Unit 4 Feelings-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-外研版剑桥版三年级下册-(编号:e23a3).zip

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小学三年级英语 Hello , boys and girls. Im Toby.Toby likes cartoons (动画片).How is he feeling?He is happy. He smiles, smiles, smiles.他是怎样的感觉?How is she feeling?She is sad. She cries ,cries, cries.How is he feeling?He is tired. He goes to sleep.How is the dog feeling?He is angry. He stamps his feet. How is he feeling?He is scared. Choose the right picture.(A)(B)Toby is happy.( )B(请选出正确的图片)1.Choose the right picture.(A)(B)( )Toby is scared.A2.Choose the right picture.(A)(B)( )Toby is angry.A3.Choose the right picture.(A)(B)( )AShe is tired4.happytiredangryscaredsadscaredtired she ( 她)How is feeling? he ( 他) She is He isABCDTobys sad, sad ,sad.And he cries ,cries, cries. Tobys happy, Happy, happy. And he smiles.Hes angry, angry, angry. And he stamps his feet.Hes tired ,tired, tired. And he goes to sleep.1、听磁带跟读课文。 2、抄写表示感觉的单词:happy, sad, angry, tired, scared并背会。Please draw them faces.happysadangryscaredtiredhappysadtiredangryscareds_dhappyapple bag cataUnit4 Feelings 教学设计教学设计教学目标教学目标1. 学习掌握单词 Learn to use the words: sad, happy, angry, tired, scared, cry and smile. 2. In focus: How are you feeling today? Im happy/sad/ sad, happy, angry, tired, scared.初步了解不同心情及其相应的动作:Cries, Smiles, Stamp his feet, Goes to sleep。 3. The pupils can get great fun from English study and like to communicate with others in English.培养学生运用英语表达情感的能力。要敢于开口说英语。保持对英语持续的兴趣。4. 了解不同颜色所代表的不同感觉。教学重难点教学重难点1.重点:能听懂、会说感觉单词,能听指令做出相关的表情。2.难点:单词:scared, tired 的认读。理解“cry, smile, stamp his feet” 和 “goes to sleep”的意思,并把做的事情和相关的表情联系起来。The pupils can communicate with others fluently using “How are you feeling today?教具准备教具准备1.课前准备:调试光盘与课件、给学生分组、为学生布置预习作业等。 2.教具学具:光盘、大卡片等。教学过程教学过程Step 1 warming up Greetings. Step 2 presentation New vocabulary T: Hello, everybody, are you happy?(同时教师在黑板上画个笑脸,脸上作出很夸张的表情) S: Yes. T: Im very happy, too. sing a song: Mime the actions and say the words loudly.教师拿出一本掉到泥巴里弄脏的书,作出十分伤心的表情,大声说:Oh, my book! Im sad. 拿出一张配有伤心脸的单词 sad 的卡片,教读 sad,利用升降调和先慢后快的节奏处理来教读. (学生惊叫) 打呵欠,then say: Im tired. The pupils ask and answer in pairs. T: If you dont finish your homework everyday, How am I feeling?( 作出很生气的表情) Say:Im angry T: look, there is a big mouse on the floor. 出示单词 scared.并板演表情图。教师做出疲惫的表情,I m very tired now. Are you tired? Ok, now lets have a rest. Listen and fill in the numbers.InterviewT: How are you feeling today? S1: Im (happy).T: How are you feeling today? S2: Im (sad). 教读句子:How are you feeling today? Let the pupils make the interview and complete the chart on page75. Step 3 拓展 Colors and feelings (1)blue 表示不愉快的心情。(be in a blue mood, a blue Sunday) (2)black 与贬义的形象相关。(under the black dog 意思是沮丧; a black letter day 表示倒霉的一天。) (3)red 在中国是吉祥如意的颜色,但 see red 意为使人生气,发怒; red eyes 意思是嫉妒。 (4)yellow:(a yellow streak 意为性格怯懦;yellow dog 意思是卑鄙小人;yellow look 意思是怀疑的目光。) (5)pink 相应的搭配有 in the pink 身体健康。 (设计意图:让学生了解不同颜色所代表的不同感觉。) Step 4 Homework Talk about your parents. How are they feeling? You can draw their faces.
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