Unit 6 Body-Lesson 3-教案、教学设计-外研版剑桥版三年级下册-(配套课件编号:1032b).doc

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1、Unit 10.Body A story Mikes prize第一部分:核心设计(The first part: core design). 教学目标:(Teaching aims)1.教师教学目标:(Aims for teacher) 在故事情境中理解并正确朗读新句子:Congratulations. Heres your prize. Oh, Mike. Look at your arms.并能在生活中灵活拓展运用。 能准确朗读句子:Oh, Mike. Look at your legs, your arms and your hands.体会其中情感,并能举一反三。 在录音与老师帮助下

2、理解、分角色有感情地读故事。 分组表演本故事或创编新故事,提高其合作学习的能力与创新精神。 培养学生的竞争意识,提醒学生注意交通安全,提示学生要敬爱长辈,并和他们分享生活中的感受。2.学生学习目标:(Aims for students)理解,朗读,表演本故事。创编新故事,运用语言。.学习任务:(Learning tasks)Task 1: Review the words, create a situation and learn the new structuresTask 2: Listen to the story and understand it. Then answer my qu

3、estions. (整体感知故事)Question 1: Who are in the story?Question 2: Which part does Mike hurt?Task 3: To understand the story and mime the tongue.Task 4: Enjoy the story and try to act the story.Task 5: Create a new story.检测工具:(Test tools)1. Match the sentences and pictures (CAI)2. Retell the story accord

4、ing to the teachers instruction.(Boarding writing)第二部分:过程设计(The second part: Process design) .激情导课(Warming up)Hello boys and girls .Im so happy to be here today. You can call me Janice. How are you feeling today? Ss. Today there are so many teachers in our class, Lets sing the song for the teachers.

5、(show the music CAI)1.导入课题(Lead in)Good job. This song is about Unit 10 Body. Please spell it.(板书课题) 2.明确目标:This class youll read a story and it often happens in our daily life. Its very interesting.3.预期效果:I believe that youll be more careful and more sensible after class. .民主导学:(Presentation and pr

6、actice)Task 1 Review the words, create a situation and learn the new structures.1. 任务呈现:(Show task)Before the story, lets play a game first. “Listening and hearing”2.自主学习:(Self-learning)Ill choose a lucky child first. (Throw a star to students) “Oh, he is a lucky boy.” then ask children to say and d

7、o “HOO-RAY, CON-GRA-TU-LATIONS!” (呈现词卡)Ask the lucky child to turn around and back to the class.Ask a pupil of each group to choose and say the word about body three times loudly.“Now, you turn around. Can you tell me who read?”“Here is your prize.(show the card)” All together “Hooray, Congratulatio

8、ns.” “Con-gra-tu-la-tions”T leads pupils to read it.Open it .Show your prize to us and say “Look at my prize. (show the card)” Look at xxs prize. If your group will be the best one, each of you can get a prize. Ask every group to say “Hooray, congratulations.”3 展示交流:(Communication)(CAI)Show some pic

9、tures about someone who gets a prize in the Olympic Games and at school.Ask volunteers to say “Hooray, congratulations.” to Liu Xiang. “Just now, every group did a good job, Please stick it on your stairs.”Please shout “HOORAY”, and say “CONGRATULATIONS”each others.“Now listen, Who gets a prize?(CAI

10、播放情境1,2)”Ss:.Yes, heres a story “Mikes prize” for you. (板书)Task 2: Listen to the story and understand it. Then answer my questions. (听音整体感知故事)1. 任务呈现:(Show task)Listen to the story “Mikes prize.” Question 1: Who are in the story?Question 3: Which part does Mike hurt?2.自主学习:(Self-learning)Listen to t

11、he recorder carefully and think about the questions.3.展示交流:(Communication)Volunteers answer the questions. (评价)If the volunteer is right, he can get a sticker and stick it on his groups step. T leads children to say “HOORAY, CONGRATULATIONS.”Task3: To understand the story and mime the tongue.(观看多媒体理

12、解故事并模仿)1. 任务呈现:(Show task) Enjoy the story again and mime the tongue.So lets watch the cartoon.2.自主学习:(Self-learning)Picture1 & 2Look at the screen and watch the cartoon.Are you happy for Mike?“Con-gra-tu-la-tions”T leads pupils to read it.Who wants to say it to Mike?Picture3 & 4Watch the cartoon. W

13、hats wrong with Mike? Mike trip over a stone. “Be intent on sth.”Picture5-9Watch the cartoon and mime the feelings of Mike and mum. 3.展示交流:(Communication)Volunteers mime the tongue.(评价 A volunteer can get a prize for his group)Task 4: Read the story and try to act the story.(朗读故事并表演)1.任务呈现:(Show tas

14、k)Read the story and try to act the story.2.自主学习:(Self-learning)Ask each group to choose pictures and act it .3.展示交流:(Communication)Show their performance. (评价)If the group is better, it can get a sticker and stick it on the step. T leads children to say “HOORAY, CONGRATULATIONS.Task 5: Create a new

15、 story.(创编新故事)1.任务呈现:(Show task)Toy : a ball , a doll school things: a note book, a pencil caseHooray, congratulations. Heres my prize. Look at my prize. Guess. What is it? Oh, what a lovely T: Look at my prize. Ss: Ss: Hooray, congratulations. T: Yes.T: Thank you. Guess, what is it? Ss: What a love

16、ly .The teacher demonstrates.If you get a prize, maybe its a school things or a toy, please make a new story about your prize. You can use information on the paper.2.自主学习:(Self-learning)Ask children to work in groups.3.展示交流:(Communication)The groups show the performance. 检测导结:1.目标检测a. Match the sent

17、ences and pictures (CAI)b. Retell the story according to the teachers instruction.(Boarding writing)c. The best group can get masks, ask others to say “congratulations”.2.结果反馈 Children can do the exercises well and say the new sentences well. I can see happiness on childrens face. 3.反思总结按照故事教学的基本模式,

18、我设计了五个任务:引入-感知-理解-内化-拓展 。我有点疑惑的是模仿理解和表演内化可以在一个任务中完成吗?表演内化作为模仿理解的展示交流环节进行。我尝试了一次,效果挺好。我想这个故事相对容易些,学生表现不错。如果对于较难的故事课,还是应该给学生多一些输入的机会,便于他们输出。第三部分. 辅助设计(The third part: Aided design). 教具和课件设计.CAI cassette recorder some boxes with masks in themWord cards.板书设计: Unit 10. Mikes prize Heres your prize. CongratulationsHooray Your legsLook at your arms your hands my prize.练习与作业Please write a new story about your prize.Make a mask you like best.


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