Module 9-Unit 1 They were very young.-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:902ae)-外研版(一起)三年级下册英语.zip

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Module9Module9Unit1Unit1 TheyThey werewere veryvery young.young.一、教学目标:一、教学目标:1.1.知识目标:知识目标:能听懂并说出单词:grandparents, old, young, then, beautiful 和功能句:They werent old then. They were very young. She wasnt tall then. She was short. It wasnt clean then. It was dirty. 2.2.技能目标:技能目标:能灵活运用功能句,并能说明某人或某物过去的特征与状态,比较现在和过去。3.3.情感目标情感目标通过多种多样的教学方法,使学生保持持久的学习兴趣,勇于创新。在学习中乐于参与、积极合作、主劝请教。二、教学重、难点:二、教学重、难点:重点:重点:能在实际中运用一般过去时描述人或事物的特征与状态,比较现在和过去。难点:难点:能准确的读出“wasnt, werent”并能正确的运用。三、教学方法:三、教学方法:基于对教学理念、教材分析、学生分析、教学目标、重难点的分析,我采用了以下教学方法:1.任务型教学方法。2.图片展示法。3.视听法。四、教学过程四、教学过程StepStep 1 1 Warming-upWarming-up(热身活动)(热身活动)1. Greetings2. Sing a song T:Can you sing the English song?Ss: Yes.T: Now, lets sing together.StepStep 2 2 RevisionRevision andand leading-inleading-in (复习导入)(复习导入)1.抢答说出一些形容词,并说说它的反义词。big -small, good- bad, fat-thin, short- long/ tall 2.出示图片,运用形容词说说图片。T:(出示第一幅图片)whats this? S: Its a butterfly.T: How does it?(它是怎样的?)S: Its very beautiful.师出示另一副图片,说明是蝴蝶小的时候,并问学生小时候的蝴蝶是什么样的。(对学生有所提示,说出 It wasnt beautiful then。)3.学习新单词。wasnt=was not werent=were not clean-dirtyStepStep 3 3 NewNew test(test(课文新授课文新授) )1. 出示图片,根据图片说句子。2. 听第一遍录音,找出新单词。3. 听第二遍录音,小组合作,翻译出课文的汉语意思。4. 听第三遍录音,跟读课文并小组合作学习,读熟课文。Step4Step4 PracticePractice1. Read and circle. (Activity 3)2. Fill in the blanks.3. Talk about yourself.Step 3 Summary What did you learn? StepStep 5 5 HomeworkHomework1. Read the text.2. Describe the old pictures to your parents and your friends after school.五、板书设计五、板书设计Unit1Unit1 TheyThey werewere veryvery young.young.NewNew words:words: wasnwasnt=wast=was notnot werenwerent=weret=were notnot clean-dirtyclean-dirtyNewNew sentences:sentences: TheyThey werenwerent t oldold then.then. TheyThey werewere young.young. SheShe wasnwasnt t talltall then.then. SheShe waswas short.short. ItIt wasnwasnt t cleanclean then.then. ItIt waswas dirty.dirty.教学反思:教学反思:123Module9 Unit2 I was two then.一、教学目标:一、教学目标:1. 认识单词 was 和 were 以及它们对应的原型。2. 学会使用 was 和 were 谈论过去的事情和情况。3. 理解课文的意思,会变换句式。4. 培养学生敏锐的观察力,促进人与人之间的交流,增进彼此的感情。二、教学重点:二、教学重点:1. 理解 be 动词和它对应的过去式,正确使用人称和 be 动词,使其搭配正确。2. 句型的正确变换“I was two-We were two.”等。三、教学难点:三、教学难点: 能够正确使用“was/were”谈论过去的事情和情况。四、教学过程:四、教学过程:(一)(一) Warm up. 1Greeting. 2. (1) 出示 3 张单词卡“am” “is” “ are” ,让学生认读后,告诉学生,这三个单词又称作 be 动词。 (2)回忆并齐唱过去自编的 chant:I 用 am,you 用 are,is 跟着 he, she, it;所有复数人称都用 are。 3. 活动:“Do as I say, not as I do.”教师说句子并故意做一个与句子内容不符的动作,学生要根据教师所说的句子或发出的指令做动作。如:T:I am tall.同时弯腰把手放在距离地面不高的位置,以此表示“short” ,而学生要把手高高举起,放在头的上方,以此表示“tall” 。