Module 7-Unit 2 How many apples are there in the box -教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:a1177)-外研版(一起)三年级下册.doc

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Module 7-Unit 2 How many apples are there in the box -教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:a1177)-外研版(一起)三年级下册.doc_第1页
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Module 7-Unit 2 How many apples are there in the box -教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:a1177)-外研版(一起)三年级下册.doc_第2页
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Module 7-Unit 2 How many apples are there in the box -教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:a1177)-外研版(一起)三年级下册.doc_第3页
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Module 7-Unit 2 How many apples are there in the box -教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:a1177)-外研版(一起)三年级下册.doc_第5页
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1、教学基本信息课题Module 7 Unit 2课型新授年级三年级教材外研社(一起)三年级下册Book6Module7Unit2教学设计教学背景分析学情分析:三年级的学生,由于年龄小,生性活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维,对游戏、竞赛、实际动手操作特别感兴趣。因此本节课以学生角度进行教学设计,大量融入让孩子感兴趣的内容。 孩子们在一年级上学期m8接触过how many 问句,一年级下接触过there be句型,本册M4接触了十几数字,M6U2学习了深度学习there be 句型, M7U1又学习了there be 的一般疑问句,因此本课对三年级的孩子来说应该不是难点。但由于借班上课,难免有些孩子紧张,

2、不敢说或说的不好,老师针对学生现状,在课堂上尽量以鼓励表扬为主,注重培养学习英语的兴趣,营造英语氛围,鼓励学生开口说英语。教材分析: 本课是外研社新标准小学英语(一年级起点)三年级下册第七模块第二单元。一年下分别对how many简单问答以及there be基础句型进行了学习。本册书第4模块学习了13到二十几,复习了how many简单问答。本册书的m7u1 孩子们学习了are there -?问答以及40和四十几。而本课以在果园问水果数量为载体,巩固运用之前学过的句式结构,不同之处在于提问中加入地点,对数量进行更完整的提问。本课也在M4 M7U1数字20 40基础上学习数字30,并在歌曲中拓

3、展整十数字,以满足答语中对数字的需要。最终达到孩子们在综合语言运用中可以灵活how many-are there-?There are -.完整询问回答数量。教学目标语言知识目标1. 通过听音、观察thirty,学生能够感知并推断出单词thirty中ty的发音,并通过微课让孩子复习感知teen与ty的不同,同时通过chant发现了解整十单词发现其拼写规律。从而学生能在不同语境中灵活运用thirty。2. 在不同语境中灵活运用How many-are there-?There are -.完整的对不同地点物品数量进行询问以及回答。语言技能目标在不同语境中综合运用How many-are ther

4、e-?There are -.完整的对不同地点物品数量进行询问。情感态度价值观结合文本内容学习,感受帮助别人收获的快乐,助人为乐。教学重难点分析在不同语境中综合运用How many-are there-?There are -.完整的对不同地点物品数量进行询问以及回答。Thirty 中ty 读音辨别。教学阶段教师活动学生活动设计意图I. PreparationLead-inPart 1Watch the CD-ROMListen and RepeatClass beginsHello, boys and girls!Lets sing a song and do the actions.T:

5、How many fingers?Lets say the numbers quickly. How many cats?Look, there are lots of animals at the zoo. Lets ask and answer.Have a try!(2组展示) Look! Naughty monkeys, what do you want to ask?(一人问) Maybe there are 7monkeys,maybe -(2人猜)Lets watch and find Q;How many monkeys are there ?Lets follow, Q;Wh

6、at does Bob ask?Look,naughty elephants, you can ask?And naughty pandas.(一人问)你能更完整的问一问吗? Sing a song. (Ten little fingers.) S1:Ten fingers.S4:There are 10Maybe there are _monkeys.S3:There are twenty-six. Ss: how many elephants are there?板书通过歌曲热身,激发学生的学习兴趣,营造学习英语的氛围,同时用Ten little fingers这样一个情境,复习10以数字

