Module 4-Unit 2 My favourite season is spring.-教案、教学设计--外研版(一起)五年级下册--(配套课件编号:e7954).doc

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1、2011外研版(一年级起点)五年级英语下册Module 4 Unit 2 My favourite season is spring. 教学设计 一、教学设计思路和指导依据:新课标中指出,新课程理念下的课堂教学,教师要尊重学生的情感因素,关注学生的认知结构,真正让学生成为课堂的主人。在课堂教学中,我从学生熟悉的话题入手,如他们喜欢的运动、颜色等,引导学生将本课的重点单词编成押韵有趣的小chant。并让学生在小组内展示自己的chant, 然后再分享给其他同学,做到了真正把课堂还给学生,让学生的创造性得到最大的发挥。课下学生还可以将自己编的小chant运用到生活实际中去,做到语言与实践的有机结合。

2、本文是一篇阅读课,我对学生的阅读策略进行有效的指导,使学生通过学习本篇课文提高了阅读能力,达到了学和用的有机结合。二、教学背景分析:1、教材分析:本课是2011外研版(一年级起点)五年级英语下册第四模块第二单元,按照教材设计思路和高年段英语阅读教学的建议,本课主要学习有关季节的语句,在正确朗读单词和句子,正确回答老师提出的问题的基础上,培养学生阅读短文、理解短文、仿说、仿写的能力。2、学情分析:学生在二年级上册书中已经学过有关季节的单词和语句,所以他们能很熟练地说出spring、summer、 autumn and winter这四个单词,还能很流利地说出语句Its warm/hot/cool

3、/cold. We can wear shorts/gloves. 学生对季节这个话题很感兴趣,并对不同季节的天气变化、人们的衣着变化以及不同季节的活动有着很深的感受和经历,这样就对本课谈论并表达自己喜欢的季节、天气、穿着、活动奠定了良好的语言基础。学生在教师创设的情境中很流利自然地谈论着自己能做的事情,同时抒发着对大自然的赞美和热爱之情。三、教学目标:1、语言知识与技能目标:(1)学生能够听、说、读、写单词spring、summer、autumn、winter、 season、snow。(2)能够认读、表达并运用句子My favourite season is . . Its . . 和 I

4、 can . . (3)能够运用所学表达自己喜欢的季节及原因,能正确朗读语篇信息,在阅读的基础上进行仿写。2、学习策略目标:学生通过独立阅读,提高自主探究、合作学习能力的学习策略。3、情感意识目标:通过自编chant,让学生感受英语的韵律美;通过品读课文,让学生感受季节的变化美;同时培养学生热爱大自然,积极乐观的生活情感态度。四、教学重、难点:1、听、说、读、写以下单词spring、summer、autumn、winter、 season、snow。会运用句型“Whats your favourite season?”“My favourite season is . .”“Its. .”“I

5、 can. .”2、指导学生在创设的情境中运用所学谈论自己喜欢的季节及原因,并在生活中灵活运用。五、教学准备:单词卡片、PPT课件,Amy, Da ming,Ling ling,Sam 的头饰,三个装满字条的小盒子。六、教学过程:Step One : Warm-up 师生相互问好: T : Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Ms Zhang. T : How are you today? Ss: Im fine, thank you! And you? T : Im fine, too. T : Whats the weather

6、like today? Ss: Its warm and sunny.Step Two : Leading in T : Great! Lets say the phrases and do the actions as quickly as you can . Ss: Go swimming/ play basketball/ fly a kite/ go skating/ play football/ go skiing/ play ping pong/ go skipping. (学生边说边做。)(设计意图: 本环节带领学生复习学过的运动短语,为新课谈论在不同的季节做不同的活动做下铺垫,

7、同时也让学生在课前热身一下,以调动学生的学习积极性和增强他们的自信心。) T : Look at these sports, I can fly a kite in spring. I love flying a kite. I can play basketball in summer. I love playing basketball. Who can say the sentences like this?(课件中呈现句型:I can in spring/summer/autumn/winter. I love .) Ss: I can in spring/summer/autumn/

