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1、译林版英语 5BUnit3 Asking the way 教学设计总 12-16 课时- 1 -Title: Unit3Asking the wayGrade5Teachers Name:Teaching aimsBy the end of this lesson, the students should grasp the following points:1. Enable the students to understand the content of the story.2. Enable the students to use the map to talk about the w

2、ay.3. Enable the students to retell the story.4. Enable the students to read and act the story.5.Enable the students to master the way to ask and show the way.6.Enable the students to talk about the pronunciation of sh.Periods6Period 1Topic:Avisit to Su Hais new homeContents: Story timePeriod 2Topic

3、: Map readingContents: Fun time & Culture timePeriod 3Topic:Anew filmContents: Cartoon timePeriod 4Contents: Grammar time & Sound TimePeriod 5Contents: Checkout Time & Ticking Time译林版英语 5BUnit3 Asking the way 教学设计总 12-16 课时- 2 -Title:Asking thewayGrade5Teachers Name:Period 1Date:Teaching PointsBy th

4、e end of this lesson, the students should grasp the following points:1. Enable the students to understand, say and read the words and phrases in the story:take, walk, hospital, shop,zoo, film, stop, get on, get off;2. Enable the students to understand, say and read the sentence patterns:How do I get

5、 to? You can get on the busat., Walk to/ go along.3. Enable the students to understand, say and read everyday English:Excuse me.4. Enable the students to understand and read the story.5. Enable the students to read, retell and act out the story after they understand the whole story.Main Lesson Aims&

6、 Difficult Points1. Enable the students to understand and read the story.2. Enable the students to read, retell and act out the story after they understand the whole story.3. Enable the students to read and retell the story with the correct pronunciation and intonationTeachingAidsWall picture, a tap

7、e and a tape recorder, cardsSTAGEPOCEDURE(What will the teacher do)TASKS(What will the students do)INTERACTIONAIMSFree talk1. Greeting2. Free talkT: Where do you live?T: How do you come to school?T: Where does Su Hai live?1. Greeting2.Ask and answer:S1: I live on/in/at.S1: I come to school by.S2: Sh

8、e lives on Moon Street.S: Yes.T-SsT-Sn通过自由交谈, 复习上个单元学习的句型, 为本课的故事埋下伏笔。译林版英语 5BUnit3 Asking the way 教学设计总 12-16 课时- 3 -T: Do you want to go to her home andhave a look?Pre-reading1. A riddle: What is this?It is big and colourful. There is acinema in it.There is a hospital in it.There is a zoo in it.Th

9、ere is a shop in it.If you are lost, it can tell you howto get home.2. A map.T: Look, this is a map. I live onXingcheng West Road. Let me showyou how I get to school from home.First, I go along this road. Then I turnright at the traffic lights. The bank ison my right. Then go along BaixiangRoad. Cro

10、ss the road. This is ourschool!3. Show the girl Yang LingT: Today Yang Ling wants to go to SuHais home. But she doesnt knowhow to get there. There isnt a map.What can she do?1. a map( Read the words: cinema,hospital, shop, zoo)2. Read the phrases:go along, turn right3.Ss: Make a telephone.T-SsT-SsT-

11、Ss听懂老师的提示,帮助学生找出谜语答案, 允许学生用中文回答。自然过渡到新词的学习, 在情景中渗透本课的重点词组, 让学生在接触文本时不会太陌生。了解故事的背景,预测故事的发展。译林版英语 5BUnit3 Asking the way 教学设计总 12-16 课时- 4 -While-reading1. Watch and answer.Does Yang Ling find Su Haishome ? Who helps her?2. Read and order:a. Yang Ling gets off the metro.b. Yang Ling walks along SunStr

12、eet.c. Yang Ling gets on the metro.d. Yang Ling turns right at thetraffic lights.e. Yang Ling asks a policeman forhelp.3. Reading time:1)Read after the computer2)Read after the teacher3)Read togetherT: Do you have any questions?4. Retell the story.How does Yang Ling get to Su Haishome?1. Ss:Apolicem

13、an helps her.2. c. Yang Ling gets on themetro.a. Yang Ling gets off themetro.e. Yang Ling asks a policemanfor help.b. Yang Ling walks along SunStreet.d. Yang Ling turns right at thetraffic lights.3. Read the story in differentways.4. Retell the story.First,Next,Then,Finally,(根据第28页的Look and say完成解说。

