2020人教版英语新教材必修一词汇表Unit 2含教材例句及词汇用法讲解.docx

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1、 2019 人教版高一英语新教材必修一词汇表 (含教材例句及词汇用法讲解) 本词汇表主要特色: 1.呈现教材原文例句,重视词汇在语境中的运用。 2.词汇用法讲解紧扣新课标和新考纲,深度和广度适中,条理清晰,系统完整。 3.精选高考真题例句、词典例句和时文例句,例句具有典型性和示范性。 4.展示高考真题,揭示高考命题角度和思路。 5.适合高一学生同步使用以及高三学生总复习使用。 Book 1 Unit 2 1. castle / k:sl/ n. 城堡;堡垒 Neuschwanstein Castle 新天鹅堡 (P24) Visitors to the castle are asked not

2、 to take photographs. 来城堡参观者不得拍照。 Most castles were built on hilltops. 多数城堡建在山顶上。 Every year a large number of tourists come to visit Windsor Castle, which is beautiful. 每年都有大量的游客来参观美丽的温莎城堡。 2. apply / pla/ vi. 涂(油漆、乳剂) We should try to learn economic theory and apply it. 我们应努力学习经济理论并能应用。 Dont forge

3、t to apply sun cream. 不要忘记涂上防晒霜。 apply sth to sth 把某物应用于(涂抹在)某物 You can apply theory to practice. 你可以把理论用于实践。 The new technology was applied to farming. 这项新技术已应用于农业。 She applied the cream to her face and neck. 她把乳霜抹在脸和脖子上。 【拓展】 (1) application /plken/ n. 申请;应用;用途 Send a full CV with your job applica

4、tion. 寄上求职申请书和详尽的个人履历。 an application letter/ form 申请信/申请表 Since the 1970s many new applications have been found for me. 从二十世纪七十年代起,我又被开发出了很多新的用途。 We have learned the application of new technology to teaching. 我们学会了将新技术应用于教学上。 (2)applicant /plknt/ n. 申请人;求职人 There were over 500 applicants for the jo

5、b.有 500 多人申请这份工作。 3. visa /vi:z/ n. 签证 apply for a visa 申请签证(P24) tourist /entry/ exit visa 旅游 /入境 / 出境签证 To travel abroad, you ll have to get a passport, and youll also need a visa. 要出国旅游,你必须申办护照, 同时还需要有签证。 4. rent / rent/ vt. 租用;出租 rent a car 租一辆车(P24) She rents a house with three other girls. 她和其

6、他 3 个女孩合租一套房子。 We rented a car for the week and explored the area. 我们租了一个星期的车游历这个地区。 She rented rooms to university students. 她把房间租给了大学生。 vi. 租用;租金为 The apartment rents for $500 a month. 这套房间每月租金为 500 元。 n. 租金 a high/low rent 高的 / 低的租金 She worked to pay the rent while I went to college. 在我读大学期间,她打工挣

7、钱来付租金。 The landlord has put the rent up again. 房东又提高房租了。 5. pack /p k/ vi. 安顿 We will arrange for a car to pick you up. 我们将安排一辆车来接你. Would you like to arrange for a personal interview? 你是否想安排一次亲自会见? 9. extremely / kstri:mli / adv. 极其; 非常 Jiuzhaigou is an extremely beautiful place. 九寨沟是一个非常美丽的地方。 (P2

8、5) My mobile phone is extremely useful. 我的手机非常有用。 She found it extremely difficult to get a job. 她发觉找工作极其困难。 Everything is going on extremely well. 一切进展得非常顺利。 They sold their land at the extremely low prices. 他们以极低的价格卖掉土地。 【拓展】 extreme / kstri:m / adj. 极端的;非常的 The earth will experience extreme weath

9、er. 地球将会遭受极端天气。 We are working under extreme pressure at the moment. 目前我们正在极大的压力下工作。 The suffering of the people was extreme. 人们遭受的灾难极为深重。 10. source /s:s/ n. 来源;出处 What other sources of information can you find about Peru? 关于秘鲁,你能找到其他信息来源吗?(P26) The library is a useful source of information. 图书馆就是很

