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1、2024年重庆市大渡口区中考英语三诊试卷一、语法选择根据短文内容,从A,B,C三个选项中选出一个语法正确的答案,并把答题卡上对应目的答案标号涂黑。Dear friends,For our big Chinese dream, each of us should have our own small dreams. Take a look at mine. First, I want to be 1 soccer player a really good one. Last week I 2 the school team. Im going to practice very hard, bec

2、ause I want to play for China one day! As the saying goes, “The harder you work, the 3 you will be.” Im going to play soccer 4 Im 35. Then I plan to set up a soccer club for kids. I hope there will be more good soccer 5 in China. Whats more, Im going to try some new things in my free time. I want to

3、 learn mountain climbing. Ill climb as many mountains as I can, for example Mount Qomolangma. Im going to learn to cook. My mom 6 care of me since I was born and I want to cook something delicious for 7 from time to time. There are also other things I want to do. I want to travel around the world 8

4、my parents, and then a book about my wonderful life will 9 by myself before I get too old, ha-ha. Sounds like a far away future, doesnt it? So, for my dreams, must stop here and try to finish my school work now. We all need to work hard to make our dream 10 true,right?Good luck to you all!Your new f

5、riend,Li Ming1AaBanCthe2AmakeBmakesCmade3AgoodBbetterCbest4AwhenBwhileCuntil5AplayerBplayersCplayers6Ais takingBwill takeChas taken7AsheBherChers8AwithBbyCof9AwritesBwroteCbe written10AcomeBcomesCto come二、完形填空根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。As we know, there are 24 solar term

6、s (节气) in China. Grain Rain (谷雨) is one of them and it usually 11 on April 20th and ends on May 5th. This solar term is called Grain Rain because it is known for “Rain waters the grain”. After this term ends, there will be more 12 days. The solar term also means more rainfalls. So if you go out in t

7、he solar term, you may need to bring a(n) 13 with you. But this is a great time for planting and farming. Chinese people have the 14 , “If you dont plant crops during Grain Rain, youll feel like a crab (螃蟹) is creeping in your heart. ” This means that if you miss the time for planting, you will feel

8、 15 later. When the spring rain falls, farmers also begin to grow crops. Farmers often say, “Spring rain is as precious as oil.” It brings farmers 16 for a good year ahead. There are also many interesting 17 during Grain Rain. In the northern part of China, people like to eat Chinese toon with scram

9、bled eggs (香椿炒鸡蛋). Thats why lots of people 18 the toon in the market. The food made during Grain Rain tastes wonderful and is good for your stomach and skin. In the southern part of China, people pick tea leaves on the days of rain. The tea leaves that are 19 during Grain Rain are called Grain Rain

10、 tea, which is popular with people. They are 20 for their freshness and fragrance (香味). Its also said that drinking tea during Grain Rain would prevent bad luck.11AleavesBmeetsClandsDstarts12AhotBfreeCcoolDsnowy13AbowlBumbrellaCcupDhandbag14AsayingBhumorCjokeDtaste15AhappyBscaredCsorryDexcited16Awor

11、kBmoneyCenergyDluck17ArulesBcustomsCstoriesDskills18Aset upBturn offCwrite downDlook for19ApickedBgrownCsoldDthrown20AfamousBbadCreadyDlate三、阅读理解阅读下列材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。WHATS ON THIS WEEKEND?Films at the MuseumTwo European films will be on this Saturday afternoon at the Museum T

12、heatre. See Broken Window at 1:30. The workers will be at 3:45. For further information, the phone number is 8795321. Our website is Museum Theatre. com. Its our e-mail address as well. Captain Good FellowDo your children enjoy interesting stories, funny games, and exciting dances? Captain Good Fell

13、ow will be ready to teach all these things to children of all ages at the City Square on Saturday morning at 10:00. Free. International PicnicAre you tired of eating the same food every day? Come to Central Park on Saturday and the food is delicious and not expensive. Time: Noon to 5:00 p. m. Do You

14、 Want to Hear “The Zoo”“The Zoo”, a popular rock group from Australia, will give their first US concert at 8:00 p. m. at Rose Hall, City College, on Sunday. 21To get more information about the films at the Museum Theatre,we cant _.Awrite a letterBsend an emailCmake a telephone callDlook through the

15、website22You can enjoy food from all over the world in-Central-park-on-Saturday at _.A8:00 AMB6:00 PMC1:30 PMD5:30 PM23_ will give a concert on Sunday.ASee Broken WindowBThe workersCCaptain Good FellowDThe zooFriday, 19 August, 1768With the help of seamen Francis, John and Samuel, I have managed to