在此环节要多操练“tall,short, long, young,old,fat,thin,big,small”等形容词,为后面教学做铺垫。(二)(二) 呈现与导入。呈现与导入。1.(1)教师出示一张自己小时的“全家福”照片向学生介绍 This is a photo of my family. Look, these are my parents. They were very young, then. But now they are old. And look at this little baby. It/I was very short and fat then. But now, look at me(指着自己说).I am tall and thin.(教师边说边板书重点句子,be 动词用彩笔书写)(2)教师对比教读板书的句子,并引导学生比较其不同之处,然后教师总结:我们在讲述过去的状况时,通常用“were”和“was” ,而在讲述现在状况时通常使用“are” “is” “am” .were 是 are 的过去式,was 是 am 和 is 的过去式。 2. 图片描述:(1)请学生练习 part 1。 (2)同桌之间相互交流;然后个别学生做汇报检查答案。 3. 眼力大考察游戏:教师出示已备好的学习用具或动物、实物的图片,从中选择几样放在不同的位置,然后交换物品或图片的位置,最后向学生提问相关信息。最后教师提问:“Where was the pencil just now? Where is pencil now?”学生则回答:“The pencil was on the desk. Now the pencil is in the desk.”以此类推完成游戏。 4.Amy 到 Lingling 家做客时,对 Lingling 家的几张老照片产生了兴趣。让我们一起来看看照片上有哪些人,他们与现在相比有些什么变化。(三)(三) 课文教学。课文教学。 1. 放录音,学生合上书,录音里说一句学生重复一句。 2. 请学生打开书,找出文中不会读或不理解的单词,教师板书并教读。 3. 让学生根据刚才的录音和自己对图片的理解,用简明扼要的语言描述图片。 4. 放第二遍录音,请学生有感情地跟读录音。 5. 完成黑板上的问答练习: Were they Linglings parents or grandparents? Were they old or young? Who was the little girl in the photo, Amy or Lingling? How old was Lingling in the photo?6.用正确的 be 动词填空。1. He_ a boy. You _ a girl. I _ a girl, too.2. She_ better than me. 3. My hair _short , then. Now my hair_ long.(四)(四) 小结。小结。 I am -I was; She/He/It is-She/He/It was ;You/We/They are-You/We/They were。五课后作业五课后作业: 1. 三人一组,分别扮演 Lingling,Amy 和 Lingling 的妈妈,表演课文对话。 2. 从家中找出自己小时候的一张照片,做一个介绍。6、板书设计:板书设计:Module9 Unit2 I was two then.I am -I wasShe/He/It is-She/He/It was You/We/They are-You/We/They were教学反思教学反思123Module 9 Unit 1 They were very young.shortyoungtallfatlongthinthinoldfatyoungChant :Tall tall tall. I am tall.Short short short. You are short.Fat fat fat. He is fat.Thin thin thin. She is thin.Naughty naughty naughty.It is naughty.Old old old. They are old.Young young young. We are young.beautifulIt _ (was/is)a worm then.It _ (was/is)beautiful now.wasisI was five years old then.I was young then(那那时时). .My hair was short then.It is long now.I am 35 years old now.现在我35岁(头发头发 )Its me.thennowShe was young then.She is very old now.HeHeThey were very young then.They are very old now.was 是是am和和is 的过的过去式,去式,were是是are的的过去式;单数用过去式;单数用was,复数都用,复数都用wereWho are they?grandparentsgrandparents 外祖父母外祖父母grandmagrandpa 听音划出听音划出“was”“were”areisamBe动词动词waswere过去时过去时(then)现在时现在时(now)Lets chant!那时,那时那时,那时then then then.I was;I was,was was was.She was;She was,was was was.You were;You were,were were were.They were;They were ,were,were,were.现在,现在现在,现在now now now .I am;I am,am am am.He is;He is,is is is.You are;You are,are are are.They are;They are,are are are .