Unit 1 My cousins and I-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-县级公开课-外研剑桥版六年级下册(编号:202d0).zip

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    • The trouble with Mum 1-5幅图录音.mp3
    • The trouble with Mum 12-14幅图录音.mp3
    • The trouble with Mum 6-11幅图录音.mp3
    • The trouble with Mum.mp4
    • The trouble with Mum.pptx--点击预览
    • 教案202d0.docx--点击预览
    • 视频对话.mp4


TheTroublewith MumAnnaAnnateacherteacher cover 封面 writer 作者ee trtablecousinou麻烦 Read the story silently and tell us:默读故事后告诉我们 What does the boys Mum do ?Lets enjoyLets enjoy(P1-P4)(P1-P4) and answer: and answer:1.What does she wear?2.How did the boy and his Mum go to school?3.What did she make ?1.What does she wear?She wears a hat.She wears a hat.Whats on the hat?Whats on the hat?Whats on the hat?Whats on the hat?The trouble with mum is what she wears.what she wearstrouble Reading strategy 阅读策略 Use the key words to get the main ideas 用关键词抓住文本中的主要信息。Does your Mum wear this Does your Mum wear this Does your Mum wear this Does your Mum wear this kind of hat?kind of hat?kind of hat?kind of hat?1.What does she wear?She wears a hat.She wears a hat.2.How did Mum take the boy to school?How did the other kids go to school?She took me to the school by broom.At first the other kids gave me funny looks.laugh at 嘲笑took me to the schoolgave me funny looksby broom1.What does she wear?She wears a hat.She wears a hat.2.How did Mum take the boy to school?She took the boy to school by She took the boy to school by broom.broom.3.What did she make ?Mum made some food for school.What did Mum make?1.What does she wear?She wears a hat.She wears a hat.2.How did Mum take the boy to school?She took the boy to school by broom.She took the boy to school by broom.3.What did she make ?She made some food.She made some food.They were a disaster. They were a disaster.A. Its bad.B. Its good.What did the people think of the food?That was a .disasterThat was a .disasterThat was a .disasterThey were a disaster. What did the kids think of the food?They were a disaster.But the kids thought they were BRILLIANT !A. Its bad.B. Its good.wonderfulBRILLIANTLets enjoy (P5-P10) and think:Whats the trouble?Whats the trouble?They visited my house.They like my pets.They met my grandma.We all .went wildgo wild玩疯了their parents took them homeMy friends were sad.Then .What happened?发生了什么?What did they say?The boys MumThe girls MumThe little girlShow timeShow timeMum was _.sadWhats the Whats the trouble?trouble?where she livesListen and think (P12-P14):Listen and think (P12-P14):Do you think Mum is a trouble? Why?Do you think Mum is a trouble? Why? Then one day , the school was .on fireThe house was .on fireThe forest was .on fireThen one day , the school was .on fireShe .put out the fireThey thanked her very much.Mum is _.happyNow we all go wild at my house.sadhappyWhat do you think of this boys Mum? 44What do you think of your Mum What do you think of your Mum What do you think of your Mum What do you think of your Mum ? Why? Why? Why? Why?outgoingoutgoingclever.clever.wordy(wordy(啰嗦啰嗦) )strict(strict(严格严格) )There are all kinds of mothers in the world, but love is the same.How big is your heart, how big is the space you give to others!世界上有各种各样的妈妈,但是爱却是一样的。你的心有多大,你给别人的空间就有多大!Homework Whats your mums trouble?Write a mind map about your mother.Thank you for listening!TheThe troubletrouble withwith MumMum 教学设计教学设计教学内容:TheThe troubletrouble withwith MumMum教学内容分析:我的我的妈妈妈妈真麻真麻烦烦绘本前面的内容基本上描述的都是妈妈一些“奇怪”、“负面”的行为,比如“顶着奇特的帽子”,“骑着扫把接送我上学”等等,而随着阅读的一步步深入,妈妈的“奇特之处”总能派上用场,并且总是能够理解“我”的真正需要,给“我”和“我”的朋友带来欢乐,因此渐渐扭转了妈妈在书中的形象。