Module 8-Unit 1 He works hard.-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)--(编号:9271b)-外研版(一起)三年级下册英语.zip

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naughtygoodcleverniceshyloudquietlovelyReview some wordsIs she lazy?Yes, she is.lazy懒的懒的Module8 Unit1 He works hard.parentsChildrens DayFathers DayMothers DayTeachers DayParents Dayspeak to teapeameatleadListen and think Is Daming lazy in class?No,he isnt.Listen and find Hows Damings work?His work is good.She _ hard.He _ hard. work hard 学习努力、工作努力学习努力、工作努力worksworksThey _ hard.workAnd hes a clever boy,too.His work is good.Damings workHis work is good. work 作业Is her work good?Yes, it is.Xiaohongs workIs the work good?No, it isnt.Lets say a chant about Daming naughty naughty naughty Daming isnt naughty. lazy lazy lazy Daming isnt lazy. works works works Daming works hard. His work is good.Lets practiceHomework1.听音跟读,试着背诵听音跟读,试着背诵M8U1课。课。2.抄写下列五个单词和短语:抄写下列五个单词和短语:hard lazyparentParentsDay speak3.试着说一说自己或你的好朋友试着说一说自己或你的好朋友平时课堂表现。平时课堂表现。M8U1M8U1 HeHe worksworks hard.hard.教案教案 一、教学目标与要求一、教学目标与要求1 1、知识与能力目标、知识与能力目标 The students can describe a persons personality and talk about ones performance at school. 认读单词:work, hard, speak. with 初步认读句子:Is Daming naughty in class? No, he isnt. His work is good. Im happy with that. Thank you.2 2、情感态度目标、情感态度目标通过学生的自我评价,以及互相评价,给每一位学生找到自己的优点,树立其自信心,提高学习热情和主动性。 二、教学重点及难点二、教学重点及难点 重点:掌握新单词:parentspeakwith。了解新句型,Is heshe.?His work is good. 在此基础上理解课文内容。并能简单的利用句型和学过的形容词描述他人在学校的表现。 难点:be 动词及其否定形式的灵活运用;第三人称单数主语后的动词变化形式。三、课前准备三、课前准备头饰、本课单词卡片、VCD、白板、学生小测试卷。四、教学过程四、教学过程 StepStep 1 1 WarmingWarming upup andand leadingleading inin1 TPR: The teacher do some actions, and then the students say the words. (nice, clever, shy, quiet, loud, naughty, good, happy)2 Free talk:T: Whats like?S1: Hes very.T: Is heshe.?Ss: No,heshe isnt./Yes,heshe is.3.How about Kitty? Watch the VCD. Then talk about Kitty. What is Kitty like? Is she lazy? Yes, she is.板书新单词:lazy The students guess the meaning of “lazy” then read a few words: lady late lake Remember the sound a ei. StepStep 2.Task2.Task presentationpresentation1.T:Who are they?(出示 Daming 父母亲的图片)Ss:They are Damings parents.T:Its a special day for them . Do you know what it is? Ss:Its Parents Day today.把单词卡贴在黑板上 Parents Day 并领读。What other special days for us? Ss: Childrens Day Mothers Day Fathers Day TeachersDay.2.Damings parents are going to speak to his teacher.Learn to read speak a few times. Show eai:.And have the children read tea, teacher, meat, easy .Task:Today Well learn to talk about you or your friends personality and talk about ones performance at school.StepStep 3 3 TextText learninglearning1. T: All of you have your advantages, however, someone is a bit naughty. How about Daming? Is Daming naughty/ lazy in class? Lets watch the video. 2. Play the VCD. And then have the students answer the question.板书问题: Is Daming naughtylazy in class?根据学生回答板书答案: No, he isnt. Practice the key sentences in different ways. Practice in pairs. One asks .The other answers.3. The teacher plays the VCD again. Let the children read, then have the students answer another question: Hows Damings work? Please underline the answer.Ss: His work is good. 4. T: Why is his work good?Ss: 引导学生说:Hes a clever boy. He works hard. 强调第三人称单数主语后的动词形式。5T: Show the students a paper. 