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1、2020 年春学期小学五年级英语期末检测试题姓名:准考证号:说明:1. 答题前,请将你的姓名答题前,请将你的姓名、学校、班级和准考证号认真学校、班级和准考证号认真填、涂在答题卡填、涂在答题卡上。上。2. 全卷十项试题,共全卷十项试题,共 6 页。页。3. 第第九九题题、第第十十题题填填写写在答题卡在答题卡的相应位置上的相应位置上,其余的答案必须全部填涂在答其余的答案必须全部填涂在答题卡的相应位置上。题卡的相应位置上。4. 考试时间为考试时间为 60 分钟,请合理安排答题时间。分钟,请合理安排答题时间。5. 考试结束后,请将考试结束后,请将试卷和试卷和答题卡答题卡一并一并交回。交回。一、单项选择

2、(共 15 小题,计 15 分。每小题四个选项中,只有一项是正确的,将正确选项前的字母填涂在答题卡相应的位置)1. Childrens Day is on theof June.A. firstB. secondC. thirdD. fourth2. Cinderella doesnt have any nice clothesshoes.A. withB. andC. orD. in3. Thereany potatoes on the table.A. isB. isntC. areD. arent4. My uncle teaches English in our school. Hes

3、 a.A. cookB. doctorC. teacherD. driver5. Children knock on peoples doors and shout “Trick or treat?” foratHalloween.A. sweetsB. fruitC. toysD. books6. Its Lindas eleventh birthday. Her brother gives her three nice dolls.句中四个斜体单词画线部分读音与众不同的是。A. eleventhB. birthdayC. brotherD. three7. The park is near

4、 my home. So I often go there.A. by planeB. by trainC. on footD. by metro8. is the tomato soup?. Its yummy.A. HowB. WhereC. How muchD. Whose9. This dress doesnt fit me. Please give me that one. OK, here you are.A. goodB. wellC. badD. nice10. Turn leftthe second traffic lights, the bookshop is on you

5、r right. Thank you.A. onB. atC. inD. along11. David, please show your new bikeme. Sure. Its over there.A. forB. toC. withD. from12. Whats wrong with the rabbits? She cant hear well.A. earsB. noseC. neckD. eyes13. Nancy, the jeans are beautiful. OK, Mum.A. Try them on.B. Try on them.C. Try it on.D. T

6、ry on it.14. Joe, I have a cough. I cant go to your party.A. Thats great.B. Thank you.C. Im sorry to hear that.D. All right.15. In the story The Fire Dragon, Cindy and Jack climbs down the.A. apple treeB. bean plantC. flowersD. orange tree二、口语交际(共 4 小题,计 8 分。将正确选项的字母填涂在答题卡相应的位置)三、情景匹配(共 8 小题,计 8 分。从

7、 II 栏中选出与 I 栏句子相对应的答语,将正确选项的字母填涂在答题卡相应的位置)III20. How do you go to school?A. Its onApple Street.21. Why are you so sad today?B. By bike.22. Wheres the cinema?C. In September or October.23. Whens the Mid-Autumn Festival?D. Because I cant find my new pen.III24. Is Jack sweeping the floor?A. I can see s

8、ix.25. How many giraffes can you see?B. Shes a nurse.26. Does Helen like eating cakes?C. Yes, she does.27. What does his aunt do?D. Yes, he is.Doctor:Whats wrong with you?Charlie:16I feel cold.Doctor:Let me check. Your temperature is 39.Charlie:17Doctor:18You should drink some warm water.Charlie:19D

9、octor:No, you cant. You should stay at home and have a rest.Charlie:Thank you.A. You should take some medicine.B. I have a fever.C. What should I do?D. Can I go to school?四、排序(共 8 小题,计 8 分。将正确排序的字母填涂在答题卡相应的位置)A. Oh, I see. Thank you.B. Where can I get on the bus?C. Go along this street. Then you can

10、 see the bus stop on your right.D. Excuse me, how can I get to Yandu Park?E. Its far. You can take a bus there.A. I usually make a card and buy some flowers.B. Its on the 4thof January.C. When is your mothers birthday?D. What do you usually do for her?E. I think she is happy to get your presents.五、图

11、文匹配(共 8 小题,计 16 分。将下列图片与句子对号入座,并将正确选项的字母填涂在答题卡相应的位置)A.B.C.D.36. Liu Taos parents are cooking in the kitchen now.37. I like reading the stories about the Monkey King.38. Some birds are singing songs to the boy.39. Bobby and the big pig start fighting.A.B.C.D.40. People take the minibus to work.41. Th

12、e rabbit says the lions breath smells fruity like an apple.42. The girl gives the poor man the whole piece of her bread.43. The little rooster runs away as fast as he can.(选自快乐英语阅读五年级下册和朗文分级阅读6)28E29303132333435E六、完形填空(共 10 小题,计 10 分。每小题四个选项中,只有一项是最佳选项,将这个选项前的字母填涂在答题卡相应的位置)It is Saturday afternoon.

