
上传人(卖家):三亚风情 文档编号:2211690 上传时间:2022-03-21 格式:PPT 页数:72 大小:7.03MB
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1、谈小学英语教师专业素养谈小学英语教师专业素养南京市教研室张海燕安康英语教师培训,安康英语教师培训,20132013年年1010月月2626日日我们需要什么专业素养?u专业方面(语言技能)u业务方面(教学技能)u教研方面(研究技能)u学习方面(反思技能)一、专业方面(语言技能) 扎实的语言知识扎实的语言知识:远远高于教材 正确、流利的表达(课堂用语、课堂交流):正确、流利的表达(课堂用语、课堂交流):简洁清晰的指令恰当的调控用语真诚准确的评价机智的应答交流丰富的语言输入(Input Output)(优秀青年教师、学科带头人评比考试)二、业务方面(教学技能)处理教材的能力处理教材的能力: 教材:了

2、解、忠实、驾驭 资源:取、舍 学生:年龄、兴趣、认知水平上课的能力: 了解课程标准的要求(新课程标准的学习、理解、应用) 课堂调控得当(游戏、活动) 指令清晰(语言、手势、示范等) 活动有可操作性 会评价(评价的自觉性、评价的有效性)三、教研方面(研究技能) 你认为哪种教研方式让你收获最大:听课、听专家讲座、做课题研究、学校校本教研、与同事讨论?观课(观课(classroom observation)What do you think of the classroom observation? Please share a story with your partner. 说一个你收获最大的听

3、课故事。What can we do with the observation tasks?Observation tasks can help: 可以更清晰的记录课堂所发生的一切 为课后讨论提供有用的信息 (not necessarily mean “evaluation” or “criticism”)Using the tasks, you could: 观有经验的老师的课 观同事的课 达成协议互相观课 请别人观你的课 回顾你以前听过的课 回顾你以前上过的课 上课之前议课 课后议课 不需讨论 听课中完成观课任务 把完成好观课记录交给授课教师 自己保留 讨论观课记录Using the ta

4、sks, you could:我们的尝试:听评课What have we tried?课堂观察表一话语内容提问类型展示性问题参考性问题学生话语类型(打勾)回答问题跟读自己朗读小组交流提问课堂观察表二课堂观察表二项目统计 项目统计教师话语学生话语参考性问题展示性问题跟读、朗读回答问题自己学习小组交流提问时长/个数总时长听评课汇总表项目教师话语学生话语类型频次方式时长观察点问题数量重复次数错误次数评价次数时长模仿时间操练时间运用时间发言人次未发言人数最多单人次个人小组全体展示性参考性判断性启发性统计Some observation tasksObservation task 1: what hel

5、ps people learn? 哪些因素影响学生的学习?教室、活动、教师哪些因素影响学生的学习?教室、活动、教师和学生在学习中分别起了什么作用?和学生在学习中分别起了什么作用? The classroom : 记录学生的座位、空间、黑板、设备等记录学生的座位、空间、黑板、设备等The learners: 学生被调动的如何、为什么会有这样的状态、学生主动学学生被调动的如何、为什么会有这样的状态、学生主动学习的程度如何、学生是否在等待教师为他们完成任务等习的程度如何、学生是否在等待教师为他们完成任务等The activities: 记录课堂活动、学生参与活动的情况、师生活动是否平衡记录课堂活动、

6、学生参与活动的情况、师生活动是否平衡等等The teacher: 教师个人素质(不是教学技能)、教师创造出的气氛如何教师个人素质(不是教学技能)、教师创造出的气氛如何、做这个老师的学生感觉如何等、做这个老师的学生感觉如何等Observation task 2: objectives这个任务较适合听课前无法跟授课教师沟通的情况。开始上课的5分钟,记录你认为学生在本节课有可能所达成的目标By the end of this lesson the students will be better able to By the end of this lesson the students will h

7、ave 随着课的进展,调整、删除 或改写,也可以保留,到课结束,写出一个能反映学生真实目标达成情况的句子。The students have (学生已经)同时考虑: 授课教师有预设的目标吗? 该目标随着课的推进发展了吗? 很难辨别出本课的目标吗?如果有可能,跟授课老师交流一下他(她)原定的目标。Observation task 3: Stolen goods 观课后,记录你想从授课教师身上所“偷”并将此变为你自己教学一部分的东西,可以是授课教师的个人素质、教学技能和技巧、活动的设计、课堂气氛等。 同时记录帮助你留下深刻印象的细节以及你为什么觉得这些值得你“偷”。 最后作为回报选择一点你自己的好

