译林版五下英语Unit 4练习卷含听力和答案.doc

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1、译林版五年级下册译林版五年级下册 Unit 4 练习卷练习卷Class_ Name_Mark_出卷人:邗江区陈俊学校出卷人:邗江区陈俊学校陈双勤陈双勤A.单元词块功能句1see the doctor看医生Grammar:1. Whats wrong with you? 你怎么了?询问、关心别人身体情况及就诊用语“你怎么了”的句型句型结构: Whats wrong with sb. /sth. ?由疑问词 what 引导的特殊疑问句, wrong 是形容词, 意为“不正常的;有毛病的”。介词 with 后接某人,如果接人称代词,要用人称代词的宾格形式(him, her, it, you, the

2、m)。with 后面也可接名词,表示询问某事怎么了?2. I have a headache.你怎么了?表达自己生了什么疾病的句型课文原句:I have a headache. 我头痛。句型结构: 主语 + have/has + a/an + 疾病名称。表示生了某种疾病还可以用:“Ive got”+ a/an + 疾病名称。Ive got是“I have got”缩写形式。“have got”表示“具有;拥有”,在本句中意为“患病”。have got 相当于 have.3. What should I do, doctor? You should have a rest at home.You

3、 should take some medicine and drink some warm water. 我应该做什么,医生?你应该在家休息。你应该吃些药并喝些温水。询问别人应该做什么、对别人提出建议的句型句型结构:What should + 主语+ do?(这里的主语可以是I/he/she/they/my brother/Mike. . .) 主语 + should/shouldnt+ 动词 (短语) 原形 + 其他。should 意“应该”,是情态动词,没有人称和数的变化,后面接动词原形,否定形式是在 should 后面加 not,缩写为 shouldnt. 使用方法见以前情态动词整理。

4、2go to see thedoctor/dentist去看医生/牙医3let me check让我检查下4have a rest at home在家休息5before bedtime在睡前6brush ones teeth刷牙7have a headache头疼8have a fever发烧9take some medicine吃些药10have a toothache牙疼11cant eat anything不能吃任何东西12shouldnt eat too manysweets不应该吃太多糖13siton a bench坐在长凳子上14drink some warm water喝一些温水

5、15Cant eat or drink不能吃喝16like Chinese food喜欢中国食物17go to China in March在三月去中国18come to see him来看他19Help in the hospital在医院帮忙20Be happy to do sth.很高兴做某事21come to the hospital来到医院22point at his long neck指向他的长脖子23feel cold感觉冷24his arm hurts他的胳膊受伤了25hearwell听得清楚同学们同学们, 第第4单元的内容已经单元的内容已经学完了,我们主要学习了哪些知识学完了

6、,我们主要学习了哪些知识呢呢?让我们一起来回顾一下吧!让我们一起来回顾一下吧!听力部分听力部分(30 分分)一、一、听句子,选出你所听到的单词或短语。听句子,选出你所听到的单词或短语。(每题每题 1 分,共分,共 10 分分)()1. A.toothB . teethC.toothache()2. A.meetB.medicineC.bedtime()3. A.doctorB.drinkC.dentist()4. A.somethigB.nothingC.anything()5. A.toothacheB.headacheC.backache()6. A.matterB.metroC.matc

7、h()7. A.couldB. shouldC.may()8. A.see the doctorB. see a doctorC.see the dentist()9. A.eat too many sweetsB.eattoo many sweetC. have too many sweets()10. A. havearestB.haveafeverC.haveabackache二、二、听听句子句子,给下列图片排序,给下列图片排序 。(每题。(每题 1 分,共分,共 5 分)分)()()()()()三、听问句,选择合适的应答句。三、听问句,选择合适的应答句。(每题每题 2 分,共分,共 1

8、0 分分)()1. A. I have a feverB. He has a headache .C. She hasa bad cold .()2. A. She is ill .B.Yes , she is .C.No , she doesnt()3. A.By trainB. On footC.By bike .()4. A. Because the weather is fine.B.Sorry , I dont know .C.Im new here()5. A. You should have a rest.B.He should take some medicineC. Yes

9、, I do .四、听录音,补全句子。四、听录音,补全句子。(每题(每题 1 分,共分,共 5 分)分)1、Shebad. Oh, she has a bad cold .2、WhatI do ?-You should have a good.3、Icannot eat, bacause I have a.笔试部分(笔试部分(70 分)分)一、判断单词画线部分的读音是否相同,相同的写“S”,不同的写“D”。(每小题 0.5 分,共 3 分)1、()feelteeth2、() shouldcould3、()havetake4、() checkteach5、()someover6、() where

10、there二、用所给词的正确形式填空。(每空 1 分,共 7 分)1. Every day you should(brush) your(tooth)2. My grandma is happy(see) me.3. Whats wrong with(he)?4. She(have) a fever.5. The dogs leg(hurt). So it cant jump now.6. She(do) have any new clothes for the party.三、选择最恰当的答案,将其序号填入题前括号内。(每题 1 分,共 10 分)() 1. A: Whats wrong w

11、ith?B: Shea fever.Ayou, hasB. her, hasC. her, have() 2. A: What should they do?B: They shouldsome hot water.A、DrinkB. drinkingC. eat() 3. A: How can I get to the hospital?wWw.X k b 1.c O mB:A. You should have a rest.B. You can take a metro.C.By the metro.() 4. A: Does Bobbya lot of?B: Yes, it does.A

