Module 4-Unit 2 My favourite season is spring.-教案、教学设计--外研版(一起)五年级下册--(配套课件编号:3317c).doc

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Module 4-Unit 2 My favourite season is spring.-教案、教学设计--外研版(一起)五年级下册--(配套课件编号:3317c).doc_第1页
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1、新标准英语一年级七点五年级下册Module 4 Unit 2My favourite season is spring.教学设计教学目标:1.全体学生能通过教师提供的示范和练习,认读并理解运用单词season和snow 2.学生能通过教师设计的层次性练习,从天气情况和活动等方面来介绍自己喜欢的季节 3.学生能从教师设计的含有音像的多媒体课件中,感受四季奇妙的变化,热爱大自然,热爱生命教学重难点:从天气和活动方面介绍自己喜欢的季节教学准备:多媒体课件,CDROM,题单教学过程:课前介绍本课的评价机制,分成男女生两个大组,教师会跟据课堂表现奖励关于四季的图片,但是图片是以拼图的形式来分次奖励的,看

2、看哪个组最先得到完整的或更多的拼图。Step warm up and lead in1. Greeting2. First lets review some phrases3. Now I want to show you a video about seasons.Do you know how many seasons are there in a year?Yes,there are four seasons in a year.Spring,summer,autumn and winter.设计意图:本课话题是季节,所以播放有关季节的视频并配上优美的音乐,营造四季如春的意境;并出示一些

3、和本课相关的动宾短语,为学生最后的活动task completion铺垫。4.Now lets watch the CD-ROM and think-What can you do in summer? What can you do in winter?(1)(2)Listen and chant(3)T:This chant is alsoabout season. T:My favourite season is winter.There is a new word:seasonea发音 sea meat leafleaves Whats your favourite season? S

4、: My favourite season is_.Step Task presentationT: Today lets talk about weather and activities in your favourite season.Step Text learning1. Look at the big screen.Who are they?(Amy ,Daming,lingling and Sam 本课四个主人公)Do you know what are their favourite seasons? Lets watch the CD-ROM.学生回答问题的语言规范为:My

5、favourite season is_.或者I love_.(教师板书)2.Listen again and think- Whats the weather like? What can you do in your favourite season?PPt出示表格这一遍只是让学生思考在不同季节的天气情况和可以做的活动,并不急于让学生去完成表格。3.Listen and imitate.Then complete the table. (1) Complete by yourself(2) Then talk in your team学生先独立完成手中的表格(课前准备好的题单),然后小组讨

6、论交流,学生的汇报语言规范为:Its_(weather)in_.(season) I can_(activity)in _.(season)New word:snow-snowman -Whats the weather like? -Its snowy.(Its snowing.)4.Lets talk about four seasons according to the table or the blackboard-writing. e.g.-Hi,Im Amy.My favourite season is spring. Its warm. I can see ducks in th

7、e river.(1) Talk in your team(2) Show in class设计意图:课文教学通过4个环节(1)听-整体感知(2)听-思考语用问题(3)听读-完成表格回答问题(4)根据板书(表格)复述课文,使学生达到对四季天气和活动的充分理解以及语言输出的目的。Step PracticeLets do some exercises about four seasons1. Listen,look and fill in the blanks. (1) listen and think(2) listen and chant将活动4的chant作为一个听力材料,学生思考Whats

8、 the weather like in summer?Whats the weather like in winter?2. Ask and answer.此环节学生不仅仅局限于老师提供的短语,可以拓宽视野发散思维,冬天不仅可以滑雪还可以吃冰淇淋,学生的语言输出越多越好,为下一步小练笔做铺垫。3. Read and write. (1) Lets say.(2) Lets write.(3) Lets check.设计意图:练习的设计兼顾层次性以及听说读书四个方面,面向全体学生,让每个学生都能熟练进行语言的输出。Step Task completion1. (1) 教师范文(2) Talk

9、in group(3) Lets say in class2设计意图:听说先于读写,所以以教师范文为契机,学生组内交流再全班展示,最后动笔书写。Step Summary and homework1. What have you learnt today?2.Have a test3.Homework(1)听录音熟读课文(2)背写自己喜欢的季节(3)有能力同学制作海报并介绍自己最喜欢的季节4.总结本课评价机制,渗透情感教育(播放图片配音ppt)These pictures are about seasons.There are 4 seasons in a year.But spring is the best time in a year.We should love every season,love the nature and life.Wish our life be beautiful like four seasons.板书设计:


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