8、的做法送给授课教师。Stolen item 1: 描述描述:I stole this because:Stolen item 3: 描述描述:I stole this because:Stolen item 2: 描述描述:I stole this because:Id like to give you :I think youd like this because:Observation task 4: thoughts and questions 这种记录可以帮助你回顾课堂上所发生的一切,同时记录你当时的思考,对于课后和授课教师交流非常有帮助。I noticed (我注意到)And I w

9、ondered (我不知道)I noticed (我注意到)And I thought (我认为)I noticed (我注意到)And I want to ask you (我想问)I noticed (我注意到)And I wanted to say to you (我想告诉你)Observation task 5: errors and corrections 这个观课任务主要观察学生在口头表达时的错误及教师纠错的方式。 把学生的错误归类:如时态错误、语音错误、意义不清等,接着记录下学生犯错后详细的细节。错误:how old are you?错误类型:不得体的问题纠错:教师没有评价和处理

10、错误:I loves to travel.错误类型:句子结构错误纠错:教师重复“loves” to travel? Or love to travel?学生立即改正 “love to travel”Observation task 6: feedback to the learners 记录教师对学生回答的确切反馈:学生说了什么?教师说了什么?对教师反馈中暗藏的态度进行评价。 同时观察:教师表情、手势、动作、真的听吗?真的回答了吗?订正错误?忽视?学生:学生说了一句周末的安排,表示周末很累教师:教师没有评价,请下个同学继续说周末的活动评价:我觉得教师没有真正听学生的回答,问题只是走过场,并不真

11、正想知道学生周末的活动Observation task 7: the learners 这个观课任务可以帮助你从学生学习的角度看课。 一进教室就选择一个学生作为观察的对象(隐秘的),然后整节课对这个学生进行观察,进行相应的记录。A 任选2分钟,用描述性的语言记录该学生在做什么。B 任选2分钟,用描述性的语言记录你认为该学生的感受。C 下课后,跟学生交谈,了解他(她)自己对这节课过程的描述,是否喜欢这节课,学到了什么,哪些方面对他有帮助,更喜欢什么,哪些让他困惑和焦虑,总体感觉如何等。Observation task 8: staging 使用ARC记录表来记录课堂活动,如果有可能把你记录的内容

12、和授课教师进行交流。 Aauthentic use R restricted use C clarification and focusARC活动时长A学生个人介绍2分钟R阅读短文回答问题6分钟C学生朗读生词3分钟R完成短文5分钟Observation task 8: classroom interaction 这个记录可以关注到课堂的互动交流情况:谁在说话?跟谁在说?谁被撇在外面?通过客观的记录,可以观察出课堂的学习环境。画一幅教室粗略的方位图,标出学生的座位和教师的位置,选择2分钟的时段进行观察,标出发言的人(教师和学生)也可以利用“地图”观察其他方面,如可以用箭头表示教师在跟谁说话,也可

13、以标注出短时间内教师行走的路线。Please design an observation task 观察点的确定:真实问题 可操作性 观课前的准备 观课时位置 观课后讨论 Group 1: corrections and feedback Group 2: pre-planning Group 3: students involvement in groupwork Group 4: ask effective questions Group 5: evaluation on the students activities Group 6: effective cooperationWhat

14、can we do with the results? 教学叙事(生动、新鲜) 教学案例(深刻) 教学论文(客观)Observation of other teachers is an excellent way of helping yourself!四、学习方面(反思技能)Huberman教师职业生涯轨道教师职业生涯轨道 职业生涯启动;初始义务 从容的开端从容的开端 与学生关系好; 易管理的学生; 教学自如; 热情痛苦的开端痛苦的开端受到打击;焦虑;困难学生;大量投入;严厉的教学视导;同事排挤稳定;终生义务 l 正式任命(永久聘任) l 巩固基本教学技能 l 解除约束 l 融入同事群体 新

15、的挑战;新的关注 实验型l 多样化l 相应的变化职责型 l 管理角色 l 重要任命 慌乱型l 课更难l 效果差l 例行公事 l 丧失了当初的锐气 HubermanHuberman教师职业生涯周期序列模教师职业生涯周期序列模式式教学年限教学年限 主题或阶段主题或阶段1-3 专业进入:生存与发现专业进入:生存与发现4-6 稳定稳定7-18 实验实验或或多样化多样化 经验总结或整合经验总结或整合 19-30 平静平静 保守保守31-40 职业生涯末端职业生涯末端外语教师的职业发展 First two years or so-very stressful and tiring:ideals and e

16、nthusiasm that you started with may fade away as it becomes clear that you cant make every lesson perfect. As time goes on, You find you have more experience to lean on. Twenty years of teaching experience becomes no more than two years experience repeated ten times over. This leads sooner or later