16、go aboard Endeavour. Hes small, and his company is over 80 in number. Its a wonder I have not been discovered. Its a good hiding place Ive got in a small boat Endeavour carry. I can look over the boat without being noticed. But it is difficult, lying day and night. The wind blows the ropes against t

17、he deck (甲板) and the ships bell rings regularly. I thought it could never be so noisy on a ship. But it is. Ive got chickens as neighbors. They cluck in cages day and night. Im glad of their company. Captain Cook gathered the seamen and read the Articles of War aloud. Captain is a clean man with col

18、d eyes. Sunday, 21 AugustI had a stomachache again. I wish my father would come aboard and take me home. Im tired, wet and hungry. Father knows by my letter that Ive run away from the farm. But I believe he would not come. Father is so disillusioned (醒悟的) that he hasnt talked with me for several wee

19、ks. All my brothers are excellent students. Only I could not focus on my studies. Father has no use for a son who will not learn well. Thursday, 25 AugustI shall be patient. Father thinks me hopeless when it sticks with a plan. He says I run from everything. Well, I did run from school and the farm.

20、 But I had a good excuse. Although hiding on the boat isnt pleasant, I am better off than I was with the farmers. I shall show Father that I wont give up easily. That I am good for something. That I am more than a farmers boy. The rain has stopped. At last we set a sail (启航). Now there are new sound

21、s to join with the others. The sea is waving, the flags are clapping, the seamen are singing out. Fine sounds. Sailing sounds.24The writer managed to go abroad with the help of _.Athe captainBthe seamenChis fatherDhis brothers25The writer missed his father when he _.Agot to bedBhad a stomachacheCwas

22、 with the captainDgot chickens as neighbors26The writer sailed with the seamen because _.Ahis father didnt allow him to go to schoolBhis brothers asked him to see more of the worldChe wanted to show he was a hopeful boyDthe seamen asked him to escape from home27From the diaries, we can know the writ

23、er was a(n) _ person.AoutgoingBhumorousChonestDindependentEvery early morning in Southwest Chinas Chongqing, there is a common scene at the citys Subway Line 4: a group of farmers shouldering vegetables for sale are busy riding on the subway to the city center. The second part of the subway line con

24、nects Shichuan town to the city center. It has provided local farmers near the town with a wider channel for selling their products since its opening in 2022. The vegetables grown by the farmers, which used to be sold at low prices in the town, can now be sold at higher prices in the city. Every mor

25、ning around 6 oclock, the entrance and exit of the Shichuan Town station of the line are crowded with these special passengers. They carry baskets within fresh vegetables on their backs. To make it easier for the farmers, the station which was supposed to open at 6:15, now opens five minutes early e

26、very day. The workers at the station also help as much as possible: helping with the baskets, guiding them to enter the station quickly and orderly and so on. Theres an elderly couple in their 80s, who take the subway to sell vegetables. In Chongqing, people over the age of 65 can use the subway for

27、 free. The opening of this subway line not only saves money for the elderly but also time. According to Feng, the husband of the elderly couple, it took him more than one hour to reach the city before as he had to take several buses. Now, by taking the subway, they can get there in less than 30 minu

28、tes without any hassle. And they can sell all their vegetables in less than three hours after arriving at the market.28How does the second part of Subway Line 4 help local farmers?AIt stops them from selling their products.BIt gives them a quick ride.CIt makes them sell their products at higher pric

29、es.DIt allows them to sell their products in the city.29Which of the following is not TRUE according to the passage?AThe station opens at 6:15 every day.BThe workers at the station help with the baskets.CThe workers at the station guide the farmers to enter the station.DThe workers at the station ma

30、ke the passengers enter the station quickly and orderly.30What advantages do the elderly have from the subway line?AComfortable travel.BFree rides and less travel time.CFaster travel.DLower vegetable prices.31Where can we probably read the passage?AIn a science magazine.BIn a storybook.CIn a travel

31、guide.DIn a newspaper.Dorothy and her friends then walked through the doorway. Inside was a very big room. At the end of it was a huge head that seemed to float in the air. Dorothy saw that the eyes of the head were looking at her. Then the head spoke. “I am Oz! Who are you, little girl, and where d

