Module 8-Unit 1 Will you help me -ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-外研版(一起)五年级下册-(编号:7017b).zip

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课后反思课后反思本节课是取自新标准五年级英语一课,本节课在总体设计上,体现了新课程标准中的从学生的学习兴趣、生活体验和认知水平出发,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式等的教学理念。我的整节课整体设计注重以学生为出发点,你可以通过哪些方法了解你想知道的东西等。学习策略的指导也在本节课上有所体现。学生的表现也给了我很大的惊喜。学生提出了很多的问题,无一不是学生思考后的提问。能提出一个问题,比能解决一个问题更重要。带着同学们自己提的问题去读课文,找答案,学生学习的更仔细更扎实。这从后续的课堂评测就能看出来。当然,在实际的课堂操作中,总是会存在这样或那样的不足。新课程要求关注全体儿童的成长,在以后的教学中还要注意运用小组等形式多设计一些能让更多学生参与的游戏,并注意激发性格内向的儿童主动参与。避免只有 top students 能参与的现象。总之,在今后的教学中,我还要不断地努力,争取给学生最好的课堂。学情分析学情分析本节课的授课对象是小学五年级的学生,小学英语的二级分目标(五、六年级)指出要使学生对英语学习有持续的兴趣和爱好。能用简单的英语互致问候、交换有关个人、家庭和朋友的简单信息。能在图片的帮助下听懂、读懂并讲述简单的故事。能根据图片或提示写简单的句子。在学习中乐于参与、积极合作、主动请教。乐于了解异国文化、习俗。五年级的学生已经学习了四年半的英语,对英语学习有一定的兴趣,也有一定的英语语感,也形成了学习英语的一些好习惯形成了一定的学习策略,但还不能将所学准确运用到实际生活中。因此需要课上课下多练习。这一年龄段的孩子好奇心强,愿意表现自己。因此,在教学中多采用任务型教学,两两合作,质疑提问等教学方法,吸引学生注意,提高学习英语的热情。一年级起点第十册Module 8 Unit 1 Will you help me?一、教材分析本课是一年级起点第十册英语 Module 8 Unit 1 的课文教学。课型为新授课。本模块要求学生掌握重点句型:Will you?及回答:Yes, I will./No, I wont.并且会用 will 的相关形式来表达意愿,通过句型的学习和操练,培养学生的语言运用能力及观察思维想象能力,同时,增强学生对英语学习的积极性,使其主动地学习英语。【教学目标】a.语言知识目标:学习目标语句 Will you .? Yes, I will. / No, I wont.b.语言技能目标:能听懂课文大意,能运用 will 来询问某人是否打算做某事,并对其回答。c.情感态度目标:通过多种形式,培养学生学习英语的兴趣,教育学生,亲人之间、朋友之间应该互相关爱,友好相处。【教学重点】掌握 Will you help me? Of course I will.这些句子. 并能在实际情景中运用 Will you .? Yes, I will./No, I wont.【教学难点】正确使用 Will 及动词进行交流问答。 二、学生分析五年级学生已经学了四年多的英语,有一定的听、说、读、写能力,英语学习习惯也基本形成。在以前的学习中,对本课的知识已经有过接触,教师要充分利用学生已有的知识,积极调动学生参与的积极性,从学生的生活经验和兴趣为出发点,使学生“学以致用”。三、 设计理念教师依据“学生能用英语做什么”的思想设计教学活动,从学生生活实际入手,将教学内容按照“由浅入深,由输入到输出”的原则设计学生感兴趣、乐于参与的教学活动。运用多种任务型教学法启发、引导学生进行合作、交流,激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生综合运用能力。 四、教学准备:录音机、 风筝、 筷子、礼物、粘贴、课件、记分牌五、教学过程I、Warmera. Greetings. Hello. How are you? In this class I will part you into two teams -boys team and girls team. If you can do a very good job, you can get marks. At last lets see who can be the winner, and who will make progress.They can get presents. b. Sing a song T: Lets enjoy a very nice Engish song. (设计意图:通过动听愉快的英文歌曲,激发学生的学习兴趣,营造出学习英语的氛围,同时歌曲内容与本课教学有着密切的关系,也为新知识的教学打下基础。)Elicit the children to answer: Yes, she will / No, she wont.(语言评价 excellent). (设计意图:对本课的教学重点进行渗透,分散难点。)II、Presentation1、Show a present.T: You are so clever. You can get 10marks. I will give you a present. Do you want to know whats the present? Can you guess?Lets open it and look , but I cant open it. Will you help me? S: yes. T: You can also say “of course, I will.”(T sticks the sentence on the blackboard.Read it together.)T:Will you help me?(Who will come to the front?)(学生边拆包装,教师边板书。领读)T:Look.What are they?Chopsticks. T: You are helpful. Thank you for your help. The chopsticks for you. (奖励筷子) (设计实际情境,渗透教学内容,将教材移植到实际情境中)We Chinese use chopsticks.Do Americans use chopsticks,too?S:No,they wont.T:What will they use?S:They use knife and fork. 2、Listen and find. Will Daming take chopsticks? T:Our good friend Daming is going to visit his cousin,simon in America . Will Daming take chopsticks to Simon ?Lets listen to the tape and answer: Will Daming take chopsticks to Simon ?(放录音,训练学生听力,同时帮助理解课文) 3、Show the form.Presents ReasonchopsticksI think hes got some chopsticks.His mother is Chinese.kiteIt will be windy in New York.Your cousin will love this kite. Its a Chinese dragon.T:Answer the question. Will Daming take chopsticks to Simon ?S:No, he wont.T:Why?S: I think hes got some chopsticks.His mother and grandma are Chinese.