Module 8-Unit 2 I made a kite.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-部级公开课-外研版(一起)五年级下册-(编号:200db).zip

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Lets sing a song!Lets sing a song!Lets sing a song!Lets sing a song!新标准英语一年级起点 五年级下册Module 8 Unit 2Imadeakite.Imadeakite.Preview GuidanceGuessingGameGuessingGameChineseChineseChineseChinesePreview GuidanceGuessingGamedrewdrewdrewdrewPreview GuidanceGuessingGamepiecepiecepiecepiece张,片,块张,片,块Preview GuidanceGuessingGamepaintedpaintedpaintedpaintedPreview GuidanceGuessingGamescissorsscissorsscissorsscissorsPreview GuidanceGuessingGamestickstickstickstickPreview GuidanceGuessingGametiedtiedtiedtiedPreview GuidanceGuessingGamestringstringstringstringPreview GuidanceGuessingGameFill in the blanks用所给词或词组的适当形式填空Preview GuidancePreviewchecking1. I _ a little dog on the computer yesterday. It was so cute. 2. There is a pair of_ on the table. I cut the paper with it. 3. Amy took out _ paper from her school bag and gave it to Daming. 4. He painted the kite and then put _ on it. 5. Daming _ strings to the sticks and then he could fly the kite.Previewguidance scissors tie a piece of stick draw用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空1. I _ a little dog on the computer yesterday. It was so cute. 2. There is a pair of_ on the table. I cut the paper with it. 3. Amy took out _ paper from her school bag and gave it to Daming. 4. He painted the kite and then put _ on it. 5. Daming _ strings to the sticks and then he could fly the kite.Previewguidance scissors tie a piece of stick draw用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空drew1. I _ a little dog on the computer yesterday. It was so cute. 2. There is a pair of_ on the table. I cut the paper with it. 3. Amy took out _ paper from her school bag and gave it to Daming. 4. He painted the kite and then put _ on it. 5. Daming _ strings to the sticks and then he could fly the kite.Previewguidance scissors tie a piece of stick draw用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空drewscissors1. I _ a little dog on the computer yesterday. It was so cute. 2. There is a pair of_ on the table. I cut the paper with it. 3. Amy took out _ paper from her school bag and gave it to Daming. 4. He painted the kite and then put _ on it. 5. Daming _ strings to the sticks and then he could fly the kite.Previewguidance scissors tie a piece of stick draw用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空drewscissorsa piece of1. I _ a little dog on the computer yesterday. It was so cute. 2. There is a pair of_ on the table. I cut the paper with it. 3. Amy took out _ paper from her school bag and gave it to Daming. 4. He painted the kite and then put _ on it. 5. Daming _ strings to the sticks and then he could fly the kite.Previewguidance scissors tie a piece of stick draw用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空drewscissorsa piece ofsticks1. I _ a little dog on the computer yesterday. It was so cute. 2. There is a pair of_ on the table. I cut the paper with it. 3. Amy took out _ paper from her school bag and gave it to Daming. 