7、,引出如下情景问题:How many fingers?以及引出十几数字,并对其复习。激活了旧知,启发了学生思维。通过Bob问题,引出本课how many-are there?完整问数量第一步,再通过问题你能更完整的问一问吗?引出本课学习任务。II. PresentationTaskWatch the CD-ROM(1遍)Listen and answer(2遍)Read in rolesT: Today were going to learn Module 7 Unit 2.How many apples are there in the box?Task:学习用How many -are t

8、here-?的完整句子询问并回答数量。And we ll have a trip by the train. If you do well, ill pick fruit for you .Now train train ,go go go !First stop is Happy Farm Station.Look! Who are on the farm?What are they doing? Yes,They are helping the farmer pick fruit.What do you want to ask?Lets listen and question what d

9、oes the farmer ask?Okay, what does the farmer ask?板书in the box?There are twenty-six.板书1,Listen and follow.2,分成三部分。3,Boys read, girls read, together read.(actions)4, ask and answer.(pair)Another question?But DAming says-Follow,Q;What does Daming say? DAming says-.There are thirteen. Is he right?Whats

10、 right? Thirty. 1,listen read. 2what can you think?Thirty与thirteen你是怎么区分读音的呢?Lets watch a video.Lets read in roles.Look,There are another two children on the farm.Lets ask and answer in pairs.Children, you are so good, apples for you.S1: Four.S1: They are daming sam farmer.How many apples are there?

11、Ss:How many apples are there in the box? How many pears are there in the box?There are thirty.No.There are thirteen.Thirty.小组讨论Ask and answer in pairs.设定学习目标,让学生带着任务走进今天的学习内容。利用教材图片创设问题,让学生看图自己提问,以学生为主体,体现生本课堂。把How many apples are there in the box? 分成三部分,利用动作让学生更清晰完整的提问有三部分。通过点读笔听thirty, 让学生自我感知读音。让

12、学生先自己联想,发现与thirty有联系的词。拓展学生思维。通过微课让学生感知thirteen与thirty在读音上有三点区别,1,ee 与y.2,重音。3,鼻音。微课没有用教师配音而用绿波小学学生,更能激发学生学习欲望。III. PracticeGame: Lucky wheelIV. ProductionTrain train go go go, next stop Smile school station.Two children are talking about their classes . lets listen and help me fill in the blanks.Ha

13、veyoufinished?dontworry.letschecktheanswerinpairs,youcanaskhowmanychildrenarethereinclass?Thereare-.Lets check his answer.lets ask!Attentions ,twenty- seven, forty-eight thirty-one.what can you find?Children, you are so good, apples for you.Train train go go go, next stop Lucky Zoo Station.This is T

14、he zoo director.Lets watch.Lets follow !Attentions to the numbers!园长来考考你。How many animals are there at the zoo?What can you find?Children, you are so good, apples for you.Look,weve got so many fruit on the train. What can you find?last stop No79 Primary School.Im new, I want to know more about this

15、classroom. So help me!小组为单位,问一问答一答,我们的教室有什么,数量是多少吧!Listen and tr to fill.Ask and answer in pairs.WatchAnswer.一人到黑板连线。小组讨论 发现fifty ,sixty,seventy,eighty,ninety.小组讨论 所有数字。小组问答。让学生通过听音补全数字。会有部分同学没补全,借此机会,让他们两人一组,通过how many -are there in class 1?There are -.在实际语境中再次对目标句进行练习。 让学校通过小组分享所知,充分相信学生。利用白板,激发学生

16、学习兴趣。小组合作学习,让孩子在交流中发现,更有利于孩子记忆。过本课的学习,选择贴近学生生活的情境,教师不了解你们的教师,你来帮我问一问,让学生在在掌握新授知识的基础上,在具体的生活情境中整合运用所学知识,突出重难点.撤支架,充分相信学生能运用本课所学,进行情境对话。VSummary and HomeworkThank you ,you help me a lot. Remember Always try to help others!What did you learn ?Homework表扬学生对老师的帮助,鼓励学生乐于助人,梳理正确的价值观。 板书.How many apples are there in the box?There are thirty.6


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