Review Module-Unit 2-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+素材)-省级优课-(编号:316da)-外研版(一起)三年级下册英语.zip

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1教学设计一、教学内容:复习语法一般过去时态和一般将来时态。二、教学目标:1、复习一般过去时和一般将来时两种时态并让学生能够能灵活运用;2、通过听说读写训练,发展学生综合运用语言的能力,培养学生参与课堂教学的兴趣和积极性,以及培养他们运用语法知识的交际能力。三、教学准备:多媒体课件、阅读材料、选项卡。四、教学过程:Step 1: Warmup1、Greetings2、Sing an English song:Mary had a little lamb.(设计意图:利用歌曲复习将来时,为下面的课堂教学做好铺垫,活跃课堂气氛并激发学生学习兴趣。)Step2: Presentation1、通过“回顾历史,展望未来”这句话引出本课要复习的两种时态。A、过去式的复习21. 总结一般过去时态的定义、标志词、构成及通过习题总结如何变否定句和一般疑问句的方法:a).定义:表示过去的动作或存在的状态;b).标志词:yesterday, last (week / year / night / Monday ), then, once upon a timec).构成:主语+动词的过去式+其他;d).通过习题学生总结如何变否定句和一般疑问句的方法:否定:有 be 动词在后面+not,没有 be 动词用 didnt+动词原形;疑问:有 be 动词直接提前,没有 be 动词用 did 来帮忙,注意动词变回原形。 (设计意图:让学生在习题中归纳总结一般过去时变否定句和疑问句的方法,体现孩子的主体性,培养了学习能力。)32. 学生小结动词过去式的四种情况(设计意图:通过总结,让学生检查自己的学习情况,帮助学生归类出动词的过去式的几种形式:1、一般在动词词尾加 ed;2、如果动词以字母 e 结尾,变过去式时直接在词尾加 d;3、如果动词是以辅音字母加 y 结尾,变过去式时要变 y 为 i 再加 ed; 4、部分不规则动词的过去式。)3. 老师自编动感十足的小歌谣帮助孩子提高记忆(PPT)(设计意图: 通过 chant 的形式进一步巩固过去时,欢快的节奏活跃课堂气氛、调整孩子们疲劳的脑神经,也为知识的巩固降低了难度。 )44. 以比赛形式说出动词的过去式55. 活动听一听,猜一猜:Did he / she ?5. 游戏 Freeze学生们随着音乐翩翩起舞,当听到”freeze”时,做出一个动作并冻结,老师随机问”What did you do?”学生回答并解冻,学生继续问下一位同学6(设计意图:在游戏中巩固一般过去时态的用法,孩子们喜欢这种寓教于乐的形式。)6. 微课总结7LP_20180520212738.avi(设计意图:通过微课精炼的总结了一般过去时态变否定和疑问句的方法,动画的形式极大的吸引了孩子们的兴趣,使本来枯燥的复习课变得生动有趣。)7. 练习巩固(设计意图:判断对错的练习再次检查了学生对时态的掌握程度,更重要的是练习里面渗透了动词时态与时间状语的搭配一致性问题。)B、将来时的复习1. 总结一般将来时态的定义、标志词、构成及通过习题总结如何变否定句和一般疑问句的方法:a).定义:表示将来的动作或存在的状态;b).标志词:tomorrow, next (week / month / year / Monday ), this afternoon, in the futurec).构成:主语+will / be going to+动词原形+其他;d).通过习题学生总结如何变否定句和一般疑问句的方法:否定:be 动词在后面+not,will 后面+not 或缩写 wont;疑问: be 动词或 will 直接提前。 (设计意图:让学生在习题中归纳总结一般将来时变否定句和疑问句的方法,体现孩子的主体性,培养了学习能力。)82. Playing a guessing a game.3.挑战无极限910(设计意图:此练习综合检查了学生对两种时态的理解程度,并且通过举选项的方式,老师对学生们的掌握程度一目了然,并及时让做正确的孩子当小老师来讲解。)4. 介绍新朋友 Nick. Vugicic, 简单介绍他的人生经历,带着问题观看视频并完成阅读理解。5. 德育渗透。6. 总结收获,留作业。小学英语时态复习课回顾历史回顾历史 展望未来展望未来一般过去时 Past Simple复习内容一般将来时Future Simpletoday2017201920162020一般过去时一般过过去时时标标志词词yesterday / last(week, year, Monday) / ago / just now / once upon a time / before / then主语语 + 动词过动词过 去式 + 其他动词变过 去式疑问否定一般过去时一般过过去时时标标志词词主语语 + 动词过动词过 去式 + 其他动词变过 去式疑问否定yesterday / last(week, year, Monday) / ago / just now / once upon a time / before / then过过去式 构成 有方法 一般 词词尾 加 ed如 果 词词尾 有 个 e 直接 加d 就可以辅辅 音 字 母 y 在尾 变变 y 为为 i 加 ed“一辅辅重闭闭”作尾巴 双写 之后 加 edhave 和 has 用 had do 和 does变变 didam 和 is was 替 are要变变were没问问题题过去式之歌10101010 rode had20202020fell won10101010 swam were drew40404040sentsaw20202020atecamereaddrank cut40404040 went20202020bought10101010saidtook20202020did10101010eat are swim see winhave fall drinkcome do take go read buysend ride gotdraw cut get say Dad the erhu.He short then. He was short then.He was short then.Dad played the Dad played the erhuerhu yesterday. yesterday.否定句 大操练wasntdidnt play dad the erhu? he short then? He was short then.He was short then.Dad played the Dad played the erhuerhu yesterday. yesterday.试一试 变疑问WasDidplayDid she / he ? Listen and guessYes, she / he did. No, she / he didnt.Game : Freeze1. Tom football last night.2. Amy a book yesterday.3. they here last Sunday?4. David didnt in class yesterday.( )( )( )( )FAreT or F ? readed play played read Were ate eat FFF一般将来时一般将来时时标标志词词tomorrow/next week(month/year)/this afternoon/soon/in the future主语语 + will + 动动原疑问否定wontbe + not主语语 + be going to + 动动原否定疑问will 提前be 提前 Amy going to swim next month.They fly kites tomorrow. They will fly kites tomorrow.They will fly kites tomorrow.Amy is going to swim next month.Amy is going to swim next month.wontisnt否定句 大操练 Amy going to swim next month? they fly kites tomorrow? They will fly kites tomorrow.They will fly kites tomorrow.Amy is going to swim next month.Amy is going to swim next month.Will Is 试一试 变疑问Play a guessing game挑战无极限 1. She 1. She made a cakemade a cake _. _. A. tomorrow B. sometimes C. yesterday morning A. tomorrow B. sometimes C. yesterday morning 2.What _ Mike do last weekend ? 