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1、2022年年上上海海市市崇崇明明区区中中考考一一模模英英语语Part 2Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary(第第二二部部分分 语语法法和和词词汇汇)II. Choose the best answer (选选择择最最恰恰当当的的答答案案)21.I understand what you have said but Im not sure I agree _you.A) ofB) toC) forD) with22.I left my English book at home. Luckily, Linda shared _with me.A) sheB) her

2、sC) herD) herself23.The doctor said that there was _wrong with me, but I still felt sick.A) everythingB) anythingC) nothingD) something24.Lhasa is known asthe city of sunlight. It is _city in China.A) dryB) drierC) driestD) the driest25.Jack talks with his client quite politely on the phone.and his

3、voice sounds too.A) friendlyB) softlyC) safelyD) beautifully26.-Im terribly sorry for being late. _ have you waited for me?-Never mind.I have just arrived myself.A) How oftenB) How soonC) How farD) How long27.People _ use public transportation if they dont wear masks(罩) or show the QRcodes.A) mustnt

4、B) wouldntC) needntD) couldnt28. Lynn _ a bike to work on weekdays. She thinks it can help protect theenvironment.A) rideB) rideC ) rodeD) has ridden29. Jacks grandfather _ ill for two weeks.He still cant get out of his bed now.A) wasB) will beC) has beenD) is30. Nick likes travelling and he is alwa

5、ys good at _ cheap flights online.A) foundB) findC) findsD) finding31. The government advised all the citizens _ at home until the typhoon passedaway,A) stayingB) to stayC) stayedD) stay32. Mary invited all her classmates to her birthday party, _ only two of them came.A) andB) soC) butD) or33. She b

6、urned all the letters _ her husband would never read them.A) so thatB) untilC) unlessD) while34. The detective promised to try his best to solve the case, _?A) didnt heB) doesnt heC) hasnt heD) wasnt the35. _ excellent performance the Chinese diver gave in the2020 Olympic Games !A) WhatB) What aC) W

7、hat anD) HowIII. Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each can only be usedonce(将将下下列列单单词词填填入入空空格格。每每空空格格限限填填一一词词, 每每词词只只能能填填一一次次)A) widelyB) seriousC) disabledD) reduceE) warnedWe all wear masks during the pandemic. But we also have to throw them away after ashort time. This co

8、uld become a _36_ environmental problem.Elvis Genbo Xu from the University of Southern Denmark said, “Disposable(一次性的)masks are plastic products. They cannot be easily biodegraded,but may be broken into smallerplastic particles(颗粒) that spread _37_ in the environment, freshwater systems andoceans.Un

9、like other plastic waste is often recycled, masks have no such guidelines( 准 则 ).Scientists _38_ that there could soon be more masks than jellyfish in theMediterranean Sea last summer.Researchers have asked authorities to set up mask-only trash cans. They have also calledfor more people to use reusa

10、ble(可重复使用的) cotton masks to _39_ mask waste.A) worries B) effect C) contactD) tool E) refuseThere is no doubt that technology has had a huge influence on our lives. People from allaround the _40_ each other almost at once with mobile phones and the internet.With this technology, it seems as if the w

11、orld is more connected now than ever before.Even so, there are _41_ about technology because sometimes it makes peoplefeel lonely and disconnected from others around them.It is true that humans need social interaction. But if we rely on technology too much tocommunicate with others, this can have a

12、bad_42_ on our mental health.Take social media as an example. If you only use it to admire others strong points, youmight feel sad and lonely. But if you use it as a_43_ to connect with friends andfamily or to start a new community to talk about your interests, that loneliness will turn intolove and

13、 friendship.IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用用括括号号中中所所给给单单词词的的适适当当形形式式完完成成下下列列句句子子, 每每空空格格限限填填一一词词)44.Jane doesnt want to see the film because it brings her too many bad_.(memory)45.Joe has recently returned from his _ trip to Australia.(five)46.The young couple

14、 worked hard in order to give _ children a good start inlife.(they)47.The law can _ students to have more free time to play.(able)48.The old man becomes so _ that he even cant recognize his sons.(forget)49.Mr.Green has lived in China for years and can speak Mandarin(普通话) _.(correct)50.China remeasur

15、ed(重测) the _ of the Great Wall more than ten years ago.(long)51.My mother was _ with my poor grades though she didnt say a word about it.(happy)V. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根根据据要要求求改改写写句句子子)52.Eric heard some noise on the night of the robbery.(改为否定句)Eric _ _ any noise on the night

16、of the robbery.53.The children in Tom s village used to go fishing by the river. (对划线部分提问)_ _ the children in Toms village use to go fishing54.They check every passengers luggage at the underground station. (改为被动语态)Every passengers luggage _ _ at the underground station.55.The scientist was so weak

