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1、2024年山东省潍坊市潍城区中考英语二模试卷一、阅读理解阅读下列语篇,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。Luna: I have a problem with my best friend,she is called July. Sita: What happened, Luna?Luna: Well, I spilled (溅出) some water on Julys book accidentally several days ago. She yelled at me. I said I would never talk to her. The words burst

2、 from me in an angry rush. Then she refused to talk with me. Sita: What a pity! Do you know why she treated you like that?Luna: Maybe the book was very important to her. It was a reward for a reading competition last year. Cloe: Im sure she regretted hurting you. So you can explain to her that she i

3、s still your best friend. (Two weeks later.) Luna: July and I made up!Cloe: Thats wonderful!Luna: I wrote to her and explained how sorry I was and how much our friendship meant to me. She was really understanding. Cloe: You mean she has forgiven you. Luna: She felt sad for yelling at me too. Anyway,

4、 it is necessary to communicate with each other when we have problems.1What happened to Luna?AShe was sick.BShe failed the exam.CShe had a fight with her family.DShe had a fight with her friend.2The underlined words “burst from me” mean Luna _.Ashouted angrilyBcried sadlyCspoke quietlyDlaughed happi

5、ly3How did Luna make up with July?AShe avoided talking to July.BShe asked Sita to talk to July.CShe wrote a letter expressing her feelings.DShe waited for July to cool off and then talked to her.When Jasons parents saw him for the first time, they were shocked. This lovely little baby with shining b

6、lue eyes and curly hair was born disabled. But soon the young couple accepted this fact. Jasons arms were just half without hands and his legs werent fully grown either. They even forgot to think of him as disabled.At the age of six, he told his mother he wanted to get down from the prosthetics (假肢)

7、 and play with other kids. This was the last time Jason had worn them. He now has an electric wheelchair, but he never uses it at home or when it is easy for him to move using only his body.Jason learned handwriting and coloring at school, holding the pen between the ends of his arms. He also learne

8、d to eat with forks at home. When he was ten, he fell in love with football. He never had a pair of shoes in his life because of the shape of his feet. He only wore socks on the football field. He never won a match, but he refused to give up. His strong arms and body, as well as some fantastic ways

9、made him a respected player on the school team. He went to a famous university after high school.Now Jason still faces many hardships in life, but he will make you believe that you can do what he has done. “Never be afraid of any difficulty”, Jason often encourages others in his speeches.4Why were J

10、asons parents shocked when they saw him for the first time?ABecause he didnt have arms.BBecause he was born disabled.CBecause he was such a lovely baby.DBecause he was born with blue eyes and curly hair.5From the text, we know that _.AJason stopped using his prosthetics when he was ten.BJason uses a

11、n electric wheelchair at home because it is difficult to move.CJason only wore socks on the football field because of the shape of his feet.DJason is a respected player on his school team because he won many matches.6What does the underlined word “hardships” mean in Paragraph 4?ApressuresBdecisionsC

12、difficultiesDachievements7What does the story mainly tell us?APractice makes perfect.BNever give up or give in.CIts never too late to learn.DActions speak louder than words.According to a recent study, the Middle East is warming almost twice as fast as the rest of the world. Without a doubt, high te

13、mperatures will have deep influences on the development of the area. That shows the growing risk to humans caused by extreme (极端的) weather. With more and more extreme weather events, we must find better techniques to make predictions (预测) about them.AI is a powerful tool. It can deal with informatio

14、n and provide advice to help us better understand and make predictions about the weather. Traditional weather models use information from satellites (卫星). But these models have their disadvantages: they are not very exact. They also fail to discover complex conditions of the air around the earth.AI

15、can overcome (克服) these disadvantages by using the technology of deep learning. It can learn from historical and real-time information and produce trustworthy predictions. AI can also deal with information from different places, such as satellite photos or online posts, to provide clearer pictures o

16、f the weather situation. A paper on the Pangu-Weather AI model has drawn a lot of attention. Pangu-Weather is the first AI prediction model that is more exact than traditional weather prediction methods. This model can increase the prediction speed by 10,000 times, making global weather prediction t

