
上传人(卖家):三亚风情 文档编号:2169887 上传时间:2022-03-13 格式:PPTX 页数:44 大小:1.26MB
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1、threaten threaten: vt&vi 恐吓;威胁 strenghen: vt. 增强 endanger: vt 使.处于危险 enrich: vt. 丰富;使.丰富 encourage: vt.使有勇气,鼓励) enable:vt.使能够 frighten: vt. 恐吓die out 家族种族灭绝;习俗观念消失家族种族灭绝;习俗观念消失The old custom died out many years ago.这种古老的风俗习惯许多年前就消失了。这种古老的风俗习惯许多年前就消失了。拓展:拓展:die away 声音声音 风风 光等渐渐消失光等渐渐消失die down 情绪逐渐平

2、息情绪逐渐平息 die off 相继死亡相继死亡 草木先后枯死草木先后枯死 be dying for 很想要渴望很想要渴望=be eager for be dying to do sth 极想干某事极想干某事=be eager to do sth Mary,Im dying to see you every moment of the day.玛丽,我时时刻刻都盼着见到你。玛丽,我时时刻刻都盼着见到你。 loss n.损失 遗失 丧失 sufffer a a great loss 遭受重大损失at a loss 不知所措The company suffer a great loss as a

3、result of that mistake.这个公司因为失误遭受了重大损失。loss loser n.输家;失败者 反:successor loss n.损失 遗失 丧失 lose-lost-lost vt.失去hunt :vt /vi 打猎 猎取 /搜寻 hunt for sth 寻找某物 (=look for=search for) go hunting 去打猎 in peace:和平地=peacefully 与in有关的短信总结: in a hurry 匆忙,急于 in a way 从某种意义上说 in a word 简言之,总之 in addition 此外,又,加之 in all

4、总共,总计 in charge of 负责,总管 in common 共用的,共有的 in general 一般来说 in return 作为回报respond respond vi. 回答 回应 做出反应 respond to 回答 回应 对.做出反应 respond to ones letter:回信 n. response in response to 对.作出回应 make a quick reaponse to 对.作出快速反应to respond to the new drugs he didntrespond to itin response to reliefrelief re

5、lief:n (痛苦、忧虑)的减轻、消除 relieve: vt 减轻缓解 in relief 如释重负 松了口气 to ones relief : 令某人感到欣慰的是 to ones amazement/surprise:令某人吃惊的是 to ones happiness :令某人幸福的是 to ones sadness:令某人难过的是 翻译Seeing the lost children, the mother was in relief.见到失踪的儿子这位妈妈如释重负。拓展It is a great relief to do sth . 做某事感到极大的安慰It is a great h

6、onor to do sth.做某事感到极到的荣誉 in To of on into Those who suffer from headache will find they get _ from this medicine. (山东山东2010)A. relief B. safety B.C. defense D. shelter【点拨点拨】 选选A。题意:那些头痛的人会发。题意:那些头痛的人会发现这种药物能减轻疼痛。现这种药物能减轻疼痛。relief 符合题符合题意。意。safety安全;安全;defense防御,防护防御,防护;shelter遮蔽,庇护。遮蔽,庇护。relief fro

7、m sth. 减轻减轻e.g. The drug gives some relief from pain. 这种药可以减轻一些痛苦。这种药可以减轻一些痛苦。mercymercy n 仁慈 宽恕 怜悯ask/beg for mercy 请求宽恕show mercy to sb =have mercy on sb 宽恕怜悯某人without mercy 残忍地at the mercy of sb 任由某人控制或摆布to at on without certaincertain adj.确定的=sure;某一;一定certainly: adv.当然;确定for certain 无疑地 确定地 be

8、certain to do sth 一定会做某事be certain of/about sth 对某事有把握be certain that确信It is certain that 对.有把握Its certain that am quite certain of DPeriod OnePeriod Onecontains including contains contain included affectaffect 影响 感动 侵袭 感染affect/move sb to tears把某人感动的掉泪Be greatly affected 很受感动Have an effect on 对有影响

9、As a matter of fact, your opinion will not affect my decision. Most people present at the meeting were deeply affected by his speech.13 pay attention to 注意 fix/focus ones attention on sth 把注意力集中在.上 catch /draw/attract ones attention 引起某人的注意 Most attention must be paid _the endangered animals.A prote

10、ct B to protect C to protecting D proteting 注意:pay attention to 用法中的 to 是介词,不是不定式符号,所以其后接动词时要用动名词。 c appreciate: vt 欣赏,鉴赏;感激;意识到 appreciation: n. appreciate doing sth 感激做某事 appreciate ones doing sth I would appreciate it if .假如我将不胜感激appreciateB15 Success n. Succeed v. Successful adj. Succeed in doin

11、g sth Be successful in doing sth Obama succeed Bush as president in the USA. 奥巴马继不什后担任美国总统。 A success a failure After any years of hard work,the scientist finally ( )the explorer to Moon. 经过多年的努力,科学家终于将载人飞船发送到月球。succeeded in sending16 employ 雇佣 利用(时间、精力) employ sb 雇佣某人 employ time 利用时间 Employ sb to

12、be/as 雇佣某人担任 employ sb to do sth 雇佣某人做某事 Sb be employed in doing sth 忙于做某事 Employ oneself in doing sth Period Onehas been employed as have been employed to deal with was employed in making 17 对某人有害 Do harm to sb Do sb harm 对有害 Be harmful to 做某事没有害处 There is no harm in doing sth Period Onedoes harm t

13、o our health theres no harm in asking/it does noharm to ask18 inspect vt.检查 视察 n. inspection inspector 检查员 视察员 inspect sb for sth 因而检查inspection inspector inspecting 19 关于come come into being 出现;形成;产生 come into effect/force 开始实施;生效 come into use 开始使用 come into power 开始执政,上台 come into view/sight 进入视线

14、 come into fashion 开始流行 come across 偶然遇见 Come out 出版 开花 come up 被提出 发芽 走近 Come about 产生 造成B本课栏目开关本课栏目开关20 so that以致于;结果 归纳拓展 so that (1)因此,结果,以致于,用于引导结果状语从句。 (2)以便,为了,用于引导目的状语从句,此时从句中常含有情态动词may/might,can/could,should,would等。 in order to so as to 结束语当你尽了自己的最大努力时,失败也是伟大的,所以不要放弃,坚持就是正确的。When You Do Your Best, Failure Is Great, So DonT Give Up, Stick To The End谢谢大家荣幸这一路,与你同行ItS An Honor To Walk With You All The Way演讲人:XXXXXX 时 间:XX年XX月XX日


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