14、)T-SsSsT-SsSn整体导入故事情节,把握全文大意。让学生自读故事,给出故事的主要情节,让学生排序, 既使学生整体掌握故事文本, 又让他们注意到故事细节。指导学生根据小地图回答到苏海家怎么走,然后再复述课文,学会制作思维导图。Post-reading1. Now Yang Ling is in Su Haishouse. Theyre very happy. They wantto go to some places. Can you guess?1)There are many doctors and nurses.1. HospitalZooCinemaT- Sn译林版英语 5BUn

15、it3 Asking the way 教学设计总 12-16 课时- 5 -2) There are many animals.3) You can watch films there.2.Act out the story in groups.Try to give more new endingsand act out.学生小组合作, 尝试给故事更多的结尾,鼓励有能力的学生表演故事。Homework1. Copy the new words.2. Read and recite the story.Blackboard DesignUnit 3Asking the wayHow do I

16、get to ?Get on /Get off mapGo along Turn left/right .Title:Asking thewayGrade5Teachers Name:Period 2Date:Teaching PointsBy the end of this lesson, the students should grasp the following points:1. Enable the students to listen, read and say the new words in the story.2. Enable the students to listen

17、, read, say and use “How do I get to? Go along Turn left/ right Get on/off You can see on your left/ right. ”3. Enable the students to master the grammar of asking the way.4. Enable the students to do the task of Fun time.5. Enable the students to know the sound of “sh” in the words.Main Lesson Aims

18、& Difficult Points1. Enable the students to listen, read and say the new words in the story.2. Enable the students to listen, read, say and use “How do I get to? Go along Turn left/ right Get on/ off You can see on your left/ right. ”译林版英语 5BUnit3 Asking the way 教学设计总 12-16 课时- 6 -3. Enable the stud

19、ents to master the grammar of asking the way.TeachingAidsWall picture, a tape and a tape recorder, cardsSTAGEPOCEDURE(What will the teacher do)TASKS(What will the students do)INTERACTIONAIMSRevision1. Magic eyes.See the pictures or words and saythem quickly. Review words.2. Free talk :T: Where do yo

20、u live?How do you come to school?Where does Su Hai live?How does she go to school?How do I get to RT mart/ hospital/Li Bao Mall?(work in pairs)1. Review the words:shop, hospital, cinema, zoo,go along, get on, get, off, turnright, turn left2. Free talk.Choose one place, talk in groups.T-SsT-SnSs用游戏的方

21、式复习上节课所学单词及词组, 虽然简单, 但活跃了气氛。创设情境, 让学生学会连贯地、 有序地表达。1. Review the story:Lets help Yang Ling find Su Haishome.2. Grammar time:1) T: So if you are new, how can youask the way?2) T: If someone asks the way, howcan you help him or her?3. Read grammar time together.1. Review the story.2. How can I get to ?

22、Go along Turn left/ right Get on/ off 3. Read together.SnT-Ss复习上节课学习的内容, 让学生自己总结、 归纳学到的重点句型, 语法部分的学习不是简单的读读背背, 重在运用。译林版英语 5BUnit3 Asking the way 教学设计总 12-16 课时- 7 -Presentation& Practice4. Fun time:1) T: Look! This is Mary, she lives inSunshine Town. How many streets arethere? What are they? Whats i

23、n hertown?2) T: Do you want to visit her town?I want to go to the supermarket.How do I get there?3)T: Where do you want to go?5. Sound time1)T: Sharon is new here, too. Shewants to get to the shoe shop. Howcan she get there? Can you help her?2)Look! Can you finish?_ is in the _._ likes _.But there a

24、re so many._ doesnt know which to choose.3) T: Can you find the rules of thewords.T: Can you find more words like this?4. 1)Orange Street.Apple Street.Mango Street.Grape Street.Theres a 2) Go along Street. Turn atthe traffic lights. Then, The supermarket is on your3) (work in two)A: How can I get to

