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六年级英语六年级英语 Unit 2 food and health说说 课课 稿稿 一、说教学目标与教学内容一、说教学目标与教学内容 本单元的核心话题是“谈论饮食健康” 。围绕这一话题,课本设计了各种饮食插图和不同形式的练习,让学生进行听说读写等各种学习活动。通过本课时的教学,让学生谈论饮食健康问题,能在今后交际中恰当地表达自己的情感,灵活运用已经学过的常用功能项目,为进一步学习并掌握新的语言功能奠定坚实的基础,促使学生学会在实际生活中均衡饮食,合理配餐。 二、说教学策略与教学互动二、说教学策略与教学互动 在本课教学过程中,我主要注重四个方面:(1) 、注重启发引导。培养学生分析、概括能力的同时,注重教学方法的灵活性,让学生乐于接受,易于接受。 (2) 、循序渐进和尊重差异。由简到繁,由难及易。 (3) 、合作学习。要求学生学会表达,学会讨论,学会倾听。 (4) 、课后拓展。如小组成员共同制定一份营养食谱。 本课采用多媒体辅助教学,用图片使抽象的语言变得直观,为学生运用英语进行交际创设情境,实现师生互动,生生互动的多向交流。 三、说教学流程三、说教学流程 在教学本课时,首先用图片展示使抽象的单词变得直观,激发学习兴趣。结合食物颜色,联系上一课时的听力任务导入新课。通过不同形式的活动,让学生感知、操练语言,为下一步活动做好铺垫。同时将单词和目标语言进行集中训练与运用,扫除学生的语言障碍。然后小组合作完成教材规定的教学任务,并与他人交流信息。最后通过 report 表达出来,分享自己的观点。在学生掌握一定语言表达技能基础上,对学生进行课堂练习,使语言转化为能力,说和读的能力转化为写的能力,从而做到知识的落实。Food andhealthUnit 2If you have a favourite food,You can try a new one.You can try new foods,Someting new to you.If you try new foods,Then they can be your favourites,too.If you like apples,try a pear.Like carrrot sticks,try celery.You can try new foods,Someting new to you.If you try new foods,Then they can be your favourites,too.If you like grapes,try cherries,too.Like corn-on-the cob,try string beans.You can try new foods,Someting new to you.If you try new foods,Then they can be your favourites,too.If you have a favourite food,You can try a new one.You can try new foods,Someting new to you.If you try new foods,Then they can be your favourites,too.Listen and sing the song Try new foodsapplecherrytomatoorangepepperstrawberrypineapplecarrotpumpkinplumbananacornlemonmangograpewatermelonchinese leavescelerycucumberWhat is missing?Food rainbow My favourite red/orange/yellow/green/blue/purple food is .我最喜欢的红色/橙色/黄色/绿色/蓝色/紫色食物是. Whats your favourite food?Red: tomato, apple, pepper .Orange: orange, pineapple, carrot .Yellow: lemon, mango, banana .Green: celery,string beans .Blue/Purple: plum, grape .Listen to the tape and answer the questions.Children need to eat fruit and vegetables in different colours every day. It helps you grow and stay well.Red fruit and vegetables help keep your heart strong.Orange fruit and vegetables help keep your eyes healthy.Yellow fruit and vegetables help keep you from getting ill.Green fruit and vegetables help make your bones and teeth strong.Blue and purple fruit and vegetables help your memory.Listen and tick True or False . is/are good for .有益.Red fruit and vegetables are good for your heart. Orange fruit and vegetables are good for you eyes. Green fruit and vegetables are good for your bones and teeth. Blue and purple fruit and vegetables are good for your memory.Fruit is good for your health.Vegetables are good for your health.They are healthy.I like chips and candies.I drink cola everydayfruitmilkchipschocolatebreadcandiescolahamburgervegetableschicken and eggsbrown ricejuiceThe food of high quantity of heat,High oil,high salt and high sweet is bad for your health.高热量,高油,高油脂,高糖分的食物都是无高热量,高油,高油脂,高糖分的食物都是无益于健康的。益于健康的。 Choose the right word (good or bad)Fruit is _ for your health.Candies are _ for your health.Cola is _ for your health.Bread is also _ for your health.goodgoodbadbadgood for your health.bad for your health.is/arefruitmilkchipschocolatebreadcandiescolahamburgervegetableschicken and eggsbrown ricejuiceLook and discussShopping in supermarketjuicemilkhamburgerbreadchocolatechipseggcandies1. is /are good for your health.有益于你的健康.2. is/are bad for your health.有害于你的健康.4. and . are good for us. .和.对我们有好处.5. are healthy.