17、that he couldnt continue with his research (改为简单句)The scientist was _ _ to continue with his research.56.Jason happened to meet his class teacher when he walked to the park.(保持句意基本不变)Jason happened to meet his class teacher when he went to the park _ _ .57.Which country will hold the next Olympic Ga

18、mes ? My son asked me .(改为间接引语)My son asked me which country _ _ the next Olympic Games.58.cant, a foreign language, to learn, in a short time, anyone, expect (连词成句)_Part 3Reading and Writing(第第三三部部分分阅阅读读和和写写话话)VI. Reading comprehension(阅阅读读理理解解)A. Choose the best answer(选选择择最最恰恰当当的的答答案案)Fiona McInt

19、yre is a taxi driver in London. She tells us about her work and some of herexperiences.Q: When did you start?Ive been a taxi driver for about five years. Before that I was a bus driver in London, and Ienjoyed it, but I wanted more freedom so I changed and started driving my taxi.Q: Have you ever had

20、 any famous passengers?Oh yes.Ive had film stars, politicians, you know, lots of famous people. About a yearago,a really famous actor got in my taxi.I took him to the airport. We were stuck on the wayand it took a long time to get there, so he missed his plane and failed to meet his fans. Itwasnt my

21、 fault but when he got out of the taxi, he shouted at me angrily!I said to him,Nexttime, take a bus!Q: Have passengers ever left anything in your taxi?Oh yes! People have left all kinds of things-a suitcase,a hat, mobile phones, of course,even a dog once! Years ago,a woman left a pair of shoes on th

22、e seat. And one time apassenger left his teeth here! Not real teeth, of course-false teeth.And people have asked me to do some strange jobs. Once a doctor stopped me outside ahospital and asked me to take a skeleton to another hospital. Professors usually use skeletonsto teach medical students, you

23、know. And I did. But I asked him to pay first - the skeletoncouldnt pay, after all!Q: _63_Good question. Ive always enjoyed being a taxi driver and I dont want to change. But ofcourse, sometimes, its not great. I dont like driving around without a passenger, but its betterthan just waiting at the ai

24、rport or at a railway station. I think thats the worst part-waiting.59. Fiona McIntyre thinks being a taxi driver is more _ than being a bus driver.A) independentB) excitingC)comfortableD)satisfying60.The famous actor missed his plane because _.A) Fiona didnt drive wellB) Fiona wasnt very politeC) t

25、here was too much trafficD) there were too many fans61. Passengers left the following things EXCEPT _ on Fionas taxiA) suitcasesB) mobile phonesC) false teethD)umbrellas62.The underlined ward him in Fionas answer to the third question refers to _.A) the skeletonB) the doctorC) the professorD) the st

26、udent63. Which of the following questions best fits Blank 63?A) What do you think of the future of a taxi driver?B) What do you think is the worst part of your job?C) What do you do when there are no passengers?D) What do you do when youre waiting for passengers64. According to the interview, which

27、of the following is NOT TRUE?A) Fiona has worked as a taxi driver since five years ago.B) Sometimes passengers may leave their pets in Fionas taxi.C) Fiona doesnt like driving around without a passenger most.D) Fiona doesnt think that the famous actor was polite.B. Choose the words and complete the

28、passage(选选择择最最恰恰当当的的单单词词, 完完成成短短文文)At the scene of a crimeIts 5: 30 a.m, and your phone rings. A police officer says someone broke into a store andtook some expensive items. They need you right away because sometimes witnesses may be_65_ while the clues(线索) at the scene will always tell the truth. I

29、t is your job tostudy the whole scene for clues that will help catch the thief. You are a crime sceneinvestigator(调查员) , and the game is on.Outside the store, you see a broken window, but there is no glass on the street. There areshoeprints, and marks made by a vehicles tires(车辆轮胎) . You look at the

30、 shoeprints.Theyre large, so youre likely to _66_ a man. You photograph the shoes pattern.This can tell you the type of shoe. You then measure the space between the shoeprints. Younow know how long the persons steps were. This gives you an idea of the _67_ ofthe thief.As you follow the shoeprints ov

31、er to the tire marks, the spaces between the steps getbigger. They lead to the passengers side of the vehicle. Now you know the thief probablydidnt work _68_. You photograph the tire marks. They can help you find out thetype of vehicle and the direction it went. The most important clues will come fr

32、om a persons_69_. You find some fingerprints near the broken window. Using a computer, youcan match them with millions of others. You also find a hair at the scene. You keep it,because you know hair contains a persons DNA. You can _70_ this with otherpeoples DNA. If you find a match for the fingerpr

33、int or the DNA, you will know who was inthe store.Will you find the thief? You now have a lot of information, so its possible. For a crimescene investigator, its all in a days work.65.A) dishonestB) politeC)excitedD) nervous66.A) depend onB) keep offC) Wait forD) kook for67.A) addressB) heightC)clot