10、好的资料来源。 What is their main source of income? 他们的主要收入来源是什么? The source of the Mekong is in Qinghai Province. 湄公河的源头在青海省。 For me, music is a great source of enjoyment. 对于我来说,音乐是我快乐的源泉。 11. narrow /nr/ adj. 狭窄的 PERU is a country on the Pacific coast of South America with three main areas: narrow, dry,

11、flat land running along the coast, the Andes Mountains, and the Amazon rainforest. 秘鲁是南美洲太平洋沿岸的一个国家,有三个主要区域:沿着海岸狭窄干旱的平坦陆地,安 第斯山脉和亚马逊雨林。 (P26) They were climbing up a narrow mountain road 他们正沿一条狭窄的山路向上爬。 She slowed the car and began driving through the towns narrow streets. 她放慢车速,开始穿过该镇狭窄的街道。 vi. 扁平的

12、 The driver stops the car on a flat platform and gets out. 司机把车停在一个平坦的台上,出来了。 People used to think the earth was flat. 人们曾经认为地球是平的。 n. 公寓; 单元房 Do you live in a flat or a house? 你住的是公寓还是独立住宅? Before they got married, they had the flat decorated. 他们结婚前把公寓装修了一遍。 13. powerful / pafl / adj. 强有力的;有权势的;有影响

13、力的 In the 1400s and 1500s, Peru was the centre of the powerful ancient Inca Empire. 在 15 世纪和 16 世纪,秘鲁是强大的古代印加帝国的中心。 (P26) His speech was a powerful attack against the enemy. 他的演说是对敌人强有力的抨击。 His grandfather once was a rich and powerful man. 他的爷爷曾经是一个有钱有势的人。 Youre a powerful man people will listen to

14、you. 你是有影响力的人,大家会听你的。 China is wealthier and more powerful than ever before. 中国比以往任何时候都更加富有和强大。 【拓展】 power /pa/ n. 力量;能力;政权;能源动力 As is known to us,knowledge is power. 众所周知,知识就是力量。 It is beyond my power to finish the task in two hours 两个小时之内完成这项工作超出了我的能力。 The Republican Party came to power in 2016. 美

15、国共和党是在 2016 年上台执政的。 nuclear/wind/solar power 核能/风能/太阳能 power cut/failure 断电/停电 14. empire /empa(r)/ n. 帝国 the Inca/ Roman Empire 印加/罗马帝国 The Thirty Years War caused the end of the empire. 30 年的战争导致帝国的灭亡。 15. emperor / empr(r)/ n. 皇帝 The Inca emperor lived in the now-famous site Machu Picchu. 印加皇帝曾住在

16、现在著名的遗址马丘比丘。 (P26) Qinshihuang was the first emperor of China in history . 秦始皇是中国历史上第一位皇帝。 When the emperor died, his three sons shared the empire. 当皇帝去世后, 他的三个儿子共同分享帝国。 16. site / sat / n. 地点;位置;现场 A good site has been chosen for the new school. 已为新学校选好了校址。 The bar is built on the site of an ancien

17、t castle . 这家酒吧建在一个古代城堡的遗址上。 They put up their tent at the camping site. 他们在营地上搭起了帐篷。 He was a worker on a building site. 他做过建筑工人。 web site 网站 17. take control of 控制; 接管 Spain took control of Peru in the 16th century and ruled until 1821. 16 世纪西班牙控制了秘鲁并统治到 1821 年。 (P26) In the night, they successful

18、ly take control of the city. 在夜里他们成功控制了那座城镇。 I cant take control of the boat. 这船我控制不了。 I decided to take control of my life. 我决定控制自己的人生。 After his father died, he took control of the company. 他父亲死后,他接管了公司。 18. official /fl/ adj. 官方的;正式的; 公务的 Its for this reason that Spanish is the main official lang

19、uage of Peru. 正因为如此,西班牙语才是秘鲁的主要官方语言。 (P26) English is used as an official language in many countries. 英语是许多国家的官方语言。 The President made a four-day official visit to Mexico. 总统到墨西哥进行了为期四天的正式访问。 n. 官员;要员 His grandfather is an officer in the army while his father is an official in the government. 他的爷爷是部

