Module 10-Unit 1 Were you on the second floor -ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:60645)-外研版(一起)三年级下册英语.zip

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英语英语(新标准)一年级起点(新标准)一年级起点 三年级下册三年级下册Module 10 Unit 2 It was there.Whats your favourite animal?Why is he worried?Lets watch the video.The fish _ ( was / is ) here yesterday.The fish _ ( was / is ) in dogs stomach. wasisWhat will they do?They will buy some food.Where are they?They are in the supermarket.What food do they want find?vegetablesfruitmilkWhere are the vegetables?Where is the fruit?Where is the milk?It was here last Sunday.It was there.It was there too.Lets play a game.Look and say.The second floorThe first floorherethere13456 It was on the second floor2They were on the second floorThey were on the second floorThey were on the first floorThey were on the first floorThey were on the first floorThank you!英语英语(新标准)(小学一起)三年级下册(新标准)(小学一起)三年级下册 M10M10 教学设计教学设计教材及年级名称英语(新标准)(小学一起)三年级下册模块名称M10 Unit1 Were you on the second floor?Unit 2 It was there.教材分析 在通过上一模块首次让学生接触 be 动词的一般过去时后,这一模块通过对人物所处地点的变换和回忆物品放置地点的情境,向学生进一步来展现这个内容。涉及到的标志着过去时的词语还是上一模块出现的“was”和“were”,但是句型不同了,Unit 1 主要学习 be 动词过去式引导的一般疑问句,Unit2 主要学习 be 动词过去式的特殊疑问句。本模块的语境也有了变化,主要谈论 shops 话题,所以在 3 个课时的教学中,教师通过情境创设,将“听、说、读、写” 巧妙地穿插于各个环节中,以情景为主线贯穿整个教学过程,通过“整体感知局部探究综合运用”三个教学环节,在具体情景中进行知识的迁移和运用。让学生真正能够掌握、理解并运用本模块重、难点。学情分析 三年级的学生对英语学习具有好奇、好动、模仿力强、成功欲望凸显的身心特点,有较强的语言表达、形体表演等优势。本堂课学生会在学习过程中通过游戏等活动充分发挥他们的想象和创造思维能力,让他们直观感受形容词在英语中魅力。当然部分学生在活动参与中会有畏难情绪、羞涩感,以及缺乏自信。模块教学目标1.知识目标(1)能听、说、读、写并会运用单词first、second、floor,find、vegetablelastmilk。(2)进一步学习、掌握一般过去时态 be 动词 were was 在一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的用法。(3)能在恰当的情景中熟练运用以下句型进行交际对话:Were you on the first/second floor? Yes, we were./ No, we werent.Was he there? Yes, he was./ No, he wasnt.Where is the fruit? It was there.(4)理解课文对话内容,有感情地朗读或表演对话。2.能力目标(1)能在文本提供的语境中运用目标词汇和句型对自身及客体事物的位置进行陈述,谈论过去与现在的变化。(2)设置情境,通过各种活动培养学生的语言综合运用能力。3.情感目标(1)渗透西方文化意识,教育学生关心他人,孝敬父母和长辈。(2)激发学生学习英语的兴趣及运用英语、乐于参与的热情。教学重点及难点教学重点 (1)能听、说、读、写并会运用单词first、second、floor,find、vegetablelastmilk。(2)进一步学习、掌握一般过去时态 be 动词 were was 在一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的用法。(3)能在恰当的情景中熟练运用以下句型进行交际对话:Were you on the first/second floor? Yes, we were./ No, we werent.Was he there? Yes, he was./ No, he wasnt.Where is the fruit? It was there.(4)理解课文对话内容,有感情地朗读或表演对话。2.教学难点 能在特定语言环境中的正确运用由 Was, were 引导的一般疑问句特殊疑问句,并能区分人称进行回答。教学辅助教学光盘、点读笔、PPT、卡片等教学方法情景教学、多媒体教学、任务型教学、TPR 教学法等教学过程第一课时教学设计教材分析 本模块紧紧围绕识别并描述过去的位置展开教学。作为本模块的第一课时,本课时让学生在情境中识别并描述过去的位置,通过一系列的活动开展,帮助学生理解、表达及运用单词 secondfloor find firstworried 和目标语句 Were youWas he?同时复习 werewas 的一般疑问句及其回答在用法上的区别,从而使学生能准确自主表达。课时教学目标知识与技能目标(1)能在情境中学习单词 secondfloor find firstworried 和目标语句Were you?(2)能在生活化真实情境中,运用目标语句来描述。过程与方法目标创设语言环境,学会在生活化真实情境中运用功能句,提高学生在真实语境中解决实际问题的能力。情感态度目标激发学生学习英语的兴趣及运用英语、乐于参与的热情。教学重点与难点Read aloud and act out the text.Were, was 的一般疑问句及其回答。教学辅助教学光盘、点读笔、PPT、卡片等教学方法情景教学、多媒体教学、任务型教学、TPR 等教学活动教学内容教师活动学生活动设计意图Step1: Greetings1.GreetingsGood morning boys and girls! How are you?1.Greet to the teacher.1.通过师生间的相互问候、交流,拉近师生距离,营造宽松的学习氛围。Step2: Lead in1.