是健康的.Whats your favourite food?My favourite food is cherry.Why do you like cherry ? Because it is good for my health . fruitfruitvegetablesvegetableschickenchicken andand eggseggschocolatechocolatejuicejuicemilkmilkchipchips scandiecandies sbreadbreadbrownbrown ricericedrinksdrinksSummary. is/are good for your health. . is/are bad for your health. . and . are good for us. . are healthy.Summary. is/are good for your health. . is/are bad for your health. . and . are good for us. . are healthy.Thank you UnitUnit 2 2 FoodFood andand healthhealth TeachingTeaching AimsAims:1.listen1.listen andand understandunderstand thethe foodfood wordswords withwith thethe pictures,pictures, thenthen readread andand writewrite2.Communicate2.Communicate aboutabout theirtheir favouritefavourite fruitfruit andand vegetablesvegetables withwith thethe sentencesentence patterns:patterns:MyMy favouritefavourite foodfood isis 3.Discuss3.Discuss aboutabout eatingeating habitshabits withwith thethe sentencesentence patterns:patterns: isis /are/are goodgood forfor ImportantImportant pointspoints:1.Read1.Read andand rememberremember thethe wordswords2.Use2.Use thethe keykey sentencessentences toto expressexpress thethe favouritefavourite foodfood andand thethe eatingeating habitshabits3.Use3.Use thethe keykey sentencessentences toto talktalk andand writewrite aboutabout thethe foodfood andand health.health.【教学准备教学准备】Recorder,Recorder, tapetape word-cards,word-cards, pictures,pictures, PPTPPTTeachingTeaching contents:contents: PartPart 2 2 & & PartPart 3 3TeachingTeaching AimsAims:1.Know1.Know thethe foodfood rainbow.rainbow.2.Ask2.Ask andand answer:answer:WhatsWhats youryour favouritefavourite food?food?MyMy favouritefavourite foodfood isis 3.Use3.Use thethe sentencessentences structmentstructmentbebe goodgood forfor bebe badbad forforImportantImportant pointspoints:LearnLearn toto readread andand useuse thethe sentencesentence patternspatternsDifficultDifficult pointspoints:1.Ask1.Ask andand answer:answer:WhatsWhats youryour favouritefavourite food?food?MyMy favouritefavourite foodfood isis 2.use2.use thethe sentencessentences structmentstructmentbebe goodgood forfor bebe badbad forforWarming-upWarming-up1.Greetings1.Greetings2.Listen2.Listen andand singsing thethe songTrysongfoodsProceduresProcedures1.Free1.Free talk:talk:WhatWhat isis youryour favouritefavourite food?food?2.divide2.divide thethe foodfood intointo severalseveral categories:categories:fruits,fruits, vegetables,vegetables, sweets,sweets, drinks,drinks, 3.Pay3.Pay attentionattention toto fruitsfruits andand vegetablesvegetablesClassifyClassify thethe fruitsfruits andand vegetablesvegetables byby colourscolours4.Answer4.Answer thethe questions:questions:WhatWhat isis youryour favouritefavourite red/red/ food?food?5.Write5.Write downdown theirtheir favouritefavourite foodfood forfor eacheach colourcolour inin thethe rainbowrainbowCheckCheck thethe answers.answers.ReadRead thethe sentencessentences oneone byby oneone inin rowsrows6.Fruits6.Fruits andand vegetablesvegetables withwith differentdifferent colourscolours areare goodgood forfor differentdifferent bodies.bodies.7.listen7.listen toto thethe mp3,mp3, trytry toto understandunderstand thethe texttext8.listen8.listen again,again, repeatrepeat thethe sentencessentences andand understandunderstand them,them, thenthen ticktick truetrue ofof falsefalsecheckcheck thethe answersanswers9.listen9.listen againagain andand imitateimitate thethe tonestones toto readreadPracticePracticeTryTry toto useuse thethe sentencesentence patterns:patterns: is/areis/are goodgood forfor WriteWrite onon thethe notebooks,notebooks, readread inin differentdifferent waysways correctlycorrectly andand skillfullyskillfullyHomeworkHomeworkReadRead , , translatetranslate andand reciterecite thethe rightright sentencessentences inin PartPart 3.3. BoardwritingBoardwriting UnitUnit 2 2 FoodFood andand healthhealth fruitsfruits red:tomatored:tomatovegetablesvegetables orange:orangeorange:orange foodfood sweetssweets yellow:lemonyellow:lemon drinksdrinks green:watermelongreen:watermelon blue:grapeblue:grape
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