4. He painted the kite and then put _ on it. 5. Daming _ strings to the sticks and then he could fly the kite.Previewguidance scissors tie a piece of stick draw用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空drewscissorsa piece ofsticks1. I _ a little dog on the computer yesterday. It was so cute. 2. There is a pair of_ on the table. I cut the paper with it. 3. Amy took out _ paper from her school bag and gave it to Daming. 4. He painted the kite and then put _ on it. 5. Daming _ strings to the sticks and then he could fly the kite.Previewguidance scissors tie a piece of stick draw用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空drewscissorsa piece ofstickstiedThe pig used the _ to make a house for himself.Preview GuidanceTry againThe pig used the _ to make a house for himself.sticksPreview GuidanceTry againThe pig used the _ to make a house for himself.sticksPreview GuidanceTry againThegirlskiteismadeforText learningLead-inTextlearningTextlearningHowmanysteps(步骤骤)didDamingneedtomakeakite?A. fiveB.sixGeneral question:Text learningTextlearningHowmanysteps(步骤骤)didDamingneedtomakeakite?A. fiveB.sixGeneral question:Text learningTextlearningRearrangethesentencesDetails:Textlearning.Whatarehisstepsofmakingakite?1._2._3._4._5._ cut the paper withtied to put ondrew painted Do you want to know more about the kite?Textlearning.Textlearning.Textlearning.ChinaChinaChinaChinaTextlearning. China has a long history, Chinese China has a long history, Chinese China has a long history, Chinese China has a long history, Chinese people did a lot of contributions to the people did a lot of contributions to the people did a lot of contributions to the people did a lot of contributions to the 中国有着悠久的历史,中国人民在中国有着悠久的历史,中国人民在中国有着悠久的历史,中国人民在中国有着悠久的历史,中国人民在历史的长河中为世界作出了惊人的贡献。历史的长河中为世界作出了惊人的贡献。历史的长河中为世界作出了惊人的贡献。历史的长河中为世界作出了惊人的贡献。Are you proud of China?Are you proud of China?Are you proud of China?Are you proud of China?What should we do now?What should we do now?What should we do now?What should we do now?Textlearning.Lets read!Lets read!Textlearning.Lets retell!Lets retell!*Howtomakeakite?I drew a dragon.I painted it.I cut the paper.I put sticks on it.I tied strings to it.Groupwork.Findtherules:*Howtomakeakite?I drew a dragon.I painted it.I cut the paper.I put sticks on it.I tied strings to it.GroupworkFindtherules:WhatdidLinglingdo?Groupwork.WhatdidLinglingdo?Groupwork.Shetookoutapieceofredpaper.WhatdidLinglingdo?Groupwork.Shetookoutapieceofredpaper.ShedrewaFuonit.WhatdidLinglingdo?Groupwork.Shetookoutapieceofredpaper.ShedrewaFuonit.Shecutthepaperwithscissors.WhatdidLinglingdo?Groupwork.Shetookoutapieceofredpaper.ShedrewaFuonit.Shecutthepaperwithscissors.Sheputthepapercutonthewindow.Textlearning.Lets actLets act!A:Whatdidyoudoyesterday?B:I.A:Whatwillyoudotomorrow?B:Ill.Practice.Ask and answerProductionHowyoumadeyourdragonkite?ProductionImadeakiteyesterday.Imadeakiteyesterday.Imadeakiteyesterday.Imadeakiteyesterday.Howyoumadeyourdragonkite?ProductionI drew a dragon on a piece of paper.Howyoumadeyourdragonkite?ProductionI drew a dragon on a piece of paper.I painted it.Howyoumadeyourdragonkite?ProductionI drew a dragon on a piece of paper.I painted it.I cut the paper with scissors.Howyoumadeyourdragonkite?ProductionI drew a dragon on a piece of paper.I painted it.I cut the paper with scissors.I put sticks on it.Howyoumadeyourdragonkite?ProductionI drew a dragon on a piece of paper.I painted it.I cut the paper with scissors.I put sticks on it.I