13、The children44in the park. Yang Ling is reading abook about dogs. Dog is her favourite45. Su Yang and Su Hai are sitting under atree. They are46a picnic. Su Yang is47. She is drinking some juice. SuHai is eating a hot dog.Look, Liu Tao is flying a kite48Wang Bing. The kite is flying high. Ben isgood

14、 at49. He is drawing a boat near the lake. Its easy for50. Li Ming andhis friends are playing basketball over there. They often51basketball together atweekends. Li Ming52play well,53his friends cant.All the children are very happy.44.A. amB. isC. areD. be45.A. gameB. colourC. animalD. fruit46.A. hav

15、ingB. playingC. makingD. doing47.A. tiredB. thirstyC. hungryD. cold48.A. withB. andC. toD. at49.A. singingB. dancingC. drawingD. reading50.A. herB. himC. themD. us51.A. playsB. playC. to playD. playing52.A. doB. dontC. canD. cant53.A. eitherB. orC. butD. also七、阅读短文并选择正确答案(共 5 小题,计 10 分。将正确选项的字母填涂在答题

16、卡相应的位置)Mr Black is from the UK. He wants to go to City Library to look for books aboutArt. Here is an information card(信息卡).SunStreetBuses to City Library: Bus No.12, Bus No.16, Bus No.58Opening time: 9:00-16:30 (Monday to Friday)9:00-18:00 (Saturday and Sunday)Tips: Dont make phone calls(打电话).Dont

17、eat or drink.City LibraryLanhaiCinemaTiantianSupermarketLele ZooStar ParkbusstopBeihaiRoad54. Where does Mr Black come from?A. The US.B. The UK.C. China.D. Australia.55. Which bus cant get to City Library?A. Bus No. 12.B. Bus No. 16.C. Bus No. 26.D. Bus No. 58.56. When can Mr Black go into City Libr

18、ary?A. At 8:00 on Monday.B. At 10:00 on Tuesday.C.At 17:00 on Friday.D. At 19:00 on Sunday.57. How can Mr Black get to City Library from the bus stop?A. Go along Beihai Road and turn left at the first crossing(十字路口).B. Go along Beihai Road and turn right at the first crossing.C. Go along Sun Street

19、and turn left at the first crossing.D. Go along Sun Street and turn right at the first crossing.58. What should Mr Black do in City Library?A. Eat snacks.B. Drink cola.C. Make phone calls.D. Read quietly(安静地).八、阅读短文并判断正误(共 4 小题,计 8 分。阅读并判断下列句子是否正确,正确的在答题卡相应的位置上填涂 A, 错误的在答题卡相应的位置上填涂 B)Troy(特洛伊) is a

20、small city. The people of Troy have to fight the Greeks(希腊人). One morning, the people of Troy wake up and find a huge wooden(木制的)horse! It is standing outside the city gate. Some people come out to see the hugewooden horse.“ Whats this? How does it get here?” “Where does it come from?”A soldier(士兵)

21、of Troy stands on its back and taps its body. It doesnt move.People think it is a big toy. So they open the gate and drag(拖) it into the city. Thepeople come to see the horse. “How big it is!” “I want to ride that horse.” They dontsee what is coming. There are men hiding inside the horse!Late at nig

22、ht, the hidden(隐藏的) door of the wooden horse opens! The meninside come out! It is a big surprise! The Greeks fool the people of Troy and win thefight, thanks to the wooden horse!(改编自快乐英语阅读五年级下册 The Wooden Horse)59.At first the people of Troy think the wooden horse is a toy.60. The Greeks drag the wo

23、oden horse into the city.61. The people hiding inside the horse come out in the morning.62. The Greeks win the fight in the end.九、填写单词(共 7 小题,计 7 分。根据句意及所给提示在答题卡相应的位置上写出正确的单词)63. My mother is washing some(蔬菜) in the kitchen.64. I have a toothache. I cant eat(任何东西).65.(八月) comes after July.66. Su Hai

24、 has a headache. She is innow.(第 66 题图)67. Mike should(brush) his teeth in the morning and before bedtime.68. Yang Ling(make) the bed every day.69. I would like to play the piano at my(father) birthday party.十、书面表达(计 10 分)现在是星期天上午, Mike 和他的家人都在家。他们都在忙些什么呢?请根据以下表格提供的信息,以 Mikesfamilys weekend为题,完成下面的小

25、作文。Who?What?Where?Mikes mothercook lunchin the kitchenMikes fatherclean the carin front of the houseMikes brothersweep the floorin the living roomMike.要求:1. 语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范,适当发挥想象;2. 将作文写在答题卡相应位置,50 个词左右(含所给单词)。Mikesfamilys weekendIt is Sunday morning. Mike and his family are.Look, Mikes mother isin the kitchen.His father.They are having aweekend.


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