Module 5-Unit 2 On Monday, I’ll go swimming.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-省级优课-(编号:9031b)-外研版(一起)三年级下册英语.zip

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Module 5 Unit 2 On Monday ,Ill go swimming.Task 1: Try to make a new song with Monday,Monday,Tuesday,Tuesday,WednesdayWednesday .(用星期的单词(用星期的单词创造属于自己的英语歌曲)创造属于自己的英语歌曲) Lets share !2626感恩节感恩节I will / Ill visit my grandma. B: I will / Ill .A:A:WhatWhatwillwillyouyoudodoonon? ? 在在,你,你将要将要做什么?做什么?Maybe Shanshan will .What will Shanshan do?TaskTask2 2:ListenListenandandansweranswerthethequestionsquestions. .1.What will Shanshan do on TuesdayTuesday?2. What will Shanshan do on Thursday? Shanshan will play with her friends.Shanshan will do her homework. MondayWednesdayFridaySaturdaygo to the parkgo swimmingvisit my grandmahelp my motherListenandcolorthecorrectpictures.(听一听,涂一涂。)听一听,涂一涂。)TaskTask3 3:WhatWhathavehaveyouyoulearntlearnttoday?today?今天你学会了什么?今天你学会了什么? Lets share ! Hello, My name is . I will _ on _. Task4:MakeyourplaninEnglish.(你可以用下面你可以用下面所给的词组或是你知道的其它词组。所给的词组或是你知道的其它词组。)MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday FridaySaturdaySundaygoswimminggoswimmingMondaydomyhomeworkgoswimminggototheparklistentomusicplaycomputergamesflyakitetakepicturesreadabookplaythefluteplayfootballvisitmygrandmadohomeworkhaveapicnicmakeacakewritealetterreadabookhaveapicnichelpmymotherlistentomusicdomyhomeworkvisitmygrandmaMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySundayA:A: What will you do on _?B: I will _ on _. 1.1.ListenListentotothethetexttextfivefivetimes.times. 2.2.请同学利用课余时间请同学利用课余时间到网上查阅有关星期的到网上查阅有关星期的资料。资料。 3.3.把今天学到的一周活把今天学到的一周活动安排告诉你的家长、动安排告诉你的家长、朋友。朋友。Goodbye!Goodbye!Mon.Tue.Wed.Thu. Fri.8:45Chinesecomputer9:35EnglishMathArt10:15MusicP.E.A:Whatdowehaveon s?B:Wehave on s.( 同同 桌问答桌问答 )On Monday, Ill go swimming. OnTuesday,Illplaywithmyfriends. OnWednesday,Illgotothepark. OnThursday,Illdomyhomework. OnFriday,Illvisitmygrandma. OnOnSaturday,Saturday,IllIllhelphelpmymymothermother. . OnOnSunday,Sunday,IllIllreadreadmymybooksbooks. . make a cake play basketball play the piano go swimming go to the park watch TV read a book do my homework fly a kite play with my friends visit my grandma help my motherTeachersTeachersPlanPlan MondayTuesdayWednesday ThursdayFridaySaturdaySundayOn _, Ill play basketball .On Tuesday, Ill _. On Wednesday, Ill read my books. On Thursday, Ill _ .On Friday, Ill _my mother .On Saturday, Ill_.On _ ,Ill watch TV . Task3:HelpteacherfinishtheplaninEnglish.(现在帮助老师完成一周的计划吧。)Mondayhelpgo swimminggo to the parkSunday do my homework make a cake play basketball play the piano go swimming go to the park watch TV read a book do my homework play with my friends help my mother fly a kite visit my grandma make a cake play basketball play the piano go swimming go to the park watch TV read a book do my homework play with my friends help my mother fly a kite visit my grandmaHello, my name is .I will go swimming on Monday. I will on .goswimmingMondayflyakiteTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday domyhomeworkgoswimminggototheparklistentomusicplaycomputergamesflyakitetakepicturesreadabookplaythefluteplayfootballvisitmygrandmadohomeworkhaveapicnicmakeacake MakeyourplaninEnglish.(你可以用下面所给的词组或你可以用下面所给的词组或是你知道的其它词组。是你知道的其它词组。)IllIllonon+ +星期星期. .readmybooksgoswimminghelpmymotherdomyhomeworkvisitmygrandmagototheparkMondayWednesdayFridaySaturdaySunday play the piano go to the park play with my friends visit my grandma help my mother play basketball go swimming read a book do my homework watch TV make a cake fly a kite A: What will you do on? B: I will / Ill .I will / Ill visit my grandma. 2626感恩节感恩节What will Miss Guo do on Thursday?3B3B ModuleModule 5 5 UnitUnit 2 2 教学设计教学设计Theme:Theme: OnOn MondayMonday IllIll gogo swimming.swimming.