tied strings to it.Howyoumadeyourdragonkite?ProductionI drew a dragon on a piece of paper.I painted it.I cut the paper with scissors.I put sticks on it.I tied strings to it.Howyoumadeyourdragonkite?ProductionWritehowyoumadeyourandtalkaboutit.WemadeaWedrew/ painted/ cut/ put/ tied/ took/stickSummaryWhat have we learned today?What have we learned today?Homework SupermarketHomework Supermarket选选做:做:1.Talkabout1.Talkaboutwhatyoumade.whatyoumade.2 2.Writeaboutit.Writeaboutit. .3.Makeaposter.3.Makeaposter.必做:必做:1.1.Readandretellthetext.Readandretellthetext.2 2. .Copythewordsandsentences.Copythewordsandsentences.HomeworkThankyou!Thankyou!外研版新标准英语一起外研版新标准英语一起 Book 10 教学设计教学设计学科学科英语英语学校学校执教者执教者课题课题NSE Book10 Module 8 Unit 2 I made a kite.教材教材分析分析课文的情境是 Daming 用英语描述的制作风筝的步骤。首先在一张黄色的纸上画上一条龙,随后涂上颜色,然后用剪刀剪下来再粘上竹签,最后用绳子绑好后就可以放风筝了。本课的任务是制作风筝或其他有中国文化特色的礼物,并说明制作步骤。学情学情分析分析本课通过描述风筝的制作过程,进一步帮助学生练习一般过去时。五年级的学生已经完成了各种时态的学习,进入到时态的综合复习和运用阶段。教师应注意给学习有困难的学生提供更多训练巩固的机会。本学期重点关注的目标生是 Zara 和 Wendy。设计思路设计思路本课将“疑、议、移”模板以及导学模式相结合。重点关注“疑”的部分的预设以及学生的预学情况。功能谈论制作的步骤。语法全体学生能运用: I made a kite.语言语言知识知识目标目标词汇全体能理解和运用:piece, painted, scissors, stick, tied, string, Chinese, drew语音进一步强化语音语调,初步达到语调达意。注意 string, scissors 的发音听全体学生能听懂: I made a kite.说全体学生能说: I made a kite.读全体能朗读课文,阅读相关短文写全体学生能写出 2-3 个语句,谈论手工制作的步骤。语言语言技能技能目标目标运用全体学生能运用已学语言谈论手工制作的步骤。习惯有效预学,自我评价学习效果,总结有效学习方法。学习策略学习策略交际积极与他人合作,积极用英语交际。文化意识文化意识了解风筝是中国传统文化的一部分。情感态度情感态度热爱中国文化,增强民族自豪感。教学重点教学重点本课新授词汇的运用,一般过去时肯定句结构在情境中的使用。教学难点教学难点运用一般过去时肯定句结构,谈论制作的步骤。教学准备教学准备PPT, CD-ROM, reading pen教学环节教学环节教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图I.67Preview guidance1. Greeting2. Sing a song 3. Guessing game4. Preview checking5. More exercises1.Greeting2.Sing a song 3.Guessing game4.Preview CheckingMore exercises 通过歌曲热身导入课题和本课的评价体系。通过猜词游戏和小检测检查学生的预习情况。进而调整后续教学,做到有的放矢。II.1517Lead-in &Lead-in Listen and chantWatch the video导入课文学习。Text-learning1. General Question. How many steps (步骤) did Daming need to make a kite?A. five B. six2. Details. Rearrange the sentencesWhat are his steps of making a kite?3. Read aloud and try to retell.1.Listen and repeat2. Read by themselves.3. Read one by one4. Read together5. Retell the text. read and answerGet the general idea of the textwatch carefully and answer.Answer the questions1.Listen and repeat2. Read by themselves.3.Read one by one4.Read together5. Retell the text.初步了解本课的学习内容让学生学会概括、总结。培养快速搜索答案的能力。通过看视频让学生将制作风筝的步骤重新排序,考察学生的观察能力和记忆力。了解课文的细节内容。在板书中构建思维导图,在思维导图的辅助下,尝试引领学生复述课文,将所学转化为自己的语言进行表达。III.34Group work 1. Look and say. 2. Find the rules 3. Practice Talk about the questions in pairs.Solve the key point of the text.IV.5PracticeDo , ask and answer:What did you do yesterday?I What will you do tomorrow?I 大量的操练本课句型,加大语言信息的输入量以刺激学生语言输出。V.5ProductionDiscussion: Talk about what you made with your friendWe made a First, weThen, We love it very much.此处是知识的拓展应用,培养学生的组织与表达能力。从听说读写各方面对学生进行训练,让学生得到全面发展,达到学以致用。VI. 23Summary1. SummaryWhat have we learnt Sum up the knowledge小结所学。检测学习效果。&Testtoday?The winner isVII1Homework必做:1. Read and retell the text. 2. Copy the words and sentences.选做:1. Talk about what you made 2. Write about it. 3. Make a poster.Do the homeworkWendy and Zara can do the first homework.分层设计作业有利于各个层面的学生完成任务的同时获得学习的成就感。Check the learning
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