(23 人读)T:What present will Daming take?Lets go on.(录音放完) T:Answer my question. What present will Daming take?S:He will take a kite.T:Why?S: It will be windy in New York.Your cousin will love this kite. Its a Chinese dragon. (23 人读) (设计意图:创设情境,让学生感知与本课有关的句子,以此来引出今天我们要学习的重点句型。) 4.Make a kite. T:Daming will make a Chinese dragon kite. Fan fan will help him. I will make a Chinese dragon kite,too.(T shows a kite.)But I havent finished it. Will you help me?(ask someone to come to the front.) T: thank you for your help. It will be a great present.(击掌)(Teacher sticks the kite on the blackboard and say: In this class the winner will get the kite. So try your best,ok?)(师语言评价) (设计意图:通过呈现龙风筝以及制作风筝的过程再次强化本课的重点句型并作为礼物激发学生的兴趣) 5.Listen and repeat,then circle the sentences with “will”.T:Lets listen to the tape again, Listen and repeat, then circle the sentences with “will”. 6.Report the 5sentences and give marks and 语言评价 good job, well done. 7.Read the 5sentences. 8.T: What can you find in these sentences? S: will+动词原形表示将要做的事情。 9.Lets do some exercises. True or false.(语言评价加分,加入台风游戏) 10.Play the roles in the text. T:Lets read the text again. Who will be Daming,who will be Fanfan?(一、二段找人读,三、四段男孩 Daming,女孩 Fanfan)(评价 You can read so fluently and loudly,everyone can get ten marks.) (设计意图:通过回答问题,自主探究 will 的语法功能及练习突破难点,加分评价,目的让学生更好、更准确的学习语言,掌握语言。通过学生对单词、句子的选择与朗读,反复地强化了学生对语言知识的理解与掌握。加强了对课文的理解。) 11.Do some exercises. AB 活动手册。T: Do you have any questions? Though you have no questions. I will check you.Lets do some exercise.(师加分评价,加入台风游戏) . IIIIII、PracticePracticePlay a guessing game.T:Daming will take a Chinese dragon kite to Simon.Fanfan will him to make this kite.And Fanfan will do other things tomorrow.Please guess what will Fanfan do tomorrow?Students guess.Fanfan:Yes, I will./No, I wont.(teriffic,good,very good,猜对的有机会做台风游戏)(设计意图:通过练习,使学生能够将所学的知识运用到实际的生活中去,使每一名学生都能够真正的做到学有所用,学有所得,真正体现英语学习的实践和应用性原则。)IVIV.Production.ProductionGive me some suggestions.T:Just now we know Fanfan will do lots of things tomorrow.And I will do lots of things tomorrow.I will visit my cousin tomorrow.He is 22 years old.I will give him a present.Will you help me to give me some suggestions? What present will I take?S1:Will you take a coat? T:Maybe. S2: Will you take the sunglasses?T: Maybe.Why?S2:Because the weather is hot. S3: Will you take the juice? T: Maybe.Why?s3: Because the juice is good. S4: Will you take the camera? Because you can take some photos.T:Just now you all gave me some good ideas, I think I will take the sunglasses .Because the weather is hot.My cousin will need the sunglasses.Thank you .V.Cooler1.summary: Lets look at the blackboard.What have you learned today?2.Evaluation summary:Lets see which team is the winner? Boys leader,how many points?Girls leader, how many points?(奖励胜利的队风筝)Who has made progress in this class?(奖励粘贴和糖果或铅笔)3.Homework : Read the text.Ask your friend or your family what will they do this weekend?(设计意图:通过总结评价,及分层作业的布置,帮助学生将本课的信息进行加工、储存,从而更好地掌握知识并运用于生活之中。) 教材分析教材分析本课是英语新标准教材第十册。学生在三年级的时候已经系统的学习过将来时态,通过本课的学习,学生应该能更扎实的掌握用法,能够正确的用一般将来时询问和回答相关的问题。在教学中,老师也应该多激发学生对英国文化了解的兴趣,提高他们跨文化交际的能力。
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