Module 10-Unit 1 Were you on the second floor -ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:9003c)-外研版(一起)三年级下册英语.zip

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Module 9 Unit 1 They were very young.Its Its Its butterflybeautifulIts beautiful .And it was also beautiful then .Who are they?grandparentsgrandparents 外祖父母grandmagrandpa 1.Read and find new words.2. find “was”“were”3. Who is that little girl?4. How old was she then ?They were very young then.Your hair was very short then.How old were you?I was two.You were very cute!And I was naughty,too.areisamBe动词waswere过去时(then)现在时(now)Lets chant!那时,那时then then then.I was;I was,was was was.She was;She was,was was was.You were;You were,were were were.They were;They were ,were,were,were.现在,现在now now now .I am;I am,am am am.He is;He is,is is is.You are;You are,are are are.They are;They are,are are are . 3. Who is that little girl?How old are you now?How old were you in ?4. How old was she then ? They were very young then!But they are very old now.Listen point and say!Then NowThen they were young. Now they are old.Then they were thin .Now they are fat .Then it_.Now it_.was smallis bigfatthinThen she _ _ .Now She _ _ .was fatisthinLiu XiangLiu Xiangwas short .Then heNow he shorttallis tall .Pair work. were young .are old .were small.are big.youngoldsmallbigThen theyThen theyNow theyNow theyshort long fat thin tall old youngA: It was then.B: It is now.A: They were.then.B: They arenow. 游戏规则:两人一组,转动转盘至停止,两人分别用所学句子描述出指针所指图片。A:It was.then.B:It They were.then.B: They你们表现得太精彩了,谈谈我们的收获!Everything changes all the time.Treasure today! ModuleModule 9 9 UnitUnit TheyThey werewere veryvery young.young. 教学设计教学设计 1、教材分析。本册为第六册第九模块第一单元。本单元是以是动词的过去式为主题,让学生运用过去是动词 waswere 来描述过去发生的事情,并能够在真实情境中运用所学句型进行对话,完成与他人进行交际的任务。本堂课为新授课,学生第一次接触过去时态。2、学生分析。 三年级学生的年龄在九到十岁左右,生性活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维,对游戏、竞赛、画画特别感兴趣。课堂上以表扬为主,注重培养学习英语的兴趣,鼓励他们大胆说、积极做、努力唱!三年级个别学生还存在顽劣和懒惰倾向,上课爱搞小动作、课下作业完成不及时的坏毛病,学习效率也较差。针对这种情况我采取趣味教学的模式课上多为学生创设习得语言的环境,尽最大努力吸引学生的注意力以便更有交地激发他们的学习兴趣,而且课下我经常找机会和他们聊天、交朋友,帮助他们转变厌学思想。另外我还鼓励各班中英语学习较好的同学主动帮这些学困生提高成绩。3、教学目标与重点难点。1、知识与能力目标使学生能熟练掌握生词 waswerewerentwasnt younggrandparents.能熟练并能在真实情景中运用本课的重点句型 They werent then. They were very.wasntthen. was2、情感态度目标 同过对过去式的学习,提高学生听、说和交流能力、小组合作精神和学生的自学能力。让学生懂得孝敬父母,多与家人沟通的思想。3、重点难点 学生对过去是动词及其否定形式的掌握及如何运用重点句型来描述过去发生的事情。4、教学过程I、 Warm up.1.Sing a song:Bingo.2.Greeting: Say hello to the students.II、 Lead in.1. Show some pictures about animals.Let students introduce animals.For example:snake,giraffe,panda,butterfly.Its.2. Lead in “beautiful” “was”“then”.Use “It is beautiful.” “It was beautiful then.” And learn about the past.3. Show the cartoon about Activity 1 .Read and repeat.III、 Presentation.1. Show a picture about two pictures. Play the cartoon about Activity 2 and find “Who are they? Learn new words“ grandparents”2. 小组活动 Group work:i.Read and find new words.ii.find “was”“were”iii.Who is that little girl?iv.How old was she then ?找到答案,学习新单词,分析课文。3. Learn about the past .Be:is,am,are.(now)was,were.(then)4. Read and repeat.IV Practice 根据 PPT 所展示的图片进行对比,并进行活动V Homework用学过的知识制作一张海报。5、板书。 Module 9 Unit They were very young. They were very young then! But they are very old now. Be am is was are were
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