在在小小组组内内读读thennowThen he was fat .Now he is thin .Then he was short .Now he is tall .Yao MingZhou Jielun Zhou Jielun fatthinThen she _ _ .Now She _ _ .wasfatis thin小组讨论用小组讨论用 was/ is 说句子。说句子。Liu XiangLiu Xiangwas short .Then heNow he shorttallis tall .Then NowThen they were young. Now they are old.Then they were thin .Now they are fat . Then they were small .Now they are big . were young .are old .were small.are big.youngoldsmallbig小组讨论用 were/ are 说句子。Then theyThen theyNow theyNow theybe动词的一般过去时动词的一般过去时 原形原形amisare过去时过去时waswaswereThen it_.Now it_.was smallis bigThen they_.Now they_.were youngare oldThen he_.Now he_.was shortis tallThen she_.Now she_.short long fat thin tall old youngA: It was then.B: It is now.A: They were.then.B: They arenow. 游戏规则:游戏规则:两人一组,转动两人一组,转动转盘至停止,两转盘至停止,两人分别用所学句人分别用所学句子描述出指针所子描述出指针所指图片。指图片。A:It was.then.B:It They were.then.B: They 选词填空选词填空 was is were are He _ short then. He _ tall now. It _ an egg then. It _ a bird now. They _small then. They _ big now.waswasisiswereare你们表现得太精彩了,你们表现得太精彩了,谈谈我们的收获!谈谈我们的收获!Everything changes all the time.Treasure today!1.课文读三遍课文读三遍2.做一张海报,对比做一张海报,对比自己的过去和现在自己的过去和现在,可以配有照片或,可以配有照片或者装饰。加油哦!者装饰。加油哦!Module9Module9Unit1Unit1 TheyThey werewere veryvery young.young.一、教学目标:一、教学目标:1.1.知识目标:知识目标:能听懂并说出单词:grandparents, old, young, then, beautiful 和功能句:They werent old then. They were very young. She wasnt tall then. She was short. It wasnt clean then. It was dirty. 2.2.技能目标:技能目标:能灵活运用功能句,并能说明某人或某物过去的特征与状态,比较现在和过去。3.3.情感目标情感目标通过多种多样的教学方法,使学生保持持久的学习兴趣,勇于创新。在学习中乐于参与、积极合作、主劝请教。二、教学重、难点:二、教学重、难点:重点:重点:能在实际中运用一般过去时描述人或事物的特征与状态,比较现在和过去。难点:难点:能准确的读出“wasnt, werent”并能正确的运用。三、教学方法:三、教学方法:基于对教学理念、教材分析、学生分析、教学目标、重难点的分析,我采用了以下教学方法:1.任务型教学方法。2.图片展示法。3.视听法。四、教学过程四、教学过程StepStep 1 1 Warming-upWarming-up(热身活动)(热身活动)1. Greetings2. Sing a song T:Can you sing the English song?Ss: Yes.T: Now, lets sing together.StepStep 2 2 RevisionRevision andand leading-inleading-in (复习导入)(复习导入)1.抢答说出一些形容词,并说说它的反义词。big -small, good- bad, fat-thin, short- long/ tall 2.出示图片,运用形容词说说图片。T:(出示第一幅图片)whats this? S: Its a butterfly.T: How does it?(它是怎样的?)S: Its very beautiful.师出示另一副图片,说明是蝴蝶小的时候,并问学生小时候的蝴蝶是什么样的。(对学生有所提示,说出 It wasnt beautiful then。)3.学习新单词。wasnt=was not werent=were not clean-dirtyStepStep 3 3 NewNew test(test(课文新授课文新授) )1. 出示图片,根据图片说句子。2. 听第一遍录音,找出新单词。3. 听第二遍录音,小组合作,翻译出课文的汉语意思。4. 听第三遍录音,跟读课文并小组合作学习,读熟课文。Step4Step4 PracticePractice1. Read and circle. (Activity 3)2. Fill in the blanks.3. Talk about yourself.Step 3 Summary What did you learn? StepStep 5 5 HomeworkHomework1. Read the text.2. Describe the old pictures to your parents and your friends after school.