25、 ?B: Go along Turn 5.1) Go along Turn left 2) Sharon is in the shoe shop.She likes shiny shoes.But there are so many.Shedoesntknowwhichtochoose!3)Read after the computer.Find more words.SnSnSsT-SsSnSn利用 Fun time 的图片, 鼓励学生选择自己喜欢的地点, 运用所学知识,在情境中运用、巩固、掌握。引 导 学 生 完 成sound time 的句子,并总结出字母组合的发音, 这种在发现中学习的

26、方法才会让知识记得更牢。Homework1. Draw a map, ask the way in pairs.2. Finish the exercise book.3.Recite the new words and the story.译林版英语 5BUnit3 Asking the way 教学设计总 12-16 课时- 8 -BlackboardUnit 3Asking the wayHow do I get to ?Go along Turn left/ right dr:drawdressdrinkdriver Title:Asking thewayGrade5Teachers

27、Name:Period 3Date:Teaching PointsBy the end of this lesson, the students should grasp the following points:1. Enable the students to talk about how to ask the way.2. Enable the students to read, understand and enjoy the fun of Cartoon time.3. Enable the students act the Cartoon time with the help of

28、 the teacher.4. Enable the students to know the different words: toilet, restroom.Main Lesson Aims& Difficult Points1. Enable the students to talk about how to ask the way.2. Enable the students to know the different words: toilet, restroom.TeachingAidsWall picture, a tape and a tape recorder, cards

29、STAGEPOCEDURE(What will the teacher do)TASKS(What will the students do)INTERACTIONAIMS译林版英语 5BUnit3 Asking the way 教学设计总 12-16 课时- 9 -Warming-up1. Greetings.2. Say the chant:Sharon is in the shoe shop.She likes shiny shoes.But there are so many.She doesnt know which to choose!1. Greetings.2. Say the

30、 chant.T-SsSs欢快的 chant 开启英语课堂。Culture time1. 1. Look and say:2. T: Do you know this sign?2.T: In the UK, we ask “Wheres thetoilet?” In the US, we ask “Wheresthe restroom?”3. Do you know other differencesbetween the UK and the US?1.2. Ss read the words: toilet、restroom3. In the US, we call policeman

31、acop.IntheUK,wecallfirefighter a firemanT-Sn学习新知不忘复习旧知。 文化意识的渗透不是一朝一夕的事,必须坚持长时间的积累。Cartoon time1. 1. Look and say2. T: Look, Bobby and Tina is reading amap. Where do they want to go? Canyou guess?3. 2. Lets listen.4. 3.T:HowcantheygettoCityCinema?Can you discuss in two?5. 4.Watch the cartoon6. T: Ho

32、w do they go there? Lets watchcartoon.7. T: Do they watch the film?8.Why? Can you read by yourself and10. 1. Maybe they want to go to 11. 2.Listenandanswer:Citycinema.12. 3. They can go by13.14. 4. They go there by metro.No.SnT-SnSs指导学生学会观察图片并用英语表达。译林版英语 5BUnit3 Asking the way 教学设计总 12-16 课时- 10 -co

33、nclude the reasons? You can usefirst, then, finally.9. 5.Reading time1) Read after computer2) Read in roles3) Work in groups6.Act out the story.First, they want to go there bybus. But they cant get on it,because it is full. Then, theywant to go by taxi. But there aretoo many cars in the street.Final

34、ly, they go by metro. But itis late, the film is over.SsSs模仿故事中人物的语音、 语调、 表情和心理活动, 为表演做准备。引导学生发挥想象,创造性地表演故事, 培养学生运用语言的能力。Homework1. Follow the tape.2. Read and act Cartoon Time.Blackboard DesignUnit 3 Asking the wayAsking the wayShowing the wayExcuse me,Its on . Street/ Road.Wheres the .?Its far/ ne

35、ar.How do I get to the .?Go along . Turn left/ right .at .Can you show me the way to .?We can go by bus/ taxi/ metro.Which bus is for .?get on/ off the . at .Station.How many stops are there?译林版英语 5BUnit3 Asking the way 教学设计总 12-16 课时- 11 -Title:Asking thewayGrade 5Teachers Name:Period 4Date:Teachin

36、g PointsBy the end of this lesson, the students should grasp the following points:1. Enable the students to talk about how to ask the way: Can you show me the way to .?Which bus is for .?How many stops are there? .How do I get to? Go along this Turn left/ right at Get on/ off at2. Do some exercises.