(What animal is this?)Sing the song about P54-(Yes, Its a pig. It was fat,but now Im thin.)Divide the groups.2.Lets watch(Just now,we played with the pig.Look at this picture abut P53, there is another cute animal.when he calls to dad: Hes in . now. And he was in . yesterday.)3.(Now,when he is calling to his friends:Lets watch:Where was he?)(Was he in Beijing yesterday?Where was he? Where was the dog? Why the cat say”Were you?”)4.Repeat and play a role.(What do you think of the dog?)-cute.1.Sing and answer the question.2. Think and watch3.Look and say4.Repeat and play通过歌曲复习旧知,为后面的拓展运用做好铺垫。通过 PPT、video 形象直观的展示,巧妙完成文本内容的引入,使学生在语境中认读、理解感知。层层递进的问题,进一步带领学生发掘文本信息。4.角色扮演让学生在情境中运用体验语言的魅力。Step 3: Presentation1.Lets watch: ( Just now,we knew about a cute dog, This time, there is a naughty boy.)Who is the naughty boy? 1. Think, watch and speak1.学生通过整体感知语言,带着任务把握文章大意,培养自学能力。Why?(Yes. Daming is a naughty boy. Because her mum cant find him. She is worried.)Learn and act ”find worried ”2.(Now.Lets help Damings mother , ok?PPT8)Who are they? Where were they? Was Daming there?Learn”first floor ”3.Play a game:I cant find_. Im worried.4.(Come on.Lets continue. PPT11)Who are they? Were they on the second floor? Was Daming there?Learn and act”second remember ”5.Practice:Were you on the second floor? 6.Play a game to divide “was were”7.Practice in two:(This time, my dear class:Where was Daming? Why is he on the second floor?Is mum worried now?)7.When is Mothers Day? (课件出示 The second Sunday in May is Mothers Day.)Fathers day is coming soon. Do something for your mother and father, please! 2.Think and speak3.Play a game4.Think and speak5.Practice and play6.Play a game7.Listen and speak2.通过对文本的分解认读理解,来学习新单词,过程自然流畅。3.帮助学生加深对文本的理解,同时,让学生有意识的模仿语音语调,提高学生表达英语的能力。4.让学生在真实的语境中进一步理解文本信息。5.联系生活实际,运用所学句型。6.在游戏中理解“was were”的不同用法。7.在合作中培养学生自主思维能力。8.适当拓展,渗透德育。Step 4: Practice1. Repeat and play a role about the whole story.1. Repeat and play.1.帮助学生加深对整篇文本的理解,同时,让学生有意识的模仿语音语调,提高学生表达英语的能力。调动学生的参与性和主动性。Step 5: ConsolidationFinish Part 4.(Lets play a game about the dog and the cat.)2. Summary.1. play a game2.Listen and say.综合拓展运用,操练同时巩固所学知识。(预设环节,据学情自主。)利用板书总结,引导学生思维发展。Classroom Assessment小组评价 小组评价家庭作业:1. Listen, read or act the text with your parents. 2.Make a picture like Part4, talk about with your parents.板书设计: Module 10 Unit 1 Were you on the second floor?Were you on the firstsecond floor?Yes, we were. No, we werent. Was he there?Yes, he was. No, he wasnt. 教学反思:本模块主要采用任务型课堂教学模式,即以任务为教学切入点,以生活化教学为特色的主线,从而达到拓宽知识与生活的联系面,提高学生课堂参与面以及推进教学质量和学生学习能力提升面的目的。1.整合教材资源,发掘文本信息。 教师通过以整合课文为基础,挖掘课文与生活实际相关的教学切入点,精心设计活动情境,把教学活动置于超市、学校等学生熟悉的生活情境之中,让学生体验生活化的语言学习。2.创设情境,在活动中习得语言。教师组织符合学生生活经验的活动、游戏,通过孩子们喜闻乐见的寻找 Go Go Go、投篮游戏等活动让他们明确学习任务和目标,极大地激发了他们的学习积极性。运用实物、图片等帮助理解文本信息;利用角色扮演,模拟生活进行语言实践;利用媒体技术,创造动感生活情境等方式;注重强化和提高学生实际运用英语进行交流的能力。3.采用任务型教学模式,以任务促发展。让学生带着问题听、读课文,使教学活动更为有效。pair work 体现了合作学习的优势,有梯度地发展了学生的听、说、读、写技能,并使情感目标得以达成。通过分组竞赛的形式进行评价,每闯过一关,就更上一层楼。评价栏充分发挥了评价的积极导向作用,激发了学生的学习兴趣,也成为本课情境创设的重要工具。当然,本堂课在学生思维发展,拓展运用上还做得不够好。 总之,以生活教育理论和任务型教育理论为依据的课堂,不但注重文本内容的学习,而且注重学生学习能力的培养,让生活进一步走进小学英语课堂,让学生在动态真实环境中学习运用英语。
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