreadingTheThe secondsecond paragraphparagraphTry to ask.Listen and read.Ann liked watching films, but she couldnt get into the cinema because she was a Jew.1. What did she like?WhatWhy2. Why couldnt she get into the cinema?How/Where/WhyWhileWhile-readingreadingTheThe thirdthird paragraphparagraphBecause she was a JewShe couldnt get into the cinema. In fact, she and her family couldnt go outside, they had to hide. (But Anne wasnt sad. She was brave, she never gave up hope, she dreamed that one day she could be free.)WhileWhile-readingreadingTheThe thirdthird paragraphparagraphChoose the right word in the blanks.So Anne made her diary her best friend. She _ it Kitty. She _ to write something great. She _ of becoming a writer! But she _ at the age _ 15 because she and her family were caught.calledwanteddreameddiedofdreamsdiedcalledofwantsdreameddiescallinwantedWhileWhile-readingreadingTheThe fourthfourth paragraphparagraphWhat did she write in her diary?A. She wanted to be a singer.B. She wanted to be useful or bring enjoyment to all people She wanted to go on living even after she died.C. She dreamed of money.(If you keep studying hard, you will be coming a useful person, you will bring enjoyment to your parents, your family, your friends.)PostPost-readingreadingIn her famous diary Anne said, “I want to be useful or bring enjoyment to all people I want to go on living even after I die!”Anne was born in Germany on 12 June 1929. When she was very little, she loved reading. In 1942, Annes dad gave her a diary for her 13th birthday. Then she began to write in it.Ann liked watching films, but she couldnt get into the cinema because she was a Jew.In fact, her family had to hide and they couldnt go outside. So Anne made her diary her best friend. She called it Kitty. She wanted to write something great. She dreamed of becoming a writer! But she died at the age of 15 because she and her family were caught.Read.PostPost-readingreadingTrueFalse1. Anne loved reading and watching films.2. Anne couldnt go to see films because she had no money.3. Annes family had to hide because they were Jews.4. Anne had got a pet dog. It was Kitty.5. Annes best friend was her diary.6. Anne dreamed of becoming a writer.7. Anne died in 1943 after they were caught.PostPost-readingreadingThis is my passage about Anne Frank.Ann Frank is a child hero. She never gave up hope. She dreamed of becoming a writer! She was brave and wise. She wanted to be useful or bring enjoyment to all people.PostPost-readingreadingWrite your passage about Anne Frank.Use five sentences, try to write the most important information.PostPost-readingreadingWhatWhat shouldshould wewe learnlearn fromfrom her?her?ThankThank youyou forfor youryour listeninglistening!The fifth periodTeaching contents: part 5 Anne Frank - a child heroTeaching aims:1. The pupils can read and understand the text.2. The pupils can tick true or false after reading.Teaching procedures:Step1 warming up1. Sing a song I love reading.Step2 Presentation1.listen and answer:Whats the story about?2.Read the story and try to understand.3.Learn the story and make marks.4.Listen and follow.5.Read the story in groups.6.Tick true or false.7.Check the answer.Step3 PracticeRead the story again and try to underline the sentences.Step 4 ConsolidationRead and choose the right answer:pptStep5Home workTell your friends sth about the child hero-Anne Frank.
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