Module 5-Unit 2 Mine is pink.-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-外研版(一起)五年级下册--(编号:61ae1).zip

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Module 5Unit 2 Mine is pink.外研外研版一起点版一起点五年级下册五年级下册教学目标1、知识目标: (1)学习back、shoulder、hand新单词。 (2)学习Mine is pink. I can carry it句型。2、能力目标 : 能够运用I can carry it句型对周围事物的描 述进行交流。3、情感目标: 培养学生学习英语的兴趣及其合作交流能力。Revision(复习)BrokenYour bag is broken.This black bag is nice.It s big.颜色词汇pink blue red orange black green purple yellow名词性物主代词 ours yours his hers theirs its练习一This book is mine. Mine is new.(替换人称)This book is . is new.These books are . are new.hers/ his /yoursHers/ his/ yours ours/ theirs Ours/ theirsLets read.练习三(完成导学单第三题表格)BagColourWay of carry123red and blueI carry it on my backpinkbrownI carry it over my shoulderI carry it with my handListen and write.练习二Wang Feis bag is small and light._Wang Feis dog is big and fat.Wang Feis T-shirt is new and beautiful.Wang Feis pencil case is big but broken.Listen and say. Then chant.PracticeSummary(小结)本节课我们学习了哪些重点单词句子呢?back shouder overMine is pink.I can carry it外研社小学英语(一起)五年级(下册)外研社小学英语(一起)五年级(下册)Module5 Unit2 Mine is pink 教案教案 Teaching goal 1、知识目标:(1)学习单词 back、 shoulder、over(2)学习 Mine is pink. I carry it句型。2、能力目标:(1)会读及理解新单词 back、shoulder、ove 的运用。(2)能够运用句型对周围事物的描述进行交流。3、情感目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣及其合作交流能力教学重点:掌握 back、shoulder、over 等单词在实际生活中的运用。教学难点:能正确运用本课的语言知识进行实际交流。教具: ppt 课件、粉色杯子、双肩书包、单肩书包等。教法:任务型教学法、情景教学法。教学步骤一、一、Warming up1、GreetingT: Class begins!Good morning, boys and girls!Ss: Good mornin, teacher!T: How are you today?Ss: Im fine. And how are you!T: Im very well! Thank you!What day it is today? Ss: Today is Monday.T: And whats the weather like today?Ss: Its sunny!T: OK. Sit down, please!2、Teaching goal(ppt 出示)出示)T:Today we are going to learn Module5 Unit2。 we are going to learn three new words two new sentences,clear?S:Clear!3、Revision(ppt 出示)出示)T: OK. Now, lets do some revision. Do you remember what we have learned in yesterday? (Broken/ your bag is broken/ this black bag is nice/ its big)(ppt 出示)Ss: broken/ your bag is broken/ this black bag is nice/ its bigT: OK. Very good! Do you remember how many colors we have learned? Now, look at the blackboard. Read these words together. Ss: pink、 blue 、red、 orange 、black、 green、purple 、yellow(ppt 出示)二、二、 Presentation and Drill1, Lead in(教具(教具粉色杯子)粉色杯子)T: OK, Very good. Now, this cup is mine. Mine is pink. Please turn to page 29. We are going to learn Unit 2 Mine is pink.(板书)(板书)T: Now, read after me. “Mine is pink”Ss: “mine is pinkT: Yes! “mine” 是名词性物主代词,大家还记得其它的名词性物主代词吗?(ours、 yours、 his、 hers、 theirs、its)Ss: Yes! ours、 yours、 his、 hers、 theirsT: OK, very good. Can you use these words to make sentences? For example: This book is mine. Mine is new.(替换人称) (ppt 出示)(导学单第一题)Ss: This book is hers/ his/yours. Hers/ his/ yours is new. These books are ours/theirs. Ours/ theirs are new. 2、Word teaching(教具(教具书包)书包)T: Great! Now, I have got a bag. I carry it over my shoulder/I carry it on my back. /I carry with my hand(老师边说句子边做出背包的位置的动作来教 back、shoulder、over 学生跟读、板书)3、Play a gameT: OK. Now, lets play a game. I say and you touch. Clear? The whole class, stand up, please! (叫同学站起来,老师发指令,学生指身体部位) Now, I say Chinese you say English. Clear?S:Clear!4、Text teachingT: OK. Now, listen to the text. The first time, listen and circle the “new words”.(第一遍录音听音圈单词)(课件音频文件)T: Now, the second time, listen and repeat(听音跟读、领读、组内读、小组分角色读). And then finish the blank. (ppt 出示、完成导学单第二题)bagco lourWay of carrying1Red and blueOn my back2pinkOver my shoulder3brownWith my handT: OK. Well done! 从这个表格,我们可以看出把包背在不同的位置时,用的介词是不一样的,当把包背在背上时用的是 on; 挎在肩上时用 over; 用手拿时则用 with. 那当包坏了,不能背的时用英语怎么表达呢?Ss: My bag is broken. I cant carry it. (我的包坏了,我背不了它)T: Yes! Good. 三、三、DrillT: OK. Now, look at your bags and then make sentences.(让学生用自己的书包举例,并边说变加上动作) For example “Mine is pink. I carry it (随意拿一个包来举例) Clear?S: Clear!S1: Mine is blue. I carry it on my back.S2: Mine is black. I carry it over my shoulder.S3: Mine is red. I carry it with my hand. 四、四、Listen and write(听力训练)(听力训练)Ok!Now lets listen to the tape and fish the part 3.(听录音完成导学单第三题)五、五、Listen and say.Then chant.(课件课文动画课件课文动画)六、六、Summary七、七、Homework 1. 登录“优教同步学习网”,观看课文动画,按照正确的语 音、语调朗读课文。 2. 抄写课本 29 页活动 2 课文一遍。 3. 登录“优教同步学习网”,预习 Module6 Unit1。板书设计:板书设计:Module U2 Mine is pink. back over shoulder Mine is pink. I carry itUnit 2 导学单导学单拐磨子小学拐磨子小学 李世伟李世伟一、用学过的名词性物主代词完成句子一、用学过的名词性物主代词完成句子This book is mine. Mine is new.(替换人称)(替换人称)This book is . is new.These books are . are new.二、听录音完成下表二、听录音完成下表BagColourWay of carrying123三、听音写句子三、听音写句子Wang Feis bag issmall and light.
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