
上传人(卖家):三亚风情 文档编号:2186602 上传时间:2022-03-17 格式:PPT 页数:21 大小:3.73MB
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1、-1-2Teaching aimsl1. Use adjectives to talk about feelings .l2 . Learn to face difficulties bravely .-3 Different feelingstiredsadnervousrelaxedworriedamazedunhappyupsetangrymovedlonelystressed pleased-4Rainy and humid days make me .Too much homework makes me .So many exams make me .Thrillers make m

2、e . Arguing with friends make me .Listening to music makes me .Reading a good book makes me .Action movies make me .A moving story makes me .angry/sadtired/sad/worriednervous/worried/stressed angry/sad/upsetafraid/frightenedexcitedrelaxedpleased/relaxedmovedCan you say any adjectives about feelings

3、?According to the pictures,-5 Emotions 个人情感(短语翻译)个人情感(短语翻译):l 1.感到悲伤感到悲伤l 2.对对感到骄傲感到骄傲l 3.生某人的气生某人的气l 4.对对感到担忧感到担忧 5.对某人微对某人微 笑笑l 6.对某人大喊大叫对某人大喊大叫l 7.害怕害怕l 1.feel sadl 2.be proud of l 3. be angry with sbl 4.be worried about /worry aboutl 5.smile at sbl 6.shout at sb.l 7.be afraid of -6l 8.令某人惊奇的是令某人

4、惊奇的是l 9.感到有压力的感到有压力的l 10. 对对感到满意感到满意l 11.对对感到惊讶感到惊讶l 12. 对对感到兴奋感到兴奋l 13. 对对感到厌倦感到厌倦l 14.逼得某人发疯逼得某人发疯l 8.to ones surprise 9. feel stressedl 10.be pleased / satisfied withl 11.be surprised atl 12.be excited aboutl 13.be tired ofl 14. drive sb mad-7Use a sentence to describe the picture.feel relaxed /

5、listen to music / whilebe excited / get some good news/when be angry with sb / get low marks / ifdrive him mad / too much homework-8-9There are two paths for me - either die as fast as possible or live as brilliant a life as possible. an armless pianist (无臂钢琴家)(无臂钢琴家) -10-11断臂钢琴师刘伟l刘伟 ,北京人,生于1987年10

6、月7日,中国达人秀第一季总冠军。10岁时因触电意外失去双臂,19岁时,成绩优秀的他放弃高考,开始学习钢琴,只用了一年时间,就达到8-9级;2008年8月29日,CCTV-10讲述播出刘伟的故事断臂琴缘;2010年9月,参加开学第一课录制。 刘伟坚强语录 :“我的人生只有两条路,要么赶紧死,要么精彩的活着。” 2010年10月10日晚,中国达人秀总决赛在上海体育场举行,刘伟以一曲 You Are Beautiful,毫无悬念地拿下中国达人秀的冠军宝座,成为第一位“中国达人”。 -12 观看有关观看有关2011十大感动中国人物之一刘伟事迹的视频和介绍后,十大感动中国人物之一刘伟事迹的视频和介绍后,

7、请根据中文或首字母写出相应的单词,使文章完整。请根据中文或首字母写出相应的单词,使文章完整。 Liu Wei, a 25-year-old armless pianist, whose story makes China even the world m and a (惊叹的).Here are the feelings from different people. “What youve done makes us s (惊讶的) and makes the world _(充满希望的)”. The famous singer Yi Nengjing said. Zhou Libo said

8、, “Many people always complains in their life, so they feel _(不安的). We should be s_ and _(感激的)for what we have, like Liu Wei.” In 2011, Liu Wei was named as one of the “10 people who moved China” by CCTV. His mother is p of him. The secret of his success is to smile to life.ovedmazedurprisedhopefulu

9、psetatisfiedthankfulroudHis moving story makes us amazed and moved!-13Discussionl If you are sad or fail in your life, what will you do ? If I , I wont I will try my best to Complain in your life ?Be disappointed?Give up ? Cheer upSmile to lifeFace difficulties bravely -14lDont be afraid of failure.