20、队军官,而他的爸爸是政府官员。 【拓展】 officially adv. 官方地;正式地 The college is not an officially recognized English language school. 那所学院不是官方认可的英语学校。 【高考链接】 The title will be _ (official) given to me at a ceremony in London.(2016 全国卷 I 语法填空) 答案:officially 句意:在伦敦举行的一个仪式上,这个头衔将正式授予给我。修饰动词用副 词形式。 19. recognise NAmE -ize

21、/rekgnaz/ vt. 辨别出; 承认; 认可 Recognise text type 识别文章类型(P26) I recognised him as soon as he came into the room. 他一进屋我就认出了他。 Though they hadnt met for many years,they recognized each other at the first sight. 虽然他们多年没见面,他们第一眼就认出了对方。 The doctor tried to get his work recognised in the medical circles. 这个医生

22、试图让他的工作在医学圈内得到认可。 recognise as/to be 把 当做;承认 为 We recognise Xi Jinping as/ to be a great leader. 我们认为习近平是一位伟大的领袖。 【拓展】 recognition /rekgnn/ n.认出; 承认;认可 She passed close by me without a sign of recognition. 她与我擦肩而过,却没认出我. to seek international/official/formal recognition 寻求国际上的/官方/正式的承认 At last, her

23、fathers work has received popular recognition. 最后,她父亲的工作得到了大众的认可。 20. type / tap/ n. 类型; 种类 There are various types of the disease. 该疾病有各种类型。 I love these types of books. 我喜欢这些种类的书籍。 Have you done this type of work before? 你以前做过这种活儿吗? vi. 航班;航程 A short flight from Cusco takes you from the Andes into

24、 the Amazon rainforest. 从库斯科出发的短程航班带你从安第斯山脉到亚马逊雨林。 (P26) The flight will take four hours. 这次航行要飞 4 个小时。 I arrived just in time for my flight to London. 我及时赶上了飞往伦敦的航班。 British Airlines is putting on an extra flight to London tomorrow. 英国航空公司明天将增加一班到伦敦的航班。 Flight BA 4793 is now boarding at Gate 17. BA

25、 4793 航班现在正在 17 号登机口登机。 This flight was more comfortable than I had expected. 这次飞行比我预想的更舒服。 22. accommodation / kmden/ n. 住处;停留处;膳宿 From there, youll spend one day travelling by boat to your accommodation in the middle of the forest. 从那里,你将花一天的时间乘船前往森林中央的住处。 (P26) Hotel accommodation is included in

26、the price of your holiday.你度假的价款包括旅馆住宿在内。 First-class accommodation is available on all flights. 所有班机都备有一等舱位。 More and more travelers are looking for accommodations in private homes. 愈来愈多的旅行者在寻找由私人住户提供的膳宿服务。 23. unique / juni:k / adj. 唯一的;独特的; 特有的 You can then spend three days exploring the rainfore

27、st with a local guide and enjoying the plants and animals unique to the rainforest. 然后, 你可以花三天时间和当地导游一起探索热带雨林, 欣赏热带雨林独有的植物和动物。 (P26) Everyones fingerprints are unique. 每个人的指纹都是独一无二的。 Dollywood is one of the most unique theme parks in the world. 多莱坞是世界上最独特的主题公园之一。 unique to sb /sth 是某人/某地特有的 This flo

28、wer is unique to the area. 这种花儿是这一地区特有的。 The koala is unique to Australia. 树袋熊是澳大利亚特有的。 24. path / p:/ n. 小路; 路线;道路 This four-day walking tour will take you on amazing paths through the Andes Mountains on the way to the city of Machu Picchu. 这四天的徒步旅行将带你走上穿过安第斯山脉前往马丘比丘的奇妙之路。 (P26) They followed the p

29、ath to the village. 他们顺着小路来到那个村子。 We walked along the path, enjoying the natural scenery. 我们沿着小路行走, 欣赏着自然风光。 I saw our flight path would be over this famous mountain. 我看到我们的飞行路线要经过这座著名山峰。 Our country is on the path to economic recovery. 我们的国家正走上经济复兴之路。 25. destination / destnen/ n. 目的地;终点 After reac