8、winter. I love . (设计意图:带领学生复习句型I can . 为新课中谈论的话题做铺垫。) T : My favourite sport is playing basketball. Whats your favourite sport?Ss: My favourite sport is .T : My favourite colour is green. Whats your favourite colour?Ss: My favourite colour is .(设计意图: 本环节以旧带新,从学生最熟悉感兴趣的话题入手,如学生最喜欢的运动/颜色等,为复习本课的主要句型“W

9、hats your favourite season?”做铺垫。教师对回答问题的学生做出相应的评价,再次调动学生的学习积极性和增强他们的自信心。)Step Three: Presentation1. T : Wonderful. Children . Lets enjoy a chant. Listen and follow it . (播放课文课件M4u2 part 1)2. T : Lets enjoy a song.(教师播放视频给学生听。) T : Whats the song about? Ss: Seasons.seasonseason T : Great. Its about s

10、eason. Show to Ss , Let them read the word, 在黑板上贴出词卡 . T : How many seasons are there in a year? Ss: Four. T : Great. What are they? Ss: Spring , summer, autumn and winter.winter autumnsummerspring T : 在黑板上贴出词卡 T : Look at the picture and tell me Which season is it? (向学生出示四个季节的图片。) Ss: Its spring. T

11、 : Yes. T : Whats the weather like in spring? S1: Its warm. T : Great. 板书 Its . . T : What can you wear in spring? S2: I can wear a jacket. T : Well done. 板书I can wear. . T : What can you do in spring? S3: I can fly a kite/skip/run. T : Wonderful. 板书 I can. . T : Children , What colour is used for s

12、pring? Ss: Green. T : Yes. Follow me: spring , spring , green, warm , I can wear a jacket, I can fly a kite . (课 件显示chant,让学生跟着说,然后鼓励学生自己编出 chant。) T : Who can make a chant like this ? (学生会编出很多,如:Spring , spring , green , warm , I can wear a coat and I can skip.)(设计意图:通过歌曲引出“season”一词,再由“How many se

13、asons are there in a year ?”这个问题带领学生复习学过的单词spring、summer、autumn、winter。再通过“Whats the weather like in . ?”、“What can you wear in .?”和“What can you do in .?”对学生学过的知识进行复习,再通过编chant让学生感受英语的韵律美,使学生更加热爱学、说英语, 同时为引出本课的重点句型“Whats your favourite season?”做铺垫。) 2. T : I like spring. My favourite season is spri

14、ng. Children, Whats your favourite season? 呈 现句卡 让学生一起大声朗读这个句子, 在黑板上呈现句卡。Whats your favourite season? T : Whats your favourite season? S1: My favourite season is autumn. T : 再问一个学生“Whats your favourite season?” S2: My favourite season is spring. T : Great. were good friends.(教师和学生双手互击,因为喜欢同一个季节,而成为好

15、朋友。) T : Children, talk about your favourite season with the words or phrases in pairs. Like this : My favourite season is . .Its. I can wear.I can . Its. ( 设计意图:这一环节把课堂还给学生,让学生自由谈论最喜爱的季节,让学生充分发挥自己的主观能动性,也为下面学习课文做铺垫。) 3. T : Our friends ,Amy, Daming, Ling ling and Sam are coming to our classroom. Wh

16、at are their favourite seasons? Lets enjoy a story and then answer the questions.( 播放课文课件M4u2 part 2) T : Whats Amys favourite season? S1: Amys favourite season is spring. T : Good job. Which picture do we choose? Ss: We choose picture D. T : Great! (在黑板上spring 旁,贴上Amy 的头饰。) How about Daming? S2: Da

17、mings favourite season is summer. T : Great. Which picture do we choose? Ss: We choose picture C. T : Great! (在黑板上summer旁,贴上Da ming 的头饰。) How about Lingling? S3: Linglings favourite season autumn. T :Yes. Which picture do we choose? Ss: We choose picture B. T : Well done! (在黑板上autumn 旁,贴上Lingling 的头