五、板书设计五、板书设计Unit1Unit1 TheyThey werewere veryvery young.young.NewNew words:words: wasnwasnt=wast=was notnot werenwerent=weret=were notnot clean-dirtyclean-dirtyNewNew sentences:sentences: TheyThey werenwerent t oldold then.then. TheyThey werewere young.young. SheShe wasnwasnt t talltall then.then. SheShe waswas short.short. ItIt wasnwasnt t cleanclean then.then. ItIt waswas dirty.dirty.教学反思:教学反思:123Module9 Unit2 I was two then.一、教学目标:一、教学目标:1. 认识单词 was 和 were 以及它们对应的原型。2. 学会使用 was 和 were 谈论过去的事情和情况。3. 理解课文的意思,会变换句式。4. 培养学生敏锐的观察力,促进人与人之间的交流,增进彼此的感情。二、教学重点:二、教学重点:1. 理解 be 动词和它对应的过去式,正确使用人称和 be 动词,使其搭配正确。2. 句型的正确变换“I was two-We were two.”等。三、教学难点:三、教学难点: 能够正确使用“was/were”谈论过去的事情和情况。四、教学过程:四、教学过程:(一)(一) Warm up. 1Greeting. 2. (1) 出示 3 张单词卡“am” “is” “ are” ,让学生认读后,告诉学生,这三个单词又称作 be 动词。 (2)回忆并齐唱过去自编的 chant:I 用 am,you 用 are,is 跟着 he, she, it;所有复数人称都用 are。 3. 活动:“Do as I say, not as I do.”教师说句子并故意做一个与句子内容不符的动作,学生要根据教师所说的句子或发出的指令做动作。如:T:I am tall.同时弯腰把手放在距离地面不高的位置,以此表示“short” ,而学生要把手高高举起,放在头的上方,以此表示“tall” 。在此环节要多操练“tall,short, long, young,old,fat,thin,big,small”等形容词,为后面教学做铺垫。(二)(二) 呈现与导入。呈现与导入。1.(1)教师出示一张自己小时的“全家福”照片向学生介绍 This is a photo of my family. Look, these are my parents. They were very young, then. But now they are old. And look at this little baby. It/I was very short and fat then. But now, look at me(指着自己说).I am tall and thin.(教师边说边板书重点句子,be 动词用彩笔书写)(2)教师对比教读板书的句子,并引导学生比较其不同之处,然后教师总结:我们在讲述过去的状况时,通常用“were”和“was” ,而在讲述现在状况时通常使用“are” “is” “am” .were 是 are 的过去式,was 是 am 和 is 的过去式。 2. 图片描述:(1)请学生练习 part 1。 (2)同桌之间相互交流;然后个别学生做汇报检查答案。 3. 眼力大考察游戏:教师出示已备好的学习用具或动物、实物的图片,从中选择几样放在不同的位置,然后交换物品或图片的位置,最后向学生提问相关信息。最后教师提问:“Where was the pencil just now? Where is pencil now?”学生则回答:“The pencil was on the desk. Now the pencil is in the desk.”以此类推完成游戏。 4.Amy 到 Lingling 家做客时,对 Lingling 家的几张老照片产生了兴趣。让我们一起来看看照片上有哪些人,他们与现在相比有些什么变化。(三)(三) 课文教学。课文教学。 1. 放录音,学生合上书,录音里说一句学生重复一句。 2. 请学生打开书,找出文中不会读或不理解的单词,教师板书并教读。 3. 让学生根据刚才的录音和自己对图片的理解,用简明扼要的语言描述图片。 4. 放第二遍录音,请学生有感情地跟读录音。 5. 完成黑板上的问答练习: Were they Linglings parents or grandparents? Were they old or young? Who was the little girl in the photo, Amy or Lingling? How old was Lingling in the photo?6.用正确的 be 动词填空。1. He_ a boy. You _ a girl. I _ a girl, too.2. She_ better than me. 3. My hair _short , then. Now my hair_ long.(四)(四) 小结。小结。 I am -I was; She/He/It is-She/He/It was ;You/We/They are-You/We/They were。五课后作业五课后作业: 1. 三人一组,分别扮演 Lingling,Amy 和 Lingling 的妈妈,表演课文对话。 2. 从家中找出自己小时候的一张照片,做一个介绍。6、板书设计:板书设计:Module9 Unit2 I was two then.I am -I wasShe/He/It is-She/He/It was You/We/They are-You/We/They were教学反思教学反思123
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