37、Main Lesson Aims& Difficult Points1. Enable the students to talk about how to ask the way: Can you show me the way to .?Which bus is for .?How many stops are there? .2. Do some exercises.TeachingAidsa tape and a tape recorder, cardsSTAGEPOCEDURE(What will the teacher do)TASKS(What will the students

38、do)INTERACTIONAIMSWarming-upReview cartoon time.Key words:Bobby and Tina want to .First, they . Next, they . Then, they .Finally, they .Act out the story.Ss复习卡通部分, 给学生说英语、 表演的机会。1. Review Sound time1)Help Sharon get to the shoe shop.Meet the new friend.T:Youre helpful. Sharon needs help.Sharon:Im at

39、 school now. Can youshow me the way to the shoe shop,please?1. Draw a shoe shop on thepicture.The students talk in groups.One student reports.SsSn继续沿用Sharon去鞋店这一情境, 引导学生讨论、运用。译林版英语 5BUnit3 Asking the way 教学设计总 12-16 课时- 12 -Presentation&Practice2) Discuss in groups: Help Sharon findthe best way to t

40、he shoe shop.2. Talk about the map of the streets.T: This is a map. What can you see?We are at school now.I want to go to the cinema afterschool.How do I get there?3. T: Where do you want to go?Ask and answer in pairs.4. Talk in pairsA: Where do you live?B:Ilivein_.Itison_ Street/ Road. Itis near_.A

41、: How do you get to school?B: I come to school _ .5. Write down on P35.6. Ticking time.I can name some places in the city.I can ask and tell the way.I know the sound of “sh”.2. There are four street in themap.There is a Walk along Green Street.3.A: Excuse me, how do I getto?B: Walk along4. Finish P3

42、5.5. Write.6. Tick.SsT-SsSnT-SnSsSsSs出示书本上的图片, 先学会看图, 再用英语表达。根据学生的实际情况进行书面表达, 在辅导学生写话时做适当的变化, 不必拘泥于书本。译林版英语 5BUnit3 Asking the way 教学设计总 12-16 课时- 13 -Homework1.Review this unit.2.Finish the exercise in workbook.Blackboard DesignUnit 3 Asking the wayHow do you get to your school?I live on street.It

43、is near I come to school First, I Then, I Title: Our animalfriendsGrade 5Teachers Name:Period 5Date:Teaching PointsBy the end of this lesson, the students should grasp the following points:1Enable the students to listen, read the story.2Enable the students to listen, read, say and use “How do I get

44、to? Go along Turn left/ right Get on/ off You can see on your left/ right. ”3Enable the students to master the grammar of asking the way.4Enable the students to do the task of Checkout time.Enable the students to know ticking timeMain Lesson Aims& Difficult Points1.Enable the students to listen, rea

45、d, say and use: How do I get to? Go along Turn left/ right Get on/ off You can see on your left/ right. ”2. Enable the students to talk about “How do you get to these places?”译林版英语 5BUnit3 Asking the way 教学设计总 12-16 课时- 14 -TeachingAidsa tape and a tape recorder, cardsSTAGEPOCEDURE(What will the tea

46、cher do)TASKS(What will the students do)INTERACTIONAIMSWarming-upFree TalkWhere does Su Hai live?How does Yang Ling get to SuHaishome?HowdoesYangLinggettothebookshop?Ask and answer:She lives in/ on She cangeton the metroatand get off .Then walktoSsPresentation&Practice1.Checkout time2.Draw and write

47、:Where do you live? Where is yourschool? How do you get to your school?3.Point and sayDraw the route from your home to yourschool.How do you get to these places fromyour school?A: Excuse me, how do I get to?B:Walk along Then ,turn atTheis on your4.Ticking timeSs talk about the pictures inthe group.T

48、henchoosesomeofthestudents to speak out.Ss write down the answers ontheir books.Then check the answers.SsSs能正确并熟练地运用本课词句谈论如何问路和指路译林版英语 5BUnit3 Asking the way 教学设计总 12-16 课时- 15 -5.Do some exercisesCheck out the answerDo some exercisesHomeworkFinish the exercise in workbook.Blackboard DesignUnit3 Asking the wayHow do I get to the supermarket?Go alongTurn at the


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