18、饰。) How about Sam? Together. Ss: Sams favourite season is winter. T : So we choose picture A. (在黑板上winter 旁,贴上Sam的头饰。)(设计意图:第一遍整体呈现课文,让学生听课文录音找出四个朋友最喜欢的季节是什么,让学生对故事有一个整体的认识,培养学生迅速抓住信息的能力。) 4. T : Why do they like these seasons? Lets read the story, and underline the keywords such as Its . , I can .a

19、nd then fill in the blanks with your partner.(设计意图: 学生第二遍阅读故事,通过填空练习使他们分段细读,并采用划关键词的方法找出问题的答案,同桌合作完成此练习,培养学生整理信息的能力和同学间团结协作的能力。) T : Whats the weather like in spring? /What can Amy wear? /And what can she do in spring? S1and S2 : Its warm./ She can wear a jacket./ She can see ducks in the river.(下面的

20、活动与上同,在填写autumn 这一栏时,教师向学生讲解了leave-leaves, 并向学生展示了秋天落叶的景色,让学生陶醉在大自然的美中。) 5. T : lets read the story together. Ss: Read a story loudly and emotionally. T : Let students read their favourite paragraph by themselves. Then ask students read their paragraph.(设计意图:让学生选择自己喜欢的段落阅读,培养学生有感情的朗读课文的能力,使学生对自然的热爱之

21、情得到升华。)Step four:Practice 1. Let three children do an activity : They will choose different papers from different boxes. Then say the sentences such as “My favourite season is ”, “I can wear”, “I can ” If children say the funny sentences , others will say “no”, otherwise they will say “yes”.(设计意图:让学

22、生在快乐的气氛中练习所学的句子,真正让学生体会到快乐地学习。)2 . Enjoy a story.(设计意图:让学生听大树的介绍,再次感受大自然的四季美,通过看和听,训练自己的思维,为自己写出喜欢的季节做铺垫。) 3. Let students write down their favorite seasons. 4. Let students enjoy their writings to others.(设计意图:让学生将自己的作品与他人分享,培养了学生的语言表达能力和表现力,增强了学生的自信心。) 5.T : The nature is colourful. The seasons ar

23、e very beautiful! We can do lots of things in four seasons. We should love the nature and protect our environment! (情感教育)Step five: Homework 1. Introduce your favourite season to your family or friends. 2. Read the text fluently and describe four seasons emotionally by yourself.(设计意图:课堂活动的延伸,将所学语言运用

24、到真实的情景中。)Blackboard designModule 4 Unit 2 My favourite season is spring. Whats your favourite season? My favourite season is . Its. I can wear. I can. Its. springsummerseasonwinter autumn教学反思:本节课通过学习有关季节的内容,让学生能够自己谈论并写出自己喜欢的季节及原因,提高了学生的综合语言运用能力及写作能力。我认为有以下几个优点: 1、英语课程标准中指出,新课程理念指导下的课堂教学,教师应尊重学生的情感因素

25、,关注学生的认知结构,真正做到以人为本,使小学英语课堂教学充满生命活力。因此,在学习本课课文前,我以学生最熟悉、感兴趣的话题着手,激活学生已有的知识积累,然后又以歌曲导入,直奔“季节”主题,为后面学生流利地表达做好铺垫。 2、中国传统的儿歌启发了我,使我想到将课文中有关四季的词语编成歌谣,让学生体会语言的韵律美,再让学生自己创作chant, 让学生的创造潜能在活动中得到淋漓尽致的发挥。 3、本篇课文属于阅读课,对于高年段的学生来说,阅读教学的目的是要提高学生的阅读能力,开阔学生的视野,因此在本课教学中我通过问题的创设让学生整体感知课文,培养学生捕捉信息的能力。再通过填表格的方式,培养学生独立阅读,整理信息的能力。4、我的评价方式多种多样。对于学生回答问题或参与活动,我给予口头或肢体评价;对于学生表演环节,我给予奖励评价。 需要改进的地方:1、Presentation的第一部分应再精炼些,多给学生留出一些编 chant 的时间,多给学生留出展示的机会。2、对于重点句型的操练,我设计的活动较少,应再多一些游戏活动。3、在Practice 环节中应让更多的学生读出他们的作品,让更多的学生体会到展示自我的快乐。


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