30、hing your destination, you will have a day to explore and be amazed by this ancient city. 到达目的地后,您将有一天的时间去探索,并对这座古城感到惊叹。 (P26) Spain is still our most popular holiday destination. 西班牙仍是我们最喜爱的度假去处。 Life is a journey with an unknown destination. 生活是一次不知目的的旅行. After many difficulties and dangers, we fi

31、nally reached our destination. 经过了许多艰难险阻之后, 我们终于到达了目的地. You can check your baggage all the way through to its final destination. 你可以把行李直接托运到终点。 26. other than 除以外 Inca builders cut stones to exact size so that nothing was needed to hold walls together other than the perfect fit of the stones. 印加建筑工人

32、把石头切割成精确的尺寸,这样, 除了石头的 完美贴合之外,不需要任何东西来将墙壁固定在一起。 (P26) There is nobody here other than the teacher. 这里除老师外再无别人。 I have not studied foreign languages other than English. 除了英语外,我没学过其他外语。 You cant get there other than by boat. 除了坐船,你无法去那里。 I cannot do anything other than say sorry to you. 我除了向你说声对不起,已经不知

33、道该做些什么了。 27. admire / dma(r)/ vt. 欣赏;赞赏;钦佩 Stay in a local hotel, visit the museums, admire the architecture, enjoy the excellent local food , and go shopping at the local markets. 入住当地酒店,参观博物馆,欣赏建筑,享受当地美食,去当地市场购物。 (P27) China and Japan have mid-autumn festivals, when people admire the moon and in C

34、hina, enjoy mooncakes. 中国和日本都有中秋节,这时,人们会赏月。在中国,人们还品尝月饼。 He walked along the river admiring the beautiful scenery. 他沿河边走欣赏美丽的景色。 Honesty is a quality that everyone admires. 诚实是人人都赞赏的品德。 admire sb for (doing) sth 因(做)某事而钦佩/羡慕某人 All those who knew him admired him for his work. 所有认识他的人都敬佩他所做的工作。 The sch

35、ool is widely admired for its excellent teaching.这所学校教学优秀,远近称誉。 【拓展】 (1)admiring /dmar/ adj. 赞赏的;钦佩的 He gave her an admiring glance. 他向她投以钦慕的目光。 (2)admirable / dmrbl/ adj. 令人钦佩的; 值得赞扬的 He was an admirable chairman. 他是一位令人钦佩的主席。 Her devotion to her work was admirable. 她对工作的奉献精神可钦可佩。 (3)admiration / d

36、mren/ u 钦佩;赞赏;羡慕 I have great admiration for her as a writer. 我十分钦佩她这位作家。 to watch/gaze in admiration 赞赏地观看 / 凝视着 28. architecture / :ktekt(r) / n. 建筑设计;建筑学 The house is a textbook example of modern architecture. 这所房子是现代建筑设计典范。 Im interested in Roman architecture. 我对古罗马建筑风格感兴趣。 At first he studied a

37、rchitecture in college. 起先,他在大学里学习建筑学。 29. architect / :ktekt / n. 建筑设计师 Lin Huiyin was not only a professor of Qinghua University but also a famous architect. 林徽因不但是清华大学的教授,而且还是一位著名的建筑设计师。 The new building was built from the design of a famous architect. 这座新楼是根据一位著名建筑师的设计建成的。 30. brochure / br(r);

38、NAmE bror/ n. 资料(或广告)手册 For more brochures about other package tours around Peru, contact us at tourinfotravelperu.org. 想获得关于秘鲁其他包价旅游的更多资料手册,请与我们联系: tourinfotravelperu.org(P27) Do you have a sightseeing brochure for this town? 在这个镇上有观光手册 吗 ? This hotel looked wonderful from the brochure. 这家旅馆从广告手册上看

39、很棒。 Our company culture is introduced in the brochure. 在这个宣传册介绍了我们的公司文化。 a travel brochure 旅游手册 31. package / pkd/ n. 包裹; 包装盒 He sat with the package on his knees 他坐着,将包裹放在腿上。 This kind of package is very green. 这种包装盒很环保。 a package tour 包价旅游(P27) Were planning to go on a package tour to Japan. 我们计划参