17、ime drop to seconds. In May 2023, Typhoon Mawar appeared in the Pacific Ocean. According to the China Meteorological Administration, Pangu-Weather made exact predictions about the direction of Mawar five days before it changed its way in the eastern waters of the islands of Taiwan.8Which of the foll

18、owing is TRUE?AHigh temperatures will have few influences on the area.BThe Middle East is warming faster than the rest of the world.CTraditional weather models use information from satellites and are very exact.DTraditional weather models can discover complex conditions of the air around the earth.9

19、How can AI overcome the disadvantages of traditional weather models?ABy using information from satellites.BBy using the technology of deep learning.CBy only learning from real-time information.DBy dealing with information from the same places.10Why is Typhoon Mawar mentioned?ATo tell us about the ri

20、sks of extreme weather.BTo show how exact Pangu-Weathers predictions are.CTo talk about how useless traditional weather models are.DTo express that the problems of extreme weather have been solved completely.11What might be the best title of the text?AThe Risks of Extreme WeatherBThe Pangu-Weather A

21、I ModelCThe Climate Change in the Middle EastDAIThe Powerful Tool of Weather PredictionAs spring breathes warmth into the air, the 41st Weifang International Kite Festival opened on April 20 in World Kite Park, Anqiu Qilu Distillery, attracting thousands of kite lovers and tourists. The skies over W

22、eifang were filled with kites of all shapes and creative designs. 12 Its also a method of cultural protection. Kites, invented by the ancient Chinese during the Spring and Autumn Period (770 BC-476 BC) over 2,000 years ago, have a rich heritage (传统) . The philosopher Mozi made the first wooden kite.

23、 13 During the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220), Cai Luns improvements to paper making technology, led to the widespread use of paper in kites. 14 It serves for both economic and cultural exchanges and exhibitions of rich traditional culture. The championship started on April 20th, it featured 137 teams

24、 from 46 different countries and regions and involved 465 participants (参赛者) who brought a total of 509 kites. Khalil Hashmi, Ambassador of Pakistan to China,gave a speech at the opening ceremony (开幕式) held on April 19 in which he called the Weifang International Kite Festival a global event celebra

25、ting friendship, innovation (创新) , and the joy of flying kites. This year, kites shaped like trains, rockets, and even the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge took to the skies, with a giant cockroach (蟑螂) kite becoming one of the most eye-catching ones. One visitor said, “ 15 ”根据短文内容,从下列选项中选出能填入文中空白处的最佳选

26、项,选项中有一项为多余选项。AFlying kites is more than just an outdoor sport.BThese festivals bring together top kite fliers from various nations.CThe inventor Lu Ban later improved on Mozis designs using bamboo.DNow I understand the saying in Weifang: anything can reach the skies.EThis years Kite Festival includ

27、ed the 20th World Kite Championship (锦标赛) .二、完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Have you ever wondered why thinking too much makes you tired? A new study has found out some 16 to this question. Researchers from the Paris Brain Institute studied why too much mental effort makes us 17 .

28、 They found that when people think a lot, the brain gives off a chemical called glutamate (谷氨酸). Too much glutamate disturbs (扰乱) the brains functions (功能). It 18 the brain tells the body it is tired and that it must rest. People who spend more than six hours working on a task that 19 a lot of thoug

29、hts are more likely to feel tired. A period of rest allows the brain to return to normal. This explains why a nap (小睡) is 20 for us. A nap can be as short as 20 minutes, 21 it can make us feel completely refreshed. The research team looked at the behavior of 40 participants in their research. Twenty

30、-four of these had to perform challenging tasks. These 22 looking at a computer screen and matching different letters that appeared. The other 16 participants did a similar, but 23 task. Both groups worked for six hours, and had two ten-minute 24 . The researchers scanned (扫描) the brains of the part

31、icipants. They found that the group who had the more difficult task had higher levels of glutamate in their brain. Study author Antonius Wiehler said, “It would be great to 25 more about how glutamate levels are restored (恢复).” He asked, “Is sleep helpful? How long do breaks need to be to have a pos

