Module 6-Unit 2 There is a small monster.-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-部级优课-(编号:c0433)-外研版(一起)三年级下册英语.zip

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一、基本信息学校课名There is a small monster教师姓名学科(版本)新标准英语章节2学时1年级3二、教学目标1.1.语言知识目标:语言知识目标:学习使用”There is/are”来描述某地有某物。学习掌握单词: arm学习掌握 There be 之后使用的语法规则。2.2.语言技能目标语言技能目标:能正确使用 “There is ,There are “针对某一情境来描述某地有某物。3.3.学习策略目标:学习策略目标:在课堂交流中注意倾听,积极思考通过观察、对比和运用学习掌握 There be 句理的语法应用规则。4.情感态度目标:能体会到英语学习的乐趣。 三、学习者分析本课的教学对像是三年级的学生,他们活泼好动,表现欲望强,纡可爱,喜欢址观形象思维,对游戏,儿歌,表演等特别感兴趣。大部分学生喜欢上英语课,上课时能够专心听讲,能够积极主动的发言。经过将近三年的英语学习,大部分学生具备了一定的听说读技能,有较好的模仿能力,在老师的引导下,能运用所学基本句型进行语言操练,在课堂教学中能积极参与,互动交流;在小组长的帮助下能够做到小组互助学习。但他们的英语学习经验和学习基础发生了一些差异,个别学生没有足够的兴趣,他们对英语不再陌生,好奇,而且还觉得有些难,因此有的学生似乎觉得英语并不如想象的好玩了,产生厌烦的情绪。需要进一步培养学习兴趣,培养学习英语的主动性。学生已经对身体部位的名称很熟悉了,也具备向别人表述自己的身体部位的能力。在此基础上,学生用 there be 来向别人介绍身体部位,难度不是很大。本课生词较少,用于完成本课任务的大多数词汇和短语,学生也已经基本掌握。所以授课时,我以复习身体部位的名称为突破口,引出本课主题,创设生活情景,让学生积极参与,主动探究,大胆实践,积极合作交流,勇于创新,充分以挥学生的主动性,培养和发展他们的综全语言运用能力。四、教学重难点分析及解决措施教学重点:教学重点:帮助学生用“There is/are”结构来描述某一图片及情境。教学难点:教学难点:结合实际生活经验,小组合作使用目标语言讨论,展示介绍自已的房间。解决措施:解决措施:在教学过程中,教师要让学生通过课文的学习,句子的积累来总结出 there be 句型中的 is 和 are 的选择由后面的名词形式决定。教师运用白板的点读,标注等功能,引导学生关注重点语法结构形式,引起学生注意。并借助白板的透镜功能,为有困难的学习提供帮助。通过前置性作业,让学生通过网络上传学生家房间的照片,通过投骰子选号的游戏方式,选择相应的图片。让学生根据图片内容用 there be 句型来描述,从而达到了情境设定及游戏激励的完美结合。让学生在玩中学,在学中玩。五、教学设计教学环节环节目标教学内容学生活动媒体作用及分析 以英文歌曲开始本课,旨在活跃课堂气氛,借助歌曲复习了上一课学习的happy,sad 等表情形容词,为下面的复习活动做好铺垫.1. Warmly greet the class, then get the class to sing the song “Head and shoulder ” with actions.1. Greet the teacher and follow the teacher to sing the song with actions.通这媒体中的flash 动画,调动同学们的积极性,结合动画中的动作,教师与学生一起完成启动环节。Step OneWarming upandRevision通过连一连的活动,复习身体部位名词。达到音形意的有效结合。2. Use whiteboard to show s.s some pictures about body. Help s.s match the part of body and words .(图片见附一)2. Match the pictures in screen with right words, then report with “This is ”通过连一连的环节,引导学生把过习过的身体部位及英语词汇连一连,让学生在动手操作中实现新旧知识的自然过渡。Step TwoLeading-inandPresentation以任务为驱动,让学生有目的地去看、去听,培养学生“Watch/Listen for the gist”的技能。1 Arrange a task before s.s watch and listen for the gist. “What is the girl doing?”Watch the video and try to find the answer.”2 Play recording of Activity1.Move the part of body to make a 1 Listen to the teachers question and prepare to get the key information while watching the video.2 Listen and repeat sentence.3 Move the part of body to make a 1运用白板媒体插入功能,加入动画视频,让学生感受到语言的作用。2。运用点播功能,针对学生的学习水平,逐句播放。3运用白板的拖拽功能,结合韵词的情境,制作雪人。有助于学生理解韵文大意。snow man.snow man.贯彻“整体语言教学思想”,帮助学生整体感知课文内容和情境。1. Use the CD-ROM to present the story. Then ask individuals to feedback.1. Watch the video, then try to answer the question with “What are they doing?”How to introduce their poster?”出示 Flash 动画课件,让学生从语音,语调,情境中感受语言。从细节入手,引导学生通过观察图片,对比图片的位变化,猜测There be 的意思。理解文章大意。2. With the help of whiteboard, ask s.s to look at the pictures carefully ,then try to choose Tor F.There are one big monster.There are twenty four 2. Look at the pictures in screen, think and answer the questions with “Ture ”or”False”.借助单选题插件来完成。系统自动对学生的选择给出答案,增加了学习的趣味性。hands.There are eleven armsThere are six legs and six feet.