17、to boredom and fear of change.Questions to think about: How can I keep moving forward? How can I become the best teacher that I can be? The safer you are in your job, the harder it can become to take risks, to try something completely different.If you want to move forward, you have to be clear about

18、: Do I actually know what I am doing in class? Do I ever stop and examine my actions, my intentions, my motives and my attitudes?To recall what happened What did happen in that class? What was I like as a teacher? Did I enable learning or prevent it? Why did I do the things I did?Teach and learndore

19、callreflectconcludeprepareFeedback from students Dont be frightened of encouraging genuine feedback. Ask your students what they really think. Ask open questions that enable them to say what they want to say.Feedback from others: colleagues Ask other teachers to come in and observe some of your less

20、ons and do an exchange observation with them. (not to judge each other but to learn from each other) Talk through your thoughts about your lesson to your colleagues.Feedback from you Take an objective, more balanced view of what happened. First recall what happened, then reflect on that and look for

21、 what was successful and for what could be improved. The only thing to move you forward is if you yourself become aware of what works and what doesnt.Two-stage feedbackAs soon as you sit down after teaching, write a sentence or two: For example:今天的口语练习好像很成功,学生不想结今天的口语练习好像很成功,学生不想结束,我好像太关注我右边的学生了,全班束

22、,我好像太关注我右边的学生了,全班对答案很乏味,应该有更好的方法。对答案很乏味,应该有更好的方法。Perhaps the next day, add a few more sentences: What was successful: 单词游戏很有趣,学生操练很成功 To work on: 我的指令应该更清晰,一开始我的指令应该更清晰,一开始有的学生不知道该做什么,我说的太多,也有的学生不知道该做什么,我说的太多,也许我应该直接提问个别学生,而不是全班回许我应该直接提问个别学生,而不是全班回答,这样我就知道中等学生的情况了,而不答,这样我就知道中等学生的情况了,而不是好学生永远最先回答。是好学

23、生永远最先回答。Lesson self-assessment A Recalling the lesson ( focuses on recalling what happened on the lesson) B Reflecting the lesson ( focuses on reflecting on the lesson, particularly looking for what was successful) C Drawing conclusions; making plans ( focuses on drawing conclusions and finding ways

24、 to move forward in your future teaching)A Recalling the lesson 1. List a number of things that you did during the lesson. 2. List a number of things that students did during the lesson. 3. Note down any comments of feedback that a student gave you during the lesson. 4. Note any important personal i

25、nteraction between you and a student during the lesson. 5. Summarize the main stages of the lesson as you remember it.Recalling the lesson 6. What was the balance of “teacher doing things” compared with “students doing things” in the lesson? 7. List some things that happened as you planned them. 8.

26、List some things that happened differently from your plan. 9. Recall one moment in the lesson when you had a clear decision to make between one option and another. What were the options you chose and rejected?B Reflecting on the lesson 1. Note several things that you are proud of about the lesson. 2

27、. What was the high point of the lesson for you? Why did it feel good? 3. Can you answer that same question from the learners point of view? 4. Name several specific points in the lesson where you feel the students were learning something. 5. At what points could you have been clearer?B Reflecting o

28、n the lesson 6. Which part of the lesson involved the students most completely? 7. Where was time not used efficiently? 8. At what point did you feel most awkward or uncomfortable? 9. Did you achieve what you wanted to achieve? 10. Did the students achieve what you hoped they would achieve?C Drawing

29、 conclusions; making plans 1. If you taught the lesson again , what would you do the same? 2. If you taught the lesson again, what would you do differently? 3. What have you learned about your planning? 4. What have you learned about your teaching procedures and techniques? 5. What have you learned

30、about your students?C Drawing conclusions; making plans 6. What have you learned about yourself? 7. What have you learned about learning? 8. List some intensions or “action plans” for your future teaching. 9. Write a brief description of yourself as a teacher seen from a students viewpoint. What is

31、it like to be taught by you?Teacher developmentIf I am safe why take risks?Boredom Stress Doing the same thing again and againPressures Burn outToo many demandsDangersSome ideas for moving forward: Read new ideas in magazines and try them out Write an article for a magazine Go to a conference Learn

32、about a completely different approach Join a teacher develop group Discuss what you are doing with other teachersSome ideas for moving forward: Make an agreement with a colleague to observe each others lessons Find a way to get involved in some in-service teacher training Become a director of studie

33、s or a headteacher!Language and people As language teachers we need to know: Why do people need language? To communicate with other people. (remember this in class) Dont only hear mistakes; try to hear students using the language.As a teacher, you are also a learner. Learning about language, about methodology, about people, about yourself, about life. Rather than a teacher, be a learner.In looking for ways to move forward as a teacher, you will also grow as a person!Hope you enjoy it all!


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