Reading for Pleasure-The Girl in the Pagoda-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-外研版(一起)五年级下册--(编号:90951).zip

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    • The Girl in the pagoda 音频.mp3
    • The Girl in the Pagoda.pptx--点击预览
    • 教案90951.docx--点击预览
    • 热身歌曲 I saw the musician 视频.swf
    • 配乐1.mp3
    • 配乐2.mp3


.at the top of at the foot of at the top of the hill at the foot of the hill At the foot of the hill, there was a village. Task: Lets read this story , then after learning we can use the method to read another story. Where was she ?What did she see ?What did he say ? Listen and answer.And then. ? marryMy friend will marry thisyoung man next month.marriedThey will be married.What did she find?Listen and answer.What did she see then ?How did she do ? throw-threwThey threw rubbish out of the window. He threw rubbish on the ground.What did girls brother do when he saw the monster?Listen and answer.What did the man do ?Lets read.CorrectlyClearlyBeautifullyLets retell.Lets act.correct,clear,beautiful,funny correct,clear,funny correct,funnyLets enjoy.When? Where?Who?What?How?SummaryIf you were in danger, what will you do? What have you learnt from the story? Be brave, be clever , be calm and try your best.4 w+ 1 hWhen ?Where ?Who ?What ?How ? A: Write the story with the pictures and key words. 利用图片和关键词重写这个故事 B: Tell us other stories and share them in class 讲其他的故事并在课上分享 Lets enjoy.课题:课题:英语英语 (新标准)(新标准) (一年级起点)五年级下册(一年级起点)五年级下册Reading for pleasure The girl in the pagoda一、教材分析本节课是一年级起点第十册 Reading for pleasure The girl in the pogada学习,是一节阅读欣赏课,故事是很久以前,在洛阳的一个小山村,一位美丽小女孩的失踪展开的。女孩被劫持到宝塔上,坚持与怪物反抗,在他人和家人的帮助下,并通过自己的勇敢和机智,成功解救了自己。通过本课的学习,学生不仅可以学会听故事,理解故事,甚至讲故事以及编故事。学生学会一般过去时进行故事语篇的学习和探索。二、学情分析五年级的孩子们在经过四年的英语学习以后,已经具备了基础的听说读写能力,也已基本养成了良好的英语听、说、读、写习惯。所教学生,聪慧机敏,对于英语学习有强烈的兴趣和好奇心,有着很强的表现欲。作为老师应采用新颖活泼有趣的教学形式进行教学,保持并提高孩子们学习英语的兴趣。但是他们还不能够很好的控制情绪,集中注意力,因此就需要老师们在活动过程中创造恰当的情境,运用导入,呈现、操练、交际等活动,发展学生的综合语言技能。特别针对于孩子们的英语读的能力,作为老师更应该多花时间和精力,引导孩子们打好扎实有效的基础。三、教学目标1、语言知识(1)全体学生能理解单词 scared,pogoda,top,foot,marry,threw 以及这篇故事的主旨(2)理解 一般过去时中时间 when, where, who, what, how 的表达与应用 主语+be+表达情绪的形容词 sad/scared/angry2、语言技能学生能够在图片与真实的情境下运用一般过去时的时态去复述或讲解一个小故事。3、情感态度引导学生遇到问题,首先要保护好自己,勇敢冷静,并动脑筋想办法去解决问题,敢于坚持,不怕困难,勇敢积极地面对生活。4、学习策略积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流,通过学习的 4w+1h 方法来学习听故事,将故事。5、文化意识通过谈论自己和他人喜欢的运动,引导学生积极广泛的参加体育锻炼,强健体魄。四、教学重、难点1、重点全体学生能理解并初步运用一般过去时简单讲解一个小故事。2、难点准确无误恰当得完成将故事的任务。五、教学准备PPT 课件,学生用书,单词卡片,自制教学辅助用具六、教学过程(一)阅读前(一)阅读前 Pre-readingPre-reading( 5 5 分钟)分钟)1. Greeting.2. Lead ina. Sing a song! Book8 M4U2 活动 4 歌曲 I saw the musician【设计意图】这首歌曲里的时态为一般过去时,与本课相呼应,且歌曲在四年级下学习时孩子们一起编排了动作,喜欢热爱演绎,点燃她们学习的热情。b.Look and answer.T:Lets enjoy a picture! Can you guess? What is it?(利用遮幕,屏幕下方露出一点塔底)S1:S2:教师拖动幕布,根据学生的答案,随机应变教授 pagoda 这个单词,之后转换利用聚光灯学习位置 top,footT: (点击屏幕学习)Now, this time,if were here, we can say “at the top of the pagoda”和 at the foot of the pagoda”Ok, children, and (点击屏幕)教授练习 at the top/foot of the hill, 并展示图片引导学生一起说“At the foot of the pagoda, there was a village.” 设置悬念,T: In the village, there was a very tall pagoda.A beautiful girl lived in the village.Suddenly,a strong wind came.It carried the girl into the sky. So,can you guess what would happen next? Where was the girl? (在此过程中,在黑板上板书并利用图片构建故事的情节,为学生们创设情境)S1:S2:【设计意图】通过新奇的图片及信息技术手段直接导入新课,调动学生的兴趣,设置悬念让学生猜测接下来故事会怎样发展,为学生们更好得读故事听故事的学习做好准备。