2.What _ Mike do last weekend ? B. did C. Does B. did C. Does3. I 3. I my mother do housework next weekend my mother do housework next weekend. . A. helped B. will helping C. am going to help A. helped B. will helping C. am going to help ( )( )( )CCB挑战无极限挑战无极限 4.4. We We the Great Wall next month. the Great Wall next month. A. dont visit B. wont visit C. didnt visit A. dont visit B. wont visit C. didnt visit5 5. _ you _ TV last night . _ you _ TV last night ? ? A. Do, watch B. Did, watch C. Did, watched A. Do, watch B. Did, watch C. Did, watched6. 6. Will you borrow books from the library tomorrow?Will you borrow books from the library tomorrow? A. Yes, I will. B. No, you wont. C. No, I will. A. Yes, I will. B. No, you wont. C. No, I will.( )( )( )BAB挑战无极限Nick Vugicic : Life Without LimitsNick Vujicic was born on December 4th, 1982 in Australia. He Nick Vujicic was born on December 4th, 1982 in Australia. He was born without arms or legs. He couldnt swim, couldnt was born without arms or legs. He couldnt swim, couldnt write, couldnt type, and couldnt play golf before, but he didwrite, couldnt type, and couldnt play golf before, but he didntnt think it was a big problem. And he didnt think it was a big problem. And he didnt lose his heartlose his heart( (灰心灰心) ) either. He kept working hard. either. He kept working hard. When Nick was 18 months , his father put him in water and When Nick was 18 months , his father put him in water and encouraged (encouraged (鼓励鼓励) him to swim. When he was 6, his father ) him to swim. When he was 6, his father taught him to walk. He learnt to do many things. He also learnt taught him to walk. He learnt to do many things. He also learnt to write and use a computer and throw tennis balls, play to write and use a computer and throw tennis balls, play drums, comb his hair, brush his teeth, answer the phone. When drums, comb his hair, brush his teeth, answer the phone. When he was 17, he started to give talks. His first book, he was 17, he started to give talks. His first book, Life Without Life Without LimitsLimits ( (人生不设限人生不设限)was published()was published(出版出版) in 2010. ) in 2010. In the futureIn the future(将来)(将来) he will go on giving talks to encourage(he will go on giving talks to encourage(鼓励鼓励) people to be thankful, to dream big and never give up!) people to be thankful, to dream big and never give up!1. Did Nick lose his heart?He learnt to do many things. He also learnt to write and use a computer and throw tennis balls, play drums, comb his hair, brush his teeth, answer the phone.2. What did he learn to do?3. What did he start to do when he was 17?4. What will he do in the future?No, he didnt.He started to give talks.He will go on giving talks to encourage people to be thankful, to dream big and never give up! Whatever you learnt before, forget Whatever you learnt before, forget it, its a new start today, try hard, it, its a new start today, try hard, you will be better!you will be better!无论你以前英语学得怎么样,今天是个新起点,无论你以前英语学得怎么样,今天是个新起点, 拼搏吧,孩子们,你们会更优秀!拼搏吧,孩子们,你们会更优秀!Homework:A composition: (小作文)Describe yourselves. (写写自己的过去和将来,题目自拟。) Nick Vujicic(尼克胡哲) was born on December 4th, 1982 in Australia. He was born(出生)without(没有)arms or legs. He couldnt swim, couldnt write, couldnt type, and couldnt play golf before, but he didnt think it was a big problem. And he didnt lose his heart(灰心) either. He kept working hard. When Nick was 18 months , his father put him in water and encouraged(鼓励) him to swim. When he was 6, his father taught him to walk. He learnt to do many things. He also learnt to write and use a computer and play tennis balls, play the drums, brush his teeth, answer the phone. When he was 17, he started to give talks. His first book, Life Without Limits (人生不设限)was published(出版) in 2010. In the future(将来) he will go on giving talks to encourage(鼓励) people to be thankful, to dream big and never give up!1. Did Nick lose his heart?2. What did he learn to do?3. What did he start to do when he was 17?4. What will he do in the future(将来)?
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