教学教学目标目标(一) 知识目标:1、学生在本节课中能学习到有关于星期的单词:Sunday、Monday 、 Tuesday 、Wednesday、 Thursday、 Friday、 Saturday. 2、学生能在以前学过的动词 go、 play 、do、 visit、 help、 read 的基础上学习词组:go swimming、 play with my friends、 go to the park 、do my homework、 visit my grandma 、help my mother 、read my books. 3、学生通过学习能用句型 On Monday Ill go to swimming.表达自己一周的计划。(二) 技能目标:1、学生在学习新单词能采用直拼法朗读单词,并能把单词按顺序说出来,借助歌曲及韵律让学生熟练掌握单词。2、本节课中的动词学生能结合以前学过的词组进行整合.3、学生通过学习能用句型表达自己一周的工作安排。 (三) 情感目标:1、学生通过复习已学过的动作类词组,在快乐的 气氛中复习旧知识、掌握新知识。 2、学生通过上网查到的资料互相交流,了解星期名称的由来,增加学生的知识面,了解西方文化,培养跨文化意识。 3、学生能通过句型的练习,说说自己一周的活动安排,制定合理、科学的学习活动计划,懂得安排时间,珍惜时间,同时了解同伴、好友的计划,促进了解,培养兴趣。教学教学重点:重点:1、学生能学习单词并能按顺序流利地说出星期名称:Sunday、Monday 、 Tuesday 、Wednesday、 Thursday、 Friday、 Saturday. 2、学生能用将来时态“Ill-on- ”边说边制定自己的一周活动安排。教学难点教学难点:1、学生学完星期名称后能流的说出有关星期的单词以及一些相关的动词短语。 2、在学完课文后学生能用 I willon安排活动。教具准备:单词卡、图片、 CD-ROM、calendar教学时数:1 课时教学过程:Step 1 : Warm up. 1.Greetings as usual and do free talk.【Purpose】: 问学生 Whats the weather like today?等问题,都是为了让学生能了解今天的天气情况,让英语成为生活的内容; 2. Enjoy the song.【Purpose】: 1 上课前让学生听录音跟唱,预设创造一个轻松、快乐的学习氛围。2. 引出新知,the days of the week. It will cost about 5mins. After greeting with the Ss, I will begin the lesson by singing the song together with the Ss. The purpose of this is to form a better English learning surrounding for the Ss, and, at the same time, it provides situations to review the learnt knowledge.Step 2: Presentation 1. T should give Ss some questions.Q1:What day is it today?Q2:What day was it yesterday?Q3: What day is it tomorrow?Q4: How many days are there in a week? 【Purpose】:T 利用 small calendar 来再次自然引出和复习 the days of the week 的词汇, 同时, 巩固和加深记忆。2. Guessing game T 利用 calendar 设问“What will I do on /?” 学生利用已知的句型结构”will you?和动词词组回答问题。【Purpose】Play a game 预设让枯燥的复习巩固变为快乐的游戏,充满神秘感能激发学生说的欲望。让学生在说旧的词组时把新词组带出来,降低了学习难度。巩固旧知,为新知做好铺垫。3. Group work:T:Yes, you are right. I will go shopping on . T: So what will you do on? T asks Ss to group of four to practice the dialogue “What will you do on ? I will ?【Purpose】: 已旧带新,起到的温故而知新的作用,同时自然引出新句式结构“I will”.对下面口头表达和写作做出的铺垫。 With the help of the PPT and calendar, I set a real situation by using the future tense to stimulate the Ss interest of the lesson. By playing the PPT, I will revise the key sentence “What will you do on .? ” And then, I will present the target sentence “I will.” The purpose of this is to present the new words and sentences in the situation, which relates to the Ss real life experiences, to help the Ss understand the language easily and naturally.Step 3: practice1.Listen to the text and then answer one question:Q: What will Shanshan do on Sunday ?2.Listen again and repeat. And then match the correct pictures.3.Ask and answer my questions, and after that do practices.【Purpose 】: With the help of CD-ROM ,学生进行回答问题,既培养听音能力,又避免以本为本。同时,CD-ROM 的利用,降低了学习的难度,增加了学习的兴趣。Step 4 Consolidation1.Look at a video and Ss can learn the new words, phrases and writing skills by themselves.【Purpose】 :1 Talking about weeks.在微视频中介绍星期的读音;提到 Sunday 是一周的第一天,Saturday 是一周的最后一天,在日历中以前三个字母大写体现出来;让培养学生跨文化意识,增加学生的知识面,起到传播文化的桥梁作用。同时,利用课外材料帮助学生记忆星期名称。2 学习的知识要能在生活中找到影子,这就增加了学习实践意义。2. Q: What have you learnt from the video?3. Help the teacher finish the weekly plan.4. Make a plan about yourself.【Purpose】 :采用任务型教学,学生带着任务快乐学习。展示任务,学生通过努力学习,给自己制订一个活动计划,写出一篇人生历程上的第一篇英语作文。3. 让学生制订自己的活动计划,从中学会合理、科学地安排学习和活动的时间。Step 5: Homework.Contents:1 Listen to the text five times. 2. 请同学利用课余时间到网上查阅有关星期的资料。 3.把今天学到的一周活动安排告诉你的家长、朋友。【Purposes】: 1 让学生在家听课文录音培养学生的听力、语感,弥补课堂上受时间限制朗读不够的缺陷。 2. 请同学利用课余时间阅读别人查阅到的资料,增加知识面。3. 把制订的一周活动安排告诉家长、朋友,让课堂上没能让学生畅谈计划在课外得到补充。4. 学生根据自己的能力来完成自己喜欢的作业,以保护学生完成作业的兴趣。板书设计: Module 5 Unit 2 On Monday Ill go swimming. go swimming.(图片) Sunday play with my friend. (图片) Monday go to the park. (图片) Tuesday Ill do my homework. (图片) On Wednesday visit my grandma. (图片) Thursday help my mother. (图片) Friday read my books. (图片) Saturday .
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