第二次播放课文视频,要求学生找出关键信息,培养学生 Listen for the detail.的技能.3. Tell s.s this is a arm. Ask them to guess the meaning of “arm”, then help s.s pronounce “arm”.4.Fill in the blanks.There is a small monster.There are two big monsters.There are twenty four hands.There are fifteen arms.There are six legs and six feet.3. Try to guess the meaning of “arm” after answering the questions. Learn to pronounce “arm”.4. Choose is or are to Fill in the blanks.If you are wrong ,the words will come back.运用白板的容器功能,拖拽功能完成填空。学生如果发生错误,系统自动返回,让学生能够有选择的完成本题。 5. Show s.s another 点和难点,加以分板总结。question: What did you find in these sentences? Play the CD. Ask them to listen again and find the information of there is /are.Try to find and rule of “There be”擦出本节课的难点 is/are .通过这一神奇功能引起学生注意注意角色变化,使每个学生有机会表演不同的角色,帮助学生进一步理解和消化课文内容。1.Help s.s to do a role-play. Make sure each student has the chance to play different roles.1.Play a role in the role-play to get a better understanding of the story.白板出示课文。为有困难的学习提供语言支撑。发挥学生的想像力,结合本结课的重点句型,完成怪兽的制作和介绍。对课文内容进行巩固和应用。2.use the whiteboard to make a monster.(见附件 2)Student move the part of body to make a monster.运用白板的克隆功能,让学生发挥各自的想像力,设计出不同形像的怪兽。通过白板课件中的拍照功能,为学生的作品照像,保留。各组照片形成对比。通过 Pair work帮助学生练习使用 There is /are. 2. Use the screen to show s.s study requirement. Ask them to work in pairs first. Then ask individuals to report with “my monster. 2. Look at the pictures and read the study requirement. Discuss with partners and report with “This is my poster.There is ” 运用白板出示小组活动要求,明确活动要求及目的。重点句型的提示,帮助有困难的学生完成这一任务。Step FourPracticeand Consolidation.1. Divide the 1. Work in groups, class into four groups. Show s.s the pictures of a room.Ask each group to choose a place first.choose a picture first, think and introuduce their monster. Ask the teacher for help if necessary.动要求,及重点句型的提示,帮助有困难的学生完成这一任务。示自己制作的monster 的活动,有效实现教学内容的拓展,同时和实际生活也进行了有效的关联。同时也把训练重点由听说向读写过渡。2.Get each group to report. Give comments where necessary. Ask the others to listen carefully , add their suggestions or give comments where necessary.2. Stick the poster on the board and take turns to report to the class.3. Listen to the reports, add suggestions or give comments where necessary.1.Show two picture about different scene.Ss choose one picture to describe it .Use”There is a / There are:They are ing”白板的隐藏能的使用,为学习增加了神秘感,也让学生有了选择的空间,提高了学习的兴趣。Step FiveFulfill a task.运用重点句型,完成本节课的任务,对家中房间的准确描述。2.Chose picture form the internet. The students had Uploaded mailbox of teacher.Look at picture to describe the room.学生课前完成前置性作业,通过网络上传自己房间的照片,教师课前的分类整理。运用骰子的功能。通过投骰子选择相应的图片,增加了活动的趣味性。1. Ask individuals 1. Think about SummaryandHomework课内容,总结本课重点语法规则。通过作业布置,把课内训练延伸到课外。to tell what they have learnt in todays lesson. Lay emphasis on the rule that “should ” is always followed by the original form of verbs.2. Homework: Itroduce a place using the sentences in todays lesson.what they have learned in todays lesson and report to the class.2. Collect suggestions from other groups, complete the homework by using “There is /There are”生明确本环节的作用。附件 1附件 2
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