Module 4-Unit 1 Did you read them -ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-外研版(一起)五年级下册--(编号:70b64).zip

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Module 4 Unit 1Did you read them? Sunny Tuesday April 26Have you got ?Yes, I have./No, I havent.Ask and answer.What did Damings grandma send Daming?Listen and think.Ask and answer.3.Did Daming read English books?1.Where does Damings grandma live?2.How was American chocolate?Ask and answer.3.Did Daming read English books?Yes, he did. He read them.1.Where does Damings grandma live?Damings grandma lives in the US.2.How was American chocolate?It was delicious.Damings grandma _ in the US. Grandma _Daming a _ game. Daming _ it. Grandma sent Daming _ chocolate. Daming _ some of it. It was _.Grandma sent Daming _ books. Daming _ them. They are _. Daming wants to come to _ this summer. Mimi is eating the _.sentmathsgotRetell the text. (复述课文复述课文)2345American 6 ate7delicious8English9read10interesting11the US12chocolate1livesI sent you a bike. I sent you a kite. Did you ride the bike? Did you fly the kite? Say a chant.I sent you a .I sent you a .Did you ?Did you ? Say a chant.listen to the CDwatch the DVDIve got some books. I read them last week. listened toreadrodeworeplayed withplayedLook and say.A: , its Sherry!B: Hello, Sherry. How are you?A: Im fine, thanks. , I sent you a doll. Did you play with it?B: Yes, I played with it. Thank you.Its lovely.Make a phone call.A: Sherry, its !B: Hello, . How are you?A: Im fine, thanks. Sherry, I sent you some dresses. Did you wear them ?B: Yes, I wore them. Thank you.They are beautiful.Make a phone call.A: , its !B: Hello, . How are you?A: Im fine, thanks. , I sent you . Did you it/them ?B: Yes, I it/them. Thank you.Its/Theyre .Make a phone call.Make a story in groups.livessentgotreadwaswerelistened toplayed withrodeplayedworewatchedatethe Statue of Liberty 自由女神像自由女神像Enjoy the pictures.the White House 白宫白宫the Empire State Building 帝国大厦帝国大厦 the Pentagon 五角大楼五角大楼Times Square 时代广场时代广场 Golden Gate Bridge金门大桥金门大桥 Space Needle西雅图太空针塔西雅图太空针塔Brooklyn Bridge布鲁克林桥布鲁克林桥 Rockefeller Center洛克菲勒中心洛克菲勒中心St. Louis Gateway Arch圣路易斯拱门圣路易斯拱门 United Nations headquarters联合国大厦联合国大厦 Look and write.(注意首字母大写,句末要有标点注意首字母大写,句末要有标点)1.chocolate/I/you/American/sent sent you American chocolate.Did you read them?They are interesting.Good wishes:To cherish the presents youve got, and to give the others more.(珍爱他人的馈赠,并给予他人更珍爱他人的馈赠,并给予他人更多。多。) Homework:1.Try to recite the text.2.Try to make a phone call to your friend in English after class.一一Retell the text. (复述课文复述课文)Damings grandma _ in the US. Grandma _Daming a _ game. Daming _ it. Grandma sent Daming _ chocolate. Daming _ some of it. It was _.Grandma sent Daming _ books. Daming _ them. They are _. Daming wants to come to _ this summer. Mimi is eating the _. 二二. Look and write.(连词成句)(连词成句)(注意首字母大写,句末要有标点注意首字母大写,句末要有标点)1.chocolate/I/you/American/外研社版小学英语五年级下册 M4U1Did you read them教学设计 教学设计:教学过程环节(1)教学内容初读课文对话。教学目标(1)能在理解的基础上用正确的语音语调分角色朗读课文,并能恰当地相互配合进行表演。(2)谈论收到过的礼物。核心问题了解巨石阵的特点。问题情境解决策略问题解决1)多媒体课件导入课文,提出课文中心问题,思考:Damings grandma住在哪里?观看动画,找到答案并回答,整体感知课文。1)出示 Daming 和 Damings grandma 打电话的图片,引导学生说说他们是谁。教师问学生:“Where does Damings grandma live?引出本课学习内容,教师板书课题。接着给学生思考,简单介绍一下美国。教师呈现图片,激发学生兴趣。2)跟读,再自读课文,画出奶奶给大明的礼物的词语,具体理解课文。3)同桌练习课文对话,全班分角色演绎课文。2)教师播放课文动画,学生观看、跟读、模仿,再自读课文,并回答问题:What did Grandma send Daming?What did she say?Where will Daming go this summer?Who is eating the chocolate?3)学生两两一组,扮演 Daming 和 Grandma进行对话练习;主动者向全班展示,教师的其他学生仔细聆听;最后全班男女生分角色朗读课文,选择主动者配合进行表演。教学过程环节(2)教学内容学习词汇 sent American read interesting chocolate delicious教学目标能够正确认读并了解这几个词语的意义。核心问题理解词汇并适当进行表达。问题情境解决策略问题解决1)看图认读 sent American read interesting 并回答相关问题。1)教师运用多媒体软件出示图片教授 sent American read interesting。通过 What did Grandma send Daming?引导学生说出 Grandma sent Daming a maths game.教授单 sent。并通过问题:Did Daming read them? 通过问题的回答掌握单词 read 和 interesting, 进行相关词汇的操练。 2)引导学生进一步清楚奶奶送给大明的礼物。2)教师提问有关奶奶送给大明的礼物还有那些及简介美国的自由女神像,培养学生乐于接触美国文化的兴趣。教学过程环节(3)教学内容复习一般过去时态。教学目标(1)知道一般过去时所表达的意义和用法。(2)能够发现并归纳一般过去时的规则。(3)能正确运用一般过去时句型描述过去发生的活动。核心问题理解并能运用一般过去时谈论曾经收到的礼物。问题情境解决策略问题解决1)总结一般过去时的规则。2)小组合作,完成打电话的任务。3)练习反馈。1)首先,通过总结 Grandma 给 Daming 打电话,询问是否收到寄给他的礼物,引导学生说出 I got it. I read them. I ate some of it.句型。学生能够对一般过去时进行掌握。2)学生四个人为一组。选择一个物品,讨论曾经收到的礼物,达成一致后, 每组选两位代表打电话表演对话3)教师运用多媒体课件呈现几道与本节课相关的练习题。小组合作完成。
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