40、加包价旅游去日本。 I prefer a package tour, and we dont have to worry about accommodation and meals 我喜欢包价旅游,不用操心住宿和吃饭 a package of 一包/盒/袋 The little boy opened two packages of cookies at Walmart. 那名小男孩在沃尔玛超市里打开了两包曲奇饼干。 vt. 将包装好 Fast-food robots will probably cook and package food. 快餐机器人很可能会烹煮和包装食物。 Foods wer

41、e already packaged and ready to be sent. 食物已包装好待运。 32. contact / knt kt / vt. 联络;联系 For more brochures about other package tours around Peru, contact us at tourinfotravelperu.org. 想获得关于秘鲁其他包价旅游的更多资料手册,请与我们联系: tourinfotravelperu.org(P27) For more information , please contact John Smith. 了解更多信息,请与约翰史密

42、斯联系。 He never contacted his children after he went to Australia. 他去了澳大利亚以后没联系他的孩子。 n. 联系;接触 I dont have much contact with my uncle. 我和叔叔很少联系。 There is little contact between the two organizations. 这两个机构相互之间没有什么联系。 Have you kept in contact with your friends from college ?你和你大学里的朋友还保持联系吗? Shes lost co

43、ntact with her son. 她和儿子失去了联系。 I finally made contact with her in Paris. 我最终在巴黎与她取得了联系。 33. transport / tr nsp:t/ n.( especially BrE) (NAmE usually transportation)交通运输系统 air/road transport 空运/路运 public transport 公共交通;公交车辆 Most of us use public transport to go to work. 我们大多数人都乘公交车辆上班。 The extra money

44、 could be spent on improving public transport system . 多余的资金可以用于改善公共交通系统。 Mr Black was made transport minister. 布莱克先生被任命为交通部长。 vt. / trnsp:t / 运输;运送 transport goods/passengers 运送货物 / 旅客 They transport oil to other countries. 他们把石油运到别的国家。 Blood transports oxygen around the body. 血把氧气输送到全身。 34. hike /

45、 hak / vi. 徒步旅行 They ate a quick lunch, drank some water, and began to hike. 他们匆匆地吃过午饭,喝了点水,然后就开始徒步旅行。 They are going to hike to the top of a mountain. 他们打算徒步旅行到一座大山的顶端。 vt. 去远足 The students planned to hike the Rockies. 学生们计划去落基山脉远足。 n. 远足; 徒步旅行 They went on a ten-mile hike through the forest. 他们做了一

46、次穿越森林的十英里徒步旅行。 Well go on a hike next week. 我们下个星期会出去徒步旅行。 go hiking 远足;徒步旅行 If the weathers fine, well go hiking this weekend. 如果天气好,我们这个周末就去远足。 【拓展】 hiker / hak(r) / n. 远足者;徒步旅行者 Early in the morning, hikers pack everything that they will need for the days hike. 一大早,徒步旅行者们把当天旅行所需的一切都装进包里。 35. make

47、 up 构成;形成 Women make up 30 percent of the teachers of our school. 我们学校女教师占 30%。 Eleven players make up a football team. 11 个队员组成一个足球队。 be made up of 由. .组成/构成 A football team is made up of eleven players. 一个足球对由 11 个成员组成。 36. soldier /sld(r)/ n. 士兵; 军人 My brother is a brave soldier. 我的哥哥是一名勇敢的士兵。 Gr

48、anny cooked a chicken for the wounded soldier. 老奶奶为伤员炖了一只鸡。 37. economy /knmi/ n. 经济; 节约 Would you travel business class or economy? 你乘坐商务舱还是经济舱?(P29) economy class (客机)经济舱 a market economy 市场经济 The Chinese economy grows at a rate of 10 percent every year. 中国经济每年增长 10%。 It was a small economy to wal

49、k to work every day 每天步行上班是一种小节约。 38. economic / i:knmk/ adj. 经济(上)的; 经济学的 economic growth/cooperation/development/reform 经济增长 / 合作 / 发展 / 改革 economic history 经济史 Coffee is the economic plants of this country. 咖啡是这个国家的经济作物。 The signs of the economic recovery are only just beginning. 经济复苏的迹象刚刚开始显现。 39. credit / kredt/ n. 借款;信用; 称赞; 学分 The family was forced to liv


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