出示一张 Daming 100 分的试卷 板书: His work is good. (强调 work 是名词,表示功课)6.Talk about Xiaohongs work. And another work.Question: Is theher work good? 引导学生说:Yes,it is. No, it isnt.Step4.PracticeStep4.Practice 1. Say a chant about Daming. T: Clap and say.naughty naughty naughty Daming isnt naughty. lazy lazy lazy Daming isnt lazy. works works works Daming works hard. His work is good.Children listen to music clap and say.3. Have the students read the dialogue by themselves. Then read it in different roles.4.Finish the exercises of the Part Four Practice in pairs. Then the boys ask ,the girls answer. Is Fangfang naughty in class? No, she isnt. T: What is Fangfang like? 引导学生说:Fangfang works hard. So her work is good.StepStep 5 5 TaskTask completioncompletion1. look at the pictures and Listen to Damings personality in class.Retell what you have learned. 2. Show the parts of Damings personality,some of the words missing ,the children try to fill them on test papers. One child come to the front and finish on the Hiteboard.3. Show a pupils test paper, have the children talk about hisher work.And his her personality and performance.StepStep 6 6 SummarySummary andand homeworkhomeworkSummary:T:Can you talk about Damings performance in class?S1: He isnt naughty in class. S2: He isnt lazy.S3:His work is good.Have the students read the key words and key sentences on the blackboard.Homework:1.听音跟读,并试着背诵 M8U1 第二题课文部分。2.抄写下列五个单词和短语,各写五个:hard lazy parent Parents Day speak 3.试着说一说自己或你的好朋友平时课堂表现。Blackboard design ModuleModule 8 8 UnitUnit 1 1 HeHe worksworks hard.hard. IsIs DamingDaming naughtynaughty inin class?class?parentparent lazylazyspeakspeak No,No, hehe isnt.isnt. withwith HisHis workwork isis good.good.教学反思:教学反思: 本节课是外研社小学英语一起第六册第八模块第一单元,本课以本节课是外研社小学英语一起第六册第八模块第一单元,本课以家长会为话题,谈论他人在学校的表现。通过家长会为话题,谈论他人在学校的表现。通过 DamingDaming 的父母参加家的父母参加家长会与长会与 MsMs SmartSmart 交流的情境,学习句型交流的情境,学习句型“Is“Is hehe naughty?naughty? No,No, hehe isnt.isnt. ” “He“He worksworks hard.”hard.”等询问及回答某人表现的语句。本课等询问及回答某人表现的语句。本课知识是本册教材知识是本册教材 ModuleModule 1 1 知识的延伸,拓展了许多形容词,为我们知识的延伸,拓展了许多形容词,为我们更加丰富地描述具有特点的人物奠定了基础。更加丰富地描述具有特点的人物奠定了基础。 三年级的学生活泼可爱,敢想敢说。模仿能力强,记忆好。他三年级的学生活泼可爱,敢想敢说。模仿能力强,记忆好。他们已经掌握了不少词汇,同时学生在第一、二模块中已经学习了如们已经掌握了不少词汇,同时学生在第一、二模块中已经学习了如何简单描述人或物的特征,掌握了部分形容词。在教学设计中要结何简单描述人或物的特征,掌握了部分形容词。在教学设计中要结合学生的心理和生理特点,设计丰富多彩的课堂活动,调动他们学合学生的心理和生理特点,设计丰富多彩的课堂活动,调动他们学习英语的积极性。同时,培养学生善于发现别人身上的优点,取长习英语的积极性。同时,培养学生善于发现别人身上的优点,取长补短的良好品质。补短的良好品质。 通过任务型教学,让学生主动探究,亲身经历和体验,向学生通过任务型教学,让学生主动探究,亲身经历和体验,向学生渗透将生活中的具体问题转化为英语思维的思通过任务型教学,让渗透将生活中的具体问题转化为英语思维的思通过任务型教学,让学生主动探究,亲身经历和体验,向学生渗透将生活中的具体问题学生主动探究,亲身经历和体验,向学生渗透将生活中的具体问题转化为英语思维的思想转化为英语思维的思想, , 潜移默化让学生爱学潜移默化让学生爱学, , 激发学生学习英语激发学生学习英语的愿望。最终使学生能将课堂所学运用到实际生活中去的愿望。最终使学生能将课堂所学运用到实际生活中去, , 提高他们提高他们运用语言的能力。经过此次授课,我总结了以下几点:运用语言的能力。经过此次授课,我总结了以下几点:1.1.根据本课的教学目标和重难点,创设情境,设置任务,注意任务根据本课的教学目标和重难点,创设情境,设置任务,注意任务的真实性。的真实性。2.2.在突破了重难点之后,应创设真实有效的情境让学生灵活运用本在突破了重难点之后,应创设真实有效的情境让学生灵活运用本课句型进行操练。课句型进行操练。 同时灵活运用多媒体课件,设计多种白板教学环同时灵活运用多媒体课件,设计多种白板教学环节,增加师生互动教学,激发学生的学习积极性。节,增加师生互动教学,激发学生的学习积极性。3.3.词汇教学要注意做到有序,从音、义、形三方面进行渗透、操练,词汇教学要注意做到有序,从音、义、形三方面进行渗透、操练,意义先行。且单词操练过程中,应避免机械操练,注意创设情境,意义先行。且单词操练过程中,应避免机械操练,注意创设情境,做到词不离句。做到词不离句。4.4.评价机制应充分调动学生的积极性和学习兴趣,评价要自始至终评价机制应充分调动学生的积极性和学习兴趣,评价要自始至终贯穿课堂,个人评价和小组评价相结合,评价应具体到学生哪一点贯穿课堂,个人评价和小组评价相结合,评价应具体到学生哪一点做得好。同时可以利用第一模块和本模块的评价语及时给学生评价做得好。同时可以利用第一模块和本模块的评价语及时给学生评价的反馈。的反馈。 不足之处主要是板书设计还需精美和简洁些,另外任务的介绍不足之处主要是板书设计还需精美和简洁些,另外任务的介绍应更明显些。应更明显些。
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