12、. eating, sweetsB. eat, sweetC. eat, sweets() 5. A: Whats wrong with?B: Theya cold.A. him, haveB. them, haveC. her, have() 6. A:there any juice in the fridge?B: Yes, there is.A. AreB. IsC. Have() 7. A: I have got a headache.B:and have a good rest.A. Brush your teethB. Go to see the dentistC. Take so

13、me medicine() 8. A: Why do you have a toothache?B: Because.A: Im illB. I eat a lot of sweetsC. I dont like chocolates() 9. A: Can I get to the Sun Streetbike?B: Sure.You can go therefoot , too.A. by, onB. on, byC. on, on() 10. A: Would you like to go to the park?B: Sure. I likebikes in the park with

14、 my friends.A. rideB. ridingC. rides四、按要求完成下列句子。(每空 1 分,共 12 分)1、I should take some medicine.(对划线部分进行提问)you?2、 Nancy has a bad headache. (对划线部分进行提问)with Nancy ?3、You canttake some medicine.(用 should 代替 can )Youtakemedicine.4、Helen feels cold and hungry.(改为一般疑问句)Helencoldhungry ?5、he , and ,mother, a

15、 , toothache, have , his (.)(连词成句).6、should,what, not , do , they(?)(连词成句)五、根据图意及上下文完成对话。(每空 1 分,共 8 分)1.A:Daisy ,Whatsyou ?B:I have a.A:Do you eat toosweets ?B:Yes . I likesweets .A:You should not eat too many sweet ,you shouldyour teeth before.六、完型填空。(每空 1 分,共 10 分)Ben is absent today . He1got a f

16、ever.Now Ben and his mother are2thehospital .The doctor3Ben very carefully . Then he says4Ben, “5worry .Youve got a cold .6some medicine , drink more hot water and7alot of rest . You8get better soon .” But Ben does not like taking9medicine . Then hid mother says , “if you want10better soon ,you shou

17、ld take the medicine.” “All right ,” says Ben . Then he takes themedicine .()1、A.isB.hasC.have()2、A.inB.toC.on()3、A.looksB.checksC.looksat()4、A.ofB.withC.to()5、A.NoB.NotC.Dont()6、A.TakeB.EatC.Have()7、A.hasB.haveC.do()8、A.shouldB.canC.are()9、A.someB.aC.any()10、A. gettoB.getC.toget七、阅读短文。(10 分)Mrs Bro

18、wn is very fat . “Dont eat a lot of meat or cakes ,” her doctor saysto her .” Imgoing to stop her eating them, Doctor , “her husband says . Nextmorning, Mrs Brown cuts a very small piece of cake and eats it . Its very good .She cuts a big piece of cake and eats it . In a few minutes , she finishes t

19、hewhole cake .” My husband is going to be very angry , ” she says. “ What amI going to do ? ” She makes another cake very quickly , eat half of that cake ,and leaves the other half on the table .Her husband comes back in the evening .hesees half of the cake on the table and he is very glad.()1. Beca

20、use Mrs Brown is very fat , her doctor tells her to stop eating alot of.A.cakes and chocolateB. meat and cakesC.milk and meat()2.eats the cake next day .A.MrBrownB. Mrs BrownC.Neitherof them()3. Next day ,makes another cake .A.MrBrownB. Mrs BrownC.Neitherof them()4. When Mr Brown comes back , the ca

21、ke on the table is in facthalf .A. the firstB. the secondC.the fourth()5.Mr Brown is very happy because.A.he think his wife eats a lot of cakesB.his wife is at homeC.he sees half of the cake on the table八、书面表达。(八、书面表达。(10 分)分)你的好朋友 Amy 给你发了一封 e-mail,告诉你她发烧了, 你能回复她的 e-mail 并给她提出一些合理建议,来帮助她早日康复吗?(至少五句

22、话)I think you will be better soon. Good luck.新课 标第 一 网听力部分二、二、听句子,选出你所听到的单词或短语。听句子,选出你所听到的单词或短语。(每题每题 1 分,共分,共 10 分分)1、teeth2、bedtime3、dentist4、something5、toothache6、matter7、should8、see the dentist9、 eat too many sweets10、have a backache二、听听句子句子,给下列图片排序,给下列图片排序 。(每题。(每题 1 分,共分,共 5 分)分)1、Whats wrong

23、withhim ? He has got a headache .2、I have a fever , I should have a rest at home .3、She is my dentist , I have bad teeth.4、The old man has a cough , he should take some medicine .5、She is a doctor ,she helps many sick people .三、听问句,选择合适的应答句。听问句,选择合适的应答句。(每题每题 2 分,共分,共 10 分分)1、Whats wrong withhim ?2、

24、Is Helen not at school?3、How does she get to Beijing?4、Why are you so happy ?5、What should he do ?四、听录音,补全句子。听录音,补全句子。(每题(每题 1 分,共分,共 5 分)分)1、Shefeelsbad. Oh, she has a bad cold .2、WhatshouldI do ?-You should have a goodrest.3、Icannot eatanything, bacause I have atoothache.笔试部分一、1、SSDDDS二、1、brushteeth2、to see3、him4、has5、hurtshttp:/w ww.xkb1 .com6、doesnt三、1-5、 B AB C B6-10、B C BAB四、1、Whatshoulddo2、Whatwrong3、shouldntany4、Doesfeelor5、He and his mother have a toothache .6、What should notthey do ?五、wrongwithbadtoothachemany eatingbrushbedtime六、1-5、B AB C C6-10、A B B C C七、BBBCC


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