10、 Every time you fall down,you will learn something new. -Nick Vujicic-15Writing书面表达书面表达: 假如你将代表班级在全校学生大会上用英语发言,假如你将代表班级在全校学生大会上用英语发言,结合你看了刘伟的事迹后的感受和认识,以结合你看了刘伟的事迹后的感受和认识,以“Learn to smile”为题,写一篇为题,写一篇100词左右的发言词左右的发言稿。稿。内容包括:内容包括:1. 对刘伟事迹的感受和认识。对刘伟事迹的感受和认识。2. 学会对自己微笑:面对困难,学会微笑学会对自己微笑:面对困难,学会微笑 。(列举一个例

11、子,如考试失利等);微笑能使你振作(列举一个例子,如考试失利等);微笑能使你振作起来并且起来并且 有利于身心健康有利于身心健康 。3. 学会对他人微笑学会对他人微笑: 容易与他人交流;有助于我们容易与他人交流;有助于我们.4 .结束语:生活就像一面镜子,你对它微笑,它也会结束语:生活就像一面镜子,你对它微笑,它也会向你微笑。当遇到困难时向你微笑。当遇到困难时-16写作评分标准及评分说明 一、评分标准: 一档文17-20分:写出全部内容要点,层次清楚、语言流畅,有句式变化,有复杂结构(至少2-3个) ,基本无语法错误 . 二档文13-16分:基本写出全部内容要点,层次清楚、语言流畅,有少量语法错

12、误。 三档文9-12分:写出大部分内容要点,语言基本通顺,有一些语法和拼写错误,基本不影响意思表达。 四档文5-8分: 写出一半左右有关内容要点,语言不太通顺,语法结构单调、错误较多,只有少数句子可读,影响理解。 五档文0-4分: 言不达意,不知所云;只有2-3个短语可读。 二、评分说明: 1、 短语及句子结构不对,人称、时态、语态误用,均为大错。一处大错扣1分。 2. 通篇人称、时态、标点错误,统扣2分。 3、 拼写、标点符号、冠词、介词等方面的错误为小错, 3个小错相当于1处大错。 4、 词数不足90词扣2分。 5、 文中若出现自己及学校等真实名称扣3分。 6、 书写潦草,卷面不清,扣2分

13、-17Good writing means good revising 1.单词拼写要正确,并且书写一定要工整 。2. 学会使用恰当的谚语。3 学会使用23句复杂句,有句式变化 。4 要分段 ,学会使用关联词并且层次要清楚 。5. 开头要紧贴话题展开,结尾要密切联系主题 。 -Heimingway-18 Dear teachers and students, (Its my great honor to have such a chance to make a speech here. )Today my topic is “Learn to smile”. After reading Liu

14、s story, I (感受和认识感受和认识)。)。Failure is the mother of success. , we should learn to smile at ourselves. For example, (例如,例如,fail in the exam) However, smile can(能使你振作起来,能使你振作起来,有利身心健康有利身心健康). , smiling at others can help a lot. Its (容(容易易与他人之间的交流与他人之间的交流);Besides, its (有助我们交更多的有助我们交更多的朋友朋友) In a word,

15、life is just like a mirror , (当遇到困当遇到困难时,学会笑对生活难时,学会笑对生活) 。 Live with a smile, every day will be sunny .-19How to face sadness or failure If sadness or failure is a part of life, you should try to make it a small part of life. Here are a few simple ways to help you feel better . 1. Smile! This way c

16、an not only leave you in a good mood but also bring others a good mood. 2. Listen to music. Try and find out what kind of music works the best for you. 3. Take some “me” time. You can find pleasure in reading a book, watching a sunrise or having a hot bath, or something like that. 4. Exercise. It is a great way to clear your mind of anything that makes you sad. -20 Better your composition on your paper!-21


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