Unit 3 Mary’s diary-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--公开课-外研剑桥版六年级下册(编号:40a2b).zip

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A healthy dietA healthy dietRevision 1 Revision 1 Lesson 3Lesson 3 游戏规则:看到关于food的图片就大声读出来。看到炸弹就起立说“boom”Quick response 快速反应Word bank healthy food words unhealthy food words Fruits and vegetablesGrain food Others Healthy protein Look and sayLook and sayA healthy dietlesssomemoreplenty ofFood pyramid 食物金字塔Look at the picture. Then tick () or cross () What makes a healthy diet? oil, salt, sweets, fatmilk, fish, chicken, meat, eggsvegetables and fruitgrain foods: rice, noodles, bread. We can learn from the picture:1.what foods to eat and how to eat well every day. 2.what foods we shouldnt eat. 3.eating different kinds of food a day is wrong. 4.too much salt and sugar is bad for our health.5. we have to eat more vegetables and fruit. 6.eating grain foods each day is good for our health. P28Hello! Im Peter . I have very good eating habits . I do some exercise every day . Work in pairs : ask and answer1.What is he going to eat for breakfast?2.Is he going to drink milk for lunch? What is he going to drink?3.What grain food is he going to have for lunch?4.Is he going to eat any fruit for lunch?5.What is he going to eat for supper? P311. He never does exercise. 2.I like eating plenty of different fruits. 3. Mike often plays basketball after school. 4. My mom only sleeps for five hours every night. 5. Mr. Green likes pizza, hamburgers. 6.Drink one or two cups of milk every day. 7.She plays computer for the most of the day. 8. We should eat some food with healthy protein. 9. Children should eat some fish or eggs, they are good for bones. Read and matchGood habits Bad habits 2 3 6 8 91 4 5 7fatslim苗条的eat too muchno exercisego to bed lateI want to be slim and fit like before .Can you give me some healthy tips?Make healthy tip cards.1. Write or draw different tips in groups. 小组合作写不同的健康提示2.You can draw pictures or write sentences. 你可以画图或者写句子。3. Tell your friends why you write it. 告诉你的同伴为什么写这个。Wish you have a happy and healthy life.HomeworkA.Design a poster of the healthy diet and talk about it.B. Make a healthy diet for your family.Choose A or BThank You! Revision 1 Lesson 3 教学设计教学设计一、一、 教学分析教学分析 (一)教学内容分析(一)教学内容分析 本课教学内容为外研社 Join in 小学英语六年级下册 Revision 1 P28 Part 5,P31 Part 11 以及 Unit 2 的复习,主要围绕 Food and health 这一话题展开各项复习活动,复习食物类的单词和 Food and health 的话题信息,并完成相关的练习。这个单元主要是让学生通过对食物的了解,养成良好的健康饮食和运动习惯。(二)教学对象分析(二)教学对象分析六年级是小学学习的高年级阶段。学生有很强的求知欲,对贴近生活的学习内容有强烈的好奇心和探索欲望,并且有着很强的表现欲。在英语学习方面,他们经过五年多的英语学习,有一定的知识积累和收集资料的能力,并且他们已接触过有关食物、饮食类;所以本节课的教学将通过对 Unit 2 的知识进行梳理复习,进行适当的拓展,最后达到学生对语言的综合运用。本课学习有两个难点,一是在复习学过的食物类单词并进行分类,以及能对 food and health 的话题进行交流,二是,还要进一步拓展交流食物金字塔的饮食健康结构,并小组内制作健康小秘诀卡片和汇报。因此要注重教学过程中对学生的引导,设计的教学活动注重对难点的滚动及突破,并通过听说练写等活动,为学生创造自然习得语言的环境,让每位学生都学有所得。(三)教学环境分析(三)教学环境分析本次活动选择交互式电子白板、网络教室的教学环境。通过交互式电子白板的某些功能辅助教学,运用形式多样的材料,如:图片,歌曲,视频,网页课件等,渗透饮食健康文化。以及教师精心设计制作的多媒体课件,让学生理解、明确学习任务,小组合作并综合运用语言。二、教学目标二、教学目标(一)语言技能目标(一)语言技能目标1.复习食物类的单词,能听懂、读懂 Food and health 的话题信息,并交流。2.能对食物单词进行分类复习、读懂食物金字塔和Revision 1健康饮食的短文,并制作健康小秘诀卡片。3.学会运用平板设备和网络技术手段自主独立的学习,并完成相关的练习。(二)情感态度(二)情感态度1通过过各种形式的活动,提高学生学习英语的积极性,养成敢于开口,积极思考的学习习惯。2.通过分工合作完成对话交流、卡片制作,培养学生的合作意识。 