34、hesD) education68. A) hardB) gentlyC)aloneD) rarely69.A) senseB)responseC) impressionD)body70.A) compareB) competeC) supportD) shareC. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在在短短文文的的空空格格内内填填入入适适当当的的词词, 是是其其内内容容通通顺顺, 每每空空格格限限填填一一次次, 首首字字母母已已给给)When Emily Cummins was four years old,

35、 her grandfather gave her a hammer. She lovedusing it, and started to learn how to make toys from old things that nobody used any more.When she was a teenager, she was very c_71_ and always thought lot aboutmaking inventions to help other people. Emilys grandfather had an illness. He had a lot ofpai

36、n in his hands and fingers.One day, Emily saw that he had t_72_ getting toothpaste (牙膏) out of the tube.She made an invention that helped him with this, and won the Young Engineer for BritainAward for her toothpaste dispenser.A few years later, Emily learnt about the serious water shortage in some A

37、fricancountries. The women and children there often walk many kilometres a day to get water fortheir villages. They usually put the buckets on their heads. Therefore. they have to walkc_73_ so as not to spill (溅出) the water. Emilys invention is a simple water carrier.It makes it possible for the wom

38、en to transport up to five buckets each time. Besides, it is easyfor them to r_74_ the water carrier when it is broken as it is made of woodHer latest project is a simple fridge that runs without electricity, but only needs thee_75_ that comes from the sun. There are now thousands of families in vil

39、lages inZambia, Namibia and South Africa who use it to keep milk, food and medicines cool.Emily is now a young woman. She is the winner of several p_76_ for herinventions. She was named one of the worlds top ten young people.Emily frequently visits schools and talks to teenagers. She wants to e_77_

40、themto come up with new ideas that make the world a better place. She wants to use her skills tomake a difference.D. Read the passage below and answer the following questions(根根据据文文章章内内容容回回答答下下列列问问题题)A few years ago the company I work for sent my wife and me to live in New York for ayear. Ive always

41、 loved jogging, so I was really happy when I found out the apartment theyhad rented (租) for us was next to Central Park. This meant that every morning I could go fora run before I went to work.Because a lot of people had Told me to be careful of muggers(抢劫犯) in the park. Ididnt usually take anything

42、 with me. How could they rob me if I have nothing? But thismorning my wife asked me to buy some bread on the way home, so I put a $10 note in mypocket.While I was running through the park, another jogger bumped into me. He apologizedand continued running. I thought it was a bit strange so I checked

43、my pocket and found thatthe money was missing. I immediately started to run after another jogger. I finally caught upand grabbed him by his arm. I started shouting and demanding that he gave me the $10. Imnot usually a hot-headed person but I really lost my temper. This seemed to frighten him andhe

44、quickly put his hand in his pocket and gave me the money. Then he ran away as fast as hecould.I bought the bread and went home. As soon as I got home I began to tell my wife mystory. You wont believe what happened to me, I started. She immediately interrupted,Iknow, you left the money for the bread

45、on the kitchen table.78. Where was the writers apartment a few years ago?79. What did the writers wife ask him to do on his way home?80. Why did the writer check his pocket when he was running?81. What showed the writer really lost his temper that morning?82. Who did another jogger think the writer

46、might be?83. How would the writer feel at the end of the story? Why do you think so?(Give at least tworeasons)VII. Writing84.Write a letter of at least 60 words on the topic“A suggestion for our school”(以“给学校的一个建议”为题写一封不少于60个词的信,标点符号不占格。)在近四年的初中校园生活和学习中,你学到和享受到了很多。但是通过你的观察,学校有些地方还有提升和完善的空间,比如在课后服务、活

47、动项目、学生午餐、学校设施、校园文化等等方面。要求:请你结合自身经历,确定一个主题,给校长写封信,为学校提出一个合理化、可操作的建议,并说说你的理由或感想。注意:1.短文中不得出现任何校名、人名及其它相关信息,否则不予评分。2.照抄阅读语篇不得分。参参考考答答案案21-35 DBCDADABCDBCAAC36-39 BAED40-43 CABD44-51 memories,fifth,their,enable,forgetful,correctly,length,unhappy52.didnt hear 53.Where did54.is checked55.too weak56.on foo

48、t57.would hold 58.Anyone cant expect to learn a foreign language in a short time.59-64 ACDCBC65-70 DDBCDA71-77 creative; trouble; carefully; repair; energy; prizes; encourage78.It was next to Central Park.79.His wife asked him to buy some bread on the way home.80.Because he thought it was a bit strange81. He started shouting and demanding that the man give him the $10.82.He thought the writer was crazy and mad.83.He would feel sorry and guilty, because he doubt an innocent person and forced him togive the $10 note.


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