Unit 1 My cousins and I-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案)-县级公开课-外研剑桥版六年级下册(编号:502f6).zip

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My cousins and I Lesson 1 countriesCanadaUKUSAAustraliaChinaPart 1Whats Liza like?Part 2 Whats Lizas family like? Listen and finish the blank. Lizas brother Bill is a _ baby.lovelyTalk about your father/mother/brother/sister?nicepretty friendlystrongkindlovely outgoingshorttallclevercoolbeautifulGroup work Read and complete the table.Family MemberAgeNationality(国籍)JobHobbyFeature(特征)DadMumLizaBillAustralianoutgoingmusicnurseChinesedoctor108 months oldlovelyPost-reading Finish Part 1b. Ma Tao has got a cousin Liza. She was born in _. She has got big brown _ and _ hair. There are four people in Lizas _. Her father is a _, and her mother is a _. Her brother Bill is an eight-month-old _. He is _. Liza likes _. She can play the _.AustraliaeyesbrownfamilydoctornursebabylovelymusicpianoHomework 1. Do something for your family. 2. Write a short text about your family.Goodbye!Unit 1 My cousins and I 第一课时教学设计Lizas family (part1a, 1b, 3a &3b)一、教材分析:一、教材分析:本节课是 join in 六年级下册 unit1 的第一课时,教学 part1a,1b,3a&3b。Liza是本单元的核心人物, 通过三段文本整体呈现 Liza 的家庭成员及其具体情况,为本单元的教学起到了统领的作用。学生通过阅读,能梳理出 Liza 的家庭成员关系,掌握家庭成员的基本信息,并完成填空等相关的练习。同时,学会运用nice, kind, pretty, lovely, outgoing 等形容词,描述家人外貌及性格特征。教师利用三个”whats like”提问,指导学生理解三段文本内容,为后面的学习做铺垫。二、教学目标:二、教学目标:1.知识目标(1)掌握四会单词:brother, baby, father, mother, cousin, little, nurse, doctor.(2)能听懂、读懂本课短文,并能够完成相关练习。2. 技能目标(1)学会运用 nice, kind, pretty, lovely, outgoing 等形容词,描述家人外貌及性格特征。(2)通过阅读答题理解短文。(3)能够完成关于的表格,并能通过信息进行复述。3.情感态度目标通过学习,初步建立家庭树的概念,学会关爱自己的家人。三、教学重、难点:三、教学重、难点:1.重点:能够通过表格记录的关于家庭成员年龄、国籍、工作、性格特征及兴趣爱好的信息对文本进行复述。2.难点:学会运用 nice, kind, pretty, lovely, outgoing 等形容词,描述家人外貌及性格特征。教学准备:多媒体课件、卡片。四、教学过程:四、教学过程:Step 1 Pre-readingLeading in:(1) Greet students.(2) T: Where are you from?S: Im from China.此处出示世界地图,让学生指出中国的地理位置。T: Do you know other countries?S : Yes. Canada, the USA, UK, AustraliaT: Great!(3) Show Lizas photo.Let the pupils ask some questions about Liza.设计意图设计意图:通过出示 Liza 的图片,学生对其自由提问。同时用关键词的方式把Liza 的图片及其疑问词贴在黑板上板书,为后面学习短文做铺垫。 Step 2 While-readingLets listen to the text, and listen what Liza introduced her family. Then finish Lizas family tree.此处教师让学生完成黑板上板书的家庭树。 (以贴图形式完成)设计意图:设计意图:初听短文,理清 Liza 的家庭成员关系,为后面的学习埋下伏笔。Teacher asks some other questions.Q1: How many people are there in Lizas family?Q2: Who are they?1. Learning of Part1. Listen to the first part. Then answer the questions.Q1: How is Liza? Read the sentences.学生回答结束后,着重学习第一段关于人物特征的形容词:pretty, big, outgoing设计意图设计意图:通过提问答题的方式,让学生对 Liza 的个人特征有所了解。同时巩固学习描写人物特征的形容词,为后面的教学活动做铺垫。2. Learning of Part 2.(1) T: Liza is an outgoing girl. How about her family? Now, lets listen to the second part, then answer the questions.Q1: How is Lizas brother Bill? T: Do you have a brother or sister? Talk about your own brother or sister.Q2: How is Lizas father?短文中并未对 father 的特征进行描写,此处教师 PPT 呈现多个关于描述家人外貌及性格特征的形容词,让学生灵活运用并进行口头描述。此问题回答后,教师要求学生拓展:How is your father?谈谈自己的爸爸。Q3: How is Lizas mother?短文中并未对 mother 的特征进行描写,此处教师 PPT 呈现多个关于描述家人外貌及性格特征的形容词,让学生灵活运用并进行口头描述。此问题回答后,教师要求学生拓展:How is your mother?谈谈自己的妈妈。设计意图设计意图:通过对 Liza 家人特征的学习,更好的学习形容词的用法。教会学生运用恰当的形容词描述自己家人的人物特征。(2) Group work. Read the text and finish the table.Family MemberAgeNationality(国籍)JobHobbyFeature(特征)DadMumLizaBill设计意图设计意图:此环节以小组合作形式展开,通过搜集信息帮助学生理解文本内容。其中表格中的各项内容并不是每个成员都有提及,短文中没涉及到的,学生自由拓展,提高学生搜集和处理信息的能力。(3)Repeat the text according to the table above.设计意图设计意图:根据表格信息,让学生对文本信息更了解。同时,学生用第三人称对文本进行复述,更好提升语言运用能力。3. Learning of Part 3.(1) Listen and answer the questions.Q1: How is Lizas home town?Q2: How is China?(2)True or false.设计意图设计意图:通过完成正误题目,了解中国与澳大利亚天气的不同之处。拓宽学生的地域文化知识。(3)T: Which sentences are talking about China?Which sentences are talking about Australia?Which country do you like better? Why?(4) Read the whole text in roles.Step 3 Post-reading1. Finish 1b.2. Read the whole text together.Step 4 HomeworkQuestions:(文本拓展)1. Do you want to go to Lizas home town?2. Do you want to know something about Ma Taos family?Step 5 Blackboard design My cousins and I Lesson 1 LizaQ1: Whats Liza like?Q2: Whats Lizas family like?Q3: Whats the weather like in China/Australia?How manyHow oldWhat When Where
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