32、id you get your ruby shoes?”“Im Dorothy. These shoes belonged to the Wicked Witch (女巫) of the East. After my house fell on her and killed her, the Good Witch of the North told me I could wear them.”“And what is that mark above your eyes?” asked Oz. “That is where the Good Witch of the North kissed m

33、e.”“Tell me what you want.”“I want you to help me to go back to Kansas.”“If I help you, you must also help me,” said Oz. “How can I help you?” asked Dorothy. “You killed the Wicked Witch of the East. Now you must kill the Wicked Witch of the West.”“But I am not a killer! Why dont you kill her yourse

34、lf? You are very powerful.”“I do not know,” answered Oz, “but you must do as I say. Now go from me.”The head then looked at the others with Dorothy. “And who are these?”“Sir, I am a scarecrow, and I wish to have a brain.”“And I am the tinman, who wishes to have a heart.”The lion was too terrified to

35、 come any closer to the awful head. “He,” said the tinman, “is a lion, and he wishes to have courage.”“You ask me to help you, but you have done nothing for me!” said Oz, very angrily. “Go with Dorothy and help her to kill the Wicked Witch of the West. Then come back, and Ill give you everything you

36、 wish for! Now, all of you, away!”Dorothy went back to her room. She lay on her bed and cried.32Who was killed by Dorothys house?AThe Good Witch of the North.BThe Wicked Witch of the East.CThe Wicked Witch of the West.DThe Great Wizard of Oz.33What does the underlined word “terrified” mean?AAfraid.B

37、Tired.CAngry.DDangerous.34What can we infer from the passage?ADorothy was a killer.BDorothy wanted to go back to Kansas.CDorothy must kill the Good Witch of the North if she wants to go home.DDorothy will go to the Wicked Witch of the Wests land with her friends.35How did Dorothy feel at the end of

38、the story?AExcited.BSad.CSurprised.DCalm.Foreigners like growing flowers in the garden and enjoy the nice smell in spring. However, Chinese people prefer growing vegetables and get a harvest in autumn. For Chinese, bottles, boxes, even plastic bags are perfect for growing vegetables. Its said that t

39、here is a “vegetable gene” in every Chinese. After all, they have farmed for thousands of years. Because of this, they grow vegetables around the world, creating conditions for planting before there are any. A group of parents of Chinese students once grew vegetables at Yale University. This area us

40、ed to be covered with weeds. To help change the situation, these Chinese parents worked together and finally turned weeds into vegetables. Africa is such a poor place. Many hard-working and kind-hearted Chinese workers went there to help. They helped build roads as well as taught Africans how to far

41、m. All kinds of fruits and vegetables have been grown in Africa. The soldiers on the islands of the South China Sea also created a vegetable garden through their own efforts. It used to be difficult for the soldiers to eat fresh vegetables on the islands. But recently, they harvested 750 kg of veget

42、ables on sandy beaches. Everyone was excited. With the development of the country, Chinese people have grown vegetables all over the world, from America to Africa, from South Pole to the outer space. Just as what we saw in the movie, the days of planting potatoes on Mars will not be far away.36In Pa

43、ragraph 1, the writer started this passage by _.Alisting some numbersBasking some questionsCtelling different jokesDcomparing different facts37In the passage, the soldiers grew vegetables _.Aat Yale UniversityBin AfricaCon the islandsDin the outer space38The writer wrote this passage in a _ tone (语气

44、).ApoliteBproudCseriousDbored39The structure of the passage may be _.A, , B, , C, , D, , 四、补全对话阅读下面对话,从7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。A: Hi, John. B: Hello, Jeremy, I heard that you had a trip to Beijing for vacation last week. A: Yes, I did. B: 40 A: I went there with my parents. B: Did you

45、enjoy yourselves there?A: Sure. There are so many places of interest for us to visit. B: 41 A: Yes. We went to many interesting places, including Tianan Men Square, the Palace Museum and a hutong. B: 42 A: It is a kind of old street in Beijing and it is also a symbol of the local culture. B: That so

46、unds interesting! Did you have anything special and delicious there?A: Certainly. 43 B: I can tell that you had a wonderful time. A: So we did. However, we didnt go to the newly-built Universal Studio because we couldnt book the tickets. B: What a pity! 44 AMaybe you can go there next time.BWhere did you go?CDid you go anywhere interesting?DWhat is hutong?EWith whom did you go?FThat sounds great.GWe tried Beijing duck.五、任务型阅读阅读短文,根据短文内容,回答下列问题。A box of strawberries are bad in front of you. Without doubt,


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