32、itive effect?”16AanswersBwaysCcoursesDresults17AhappyBexcitedCtiredDrelaxed18AtellsBmeansCasksDsays19ArequiresBreducesCrefusesDrecords20AfamousBlateCreadyDgood21AorBbutCthoughDso22AincludedBcausedCformedDallowed23AeasierBbusierCbiggerDheavier24AjobsBbreaksCclassesDlessons25Agive outBput outCfind out

33、Dpoint out三、短文填空阅读下面短文,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词。One summer night more than 1,500 years ago, a Chinese boy was sitting in a courtyard and 26 (watch) the full bright moon. He asked his grandpa why the moon sometimes was full and not at some other times.The grandfather explained that the movement of the

34、 moon had 27 (it) own rules, so it became full at a certain time every month.Then he asked the boy, “Are you 28 (interest) in the moon and stars?”The boy answered ,“Yes, very much.”The old man immediately went into the house. A few moments later, he 29 (return) with several books. The boy spent much

35、 time 30 (read) the books in the following months. He then decided 31 (take) astronomy (天文学) as his career. At last he became one of the 32 (excellent) mathematicians and astronomers in the world. His name was Zu Chongzhi.The Zu family moved from the north to todays Nanjing to escape wars and politi

36、cal turmoil (混乱). Under the emperors support, the young Zu 33 (send) to study at the Imperial Institute. During his study, Zu was able to work out the numerical value of pi to be between 3.1415926 and 3.1415927. In 465 AD, Zu created a new calendar 34 (call) Daming Calendar. The new calendar was a g

37、reat improvement over previous ones and contained many 35 (discovery) in astronomy.四、翻译36在政府的帮助下,自然公园即将建成。(with) 37如果你更努力,你就会有机会实现你的梦想。(if) 38到目前为止,中国已经派出很多宇航员去太空做科学实验。(so far) 五、任务型阅读Do you often put down your phones and pads and pick up spatulas (锅铲) and brooms (扫帚)?Labor education will become an

38、important part of schooling. According to the new curriculum (课程) standard, primary and middle school students in China will find a new “practical activities” course in their schedule, with at least one class every week. The new course has three types of tasks: everyday chores (家务活), including clean

39、ing, organizing, and cooking; productive labor, including traditional handicrafts (手工艺品) and experience of new technologies, such as 3D printing; and volunteer work.Take cooking as an example. The first and second graders will be encouraged to take on basic tasks such as washing vegetables. The thir

40、d and fourth graders will be taught to make some cold dishes and boil eggs. Students in the fifth grade will learn to cook two to three quick and easy dishes. Middle school students will be required to learn to cook three to four main dishes independently for lunch or dinner.There are many benefits

41、(益处) of learning cooking as a skill. As you learn to cook, you are getting a powerful tool to take control of your own health. You can also create lots of great memories in the kitchen, and feel a sense of achievement. More importantly, learning to cook prepares you for the future. If you can cook,

42、you are able to live a healthier and more independent life. Parents welcome the cooking courses with open arms. They believe that the courses will provide their children with a chance to experience life and develop necessary skills.When cooking is about to become a compulsory (必修的) course, the kitch

43、en safety is more important than labor skills. 根据短文内容回答下列问题。39What are the three kinds of tasks in the new course? 40What is the third paragraph mainly about? 41Why does learning to cook prepare you for the future? 42Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese. 43Do you like the “practical activi

44、ties” course? Why or Why not? (Please give two reasons.) 六、书面表达44Teens Around the World是一个国际青少年交流网站,近日有人发了一个关于My First Try的帖子。假设你是李华,请阅读原帖后,结合自己的经历,用英语跟帖。注意:1. 禁止抄袭本试卷中所有语篇内容;2. 不要出现考生本人信息;3. 80 词左右。Teens Around the WorldSubject: My First TryHey, guys! Everyone has experienced many attempts (尝试) during the growth. What unforgettable experience did you try for the first time? What happened at that time? What was your feeling or what did you learn from it?Looking forward to your replies. Eric, CanadaI will never forget my first time to_


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