可以说,是一种“先抑后扬”的内容设置,通过调动阅读者的主观情感变化,突出妈妈的“可爱”性格,引起孩子对故事中母亲的喜爱之情,最后,从图画书中走出来,激发孩子对自己妈妈的喜爱之情。爱的胸怀应该是博大的,学会接纳和包容与自己不同类型的人。你的心有多大,你给别人的空间就有多大!教学目标:1.学生能听说读 trouble, broom, disaster, brilliant.2. 学生能综合运用句型 The trouble with Mum is.并整理出妈妈的麻烦是什么,并结合图片理解故事内容。3. 通过理解该故事,引导学生了解妈妈的爱,并学会接纳和包容与自己不同类型的人。你的心有多大,你给别人的空间就有多大!教学重点:1. 学生能熟读故事内容。2.学生能理解故事内容,并整理出妈妈的麻烦。教学难点:1. 学生能听说读 trouble, disaster, brilliant.2. 运用 The trouble with Mum is .整理出关于妈妈的麻烦。教学过程:1、激趣热身,导入课题我将采取 Free talk 的方式进行课前热身及课题导入:1. Introduce myself: Im Anna. Im your new teacher. What does your mother do? Do you love your Mum?设计意图:此处设计的目的有两个,一是为了缓解学生接触新老师的紧张情绪,二是由自己的工作让学生谈及妈妈的工作以及对妈妈的感情,很自然的引入到本节课的课题“Mum”,自然而不拖沓。二、呈现课题,学习新知1.出现绘本封面,圈出正中间的主人翁小男孩:T:Today well talk about his Mum.2.解读封面:作者的相关信息、揭示课题以及教授新词 trouble。3.整体感知故事:Read the whole story and tell us: What does the boys Mum do?设计意图:详解绘本封面,由绘本封面引入课题,激发学生兴趣,能让学生在最短的时间内知道本节课的目的是什么,以及自己需要做的事情。让学生带着问题去整体感知故事,对故事中的妈妈有了一个初步的了解,首先以问题“妈妈是什么?”妈妈是女巫,来为后面的妈妈真麻烦做铺垫,妈妈为什么会是麻烦?妈妈哪些方面麻烦?正是因为妈妈是女巫,妈妈和其他普通的妈妈不一样,所以才会有后面一系列的麻烦。4. T:Lets know more about Mum! 让学生带着问题看故事第一部分 P1-4 的翻页书:(1)What does she wear?(2)How did the boy and his Mum go to school?(3)What did she make ?教师在详解前面四幅图中贯穿:Whats the trouble?5、Read the text(P1-4)通过问题的设置,在回答问题的过程中详解 P1-4 幅图,并讲解知识点。让学生找出妈妈的前三个麻烦是什么。设计意图:其实这四个问题的设置也是经过不断推敲的。第一个问题的设置是妈妈的第一个麻烦:what she wears。第二个问题的设置是妈妈的第二个麻烦:how she takes me to school。第三个问题的设置是妈妈的第三个麻烦:what she makes。依次详解完妈妈的前三个麻烦后再带着学生熟读故事,总结麻烦,让学生再次理解文本,也是让学生对总结妈妈的第四个麻烦做铺垫。6、教师过渡:Mum makes lots of troubles. Any other troubles?Lets see and think about it: Whats the trouble?让学生带着问题观看故事 P5-10 翻页书.思考:Whats the trouble?学生知道可以作答,不知道一起解决。T:Never mind. Lets see!(1)跟读 P5,6,7(2)We all went wild。Why did the children go wild?(想象自己是其中的某个孩子)让学生谈谈自己的感想并试着表达高兴之词。(3)T:Happy times are always short! What happened?(4)T:What did they say? 解读绘本图片:妈妈似乎和一个孩子的妈妈在说些什么,看起来似乎很生气。让学生发挥自己的想象谈谈他们可能说了什么。给学生观看视频,让后让学生模仿或是自由表达自己的想法。7、孩子们被父母带走后:How was Mums feeling?8. 通过逐步分析后回归绘本:Whats the trouble?设计意图:由于妈妈的第四个麻烦相对前三个麻烦来说,较难总结,所以教师将第四个麻烦单独拿了和学生一起分析。在分析过程中,P5-7 较简单,学生易于掌握,跟读一遍没有问题。而第 8 幅图,让学生去体会在妈妈家玩疯了的感觉,就更能体会父母来要将孩子们带走的那种失落,感情由极度开心到极度伤心的那种大起大落情绪的变化。也为女巫妈妈和图片中小女孩妈妈最后的争吵做下了铺垫。也让学生更能理解妈妈情绪的变化。挖掘图片设置了一个问题:What did they say? 充分挖掘绘本信息,丰富文本知识。让学生充分理解了前后情绪的变化后就有话可说。优等生能看图说话,但是班上的后进生可能有点困难,所以教师在设计本部分时给了学生一个视频作为例子,有一个示范作用。优等生可以依次拓展延伸,后进生可以模仿进行设计自己的对话。最后设置一个问题:妈妈的心情如何?让孩子体会妈妈的心情,为后面第三部分妈妈的情绪的反转以及人们对妈妈的态度做铺垫。9. 听绘本最后一部分 P12-15 回答问题 Listen and think: Do you think Mum is a trouble? Why?10. 教师依次解读文本并对比妈妈前后的心情,其他父母对妈妈态度的转变,引导学生回答:What do you think of the boys Mum? Why?整个故事进行了一个翻转,妈妈不麻烦!板书总结并引导学生 what she wears: she is different.how she takes me to school: she is interesting.what she makes: she is hard working. where she lives: she is kind.11. What do you think of your Mum? Why?12. 人文渗透:There are all kinds of mothers in the world, but love is the same. How big is your heart, how big is the space you give to others!设计意图:将学校着火,妈妈救了孩子们从而得到了其他家长的认可作为故事的第三部分,与前面妈妈真麻烦形成了鲜明的对比。通过初听的形式,集中学生的注意力,引发思考妈妈现在为什么不麻烦了?教师通过分析文本进而引发学生更深层次的思考:What do you think of the boys Mum? Why?并板书引导学生总结妈妈各种麻烦其实不是麻烦从而将故事进行了一个反转。然后自然而然的由书本过渡到生活:你自己的妈妈怎么样呢?或许妈妈有千万种,但是妈妈的爱却是一样的。并适当渗透本文作者 Babettle Cole 写这本书的意图:爱的胸怀应该是博大的,学会接纳和包容与自己不同类型的人。你的心有多大,你给别人的空间就有多大!三、HomeworkWhats your mums trouble? Write a mind map about your mother.设计意图:本部分作业让学生设计自己的妈妈的相关麻烦的思维导图,一是承接上文,你的妈妈如何?二是结合了本课的主要内容,将所学运用到学生自己的生活中去,总结自己妈妈有哪些麻烦,理论联系实际。
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