教学重点、难点教学重点、难点能对食物单词进行分类复习、读懂食物金字塔和Revision 1健康饮食的短文,并制作健康小秘诀卡片。教学准备教学准备白板、学创平板设备、PPT教学过程教学过程Step 1 Warming up.Sing a song.T : Hello,my dear children. Today well review Unit 2 Food. Do you remember the song “ Try new foods” ? Lets sing the song together. 设计意图:复习歌曲,活跃课堂气氛。设计意图:复习歌曲,活跃课堂气氛。Step 2 Review the words.1. Game:Quick response.T : I have lots of yummy foods.,and I want to play a food game with you,If you see the picture of food ,please say it loudly. If you see a bomb,please stand up and say “bomb”.设计意图:食物游戏激趣,复习本单元学过的单词。2. Group work :write down the healthy food words and unhealthy food words as more as you can.T :Whats your favourite food ? Is it good for your health? Yes ,. is healthy , you should eat them everyday. . is bad for our health,you shouldnt eat too much.Do you know which foods are healthy,which foods are unhealthy? Discuss in your group,then write them down on your board. Write the healthy food words on the left , write the unhealthy food words on the right .小组展示。设计意图:学生集思广益搜集所有学过的食物单词,小组可以互相学习,用最短的时间高效、自主复习更多的食物单词。体现生生互学。Step 3 Presentation 1.Look and match.(使用平板托拽图片进行单词分类)T : Just now ,we reviewed different kinds of food. Some belongs to grain food,some belongs to fruits and vegetables. Some belongs to healthy protein and others.(板书) Now there are different yummy foods. Can you take these food to the right group with your ipad ?教师评价设计意图:使用平板作业功能,让学生自主区分食物的种类,为下一个环节做铺垫。(平板计时 2 分钟)2. Look and say. T : This picture is a food pyramid, it shows us“A healthy diet”.(板书课题) What can you learn from this healthy diet? You can use this sentences:We should/shouldnt.is good/bad for .设计意图:让学生看食物金字塔说出自己对图片的理解,师总结,体现自主探究。Step 4 Practice1. Look ,the tick or cross 课本第 28 页 part 5.2. Check the answers .(平板完成判断题,数据分析答题情况)T: What makes a healthy diet ? Are these sentences right or wrong ? Look at the picture,then tick or cross with your ipad.设计意图:用平板数据分析功能,了解学生的错误集中在什么地方,可以有针对性的讲解。3. Work in pairs : Ask and answer.T:If we make a healthy diet, well be fit and strong like Peter. Peter has very good eating habits. He does some exercise every day. The pictures show what he is going to eat tomorrow. Please ask and answer these questions in groups.4. Read and fill in the numbers . (平板完成句子分类题)T : If we want to keep fit and strong , a healthy diet is very important .But is that enough? Yes, we should do more exercises and sleep well. We should build good habits. Read this sentences and fill in the numbers on your ipad. Which sentences belong to good habits, which sentences belong to bad habits .Step 5 Consolidation and application1.Make healthy tip cards .Do you know this girl ? What do you know about her ?She is fat now,but she was fit and slim before. Do you know why she becomes fat now? The doctor says,she eats too much,she doesnt do exercise. She goes to bed late.Now she wants to be slim and fit ,can you make some healthy tips for her ? If your group finished the card,please take a photo to me.(使用平板拍照功能,分组提交)2.Show time .小组展示作品Step 6 Homework .A. Design a poster of the healthy diet and talk about it.B. Make a healthy diet for your family.Choose A or B板书设计: A healthy diet We should / shouldnt . . Eating . is good/bad for . .
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