并且预备几个扫清了故事中的关键生词和短语。(二)任务呈现 Task presentation(2 分钟)Lets read this story, then after learning, we can use the methods to read another story. 【设计意图】揭示本节阅读课的学习任务,让学生清楚本课的任务并带着任务去读这个故事。(三)(三)While-readingWhile-reading 阅读中(阅读中(2020 分钟)分钟)1.Listen1.Listen andand answeranswer T: What happened to the girl? S: 【设计意图】分段进行理解课文,了解课文背景,充分调动学生们的积极性。 课文篇幅过长,采用分段学习,只播放到 She was at the top of the pagoda.2.Learn2.Learn thethe storystory a:a: PartPart 1:1: BeBe inin danger.danger.陷入困境陷入困境T:Look! The girl is still at the top of the pagoda. Lets listen and see “What did she see? 在 But the girl still didnt want to marry him.处暂停。S: She saw a young man.T:What did he say ? And did she agree with that? S: “Will you marry me?”No, she didnt.T: And she said 引导学生去回忆复述“No,I wont.I want to go home.” Practice: T: Lets read these sentences. Who can be the young man and the girl? Ss: pair 1 pair 2 T: What did the young man do after that? S: He visited T: How about the girl? S: She b:b: PartPart 2 2:TryTry herher best!best! 竭尽所能竭尽所能教师继续播放录音,定格在“He ran to the village for help.”T:One day the window (暂停引导学生补充完整句子) What did she find ?S:The young man was a monster.T:The girl was (引导) Later, what did she see? S: She saw a man. T:The girl criedHelp! Help! Did he hear the girl? S: No! T: What a pity! What did she do? S:She threw her coat out of the window. Practice: threw (thow) T: Can you tell us some words with “ew”says /u:/? S1:S2:T: Who can write the words on the whiteboard?Ss: T: (转换白板至 PPT) (配图练习) They threw rubbish out of the window. He threw rubbish on the ground.德育渗透:Throwing things is not right. But sometimes according to the situation,we should be brave and clever.这一部分尤为重要,涉及本篇故事学习的重要意义。 T: Then what did the man do ? S: He ran to the village for help.PartPart 3 3:SheShe waswas saved.saved. 女孩被救了。女孩被救了。 T: What did the people do? And her brother?S: 在讲解的全过程中,适时配合板书的粘贴和书写,学生在理解故事的基础上,梳理课文的思路,构建清晰的脉络。并在课文讲解完毕后引导回忆课文并利用板书进行全文的复述练习。引导学生思考故事中 when, where, what, who 以及 how 的问题,再次强调鼓励学生用简洁的语言复述这个故事。【设计意图】设计意图:学生在整体理解课文的基础上,通过语音和图片交互情景再现的方式分步学习,在真实的语境下,理解故事,并能说出读出故事中的长难句, 这为达成教学语言知识的目标奠定基础。3.Listen3.Listen andand readread 教师使用手机配合小音响,点读,学生听音跟读。教师使用手机配合小音响,点读,学生听音跟读。4.Read4.Read inin pairs.pairs.(四)Post-reading(15 分钟)阅读标准:阅读标准:correctly,clearly,beautifullycorrectly,clearly,beautifully1.a.Read the different parts of the story . 请学生分小组读课文。对于阅读出色的小组进行奖励评价。2.Retell the story. 教师讲解:在讲故事或读故事时清楚:where, when, who, what 以及 how T:Now,lets retell the story with our own words. a.教师示范,将故事中的六幅图再次贴到黑板中,并将关键词贴在黑板上,边复述边引导孩子们一起说。 b.学生练习 c.学生展示(分五幅图练习)S1-S5 在学生练习后进行评价和适当纠正,在此过程中评价涉及到不同程度的同学有不同的要求。3.Act the story out. 设置评分要求4.Enjoy another story、 1.复习学习的 4w+1h 方法 2.精卫填海小故事阅读 提问学生阅读后回答故事中的五要素,并引导学生进行一起总结从小短文能学到的道理。【设计意图】这篇故事篇幅较长 首先夯实基础,学生在流利准确阅读后,再进行在此基础上的练习和活动,达成教学目标。表演故事也是检验学生是否真正理解故事,体会其中的内涵。在 Enjoy another story 的环节中,检验交给学生的读故事或讲故事方法是否真正掌握。(四)小结与布置作业 Summary and homework(3 分钟)1. Summary.a: T:What have you learnt today? 引导学生进行一起总结 4w+1h b: T: What will you do if you were in danger? S1: S2:2. Homework. A:Write the story with the pictures and key words. 利用图片和关键词重写这个故事 B: Tell us other stories and share them in class 讲其他的故事并在课上分享【设计意图】教师总结评价学生的表现,并布置作业。(五)板书设计
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